(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open SmtMisc open CoqTerms (** Syntaxified version of Coq type *) type indexed_type = Structures.constr gen_hashed let dummy_indexed_type i = {index = i; hval = Structures.mkProp} let indexed_type_index i = i.index let indexed_type_hval i = i.hval type btype = | TZ | Tbool | Tpositive | TBV of int | TFArray of btype * btype | Tindex of indexed_type let index_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17 let index_to_coq i = try Hashtbl.find index_tbl i with Not_found -> let interp = mklApp cTindex [|mkInt i|] in Hashtbl.add index_tbl i interp; interp let indexed_type_of_int i = {index = i; hval = index_to_coq i } let rec equal t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with | Tindex i, Tindex j -> i.index == j.index | TBV i, TBV j -> i == j | TFArray (ti, te), TFArray (ti', te') -> equal ti ti' && equal te te' | _ -> t1 == t2 let rec to_coq = function | TZ -> Lazy.force cTZ | Tbool -> Lazy.force cTbool | Tpositive -> Lazy.force cTpositive | TBV n -> mklApp cTBV [|mkN n|] | Tindex i -> index_to_coq i.index | TFArray (ti, te) -> mklApp cTFArray [|to_coq ti; to_coq te|] let rec to_smt fmt = function | TZ -> Format.fprintf fmt "Int" | Tbool -> Format.fprintf fmt "Bool" | Tpositive -> Format.fprintf fmt "Int" | TBV i -> Format.fprintf fmt "(_ BitVec %i)" i | Tindex i -> Format.fprintf fmt "Tindex_%i" i.index | TFArray (ti, te) -> Format.fprintf fmt "(Array %a %a)" to_smt ti to_smt te let rec logic = function | TZ | Tpositive -> SL.singleton LLia | Tbool -> SL.empty | TBV _ -> SL.singleton LBitvectors | Tindex _ -> SL.singleton LUF | TFArray (ti, te) -> SL.add LArrays (SL.union (logic ti) (logic te)) (* reify table *) type reify_tbl = { mutable count : int; tbl : (Structures.constr, btype) Hashtbl.t; mutable cuts : (Structures.id * Structures.types) list; unsup_tbl : (btype, btype) Hashtbl.t; } let create () = let htbl = Hashtbl.create 17 in Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cZ) TZ; Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cbool) Tbool; (* Hashtbl.add htbl (Lazy.force cpositive) Tpositive; *) { count = 0; tbl = htbl; cuts = []; unsup_tbl = Hashtbl.create 17; } (* Should we give a way to clear it? *) let op_coq_types = Hashtbl.create 17 let get_coq_type_op = Hashtbl.find op_coq_types (* let logic_of_coq reify t = logic (of_coq reify t) *) let interp_tbl reify = let t = Array.make (reify.count + 1) (Lazy.force cunit_typ_compdec) in let set _ = function | Tindex it -> t.(it.index) <- it.hval | _ -> () in Hashtbl.iter set reify.tbl; Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force ctyp_compdec, t) let to_list reify = let set _ t acc = match t with | Tindex it -> (it.index,it)::acc | _ -> acc in Hashtbl.fold set reify.tbl [] let make_t_i rt = interp_tbl rt (* let interp_t t_i t = * mklApp cinterp_t [|t_i ; to_coq t|] *) let dec_interp t_i t = mklApp cdec_interp [|t_i ; to_coq t|] let ord_interp t_i t = mklApp cord_interp [|t_i ; to_coq t|] let comp_interp t_i t = mklApp ccomp_interp [|t_i ; to_coq t|] let inh_interp t_i t = mklApp cinh_interp [|t_i ; to_coq t|] let rec interp t_i = function | TZ -> Lazy.force cZ | Tbool -> Lazy.force cbool | Tpositive -> Lazy.force cpositive | TBV n -> mklApp cbitvector [|mkN n|] | Tindex c -> mklApp cte_carrier [|c.hval|] (* | TFArray _ as t -> interp_t t_i t *) | TFArray (ti,te) -> mklApp cfarray [| interp t_i ti; interp t_i te; ord_interp t_i ti; inh_interp t_i te |] let interp_to_coq reify t = interp (make_t_i reify) t let get_cuts reify = reify.cuts let declare reify t typ_compdec = (* TODO: allows to have only typ_compdec *) assert (not (Hashtbl.mem reify.tbl t)); let res = Tindex {index = reify.count; hval = typ_compdec} in Hashtbl.add reify.tbl t res; reify.count <- reify.count + 1; res exception Unknown_type of btype let check_known ty known_logic = let l = logic ty in if not (SL.subset l known_logic) then raise (Unknown_type ty) else ty let rec compdec_btype reify = function | Tbool -> Lazy.force cbool_compdec | TZ -> Lazy.force cZ_compdec | Tpositive -> Lazy.force cPositive_compdec | TBV s -> mklApp cBV_compdec [|mkN s|] | TFArray (ti, te) -> mklApp cFArray_compdec [|interp_to_coq reify ti; interp_to_coq reify te; compdec_btype reify ti; compdec_btype reify te|] | Tindex i -> let c, args = Structures.decompose_app i.hval in if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTyp_compdec) then match args with | [_; tic] -> tic | _ -> assert false else assert false let declare_and_compdec reify t ty = try Hashtbl.find reify.unsup_tbl ty with Not_found -> let res = declare reify t (mklApp cTyp_compdec [|t; compdec_btype reify ty|]) in Hashtbl.add reify.unsup_tbl ty res; res let rec of_coq reify known_logic t = try let c, args = Structures.decompose_app t in if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cbool) || Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTbool) then Tbool else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cZ) || Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTZ) then check_known TZ known_logic else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cpositive) || Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTpositive) then check_known Tpositive known_logic else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cbitvector) || Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTBV) then match args with | [s] -> check_known (TBV (mk_bvsize s)) known_logic | _ -> assert false else if Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cfarray) || Structures.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cTFArray) then match args with | ti :: te :: _ -> let ty = TFArray (of_coq reify known_logic ti, of_coq reify known_logic te) in check_known ty known_logic | _ -> assert false else try Hashtbl.find reify.tbl t with Not_found -> let n = string_of_int (List.length reify.cuts) in let compdec_name = Structures.mkId ("CompDec"^n) in let compdec_var = Structures.mkVar compdec_name in let compdec_type = mklApp cCompDec [| t |]in reify.cuts <- (compdec_name, compdec_type) :: reify.cuts; let ce = mklApp cTyp_compdec [|t; compdec_var|] in let ty = declare reify t ce in (match ty with Tindex h -> Hashtbl.add op_coq_types h.index t | _ -> assert false); ty with Unknown_type ty -> try Hashtbl.find reify.tbl t with Not_found -> declare_and_compdec reify t ty