(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open SmtMisc open CoqTerms open Entries open Declare open Decl_kinds open SmtBtype (** Operators *) type cop = | CO_xH | CO_Z0 | CO_BV of bool list type uop = | UO_xO | UO_xI | UO_Zpos | UO_Zneg | UO_Zopp | UO_BVbitOf of int * int | UO_BVnot of int | UO_BVneg of int | UO_BVextr of int * int * int | UO_BVzextn of int * int | UO_BVsextn of int * int type bop = | BO_Zplus | BO_Zminus | BO_Zmult | BO_Zlt | BO_Zle | BO_Zge | BO_Zgt | BO_eq of btype | BO_BVand of int | BO_BVor of int | BO_BVxor of int | BO_BVadd of int | BO_BVmult of int | BO_BVult of int | BO_BVslt of int | BO_BVconcat of int * int | BO_BVshl of int | BO_BVshr of int | BO_select of btype * btype | BO_diffarray of btype * btype type top = | TO_store of btype * btype type nop = | NO_distinct of btype type op_def = { tparams : btype array; tres : btype; op_val : Term.constr } type index = Index of int | Rel_name of string type indexed_op = index * op_def let destruct s (i, hval) = match i with | Index index -> index, hval | Rel_name _ -> failwith s let dummy_indexed_op i dom codom = (i, {tparams = dom; tres = codom; op_val = Term.mkProp}) let indexed_op_index i = let index, _ = destruct "destruct on a Rel: called by indexed_op_index" i in index let debruijn_indexed_op i ty = (Index i, {tparams = [||]; tres = ty; op_val = Term.mkRel i}) module Op = struct let c_to_coq = function | CO_xH -> Lazy.force cCO_xH | CO_Z0 -> Lazy.force cCO_Z0 | CO_BV bv -> mklApp cCO_BV [|mk_bv_list bv; mkN (List.length bv)|] let c_type_of = function | CO_xH -> Tpositive | CO_Z0 -> TZ | CO_BV bv -> TBV (List.length bv) let interp_cop = function | CO_xH -> Lazy.force cxH | CO_Z0 -> Lazy.force cZ0 | CO_BV bv -> mklApp cof_bits [|mk_bv_list bv|] let u_to_coq = function | UO_xO -> Lazy.force cUO_xO | UO_xI -> Lazy.force cUO_xI | UO_Zpos -> Lazy.force cUO_Zpos | UO_Zneg -> Lazy.force cUO_Zneg | UO_Zopp -> Lazy.force cUO_Zopp | UO_BVbitOf (s, i) -> mklApp cUO_BVbitOf [|mkN s; mkNat i|] | UO_BVnot s -> mklApp cUO_BVnot [|mkN s|] | UO_BVneg s -> mklApp cUO_BVneg [|mkN s|] | UO_BVextr (i, n, s) -> mklApp cUO_BVextr [|mkN i; mkN n; mkN s|] | UO_BVzextn (s, n) -> mklApp cUO_BVzextn [|mkN s; mkN n|] | UO_BVsextn (s, n) -> mklApp cUO_BVsextn [|mkN s; mkN n|] let u_type_of = function | UO_xO | UO_xI -> Tpositive | UO_Zpos | UO_Zneg | UO_Zopp -> TZ | UO_BVbitOf _ -> Tbool | UO_BVnot s | UO_BVneg s -> TBV s | UO_BVextr (_, n, _) -> TBV n | UO_BVzextn (s, n) | UO_BVsextn (s, n) -> TBV (s + n) let u_type_arg = function | UO_xO | UO_xI | UO_Zpos | UO_Zneg -> Tpositive | UO_Zopp -> TZ | UO_BVbitOf (s,_) -> TBV s | UO_BVnot s | UO_BVneg s -> TBV s | UO_BVextr (_, _, s) -> TBV s | UO_BVzextn (s, _) | UO_BVsextn (s, _) -> TBV s let interp_uop = function | UO_xO -> Lazy.force cxO | UO_xI -> Lazy.force cxI | UO_Zpos -> Lazy.force cZpos | UO_Zneg -> Lazy.force cZneg | UO_Zopp -> Lazy.force copp | UO_BVbitOf (s,i) -> mklApp cbitOf [|mkN s; mkNat i|] | UO_BVnot s -> mklApp cbv_not [|mkN s|] | UO_BVneg s -> mklApp cbv_neg [|mkN s|] | UO_BVextr (i, n, s) -> mklApp cbv_extr [|mkN i; mkN n; mkN s|] | UO_BVzextn (s, n) -> mklApp cbv_zextn [|mkN s; mkN n|] | UO_BVsextn (s, n) -> mklApp cbv_sextn [|mkN s; mkN n|] let eq_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17 let select_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17 let store_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17 let diffarray_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17 let eq_to_coq t = try Hashtbl.find eq_tbl t with Not_found -> let op = mklApp cBO_eq [|SmtBtype.to_coq t|] in Hashtbl.add eq_tbl t op; op let select_to_coq ti te = try Hashtbl.find select_tbl (ti, te) with Not_found -> let op = mklApp cBO_select [|SmtBtype.to_coq ti; SmtBtype.to_coq te|] in Hashtbl.add select_tbl (ti, te) op; op let store_to_coq ti te = try Hashtbl.find store_tbl (ti, te) with Not_found -> let op = mklApp cTO_store [|SmtBtype.to_coq ti; SmtBtype.to_coq te|] in Hashtbl.add store_tbl (ti, te) op; op let diffarray_to_coq ti te = try Hashtbl.find diffarray_tbl (ti, te) with Not_found -> let op = mklApp cBO_diffarray [|SmtBtype.to_coq ti; SmtBtype.to_coq te|] in Hashtbl.add diffarray_tbl (ti, te) op; op let b_to_coq = function | BO_Zplus -> Lazy.force cBO_Zplus | BO_Zminus -> Lazy.force cBO_Zminus | BO_Zmult -> Lazy.force cBO_Zmult | BO_Zlt -> Lazy.force cBO_Zlt | BO_Zle -> Lazy.force cBO_Zle | BO_Zge -> Lazy.force cBO_Zge | BO_Zgt -> Lazy.force cBO_Zgt | BO_eq t -> eq_to_coq t | BO_BVand s -> mklApp cBO_BVand [|mkN s|] | BO_BVor s -> mklApp cBO_BVor [|mkN s|] | BO_BVxor s -> mklApp cBO_BVxor [|mkN s|] | BO_BVadd s -> mklApp cBO_BVadd [|mkN s|] | BO_BVmult s -> mklApp cBO_BVmult [|mkN s|] | BO_BVult s -> mklApp cBO_BVult [|mkN s|] | BO_BVslt s -> mklApp cBO_BVslt [|mkN s|] | BO_BVconcat (s1, s2) -> mklApp cBO_BVconcat [|mkN s1; mkN s2|] | BO_BVshl s -> mklApp cBO_BVshl [|mkN s|] | BO_BVshr s -> mklApp cBO_BVshr [|mkN s|] | BO_select (ti, te) -> select_to_coq ti te | BO_diffarray (ti, te) -> diffarray_to_coq ti te let b_type_of = function | BO_Zplus | BO_Zminus | BO_Zmult -> TZ | BO_Zlt | BO_Zle | BO_Zge | BO_Zgt | BO_eq _ | BO_BVult _ | BO_BVslt _ -> Tbool | BO_BVand s | BO_BVor s | BO_BVxor s | BO_BVadd s | BO_BVmult s | BO_BVshl s | BO_BVshr s -> TBV s | BO_BVconcat (s1, s2) -> TBV (s1 + s2) | BO_select (_, te) -> te | BO_diffarray (ti, _) -> ti let b_type_args = function | BO_Zplus | BO_Zminus | BO_Zmult | BO_Zlt | BO_Zle | BO_Zge | BO_Zgt -> (TZ,TZ) | BO_eq t -> (t,t) | BO_BVand s | BO_BVor s | BO_BVxor s | BO_BVadd s | BO_BVmult s | BO_BVult s | BO_BVslt s | BO_BVshl s | BO_BVshr s -> (TBV s,TBV s) | BO_BVconcat (s1, s2) -> (TBV s1, TBV s2) | BO_select (ti, te) -> (TFArray (ti, te), ti) | BO_diffarray (ti, te) -> (TFArray (ti, te), TFArray (ti, te)) let interp_ieq t_i t = mklApp cinterp_eqb [|t_i ; SmtBtype.to_coq t|] (* let veval_t te = let env = Global.env () in let evd = Evd.from_env env in let evd, ty = Typing.type_of env evd te in Vnorm.cbv_vm env te ty let interp_ieq_eval t_i t = let te = mklApp cinterp_eqb [|t_i ; SmtBtype.to_coq t|] in veval_t te *) let interp_eqarray t_i ti te = mklApp cequalarray SmtBtype.[|SmtBtype.interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.interp t_i te; SmtBtype.ord_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.comp_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.ord_interp t_i te; SmtBtype.comp_interp t_i te; SmtBtype.inh_interp t_i te |] let interp_select t_i ti te = mklApp cselect SmtBtype.[|SmtBtype.interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.interp t_i te; SmtBtype.ord_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.comp_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.inh_interp t_i te|] let interp_diff t_i ti te = mklApp cdiff SmtBtype.[|SmtBtype.interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.interp t_i te; SmtBtype.dec_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.ord_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.comp_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.dec_interp t_i te; SmtBtype.ord_interp t_i te; SmtBtype.comp_interp t_i te; SmtBtype.inh_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.inh_interp t_i te |] let interp_store t_i ti te = mklApp cstore SmtBtype.[|SmtBtype.interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.interp t_i te; SmtBtype.dec_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.ord_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.comp_interp t_i ti; SmtBtype.ord_interp t_i te; SmtBtype.comp_interp t_i te; SmtBtype.inh_interp t_i te |] let interp_eq t_i = function | TZ -> Lazy.force ceqbZ | Tbool -> Lazy.force ceqb | Tpositive -> Lazy.force ceqbP | TBV s -> mklApp cbv_eq [|mkN s|] | Tindex i -> mklApp ceqb_of_compdec [|mklApp cte_carrier [|i.hval|]; mklApp cte_compdec [|i.hval|]|] | TFArray (ti, te) -> interp_eqarray t_i ti te let interp_bop t_i = function | BO_Zplus -> Lazy.force cadd | BO_Zminus -> Lazy.force csub | BO_Zmult -> Lazy.force cmul | BO_Zlt -> Lazy.force cltb | BO_Zle -> Lazy.force cleb | BO_Zge -> Lazy.force cgeb | BO_Zgt -> Lazy.force cgtb | BO_eq t -> interp_eq t_i t | BO_BVand s -> mklApp cbv_and [|mkN s|] | BO_BVor s -> mklApp cbv_or [|mkN s|] | BO_BVxor s -> mklApp cbv_xor [|mkN s|] | BO_BVadd s -> mklApp cbv_add [|mkN s|] | BO_BVmult s -> mklApp cbv_mult [|mkN s|] | BO_BVult s -> mklApp cbv_ult [|mkN s|] | BO_BVslt s -> mklApp cbv_slt [|mkN s|] | BO_BVconcat (s1,s2) -> mklApp cbv_concat [|mkN s1; mkN s2|] | BO_BVshl s -> mklApp cbv_shl [|mkN s|] | BO_BVshr s -> mklApp cbv_shr [|mkN s|] | BO_select (ti, te) -> interp_select t_i ti te | BO_diffarray (ti, te) -> interp_diff t_i ti te let t_to_coq = function | TO_store (ti, te) -> store_to_coq ti te let t_type_of = function | TO_store (ti, te) -> TFArray (ti, te) let t_type_args = function | TO_store (ti, te) -> TFArray (ti, te), ti, te let interp_top t_i = function | TO_store (ti, te) -> interp_store t_i ti te let n_to_coq = function | NO_distinct t -> mklApp cNO_distinct [|SmtBtype.to_coq t|] let n_type_of = function | NO_distinct _ -> Tbool let n_type_args = function | NO_distinct ty -> ty let interp_nop t_i = function | NO_distinct ty -> mklApp cdistinct [|SmtBtype.interp t_i ty; interp_eq t_i ty|] let i_to_coq i = let index, _ = destruct "destruct on a Rel: called by i_to_coq" i in mkInt index let i_type_of (_, hval) = hval.tres let i_type_args (_, hval) = hval.tparams (* reify table *) type reify_tbl = { mutable count : int; tbl : (Term.constr, indexed_op) Hashtbl.t } let create () = { count = 0; tbl = Hashtbl.create 17 } let declare reify op tparams tres os = assert (not (Hashtbl.mem reify.tbl op)); let opa = { tparams = tparams; tres = tres; op_val = op } in match os with | None -> let res = Index reify.count, opa in Hashtbl.add reify.tbl op res; reify.count <- reify.count + 1; res | Some name -> Rel_name name, opa let of_coq reify op = Hashtbl.find reify.tbl op let interp_tbl tval mk_Tval reify = let t = Array.make (reify.count + 1) (mk_Tval [||] Tbool (Lazy.force ctrue)) in let set _ op = let index, hval = destruct "destruct on a Rel: called by set in interp_tbl" op in t.