(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Coqlib let gen_constant modules constant = lazy (gen_constant_in_modules "SMT" modules constant) (* Int63 *) let cint = Structures.cint let ceq63 = gen_constant Structures.int63_modules "eqb" (* PArray *) let carray = gen_constant Structures.parray_modules "array" (* nat *) let cnat = gen_constant init_modules "nat" let cO = gen_constant init_modules "O" let cS = gen_constant init_modules "S" (* Positive *) let positive_modules = [["Coq";"Numbers";"BinNums"]; ["Coq";"PArith";"BinPosDef";"Pos"]] let cpositive = gen_constant positive_modules "positive" let cxI = gen_constant positive_modules "xI" let cxO = gen_constant positive_modules "xO" let cxH = gen_constant positive_modules "xH" let ceqbP = gen_constant positive_modules "eqb" (* N *) let n_modules = [["Coq";"NArith";"BinNat";"N"]] let cN = gen_constant positive_modules "N" let cN0 = gen_constant positive_modules "N0" let cNpos = gen_constant positive_modules "Npos" let cof_nat = gen_constant n_modules "of_nat" (* Z *) let z_modules = [["Coq";"Numbers";"BinNums"]; ["Coq";"ZArith";"BinInt"]; ["Coq";"ZArith";"BinInt";"Z"]] let cZ = gen_constant z_modules "Z" let cZ0 = gen_constant z_modules "Z0" let cZpos = gen_constant z_modules "Zpos" let cZneg = gen_constant z_modules "Zneg" let copp = gen_constant z_modules "opp" let cadd = gen_constant z_modules "add" let csub = gen_constant z_modules "sub" let cmul = gen_constant z_modules "mul" let cltb = gen_constant z_modules "ltb" let cleb = gen_constant z_modules "leb" let cgeb = gen_constant z_modules "geb" let cgtb = gen_constant z_modules "gtb" let ceqbZ = gen_constant z_modules "eqb" let cZeqbsym = gen_constant z_modules "eqb_sym" (* Booleans *) let bool_modules = [["Coq";"Bool";"Bool"]] let cbool = gen_constant init_modules "bool" let ctrue = gen_constant init_modules "true" let cfalse = gen_constant init_modules "false" let candb = gen_constant init_modules "andb" let corb = gen_constant init_modules "orb" let cxorb = gen_constant init_modules "xorb" let cnegb = gen_constant init_modules "negb" let cimplb = gen_constant init_modules "implb" let ceqb = gen_constant bool_modules "eqb" let cifb = gen_constant bool_modules "ifb" let ciff = gen_constant init_modules "iff" let creflect = gen_constant bool_modules "reflect" (* Lists *) let clist = gen_constant init_modules "list" let cnil = gen_constant init_modules "nil" let ccons = gen_constant init_modules "cons" let clength = gen_constant init_modules "length" (* Option *) let coption = gen_constant init_modules "option" let cSome = gen_constant init_modules "Some" let cNone = gen_constant init_modules "None" (* Pairs *) let cpair = gen_constant init_modules "pair" let cprod = gen_constant init_modules "prod" (* Dependent pairs *) let csigT = gen_constant init_modules "sigT" let cprojT1 = gen_constant init_modules "projT1" let cprojT2 = gen_constant init_modules "projT2" let cprojT3 = gen_constant init_modules "projT3" let csigT2 = gen_constant init_modules "sigT2" let csigT_of_sigT2 = gen_constant init_modules "sigT_of_sigT2" (* Logical Operators *) let cnot = gen_constant init_modules "not" let ceq = gen_constant init_modules "eq" let crefl_equal = gen_constant init_modules "eq_refl" let cconj = gen_constant init_modules "conj" let cand = gen_constant init_modules "and" (* Bit vectors *) let bv_modules = [["SMTCoq";"bva";"BVList";"BITVECTOR_LIST"]] let cbitvector = gen_constant bv_modules "bitvector" let cof_bits = gen_constant bv_modules "of_bits" let c_of_bits = gen_constant bv_modules "_of_bits" let cbitOf = gen_constant bv_modules "bitOf" let cbv_eq = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_eq" let cbv_not = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_not" let cbv_neg = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_neg" let cbv_and = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_and" let cbv_or = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_or" let cbv_xor = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_xor" let cbv_add = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_add" let cbv_mult = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_mult" let cbv_ult = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_ult" let cbv_slt = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_slt" let cbv_concat = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_concat" let cbv_extr = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_extr" let cbv_zextn = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_zextn" let cbv_sextn = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_sextn" let cbv_shl = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_shl" let cbv_shr = gen_constant bv_modules "bv_shr" (* Arrays *) let array_modules = [["SMTCoq";"array";"FArray"]] let cfarray = gen_constant array_modules "FArray.farray" let cselect = gen_constant array_modules "select" let cstore = gen_constant array_modules "store" let cdiff = gen_constant array_modules "diff" let cequalarray = gen_constant array_modules "FArray.equal" (* OrderedType *) let cOrderedTypeCompare = gen_constant [["Coq";"Structures";"OrderedType"]] "Compare" (* SMT_terms *) let smt_modules = [ ["SMTCoq";"Misc"]; ["SMTCoq";"State"]; ["SMTCoq";"SMT_terms"]; ["SMTCoq";"SMT_terms";"Typ"]; ["SMTCoq";"SMT_terms";"Form"]; ["SMTCoq";"SMT_terms";"Atom"] ] let