(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *) (* *) (* Michaël Armand *) (* Benjamin Grégoire *) (* Chantal Keller *) (* *) (* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (*** Spl -- a small checker for simplifications ***) (* Add LoadPath ".." as SMTCoq. *) (* Add LoadPath "../lia" as SMTCoq.lia. *) Require Import List PArray Bool Int63 ZMicromega. Require Import Misc State SMT_terms. Require Lia. Local Open Scope array_scope. Local Open Scope int63_scope. (* Arbritrary arithmetic simplifications *) Section Arith. Variable t_form : PArray.array Form.form. Variable t_atom : PArray.array Atom.atom. Local Notation build_clause := (Lia.build_clause t_form t_atom). Definition check_spl_arith orig res l := match orig with | li::nil => let cl := (Lit.neg li)::res::nil in match build_clause Lia.empty_vmap cl with | Some (_, bf) => if ZTautoChecker bf l then res::nil else C._true | None => C._true end | _ => C._true end. Section Valid. Variables (t_i : array typ_eqb) (t_func : array (Atom.tval t_i)) (ch_atom : Atom.check_atom t_atom) (ch_form : Form.check_form t_form) (wt_t_atom : Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom). Local Notation interp_form_hatom := (Atom.interp_form_hatom t_i t_func t_atom). Local Notation rho := (Form.interp_state_var interp_form_hatom t_form). Let wf_rho : Valuation.wf rho. Proof. destruct (Form.check_form_correct interp_form_hatom _ ch_form); auto. Qed. Hint Immediate wf_rho. Lemma valid_check_spl_arith : forall orig, C.valid rho orig -> forall res l, C.valid rho (check_spl_arith orig res l). Proof. unfold check_spl_arith; intros [ |li [ |t q]]. (* Case nil *) intros; apply C.interp_true; auto. (* List with one element *) intros H res l; case_eq (build_clause Lia.empty_vmap (Lit.neg li :: res :: nil)); [ |intros; apply C.interp_true; auto]. intros (vm1, bf) Heq; destruct (Lia.build_clause_correct _ _ _ t_func ch_atom ch_form wt_t_atom _ _ _ _ Heq) as [H1 H0]. red; simpl; auto. decompose [and] H0; case_eq (ZTautoChecker bf l); [intros Heq3|intros; apply C.interp_true; auto]. unfold C.valid; replace (C.interp rho (res :: nil)) with (C.interp rho (Lit.neg li :: res :: nil)). rewrite H6; apply ZTautoChecker_sound with l;trivial. simpl; replace (Lit.interp rho (Lit.neg li)) with false; auto. rewrite Lit.interp_neg; unfold C.valid in H; simpl in H; rewrite orb_false_r in H; rewrite H; auto. (* List with at least two elements *) intros; apply C.interp_true; auto. Qed. End Valid. End Arith.