(index) <- mk_Tval hval.tparams hval.tres hval.op_val in Hashtbl.iter set reify.tbl; Structures.mkArray (tval, t) let to_list reify = let set _ op acc = let index, hval = destruct "destruct on a Rel: called by set in to_list" op in (index, hval.tparams, hval.tres, op)::acc in Hashtbl.fold set reify.tbl [] let c_equal op1 op2 = match op1, op2 with | CO_BV bv1, CO_BV bv2 -> (try List.for_all2 (=) bv1 bv2 with | Invalid_argument _ -> false) | _ -> op1 == op2 let u_equal op1 op2 = match op1,op2 with | UO_xO, UO_xO | UO_xI, UO_xI | UO_Zpos, UO_Zpos | UO_Zneg, UO_Zneg | UO_Zopp, UO_Zopp -> true | UO_BVbitOf (s1,i1), UO_BVbitOf (s2,i2) -> s1 == s2 && i1 == i2 | UO_BVnot s1, UO_BVnot s2 -> s1 == s2 | UO_BVneg s1, UO_BVneg s2 -> s1 == s2 | UO_BVextr (i1, n1, s1) , UO_BVextr (i2, n2, s2) -> i1 == i2 && n1 == n2 && s1 == s2 | UO_BVzextn (s1, n1), UO_BVzextn (s2, n2) -> s1 == s2 && n1 == n2 | UO_BVsextn (s1, n1), UO_BVsextn (s2, n2) -> s1 == s2 && n1 == n2 | _ -> false let b_equal op1 op2 = match op1,op2 with | BO_eq t1, BO_eq t2 -> SmtBtype.equal t1 t2 | BO_BVand n1, BO_BVand n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_BVor n1, BO_BVor n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_BVxor n1, BO_BVxor n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_BVadd n1, BO_BVadd n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_BVmult n1, BO_BVmult n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_BVult n1, BO_BVult n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_BVslt n1, BO_BVslt n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_BVconcat (n1,m1), BO_BVconcat (n2,m2) -> n1 == n2 && m1 == m2 | BO_BVshl n1, BO_BVshl n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_BVshr n1, BO_BVshr n2 -> n1 == n2 | BO_select (ti1, te1), BO_select (ti2, te2) | BO_diffarray (ti1, te1), BO_diffarray (ti2, te2) -> SmtBtype.equal ti1 ti2 && SmtBtype.equal te1 te2 | _ -> op1 == op2 let t_equal op1 op2 = match op1,op2 with | TO_store (ti1, te1), TO_store (ti2, te2) -> SmtBtype.equal ti1 ti2 && SmtBtype.equal te1 te2 let n_equal op1 op2 = match op1,op2 with | NO_distinct t1, NO_distinct t2 -> SmtBtype.equal t1 t2 let i_equal (i1, _) (i2, _) = i1 = i2 let logic_of_cop = function | CO_xH | CO_Z0 -> SL.singleton LLia | CO_BV _ -> SL.singleton LBitvectors let logic_of_uop = function | UO_xO | UO_xI | UO_Zpos | UO_Zneg | UO_Zopp -> SL.singleton LLia | UO_BVbitOf _ | UO_BVnot _ | UO_BVneg _ | UO_BVextr _ | UO_BVzextn _ | UO_BVsextn _ -> SL.singleton LBitvectors let logic_of_bop = function | BO_Zplus | BO_Zminus | BO_Zmult | BO_Zlt | BO_Zle | BO_Zge | BO_Zgt -> SL.singleton LLia | BO_eq ty -> SmtBtype.logic ty | BO_BVand _ | BO_BVor _ | BO_BVxor _ | BO_BVadd _ | BO_BVmult _ | BO_BVult _ | BO_BVslt _ | BO_BVshl _ | BO_BVshr _ | BO_BVconcat _ -> SL.singleton LBitvectors | BO_select (ti, te) | BO_diffarray (ti, te) -> SL.add LArrays (SL.union (SmtBtype.logic ti) (SmtBtype.logic te)) let logic_of_top = function | TO_store (ti, te) -> SL.add LArrays (SL.union (SmtBtype.logic ti) (SmtBtype.logic te)) let logic_of_nop = function | NO_distinct ty -> SmtBtype.logic ty let logic_of_indexed t = let (_, hval) = destruct "destruct on a Rel: called by logic_of_indexed" t in Array.fold_left (fun l ty -> SL.union (SmtBtype.logic ty) l ) (SmtBtype.logic hval.tres) hval.tparams let logic_ro reify = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ op -> SL.union (logic_of_indexed op)) reify.tbl SL.empty end (** Definition of atoms *) type atom = | Acop of cop | Auop of uop * hatom | Abop of bop * hatom * hatom | Atop of top * hatom * hatom * hatom | Anop of nop * hatom array | Aapp of indexed_op * hatom array and hatom = atom gen_hashed (* let pp_acop = function *) (* | CO_xH -> "CO_xH" *) (* | CO_Z0 -> "CO_Z0" *) (* let pp_auop = function *) (* | UO_xO -> "UO_xO" *) (* | UO_xI -> "UO_xI" *) (* | UO_Zpos -> "UO_Zpos" *) (* | UO_Zneg -> "UO_Zneg" *) (* | UO_Zopp -> "UO_Zopp" *) (* let pp_abop = function *) (* | BO_Zplus -> "BO_Zplus" *) (* | BO_Zminus -> "BO_Zminus" *) (* | BO_Zmult -> "BO_Zmult" *) (* | BO_Zlt -> "BO_Zlt" *) (* | BO_Zle -> "BO_Zle" *) (* | BO_Zge -> "BO_Zge" *) (* | BO_Zgt -> "BO_Zgt" *) (* | BO_eq _ -> "(BO_eq ??)" *) (* let rec pp_atom = function *) (* | Acop c -> "(Acop "^(pp_acop c)^")" *) (* | Auop (u,b) -> "(Auop "^(pp_auop u)^" "^(pp_atom b.hval)^")" *) (* | Abop (b,c,d) -> "(Abop "^(pp_abop b)^" "^(pp_atom c.hval)^" "^(pp_atom d.hval)^")" *) (* | Aapp (op,a) -> "(Aapp "^(string_of_int op.index)^" ("^(Array.fold_left (fun acc h -> acc^" "^(pp_atom h.hval)) "" a)^"))" *) module HashedAtom = struct type t = atom let equal a b = match a, b with | Acop opa, Acop opb -> Op.c_equal opa opb | Auop(opa,ha), Auop(opb,hb) -> Op.u_equal opa opb && ha.index == hb.index | Abop(opa,ha1,ha2), Abop(opb,hb1,hb2) -> Op.b_equal opa opb && ha1.index == hb1.index && ha2.index == hb2.index | Atop(opa,ha1,ha2,ha3), Atop(opb,hb1,hb2,hb3) -> Op.t_equal opa opb && ha1.index == hb1.index && ha2.index == hb2.index && ha3.index == hb3.index | Anop (opa,ha), Anop (opb,hb) -> let na = Array.length ha in let nb = Array.length hb in let i = ref (-1) in Op.n_equal opa opb && na == nb && Array.fold_left (fun b h -> incr i; b && h.index == hb.