/**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* SMTCoq, originally belong to The Alt-ergo theorem prover */ /* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 */ /* */ /* Sylvain Conchon */ /* Evelyne Contejean */ /* Stephane Lescuyer */ /* Mohamed Iguernelala */ /* Alain Mebsout */ /* */ /* CNRS - INRIA - Universite Paris Sud */ /* */ /* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ %{ open Smtlib2_ast let loc () = symbol_start_pos (), symbol_end_pos () %} %start main /* general */ %token EXCLIMATIONPT %token UNDERSCORE %token AS %token EXISTS %token FORALL %token LET /* commands */ %token SETLOGIC %token SETOPTION %token SETINFO %token DECLARESORT %token DEFINESORT %token DECLAREFUN %token DEFINEFUN %token PUSH %token POP %token ASSERT %token CHECKSAT %token GETASSERT %token GETPROOF %token GETUNSATCORE %token GETVALUE %token GETASSIGN %token GETOPTION %token GETINFO %token EXIT /* Other tokens */ %token LPAREN %token RPAREN %token EOF %token NUMERAL %token DECIMAL %token HEXADECIMAL %token BINARY %token STRINGLIT %token ASCIIWOR %token KEYWORD %token SYMBOL %type main %type an_option %type attribute %type attributevalue %type command %type commands %type identifier %type infoflag %type qualidentifier %type sexpr %type sort %type sortedvar %type specconstant %type symbol %type term %type varbinding /* %type attributevalsexpr_attributevalue_sexpr5 */ /* %type commanddeclarefun_command_sort13 */ /* %type commanddefinefun_command_sortedvar15 */ /* %type commanddefinesort_command_symbol11 */ /* %type commandgetvalue_command_term24 */ /* %type commands_commands_command30 */ /* %type sexprinparen_sexpr_sexpr41 */ /* %type sortidsortmulti_sort_sort44 */ /* %type termexclimationpt_term_attribute64 */ /* %type termexiststerm_term_sortedvar62 */ /* %type termforallterm_term_sortedvar60 */ /* %type termletterm_term_varbinding58 */ /* %type termqualidterm_term_term56 */ /* %type idunderscoresymnum_identifier_numeral33 */ %% main: | commands { Some($1) } | EOF { None } ; an_option: | attribute { AnOptionAttribute(loc_attribute $1, $1) } ; attribute: | KEYWORD { AttributeKeyword(loc (), $1) } | KEYWORD attributevalue { AttributeKeywordValue(loc (), $1, $2) } ; sexpr_list: /*sexprinparen_sexpr_sexpr41:*/ /*attributevalsexpr_attributevalue_sexpr5:*/ | { (loc (), []) } | sexpr sexpr_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sexpr $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; attributevalue: | specconstant { AttributeValSpecConst(loc_specconstant $1, $1) } | symbol { AttributeValSymbol(loc_symbol $1, $1) } | LPAREN sexpr_list RPAREN { AttributeValSexpr(loc (), $2) } ; symbol_list: /*commanddefinesort_command_symbol11:*/ | { (loc (), []) } | symbol symbol_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_symbol $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; sort_list0: /*commanddeclarefun_command_sort13:*/ | { (loc (), []) } | sort sort_list0 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sort $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; sortedvar_list: /*commanddefinefun_command_sortedvar15:*/ | { (loc (), []) } | sortedvar sortedvar_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sortedvar $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; command: | LPAREN SETLOGIC symbol RPAREN { CSetLogic(loc (), $3) } | LPAREN SETOPTION an_option RPAREN { CSetOption(loc (), $3) } | LPAREN SETINFO attribute RPAREN { CSetInfo(loc (), $3) } | LPAREN DECLARESORT symbol NUMERAL RPAREN { CDeclareSort(loc (), $3, $4) } | LPAREN DEFINESORT symbol LPAREN symbol_list RPAREN sort RPAREN { CDefineSort(loc (), $3, $5, $7) } | LPAREN DECLAREFUN symbol LPAREN sort_list0 RPAREN sort RPAREN { CDeclareFun(loc (), $3, $5, $7) } | LPAREN DEFINEFUN symbol LPAREN sortedvar_list RPAREN sort term RPAREN { CDefineFun(loc (), $3, $5, $7, $8) } | LPAREN PUSH NUMERAL RPAREN { CPush(loc (), $3) } | LPAREN POP NUMERAL