type loc = Lexing.position * Lexing.position type specconstant = SpecConstsDec of loc * string | SpecConstNum of loc * string | SpecConstString of loc * string | SpecConstsHex of loc * string | SpecConstsBinary of loc * string type symbol = Symbol of loc * string | SymbolWithOr of loc * string type sexpr = SexprSpecConst of loc * specconstant | SexprSymbol of loc * symbol | SexprKeyword of loc * string | SexprInParen of loc * (loc * sexpr list) type attributevalue = AttributeValSpecConst of loc * specconstant | AttributeValSymbol of loc * symbol | AttributeValSexpr of loc * (loc * sexpr list) type attribute = AttributeKeyword of loc * string | AttributeKeywordValue of loc * string * attributevalue type an_option = AnOptionAttribute of loc * attribute type infoflag = InfoFlagKeyword of loc * string type identifier = IdSymbol of loc * symbol | IdUnderscoreSymNum of loc * symbol * (loc * string list) type sort = SortIdentifier of loc * identifier | SortIdSortMulti of loc * identifier * (loc * sort list) type qualidentifier = QualIdentifierId of loc * identifier | QualIdentifierAs of loc * identifier * sort type sortedvar = SortedVarSymSort of loc * symbol * sort type varbinding = VarBindingSymTerm of loc * symbol * term and term = TermSpecConst of loc * specconstant | TermQualIdentifier of loc * qualidentifier | TermQualIdTerm of loc * qualidentifier * (loc * term list) | TermLetTerm of loc * (loc * varbinding list) * term | TermForAllTerm of loc * (loc * sortedvar list) * term | TermExistsTerm of loc * (loc * sortedvar list) * term | TermExclimationPt of loc * term * (loc * attribute list) type command = CSetLogic of loc * symbol | CSetOption of loc * an_option | CSetInfo of loc * attribute | CDeclareSort of loc * symbol * string | CDefineSort of loc * symbol * (loc * symbol list) * sort | CDeclareFun of loc * symbol * (loc * sort list) * sort | CDefineFun of loc * symbol * (loc * sortedvar list) * sort * term | CPush of loc * string | CPop of loc * string | CAssert of loc * term | CCheckSat of loc | CGetAssert of loc | CGetProof of loc | CGetUnsatCore of loc | CGetValue of loc * (loc * term list) | CGetAssign of loc | CGetOption of loc * string | CGetInfo of loc * infoflag | CExit of loc type commands = Commands of loc * (loc * command list) val loc_an_option : an_option -> loc val loc_attribute : attribute -> loc val loc_attributevalue : attributevalue -> loc val loc_command : command -> loc val loc_commands : commands -> loc val loc_identifier : identifier -> loc val loc_infoflag : infoflag -> loc val loc_qualidentifier : qualidentifier -> loc val loc_sexpr : sexpr -> loc val loc_sort : sort -> loc val loc_sortedvar : sortedvar -> loc val loc_specconstant : specconstant -> loc val loc_symbol : symbol -> loc val loc_term : term -> loc val loc_varbinding : varbinding -> loc val loc_couple : 'a * 'b -> 'a val loc_of : commands -> loc