(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) type used = int type clause_id = int type 'hform rule = (* Weakening *) | Weaken of 'hform clause * 'hform list (* * weaken : {a_1 ... a_n} --> {a_1 ... a_n b_1 ... b_n} *) (* Simplification *) | ImmFlatten of 'hform clause * 'hform (* CNF Transformations *) | True (* * true : {true} *) | False (* * false : {(not false)} *) | BuildDef of 'hform (* the first literal of the clause *) (* * and_neg : {(and a_1 ... a_n) (not a_1) ... (not a_n)} * or_pos : {(not (or a_1 ... a_n)) a_1 ... a_n} * implies_pos : {(not (implies a b)) (not a) b} * xor_pos1 : {(not (xor a b)) a b} * xor_neg1 : {(xor a b) a (not b)} * equiv_pos1 : {(not (iff a b)) a (not b)} * equiv_neg1 : {(iff a b) (not a) (not b)} * ite_pos1 : {(not (if_then_else a b c)) a c} * ite_neg1 : {(if_then_else a b c) a (not c)} *) | BuildDef2 of 'hform (* the first literal of the clause *) (* * xor_pos2 : {(not (xor a b)) (not a) (not b)} * xor_neg2 : {(xor a b) (not a) b} * equiv_pos2 : {(not (iff a b)) (not a) b} * equiv_neg2 : {(iff a b) a b} * ite_pos2 : {(not (if_then_else a b c)) (not a) b} * ite_neg2 : {(if_then_else a b c) (not a) (not b)} *) | BuildProj of 'hform * int (* * or_neg : {(or a_1 ... a_n) (not a_i)} * and_pos : {(not (and a_1 ... a_n)) a_i} * implies_neg1 : {(implies a b) a} * implies_neg2 : {(implies a b) (not b)} *) (* Immediate CNF transformation : CNF transformation + Reso *) | ImmBuildDef of 'hform clause (* * not_and : {(not (and a_1 ... a_n))} --> {(not a_1) ... (not a_n)} * or : {(or a_1 ... a_n)} --> {a_1 ... a_n} * implies : {(implies a b)} --> {(not a) b} * xor1 : {(xor a b)} --> {a b} * not_xor1 : {(not (xor a b))} --> {a (not b)} * equiv2 : {(iff a b)} --> {a (not b)} * not_equiv2 : {(not (iff a b))} --> {(not a) (not b)} * ite1 : {(if_then_else a b c)} --> {a c} * not_ite1 : {(not (if_then_else a b c))} --> {a (not c)} *) | ImmBuildDef2 of 'hform clause (* * xor2 : {(xor a b)} --> {(not a) (not b)} * not_xor2 : {(not (xor a b))} --> {(not a) b} * equiv1 : {(iff a b)} --> {(not a) b} * not_equiv1 : {(not (iff a b))} --> {a b} * ite2 : {(if_then_else a b c)} --> {(not a) b} * not_ite2 : {(not (if_then_else a b c))} --> {(not a) (not b)} *) | ImmBuildProj of 'hform clause * int (* * and : {(and a_1 ... a_n)} --> {a_i} * not_or : {(not (or a_1 ... a_n))} --> {(not a_i)} * not_implies1 : {(not (implies a b))} --> {a} * not_implies2 : {(not (implies a b))} --> {(not b)} *) (* Equality *) | EqTr of 'hform * 'hform list (* * eq_reflexive : {(= x x)} * eq_transitive : {(not (= x_1 x_2)) ... (not (= x_{n-1} x_n)) (= x_1 x_n)} *) | EqCgr of 'hform * ('hform option) list (* * eq_congruent : {(not (= x_1 y_1)) ... (not (= x_n y_n)) (= (f x_1 ... x_n) (f y_1 ... y_n))} *) | EqCgrP of 'hform * 'hform * ('hform option) list (* * eq_congruent_pred : {(not (= x_1 y_1)) ... (not (= x_n y_n)) (not (p x_1 ... x_n)) (p y_1 ... y_n)} *) (* Linear arithmetic *) | LiaMicromega of 'hform list * Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list | LiaDiseq of 'hform (* Arithmetic simplifications *) | SplArith of 'hform clause * 'hform * Structures.Micromega_plugin_Certificate.Mc.zArithProof list (* Elimination of operators *) | SplDistinctElim of 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting *) | BBVar of 'hform (* Bit-blasting a variable: ----------------------- bbVar bbT(x, [x0; ...; xn]) *) | BBConst of 'hform (* Bit-blasting a constant: ----------------------- bbConst bbT(#0100, [0; 0; 1; 0]) *) | BBOp of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitwise operations: bbAnd, bbOr, ... bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) bbT(b, [b0; ...; bn]) -------------------------------------------------- bbAnd bbT(a&b, [a0 /\ b0; ...; an /\ bn]) *) | BBNot of 