(!i).index) true ha | Aapp (va,ha), Aapp (vb,hb) -> let na = Array.length ha in let nb = Array.length hb in let i = ref (-1) in Op.i_equal va vb && na == nb && Array.fold_left (fun b h -> incr i; b && h.index == hb.(!i).index) true ha | _, _ -> false let hash = function | Acop op -> ((Hashtbl.hash op) lsl 3) lxor 1 | Auop (op,h) -> (( (h.index lsl 3) + (Hashtbl.hash op)) lsl 3) lxor 2 | Abop (op,h1,h2) -> (((( (h1.index lsl 2) + h2.index) lsl 3) + Hashtbl.hash op) lsl 3) lxor 3 | Atop (op,h1,h2,h3) -> (((( ((h1.index lsl 2) + h2.index) lsl 3) + h3.index) lsl 4 + Hashtbl.hash op) lsl 4) lxor 4 | Anop (op, args) -> let hash_args = match Array.length args with | 0 -> 0 | 1 -> args.(0).index | 2 -> args.(1).index lsl 2 + args.(0).index | _ -> args.(2).index lsl 4 + args.(1).index lsl 2 + args.(0).index in (hash_args lsl 5 + (Hashtbl.hash op) lsl 3) lxor 4 | Aapp (op, args) -> let op_index = try fst (destruct "destruct on a Rel: called by hash" op) with _ -> 0 in let hash_args = match Array.length args with | 0 -> 0 | 1 -> args.(0).index | 2 -> args.(1).index lsl 2 + args.(0).index | _ -> args.(2).index lsl 4 + args.(1).index lsl 2 + args.(0).index in (hash_args lsl 5 + op_index lsl 3) lxor 4 end module HashAtom = Hashtbl.Make(HashedAtom) module Atom = struct type t = hatom let atom h = h.hval let index h = h.index let equal h1 h2 = h1.index == h2.index let type_of h = match h.hval with | Acop op -> Op.c_type_of op | Auop (op,_) -> Op.u_type_of op | Abop (op,_,_) -> Op.b_type_of op | Atop (op,_,_,_) -> Op.t_type_of op | Anop (op,_) -> Op.n_type_of op | Aapp (op,_) -> Op.i_type_of op let is_bool_type h = SmtBtype.equal (type_of h) Tbool let is_bv_type h = match type_of h with | TBV _ -> true | _ -> false let rec compute_int = function | Acop c -> (match c with | CO_xH -> 1 | CO_Z0 -> 0 | CO_BV _ -> assert false) | Auop (op,h) -> (match op with | UO_xO -> 2*(compute_hint h) | UO_xI -> 2*(compute_hint h) + 1 | UO_Zpos -> compute_hint h | UO_Zneg -> - (compute_hint h) | UO_Zopp | UO_BVbitOf _ | UO_BVnot _ | UO_BVneg _ | UO_BVextr _ | UO_BVzextn _ | UO_BVsextn _ -> assert false) | _ -> assert false and compute_hint h = compute_int (atom h) let to_smt_int fmt i = let s1 = if i < 0 then "(- " else "" in let s2 = if i < 0 then ")" else "" in let j = if i < 0 then -i else i in Format.fprintf fmt "%s%i%s" s1 j s2 let rec bv_to_smt fmt = function | true :: bv -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a1" bv_to_smt bv | false :: bv -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a0" bv_to_smt bv | [] -> () let to_smt_named ?pi:(pi=false) (fmt:Format.formatter) h = let rec to_smt fmt h = if pi then Format.fprintf fmt "%d:" (index h); to_smt_atom (atom h) and to_smt_atom = function | Acop (CO_BV bv) -> Format.fprintf fmt "#b%a" bv_to_smt bv | Acop _ as a -> to_smt_int fmt (compute_int a) | Auop (UO_Zopp,h) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(- "; to_smt fmt h; Format.fprintf fmt ")" | Auop (UO_BVbitOf (_, i), h) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(bitof %d %a)" i to_smt h | Auop (UO_BVnot _, h) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(bvnot %a)" to_smt h | Auop (UO_BVneg _, h) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(bvneg %a)" to_smt h | Auop (UO_BVextr (i, n, _), h) -> Format.fprintf fmt "((_ extract %d %d) %a)" (i+n-1) i to_smt h | Auop (UO_BVzextn (_, n), h) -> Format.fprintf fmt "((_ zero_extend %d) %a)" n to_smt h | Auop (UO_BVsextn (_, n), h) -> Format.fprintf fmt "((_ sign_extend %d) %a)" n to_smt h | Auop _ as a -> to_smt_int fmt (compute_int a) | Abop (op,h1,h2) -> to_smt_bop op h1 h2 | Atop (op,h1,h2,h3) -> to_smt_top op h1 h2 h3 | Anop (op,a) -> to_smt_nop op a | Aapp ((i,op),a) -> let op_smt () = (match i with | Index index -> Format.fprintf fmt "op_%i" index | Rel_name name -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" name); if pi then to_smt_op op in if Array.length a = 0 then ( op_smt () ) else ( Format.fprintf fmt "("; op_smt (); Array.iter (fun h -> Format.fprintf fmt " "; to_smt fmt h) a; Format.fprintf fmt ")" ) and to_smt_op {tparams=bta; tres=bt; op_val=t} = Format.fprintf fmt "[("; Array.iter (fun bt -> SmtBtype.to_smt fmt bt; Format.fprintf fmt " ") bta; Format.fprintf fmt ") ( "; SmtBtype.to_smt fmt bt; Format.fprintf fmt " ) ( %s )]" (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Printer.pr_constr t)) and to_smt_bop op h1 h2 = let s = match op with | BO_Zplus -> "+" | BO_Zminus -> "-" | BO_Zmult -> "*" | BO_Zlt -> "<" | BO_Zle -> "<=" | BO_Zge -> ">=" | BO_Zgt -> ">" | BO_eq _ -> "=" | BO_BVand _ -> "bvand" | BO_BVor _ -> "bvor" | BO_BVxor _ -> "bvxor" | BO_BVadd _ -> "bvadd" | BO_BVmult _ -> "bvmul" | BO_BVult _ -> "bvult" | BO_BVslt _ -> "bvslt" | BO_BVconcat _ -> "concat" | BO_BVshl _ -> "bvshl" | BO_BVshr _ -> "bvlshr" | BO_select _ -> "select" | BO_diffarray _ -> "diff" (* should not be used in goals *) in Format.fprintf fmt "(%s %a %a)" s to_smt h1 to_smt h2 and to_smt_top op h1 h2 h3= let s = match op with | TO_store _ -> "store" in Format.fprintf fmt "(%s %a %a %a)" s to_smt h1 to_smt h2 