(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2021 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Format type result = Sat | Unsat type t = { cmd : string array; pid : int; stdin : Unix.file_descr; stdout : Unix.file_descr; stderr : Unix.file_descr; lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf; } let create cmd = let executable = cmd.(0) in (* Create pipes for input, output and error output *) let stdin_in, stdin_out = Unix.pipe () in let stdout_in, stdout_out = Unix.pipe () in let stderr_in, stderr_out = Unix.pipe () in (* Create solver process *) let pid = Unix.create_process executable cmd stdin_in stdout_out stderr_out in (* Close our end of the pipe which has been duplicated by the process *) Unix.close stdin_in; Unix.close stdout_out; Unix.close stderr_out; (* Get an output channel to read from solver's stdout *) let stdout_ch = Unix.in_channel_of_descr stdout_in in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdout_ch in (* Create the solver instance *) { cmd; pid; stdin = stdin_out; stdout = stdout_in; stderr = stderr_in; lexbuf } let kill s = try Unix.close s.stdin; Unix.close s.stdout; Unix.close s.stderr; Unix.kill s.pid Sys.sigkill; with _ -> () let read_response { lexbuf } = SExprParser.sexp SExprLexer.main lexbuf let error s sexp = kill s; CoqInterface.error (asprintf "Solver error: %a." SExpr.print sexp) let read_success s = match SExprParser.sexp SExprLexer.main s.lexbuf with | SExpr.Atom "success" -> () | r -> error s r (* let no_response _ = () *) let read_check_result s = match SExprParser.sexp SExprLexer.main s.lexbuf with | SExpr.Atom "sat" -> Sat | SExpr.Atom "unsat" -> Unsat | SExpr.Atom "unknown" -> CoqInterface.error ("Solver returned uknown.") | r -> error s r let send_command s cmd read = eprintf "%s@." cmd; (* let err_p1 = Unix.((fstat s.stderr).st_size) in *) try let in_ch = Unix.out_channel_of_descr s.stdin in let fmt = formatter_of_out_channel in_ch in pp_print_string fmt cmd; pp_print_newline fmt (); read s with e -> (* After the exception, the file descriptor is invalid *) (* let err_p2 = Unix.((fstat s.stderr).st_size) in * let len = err_p2 - err_p1 in * (\* Was something written to stderr? *\) * if len <> 0 then begin * let buf = Bytes.create err_p2 in * Unix.read s.stderr buf 0 err_p2 |> ignore; * let err_msg = Bytes.sub_string buf err_p1 len in * CoqInterface.error ("Solver error: "^err_msg); * end * else (kill s; raise e) *) kill s; raise e let set_option s name b = send_command s (asprintf "(set-option :%s %b)" name b) read_success let set_logic s l = send_command s (sprintf "(set-logic %s)" l) read_success let declare_sort s name arity = send_command s (asprintf "(declare-sort %s %d)" name arity) read_success let declare_fun s name args ret = send_command s (asprintf "(declare-fun %s (%a) %s)" name (fun fmt -> List.iter (fprintf fmt "%s ")) args ret) read_success let assume s f = send_command s (sprintf "(assert %s)" f) read_success let check_sat s = send_command s "(check-sat)" read_check_result let get_proof s process_proof = send_command s "(get-proof)" (fun s -> process_proof s.lexbuf) let get_model s = send_command s "(get-model)" read_response let quit s = try send_command s "(exit)" read_success; with Unix.Unix_error _ -> (); kill s