(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *) (* *) (* Michaël Armand *) (* Benjamin Grégoire *) (* Chantal Keller *) (* *) (* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type indexed_type val dummy_indexed_type: int -> indexed_type val indexed_type_index : indexed_type -> int type btype = | TZ | Tbool | Tpositive | Tindex of indexed_type module Btype : sig val equal : btype -> btype -> bool val to_coq : btype -> Term.constr val to_smt : Format.formatter -> btype -> unit type reify_tbl val create : unit -> reify_tbl val declare : reify_tbl -> Term.constr -> Term.constr -> btype val of_coq : reify_tbl -> Term.constr -> btype val interp_tbl : reify_tbl -> Term.constr val to_list : reify_tbl -> (int * indexed_type) list val interp_to_coq : reify_tbl -> btype -> Term.constr end (** Operators *) type cop = | CO_xH | CO_Z0 type uop = | UO_xO | UO_xI | UO_Zpos | UO_Zneg | UO_Zopp type bop = | BO_Zplus | BO_Zminus | BO_Zmult | BO_Zlt | BO_Zle | BO_Zge | BO_Zgt | BO_eq of btype type nop = | NO_distinct of btype type indexed_op val dummy_indexed_op: int -> btype array -> btype -> indexed_op val indexed_op_index : indexed_op -> int module Op : sig type reify_tbl val create : unit -> reify_tbl val declare : reify_tbl -> Term.constr -> btype array -> btype -> indexed_op val of_coq : reify_tbl -> Term.constr -> indexed_op val interp_tbl : Term.constr -> (btype array -> btype -> Term.constr -> Term.constr) -> reify_tbl -> Term.constr val to_list : reify_tbl -> (int * (btype array) * btype * indexed_op) list end (** Definition of atoms *) type hatom type atom = | Acop of cop | Auop of uop * hatom | Abop of bop * hatom * hatom | Anop of nop * hatom array | Aapp of indexed_op * hatom array module Atom : sig type t = hatom val equal : hatom -> hatom -> bool val index : hatom -> int val atom : hatom -> atom val type_of : hatom -> btype val to_smt : Format.formatter -> t -> unit exception NotWellTyped of atom type reify_tbl val create : unit -> reify_tbl val clear : reify_tbl -> unit val get : reify_tbl -> atom -> hatom (** Given a coq term, build the corresponding atom *) val of_coq : Btype.reify_tbl -> Op.reify_tbl -> reify_tbl -> Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> Term.constr -> t val to_coq : hatom -> Term.constr val to_array : reify_tbl -> 'a -> (atom -> 'a) -> 'a array val interp_tbl : reify_tbl -> Term.constr val interp_to_coq : (int, Term.constr) Hashtbl.t -> t -> Term.constr (* Generation of atoms *) val hatom_Z_of_int : reify_tbl -> int -> hatom val hatom_Z_of_bigint : reify_tbl -> Big_int.big_int -> hatom val mk_eq : reify_tbl -> btype -> hatom -> hatom -> hatom val mk_lt : reify_tbl -> hatom -> hatom -> hatom val mk_le : reify_tbl -> hatom -> hatom -> hatom val mk_gt : reify_tbl -> hatom -> hatom -> hatom val mk_ge : reify_tbl -> hatom -> hatom -> hatom val mk_plus : reify_tbl -> hatom -> hatom -> hatom val mk_minus : reify_tbl -> hatom -> hatom -> hatom val mk_mult : reify_tbl -> hatom -> hatom -> hatom val mk_opp : reify_tbl -> hatom -> hatom val mk_distinct : reify_tbl -> btype -> hatom array -> hatom end module Form : SmtForm.FORM with type hatom = hatom module Trace : sig val share_prefix : Form.t SmtCertif.clause -> int -> unit end val make_t_i : Btype.reify_tbl -> Term.constr val make_t_func : Op.reify_tbl -> Term.constr -> Term.constr