RPAREN { CPop(loc (), $3) } | LPAREN ASSERT term RPAREN { CAssert(loc (), $3) } | LPAREN CHECKSAT RPAREN { CCheckSat(loc ()) } | LPAREN GETASSERT RPAREN { CGetAssert(loc ()) } | LPAREN GETPROOF RPAREN { CGetProof(loc ()) } | LPAREN GETUNSATCORE RPAREN { CGetUnsatCore(loc ()) } | LPAREN GETVALUE LPAREN term_list1 RPAREN RPAREN { CGetValue(loc (), $4) } | LPAREN GETASSIGN RPAREN { CGetAssign(loc ()) } | LPAREN GETOPTION KEYWORD RPAREN { CGetOption(loc (), $3) } | LPAREN GETINFO infoflag RPAREN { CGetInfo(loc (), $3) } | LPAREN EXIT RPAREN { CExit(loc ()) } ; command_list: /*commands_commands_command30:*/ | { (loc (), []) } | command command_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_command $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; commands: | command_list { Commands(loc_couple $1, $1) } ; numeral_list: /*idunderscoresymnum_identifier_numeral33:*/ | NUMERAL { (loc (), ($1)::[]) } | NUMERAL numeral_list { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc (), ($1)::(l1)) } ; identifier: | symbol { IdSymbol(loc_symbol $1, $1) } | LPAREN UNDERSCORE symbol numeral_list RPAREN { IdUnderscoreSymNum(loc (), $3, $4) } ; infoflag: | KEYWORD { InfoFlagKeyword(loc (), $1) } ; qualidentifier: | identifier { QualIdentifierId(loc_identifier $1, $1) } | LPAREN AS identifier sort RPAREN { QualIdentifierAs(loc (), $3, $4) } ; sexpr: | specconstant { SexprSpecConst(loc_specconstant $1, $1) } | symbol { SexprSymbol(loc_symbol $1, $1) } | KEYWORD { SexprKeyword(loc (), $1) } | LPAREN sexpr_list RPAREN { SexprInParen(loc (), $2) } ; sort_list1: /*sortidsortmulti_sort_sort44:*/ | sort { (loc_sort $1, ($1)::[]) } | sort sort_list1 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sort $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; sort: | identifier { SortIdentifier(loc_identifier $1, $1) } | LPAREN identifier sort_list1 RPAREN { SortIdSortMulti(loc (), $2, $3) } ; sortedvar: | LPAREN symbol sort RPAREN { SortedVarSymSort(loc (), $2, $3) } ; specconstant: | DECIMAL { SpecConstsDec(loc (), $1) } | NUMERAL { SpecConstNum(loc (), $1) } | STRINGLIT { SpecConstString(loc (), $1) } | HEXADECIMAL { SpecConstsHex(loc (), $1) } | BINARY { SpecConstsBinary(loc (), $1) } ; symbol: | SYMBOL { Symbol(loc (), $1) } | ASCIIWOR { SymbolWithOr(loc (), $1) } ; term_list1: /*termqualidterm_term_term56:*/ /*commandgetvalue_command_term24:*/ | term { (loc_term $1, ($1)::[]) } | term term_list1 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_term $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; varbinding_list1: /*termletterm_term_varbinding58:*/ | varbinding { (loc_varbinding $1, ($1)::[]) } | varbinding varbinding_list1 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_varbinding $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; sortedvar_list1: /*termforallterm_term_sortedvar60:*/ /*termexiststerm_term_sortedvar62:*/ | sortedvar { (loc_sortedvar $1, ($1)::[]) } | sortedvar sortedvar_list1 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_sortedvar $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; attribute_list1: /*termexclimationpt_term_attribute64:*/ | attribute { (loc_attribute $1, ($1)::[]) } | attribute attribute_list1 { let (_, l1) = $2 in (loc_attribute $1, ($1)::(l1)) } ; term: | specconstant { TermSpecConst(loc_specconstant $1, $1) } | qualidentifier { TermQualIdentifier(loc_qualidentifier $1, $1) } | LPAREN qualidentifier term_list1 RPAREN { TermQualIdTerm(loc (), $2, $3) } | LPAREN LET LPAREN varbinding_list1 RPAREN term RPAREN { TermLetTerm(loc (), $4, $6) } | LPAREN FORALL LPAREN sortedvar_list1 RPAREN term RPAREN { TermForAllTerm(loc (), $4, $6) } | LPAREN EXISTS LPAREN sortedvar_list1 RPAREN term RPAREN { TermExistsTerm(loc (), $4, $6) } | LPAREN EXCLIMATIONPT term attribute_list1 RPAREN { TermExclimationPt(loc (), $3, $4) } ; varbinding: | LPAREN symbol term RPAREN { VarBindingSymTerm(loc (), $2, $3) } ;