to_smt h3 and to_smt_nop op a = let s = match op with | NO_distinct _ -> "distinct" in Format.fprintf fmt "(%s" s; Array.iter (fun h -> Format.fprintf fmt " "; to_smt fmt h) a; Format.fprintf fmt ")" in to_smt fmt h let to_smt (fmt:Format.formatter) h = to_smt_named fmt h exception NotWellTyped of atom let check a = (* Format.eprintf "Checking %a @." to_smt_atom a; *) match a with | Acop _ -> () | Auop(op,h) -> if not (SmtBtype.equal (Op.u_type_arg op) (type_of h)) then raise (NotWellTyped a) | Abop(op,h1,h2) -> let (t1,t2) = Op.b_type_args op in if not (SmtBtype.equal t1 (type_of h1) && SmtBtype.equal t2 (type_of h2)) then (Format.eprintf "1. Wanted %a, got %a@.2. Wanted %a, got %a@." SmtBtype.to_smt t1 SmtBtype.to_smt (type_of h1) SmtBtype.to_smt t2 SmtBtype.to_smt (type_of h2); raise (NotWellTyped a)) | Atop(op,h1,h2,h3) -> let (t1,t2,t3) = Op.t_type_args op in if not (SmtBtype.equal t1 (type_of h1) && SmtBtype.equal t2 (type_of h2) && SmtBtype.equal t3 (type_of h3)) then raise (NotWellTyped a) | Anop(op,ha) -> let ty = Op.n_type_args op in Array.iter (fun h -> if not (SmtBtype.equal ty (type_of h)) then raise (NotWellTyped a)) ha | Aapp(op,args) -> let tparams = Op.i_type_args op in Array.iteri (fun i t -> if not (SmtBtype.equal t (type_of args.(i))) then (Format.eprintf "Wanted %a, got %a@." SmtBtype.to_smt t SmtBtype.to_smt (type_of args.(i)); raise (NotWellTyped a))) tparams type reify_tbl = { mutable count : int; tbl : hatom HashAtom.t } let create () = { count = 0; tbl = HashAtom.create 17 } let op_coq_terms = Hashtbl.create 17 let clear reify = Hashtbl.clear op_coq_terms; reify.count <- 0; HashAtom.clear reify.tbl let declare reify a = check a; let res = {index = reify.count; hval = a} in HashAtom.add reify.tbl a res; reify.count <- reify.count + 1; res let get ?declare:(decl=true) reify a = if decl then try HashAtom.find reify.tbl a with Not_found -> declare reify a else {index = -1; hval = a} let mk_eq reify ?declare:(decl=true) ty h1 h2 = let op = BO_eq ty in try HashAtom.find reify.tbl (Abop (op, h1, h2)) with Not_found -> try HashAtom.find reify.tbl (Abop (op, h2, h1)) with Not_found -> get ~declare:decl reify (Abop (op, h1, h2)) let mk_neg reify ({index = i; hval = a} as ha) = try HashAtom.find reify.tbl (Auop (UO_Zopp, ha)) with Not_found -> let na = match a with | Auop (UO_Zpos, x) -> Auop (UO_Zneg, x) | Auop (UO_Zneg, x) -> Auop (UO_Zpos, x) | _ -> failwith "opp not on Z" in get reify na let rec hash_hatom ra' {index = _; hval = a} = match a with | Acop cop -> get ra' a | Auop (uop, ha) -> get ra' (Auop (uop, hash_hatom ra' ha)) | Abop (bop, ha1, ha2) -> let new_ha1 = hash_hatom ra' ha1 in let new_ha2 = hash_hatom ra' ha2 in begin match bop with | BO_eq ty -> mk_eq ra' ~declare:true ty new_ha1 new_ha2 | _ -> get ra' (Abop (bop, new_ha1, new_ha2)) end | Atop (top, ha1, ha2, ha3) -> let new_ha1 = hash_hatom ra' ha1 in let new_ha2 = hash_hatom ra' ha2 in let new_ha3 = hash_hatom ra' ha3 in get ra' (Atop (top, new_ha1, new_ha2, new_ha3)) | Anop _ -> assert false | Aapp (op, arr) -> get ra' (Aapp (op, Array.map (hash_hatom ra') arr)) let copy {count=c; tbl=t} = {count = c; tbl = HashAtom.copy t} let print_atoms reify where = let oc = open_out where in let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in let accumulate _ ha acc = ha :: acc in let list = HashAtom.fold accumulate reify.tbl [] in let compare ha1 ha2 = compare ha1.index ha2.index in let slist = List.sort compare list in let print ha = Format.fprintf fmt "%i: " ha.index; to_smt fmt ha; Format.fprintf fmt "\n" in List.iter print slist; Format.fprintf fmt "@."; close_out oc (** Given a coq term, build the corresponding atom *) type coq_cst = | CCxH | CCZ0 | CCBV | CCxO | CCxI | CCZpos | CCZneg | CCZopp | CCBVbitOf | CCBVnot | CCBVneg | CCZplus | CCZminus | CCZmult | CCZlt | CCZle | CCZge | CCZgt | CCBVand | CCBVor | CCBVxor | CCBVadd | CCBVmult | CCBVult | CCBVslt | CCBVconcat | CCBVextr | CCBVsextn | CCBVzextn | CCBVshl | CCBVshr | CCeqb | CCeqbP | CCeqbZ | CCeqbBV | CCeqbA | CCselect | CCdiff | CCstore | CCunknown | CCunknown_deps of int let logic_coq_cst = function | CCxH | CCZ0 | CCxO | CCxI | CCZpos | CCZneg | CCZopp | CCZplus | CCZminus | CCZmult | CCZlt | CCZle | CCZge | CCZgt -> SL.singleton LLia | CCBV | CCBVbitOf | CCBVnot | CCBVneg | CCBVand | CCBVor | CCBVxor | CCBVadd | CCBVmult | CCBVult | CCBVslt | CCBVconcat | CCBVextr | CCBVsextn | CCBVzextn | CCBVshl | CCBVshr -> SL.singleton LBitvectors | CCselect | CCdiff | CCstore -> SL.singleton LArrays | CCeqb -> SL.empty (* | CCeqbP | CCeqbZ -> SL.singleton LLia *) (* | CCeqbBV -> SL.singleton LBitvectors *) (* | CCeqbA -> SL.singleton LArrays *) | CCeqbP | CCeqbZ | CCeqbBV | CCeqbA | CCunknown | CCunknown_deps _ -> SL.singleton LUF let gobble_of_coq_cst = function | CCBV | CCBVbitOf | CCBVnot | CCBVneg | CCBVand | CCBVor | CCBVxor | CCBVadd | CCBVmult | CCBVult | CCBVslt | CCBVsextn | CCBVzextn | CCBVshl | CCBVshr -> 1 | CCBVconcat -> 2 | CCBVextr -> 3 | CCselect -> 5 | CCdiff -> 10 | CCstore -> 8 | _ -> 0 let op_tbl () = let tbl = Hashtbl.create 29 in let add (c1,c2) = Hashtbl.add tbl (Lazy.force c1) c2 in List.iter add [ cxH,CCxH; cZ0,CCZ0; cof_bits, CCBV; cxO,CCxO; cxI,CCxI; cZpos,CCZpos; cZneg,CCZneg; copp,CCZopp; cbitOf, CCBVbitOf; cbv_not, CCBVnot; cbv_neg, CCBVneg; cbv_extr, CCBVextr; cbv_zextn, CCBVzextn; cbv_sextn, CCBVsextn; cadd,CCZplus; csub,CCZminus; cmul,CCZmult; cltb,CCZlt; cleb,CCZle; cgeb,CCZge; cgtb,CCZgt; cbv_and, CCBVand; cbv_or, CCBVor; cbv_xor, CCBVxor; cbv_add, CCBVadd; cbv_mult, CCBVmult; cbv_ult, CCBVult; cbv_slt, CCBVslt; cbv_concat, CCBVconcat; cbv_shl, CCBVshl; cbv_shr, CCBVshr; ceqb,CCeqb; ceqbP,CCeqbP; ceqbZ, CCeqbZ; cbv_eq, CCeqbBV; cselect, CCselect; cdiff, CCdiff; cstore, CCstore; cequalarray, CCeqbA; ]; tbl let op_tbl = lazy (op_tbl ()) let split_list_at n l = let rec aux acc n l = match n, l with | 0, _ -> List.rev acc, l | _, [] -> assert false | _, x :: l -> aux (x :: acc) (n-1) l in aux [] n l let get_coq_term_op = Hashtbl.find op_coq_terms let of_coq ?hash:(h=false) rt ro reify known_logic env sigma c = let op_tbl = Lazy.force op_tbl in let get_cst c = try let cc = Hashtbl.find op_tbl c in if SL.subset (logic_coq_cst cc) known_logic then cc else CCunknown_deps (gobble_of_coq_cst cc) with Not_found -> CCunknown in let rec mk_hatom h = let c, args = Term.decompose_app h in match get_cst c with | CCxH -> mk_cop CCxH args | CCZ0 -> mk_cop CCZ0 args | CCBV -> mk_cop CCBV args | CCxO -> mk_uop UO_xO args | CCxI -> mk_uop UO_xI args | CCZpos -> mk_uop UO_Zpos args | CCZneg -> mk_uop UO_Zneg args | CCZopp -> mk_uop UO_Zopp args | CCBVbitOf -> mk_bvbitof args | CCBVnot -> mk_bvnot args | CCBVneg -> mk_bvneg args | CCZplus -> mk_bop BO_Zplus args | CCZminus -> mk_bop BO_Zminus args | CCZmult -> mk_bop BO_Zmult args | CCZlt -> mk_bop BO_Zlt args | CCZle -> mk_bop BO_Zle args | CCZge -> mk_bop BO_Zge args | CCZgt -> mk_bop BO_Zgt args | CCBVand -> mk_bop_bvand args | CCBVor -> mk_bop_bvor args | CCBVxor -> mk_bop_bvxor args | CCBVadd -> mk_bop_bvadd args | CCBVmult -> mk_bop_bvmult args | CCBVult -> mk_bop_bvult args | CCBVslt -> mk_bop_bvslt args | CCBVconcat -> mk_bop_bvconcat args | CCBVextr -> mk_bvextr args | CCBVzextn -> mk_bvzextn args | CCBVsextn -> mk_bvsextn args | CCBVshl -> mk_bop_bvshl args | CCBVshr -> mk_bop_bvshr args | CCeqb -> mk_bop (BO_eq Tbool) args | CCeqbP -> mk_bop (BO_eq Tpositive) args | CCeqbZ -> mk_bop (BO_eq TZ) args | CCeqbA -> mk_bop_farray_equal args | CCeqbBV -> mk_bop_bveq args | CCselect -> mk_bop_select args | CCdiff -> mk_bop_diff args | CCstore -> mk_top_store args | CCunknown -> mk_unknown c args (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma h) | CCunknown_deps gobble -> mk_unknown_deps c args (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma h) gobble and mk_cop op args = match op, args with | CCxH, [] -> get reify (Acop CO_xH) | CCZ0, [] -> get reify (Acop CO_Z0) | CCBV, [bs] -> get reify (Acop (CO_BV (mk_bool_list bs))) | _ -> assert false and mk_uop op = function | [a] -> let h = mk_hatom a in get reify (Auop (op,h)) | _ -> assert false and mk_bvbitof = function | [s;n;a] -> let h = mk_hatom a in get reify (Auop (UO_BVbitOf (mk_bvsize s, mk_nat n), h)) | _ -> assert false and mk_bvnot = function | [s;a] -> let h = mk_hatom a in get reify (Auop (UO_BVnot (mk_bvsize s), h)) | _ -> assert false and mk_bvneg = function | [s;a] -> let h = mk_hatom a in get reify (Auop (UO_BVneg (mk_bvsize s), h)) | _ -> assert false and mk_bvextr = function | [i;n;s;a] -> let h = mk_hatom a in get reify (Auop (UO_BVextr (mk_N i, mk_N n, mk_bvsize s), h)) | _ -> assert false and mk_bvzextn = function | [s;n;a] -> let h = mk_hatom a in get reify (Auop (UO_BVzextn (mk_bvsize s, mk_N n), h)) | _ -> assert false and mk_bvsextn = function | [s;n;a] -> let h = mk_hatom a in get reify (Auop (UO_BVsextn (mk_bvsize s, mk_N n), h)) | _ -> assert false and mk_bop op = function | [a1;a2] -> let h1 = mk_hatom a1 in let h2 = mk_hatom a2 in get reify (Abop (op,h1,h2)) | _ -> failwith "unexpected number of arguments for mk_bop" and mk_top op = function | [a1;a2;a3] -> let h1 = mk_hatom a1 in let h2 = mk_hatom a2 in let h3 = mk_hatom a3 in get reify (Atop (op,h1,h2,h3)) | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvand = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVand s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvor = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVor s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvxor = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVxor s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvadd = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVadd s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvmult = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVmult s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvult = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVult s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvslt = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVslt s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvshl = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVshl s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvshr = function | [s;a1;a2] -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_BVshr s') [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bvconcat = function | [s1;s2;a1;a2] -> mk_bop (BO_BVconcat (mk_bvsize s1, mk_bvsize s2)) [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_bveq = function | [s;a1;a2] when SL.mem LBitvectors known_logic -> let s' = mk_bvsize s in mk_bop (BO_eq (TBV s')) [a1;a2] (* We still want to interpret bv equality as uninterpreted smtlib2 equality if the solver doesn't support bitvectors *) | [s;a1;a2] -> let ty = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic (mklApp cbitvector [|s|]) in mk_bop (BO_eq ty) [a1;a2] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_select = function | [ti;te;_;_;_;a;i] -> let ti' = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic ti in let te' = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic te in mk_bop (BO_select (ti', te')) [a; i] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_diff = function | [ti;te;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;a;b] -> let ti' = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic ti in let te' = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic te in mk_bop (BO_diffarray (ti', te')) [a; b] | _ -> assert false and mk_top_store = function | [ti;te;_;_;_;_;_;_;a;i;e] -> let ti' = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic ti in let te' = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic te in mk_top (TO_store (ti', te')) [a; i; e] | _ -> assert false and mk_bop_farray_equal = function | [ti;te;_;_;_;_;_;a;b] when SL.mem LArrays known_logic -> let ti' = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic ti in let te' = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic te in mk_bop (BO_eq (TFArray (ti', te'))) [a; b] (* We still want to interpret array equality as uninterpreted smtlib2 equality if the solver doesn't support arrays *) | [ti;te;ord_ti;_;_;_;inh_te;a;b] -> let ty = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic (mklApp cfarray [|ti; te; ord_ti; inh_te|]) in mk_bop (BO_eq ty) [a;b] | _ -> assert false and mk_unknown c args ty = let hargs = Array.of_list (List.map mk_hatom args) in let op = try Op.of_coq ro c with | Not_found -> let targs = Array.map type_of hargs in let tres = SmtBtype.of_coq rt known_logic ty in let os = if Term.isRel c then let i = Term.destRel c in let n, _ = Structures.destruct_rel_decl (Environ.lookup_rel i env) in Some (string_of_name n) else None in Op.declare ro c targs tres os in (try let (i, _) = destruct "" op in Hashtbl.add op_coq_terms i c (* Chantal: I think we should move it to "Not_found" (otherwise it is already in the table) *) with | Failure _ -> ()); get reify (Aapp (op,hargs)) (* create an uninterpreted symbol for an unsupported symbol but fisrt do partial application to its dependent arguments whose number is given by [gobble] *) and mk_unknown_deps c args ty gobble = let deps, args = split_list_at gobble args in let c = Term.mkApp (c, Array.of_list deps) in mk_unknown c args ty in mk_hatom c let to_coq h = mkInt h.index let a_to_coq a = match a with | Acop op -> mklApp cAcop [|Op.c_to_coq op|] | Auop (op,h) -> mklApp cAuop [|Op.u_to_coq op; to_coq h|] | Abop (op,h1,h2) -> mklApp cAbop [|Op.b_to_coq op;to_coq h1; to_coq h2|] | Atop (op,h1,h2,h3) -> mklApp cAtop [|Op.t_to_coq op;to_coq h1; to_coq h2; to_coq h3|] | Anop (op,ha) -> let cop = Op.n_to_coq op in let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force cint; to_coq h; l|]) ha (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force cint|]) in mklApp cAnop [|cop; cargs|] | Aapp (op,args) -> let cop = Op.i_to_coq op in let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l -> mklApp ccons [|Lazy.force cint; to_coq h; l|]) args (mklApp cnil [|Lazy.force cint|]) in mklApp cAapp [|cop; cargs|] let dft_atom = lazy (mklApp cAcop [| Lazy.force cCO_xH |]) let to_array reify dft f = let t = Array.make (reify.count + 1) dft in let set _ h = t.(h.index) <- f h.hval in HashAtom.iter set reify.tbl; t let interp_tbl reify = let t = to_array reify (Lazy.force dft_atom) a_to_coq in Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force catom, t) (** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation of an atom *) let interp_to_coq t_i atom_tbl a = let rec interp_atom a = let l = index a in try Hashtbl.find atom_tbl l with Not_found -> let pc = match atom a with | Acop c -> Op.interp_cop c | Auop (op,h) -> Term.mkApp (Op.interp_uop op, [|interp_atom h|]) | Abop (op,h1,h2) -> Term.mkApp (Op.interp_bop t_i op, [|interp_atom h1; interp_atom h2|]) | Atop (op,h1,h2,h3) -> Term.mkApp (Op.interp_top t_i op, [|interp_atom h1; interp_atom h2; interp_atom h3|]) | Anop (NO_distinct ty as op,ha) -> let cop = Op.interp_nop t_i op in let typ = SmtBtype.interp t_i ty in let cargs = Array.fold_right (fun h l -> mklApp ccons [|typ; interp_atom h; l|]) ha (mklApp cnil [|typ|]) in Term.mkApp (cop,[|cargs|]) | Aapp (op,t) -> Term.mkApp ((snd op).op_val, Array.map interp_atom t) in Hashtbl.add atom_tbl l pc; pc in interp_atom a (* Generation of atoms *) let mk_nop ?declare:(decl=true) op reify a = get ~declare:decl reify (Anop (op,a)) let mk_binop ?declare:(decl=true) op reify h1 h2 = get ~declare:decl reify (Abop (op, h1, h2)) let mk_terop ?declare:(decl=true) op reify h1 h2 h3 = get ~declare:decl reify (Atop (op, h1, h2, h3)) let mk_unop ?declare:(decl=true) op reify h = get ~declare:decl reify (Auop (op, h)) let rec hatom_pos_of_int reify i = if i <= 1 then get reify (Acop CO_xH) else if i land 1 = 0 then mk_unop UO_xO reify (hatom_pos_of_int reify (i lsr 1)) else mk_unop UO_xI reify (hatom_pos_of_int reify (i lsr 1)) let hatom_Z_of_int reify i = if i = 0 then get reify (Acop CO_Z0) else if i > 0 then mk_unop UO_Zpos reify (hatom_pos_of_int reify i) else mk_unop UO_Zneg reify (hatom_pos_of_int reify (-i)) let rec hatom_pos_of_bigint reify i = if Big_int.le_big_int i Big_int.unit_big_int then get reify (Acop CO_xH) else let (q,r) = Big_int.quomod_big_int i (Big_int.big_int_of_int 2) in if Big_int.eq_big_int r Big_int.zero_big_int then mk_unop UO_xO reify (hatom_pos_of_bigint reify q) else mk_unop UO_xI reify (hatom_pos_of_bigint reify q) let hatom_Z_of_bigint reify i = if Big_int.eq_big_int i Big_int.zero_big_int then get reify (Acop CO_Z0) else if Big_int.gt_big_int i Big_int.zero_big_int then mk_unop UO_Zpos reify (hatom_pos_of_bigint reify i) else mk_unop UO_Zneg reify (hatom_pos_of_bigint reify (Big_int.minus_big_int i)) let mk_unop ?declare:(decl=true) op reify h = get ~declare:decl reify (Auop (op, h)) let mk_lt ra ?declare:(decl=true) = mk_binop ~declare:decl BO_Zlt ra let mk_le ra ?declare:(decl=true) = mk_binop ~declare:decl BO_Zle ra let mk_gt ra ?declare:(decl=true) = mk_binop ~declare:decl BO_Zgt ra let mk_ge ra ?declare:(decl=true) = mk_binop ~declare:decl BO_Zge ra let mk_plus ra ?declare:(decl=true) = mk_binop ~declare:decl BO_Zplus ra let mk_minus ra ?declare:(decl=true) = mk_binop ~declare:decl BO_Zminus ra let mk_mult ra ?declare:(decl=true) = mk_binop ~declare:decl BO_Zmult ra let mk_bvand reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVand s) reify let mk_bvor reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVor s) reify let mk_bvxor reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVxor s) reify let mk_bvadd reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVadd s) reify let mk_bvmult reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVmult s) reify let mk_bvult reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVult s) reify let mk_bvslt reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVslt s) reify let mk_bvconcat reify ?declare:(decl=true) s1 s2 = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVconcat (s1, s2)) reify let mk_opp ra ?declare:(decl=true) = mk_unop ~declare:decl UO_Zopp ra let mk_distinct reify ?declare:(decl=true) ty = mk_nop ~declare:decl (NO_distinct ty) reify let mk_bitof reify ?declare:(decl=true) s i = mk_unop ~declare:decl (UO_BVbitOf (s, i)) reify let mk_bvnot reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_unop ~declare:decl (UO_BVnot s) reify let mk_bvneg reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_unop ~declare:decl (UO_BVneg s) reify let mk_bvconst reify bool_list = get reify (Acop (CO_BV bool_list)) let mk_select reify ?declare:(decl=true) ti te = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_select (ti, te)) reify let mk_diffarray reify ?declare:(decl=true) ti te = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_diffarray (ti, te)) reify let mk_store reify ?declare:(decl=true) ti te = mk_terop ~declare:decl (TO_store (ti, te)) reify let mk_bvextr reify ?declare:(decl=true) ~i ~n ~s = mk_unop ~declare:decl (UO_BVextr (i, n, s)) reify let mk_bvzextn reify ?declare:(decl=true) ~s ~n = mk_unop ~declare:decl (UO_BVzextn (s, n)) reify let mk_bvsextn reify ?declare:(decl=true) ~s ~n = mk_unop ~declare:decl (UO_BVsextn (s, n)) reify let mk_bvshl reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVshl s) reify let mk_bvshr reify ?declare:(decl=true) s = mk_binop ~declare:decl (BO_BVshr s) reify let rec logic_atom = function | Acop c -> Op.logic_of_cop c | Auop (u, h) -> SL.union (Op.logic_of_uop u) (logic h) | Abop (b, h1, h2) -> SL.union (Op.logic_of_bop b) (SL.union (logic h1) (logic h2)) | Atop (t, h1, h2, h3) -> SL.union (Op.logic_of_top t) (SL.union (logic h1) (SL.union (logic h2) (logic h3))) | Anop (n, ha) -> Array.fold_left (fun l h -> SL.union (logic h) l) (Op.logic_of_nop n) ha | Aapp (i, ha) -> Array.fold_left (fun l h -> SL.union (logic h) l) (Op.logic_of_indexed i) ha and logic h = logic_atom h.hval end module Form = SmtForm.Make(Atom) module Trace = SmtTrace.MakeOpt(Form) (* Interpretation tables *) let mk_ftype cod dom = let typeb = Lazy.force ctype in let typea = mklApp clist [|typeb|] in let a = Array.fold_right (fun bt acc -> mklApp ccons [|typeb; SmtBtype.to_coq bt; acc|]) cod (mklApp cnil [|typeb|]) in let b = SmtBtype.to_coq dom in mklApp cpair [|typea;typeb;a;b|] let make_t_i = SmtBtype.make_t_i let make_t_func ro t_i = Op.interp_tbl (mklApp ctval [|t_i|]) (fun cod dom value -> mklApp cTval [|t_i; mk_ftype cod dom; value|]) ro