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector not bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) ------------------------------ bbNot bbT(not a, [~a0 ; ...; ~an]) *) | BBNeg of 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector negation bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) ------------------------------ bbNot bbT(-a, [...]) *) | BBAdd of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector addition bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) bbT(b, [b0; ...; bn]) -------------------------------------------------- bbAnd bbT(a+b, [...]) *) | BBMul of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector multiplication bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) bbT(b, [b0; ...; bn]) -------------------------------------------------- bbAnd bbT(a*b, [...]) *) | BBUlt of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector unsigned comparison bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) bbT(b, [b0; ...; bn]) -------------------------------------------------- bbAnd bvult a b <-> ... *) | BBSlt of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector signed comparison bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) bbT(b, [b0; ...; bn]) -------------------------------------------------- bbAnd bvslt a b <-> ... *) | BBConc of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector concatenation bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) bbT(b, [b0; ...; bn]) -------------------------------------------------- bbConc bbT(concat a b, [a0; ...; an; b0; ...; bn]) *) | BBExtr of 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector extraction bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) ----------------------------------- bbExtr bbT(extract i j a, [ai; ...; aj]) *) | BBZextn of 'hform clause * 'hform | BBSextn of 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector extensions *) | BBShl of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector shift left *) | BBShr of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting bitvector shift right *) | BBEq of 'hform clause * 'hform clause * 'hform (* Bit-blasting equality bbT(a, [a0; ...; an]) bbT(b, [b0; ...; bn]) -------------------------------------------------- bbEq (a = b) <-> [(a0 <-> b0) /\ ... /\ (an <-> bn)] *) | BBDiseq of 'hform (* disequality over constant bitvectors ----------------------------- bbDiseq #b000010101 <> #b00000000 *) | RowEq of 'hform (* Read over write same index ------------------------------- roweq select (store a i v) i = v *) | RowNeq of 'hform list (* Read over write other index ------------------------------------------------- rowneq i <> j -> select (store a i v) j = select a j *) | Ext of 'hform (* Extensionality over arrays ------------------------------------------------------- ext a = b \/ select a (diff a b) <> select b (diff a b) *) (* Possibility to introduce "holes" in proofs (that should be filled in Coq) *) | Hole of ('hform clause) list * 'hform list | Forall_inst of 'hform clause * 'hform | Qf_lemma of 'hform clause * 'hform and 'hform clause = { mutable id : clause_id; mutable kind : 'hform clause_kind; mutable pos : int option; mutable used : used; mutable prev : 'hform clause option; mutable next : 'hform clause option; mutable value : 'hform list option; } and 'hform clause_kind = Root | Same of 'hform clause | Res of 'hform resolution | Other of 'hform rule and 'hform resolution = { mutable rc1 : 'hform clause; mutable rc2 : 'hform clause; mutable rtail : 'hform clause list; } val used_clauses : 'a rule -> 'a clause list val to_string : 'a clause_kind -> string val print_certif : ('a -> Format.formatter -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b clause -> string -> unit