cState_C_t = gen_constant [["SMTCoq";"State";"C"]] "t" let cState_S_t = gen_constant [["SMTCoq";"State";"S"]] "t" let cdistinct = gen_constant smt_modules "distinct" let ctype = gen_constant smt_modules "type" let cTZ = gen_constant smt_modules "TZ" let cTbool = gen_constant smt_modules "Tbool" let cTpositive = gen_constant smt_modules "Tpositive" let cTBV = gen_constant smt_modules "TBV" let cTFArray = gen_constant smt_modules "TFArray" let cTindex = gen_constant smt_modules "Tindex" let ct_i = gen_constant smt_modules "t_i" let cinterp_t = gen_constant smt_modules "Typ.interp" let cdec_interp = gen_constant smt_modules "dec_interp" let cord_interp = gen_constant smt_modules "ord_interp" let ccomp_interp = gen_constant smt_modules "comp_interp" let cinh_interp = gen_constant smt_modules "inh_interp" let cinterp_eqb = gen_constant smt_modules "i_eqb" let cinterp_eqb_eqb = gen_constant smt_modules "i_eqb_eqb" let classes_modules = [["SMTCoq";"classes";"SMT_classes"]; ["SMTCoq";"classes";"SMT_classes_instances"]] let ctyp_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "typ_compdec" let cTyp_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "Typ_compdec" let ctyp_compdec_from = gen_constant classes_modules "typ_compdec_from" let cunit_typ_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "unit_typ_compdec" let cte_carrier = gen_constant classes_modules "te_carrier" let cte_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "te_compdec" let ceqb_of_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "eqb_of_compdec" let cCompDec = gen_constant classes_modules "CompDec" let cbool_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "bool_compdec" let cZ_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "Z_compdec" let cPositive_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "Positive_compdec" let cBV_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "BV_compdec" let cFArray_compdec = gen_constant classes_modules "FArray_compdec" let ctval = gen_constant smt_modules "tval" let cTval = gen_constant smt_modules "Tval" let cCO_xH = gen_constant smt_modules "CO_xH" let cCO_Z0 = gen_constant smt_modules "CO_Z0" let cCO_BV = gen_constant smt_modules "CO_BV" let cUO_xO = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_xO" let cUO_xI = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_xI" let cUO_Zpos = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_Zpos" let cUO_Zneg = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_Zneg" let cUO_Zopp = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_Zopp" let cUO_BVbitOf = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_BVbitOf" let cUO_BVnot = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_BVnot" let cUO_BVneg = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_BVneg" let cUO_BVextr = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_BVextr" let cUO_BVzextn = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_BVzextn" let cUO_BVsextn = gen_constant smt_modules "UO_BVsextn" let cBO_Zplus = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_Zplus" let cBO_Zminus = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_Zminus" let cBO_Zmult = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_Zmult" let cBO_Zlt = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_Zlt" let cBO_Zle = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_Zle" let cBO_Zge = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_Zge" let cBO_Zgt = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_Zgt" let cBO_eq = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_eq" let cBO_BVand = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVand" let cBO_BVor = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVor" let cBO_BVxor = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVxor" let cBO_BVadd = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVadd" let cBO_BVmult = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVmult" let cBO_BVult = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVult" let cBO_BVslt = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVslt" let cBO_BVconcat = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVconcat" let cBO_BVshl = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVshl" let cBO_BVshr = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_BVshr" let cBO_select = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_select" let cBO_diffarray = gen_constant smt_modules "BO_diffarray" let cTO_store = gen_constant smt_modules "TO_store" let cNO_distinct = gen_constant smt_modules "NO_distinct" let catom = gen_constant smt_modules "atom" let cAcop = gen_constant smt_modules "Acop" let cAuop = gen_constant smt_modules "Auop" let cAbop = gen_constant smt_modules "Abop" let cAtop = gen_constant smt_modules "Atop" let cAnop = gen_constant smt_modules "Anop" let cAapp = gen_constant smt_modules "Aapp" let cform = gen_constant smt_modules "form" let cFatom = gen_constant smt_modules "Fatom" let cFtrue = gen_constant smt_modules "Ftrue" let cFfalse = gen_constant smt_modules "Ffalse" let cFnot2 = gen_constant smt_modules "Fnot2" let cFand = gen_constant smt_modules "Fand" let cFor = gen_constant smt_modules "For" let cFxor = gen_constant smt_modules "Fxor" let cFimp = gen_constant smt_modules "Fimp" let cFiff = gen_constant smt_modules "Fiff" let cFite = gen_constant smt_modules "Fite" let cFbbT = gen_constant smt_modules "FbbT" let cis_true = gen_constant smt_modules "is_true" let cvalid_sat_checker = gen_constant [["SMTCoq";"Trace";"Sat_Checker"]] "valid" let cinterp_var_sat_checker = gen_constant [["SMTCoq";"Trace";"Sat_Checker"]] "interp_var" let make_certif_ops modules args = let gen_constant c = match args with | Some args -> lazy (SmtMisc.mklApp (gen_constant modules c) args) | None -> gen_constant modules c in (gen_constant "step", gen_constant "Res", gen_constant "Weaken", gen_constant "ImmFlatten", gen_constant "CTrue", gen_constant "CFalse", gen_constant "BuildDef", gen_constant "BuildDef2", gen_constant "BuildProj", gen_constant "ImmBuildProj", gen_constant"ImmBuildDef", gen_constant"ImmBuildDef2", gen_constant "EqTr", gen_constant "EqCgr", gen_constant "EqCgrP", gen_constant "LiaMicromega", gen_constant "LiaDiseq", gen_constant "SplArith", gen_constant "SplDistinctElim", gen_constant "BBVar", gen_constant "BBConst", gen_constant "BBOp", gen_constant "BBNot", gen_constant "BBEq", gen_constant "BBDiseq", gen_constant "BBNeg", gen_constant "BBAdd", gen_constant "BBMul", gen_constant "BBUlt", gen_constant "BBSlt", gen_constant "BBConcat", gen_constant "BBExtract", gen_constant "BBZextend", gen_constant "BBSextend", gen_constant "BBShl", gen_constant "BBShr", gen_constant "RowEq", gen_constant "RowNeq", gen_constant "Ext", gen_constant "Hole", gen_constant "ForallInst") (** Useful constructions *) let ceq_refl_true = lazy (SmtMisc.mklApp crefl_equal [|Lazy.force cbool;Lazy.force ctrue|]) let eq_refl_true () = Lazy.force ceq_refl_true let vm_cast_true_no_check t = Term.mkCast(eq_refl_true (), Term.VMcast, SmtMisc.mklApp ceq [|Lazy.force cbool; t; Lazy.force ctrue|]) (* This version checks convertibility right away instead of delaying it at Qed. This allows to report issues to the user as soon as he/she runs one of SMTCoq's tactics. *) let vm_cast_true env t = try Structures.vm_conv Reduction.CUMUL env (SmtMisc.mklApp ceq [|Lazy.force cbool; Lazy.force ctrue; Lazy.force ctrue|]) (SmtMisc.mklApp ceq [|Lazy.force cbool; t; Lazy.force ctrue|]); vm_cast_true_no_check t with Reduction.NotConvertible -> Structures.error ("SMTCoq was not able to check the proof certificate.") (* Compute a nat *) let rec mkNat = function | 0 -> Lazy.force cO | i -> SmtMisc.mklApp cS [|mkNat (i-1)|] (* Compute a positive *) let rec mkPositive = function | 1 -> Lazy.force cxH | i -> let c = if (i mod 2) = 0 then cxO else cxI in SmtMisc.mklApp c [|mkPositive (i / 2)|] (* Compute a N *) let mkN = function | 0 -> Lazy.force cN0 | i -> SmtMisc.mklApp cNpos [|mkPositive i|] (* Compute a Boolean *) let rec mkBool = function | true -> Lazy.force ctrue | false -> Lazy.force cfalse (* Compute a Boolean list *) let rec mk_bv_list = function | [] -> SmtMisc.mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force cbool|] | b :: bv -> SmtMisc.mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force cbool; mkBool b; mk_bv_list bv|] (* Reification *) let mk_bool b = let c, args = Term.decompose_app b in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force ctrue) then true else if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cfalse) then false else assert false let rec mk_bool_list bs = let c, args = Term.decompose_app bs in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cnil) then [] else if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force ccons) then match args with | [_; b; bs] -> mk_bool b :: mk_bool_list bs | _ -> assert false else assert false let rec mk_nat n = let c, args = Term.decompose_app n in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cO) then 0 else if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cS) then match args with | [n] -> (mk_nat n) + 1 | _ -> assert false else assert false let rec mk_positive n = let c, args = Term.decompose_app n in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxH) then 1 else if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxO) then match args with | [n] -> 2 * (mk_positive n) | _ -> assert false else if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cxI) then match args with | [n] -> 2 * (mk_positive n) + 1 | _ -> assert false else assert false let mk_N n = let c, args = Term.decompose_app n in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cN0) then 0 else if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cNpos) then match args with | [n] -> mk_positive n | _ -> assert false else assert false let mk_Z n = let c, args = Term.decompose_app n in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZ0) then 0 else if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZpos) then match args with | [n] -> mk_positive n | _ -> assert false else if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZneg) then match args with | [n] -> - mk_positive n | _ -> assert false else assert false (* size of bivectors are either N.of_nat (length l) or an N *) let mk_bvsize n = let c, args = Term.decompose_app n in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cof_nat) then match args with | [nl] -> let c, args = Term.decompose_app nl in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force clength) then match args with | [_; l] -> List.length (mk_bool_list l) | _ -> assert false else assert false | _ -> assert false else mk_N n