(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2015 *) (* *) (* Michaël Armand *) (* Benjamin Grégoire *) (* Chantal Keller *) (* *) (* Inria - École Polytechnique - MSR-Inria Joint Lab *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open SmtForm open SmtCertif open SmtTrace module MakeCnf (Form:FORM) = struct type form_info = | Immediate of bool (* true if the positive literal is set *) | Done (* means that the equivalence clauses have been generated *) | Todo (* nothing has been done, process the cnf transformation *) let info = Hashtbl.create 17 let init_last = let last = SmtTrace.mk_scertif Root None in SmtTrace.clear (); last let last = ref init_last let cnf_todo = ref [] let clear () = Hashtbl.clear info; last := init_last; cnf_todo := [] let push_cnf args = cnf_todo := args :: !cnf_todo let get_info l = try Hashtbl.find info (Form.index l) with Not_found -> Todo let set_done l = Hashtbl.add info (Form.index l) Done let set_immediate l = Hashtbl.add info (Form.index l) (Immediate (Form.is_pos l)) let test_immediate l = match get_info l with | Immediate b -> b = Form.is_pos l | _ -> false let check_trivial cl = List.exists test_immediate cl let link_Other other cl = if not (check_trivial cl) then let c = mkOther other (Some cl) in link !last c; last := c let both_lit l = if Form.is_pos l then Form.neg l,l else l, Form.neg l let or_of_imp args = Array.mapi (fun i l -> if i = Array.length args - 1 then l else Form.neg l) args let rec cnf l = match get_info l with | Immediate _ | Done -> () | Todo -> match Form.pform l with | Fatom _ -> () | Fapp (op,args) -> match op with | Ftrue | Ffalse -> () | Fand -> let nl,pl = both_lit l in let nargs = Array.map Form.neg args in link_Other (BuildDef pl) (pl::Array.to_list nargs); Array.iteri (fun i l' -> link_Other (BuildProj (nl,i)) [nl;l']) args; set_done l; Array.iter cnf args | For -> let nl,pl = both_lit l in link_Other (BuildDef nl) (nl::Array.to_list args); Array.iteri (fun i l' -> link_Other (BuildProj(pl,i)) [pl;Form.neg l']) args; set_done l; Array.iter cnf args | Fimp -> let args = or_of_imp args in let nl,pl = both_lit l in link_Other (BuildDef nl) (nl::Array.to_list args); Array.iteri (fun i l' -> link_Other (BuildProj(pl,i)) [pl;Form.neg l']) args; set_done l; Array.iter cnf args | Fxor -> let nl,pl = both_lit l in let a, b = args.(0), args.(1) in let na, nb = Form.neg a, Form.neg b in link_Other (BuildDef nl) [nl;a;b]; link_Other (BuildDef pl) [pl;a;nb]; link_Other (BuildDef2 nl) [nl;na;nb]; link_Other (BuildDef2 pl) [pl;na;b]; set_done l; cnf a; cnf b | Fiff -> let nl,pl = both_lit l in let a, b = args.(0), args.(1) in let na, nb = Form.neg a, Form.neg b in link_Other (BuildDef nl) [nl;a;nb]; link_Other (BuildDef pl) [pl;na;nb]; link_Other (BuildDef2 nl) [nl;na;b]; link_Other (BuildDef2 pl) [pl;a;b]; set_done l; cnf a; cnf b | Fite -> let nl,pl = both_lit l in let a, b, c = args.(0), args.(1), args.(2) in let na, nb, nc = Form.neg a, Form.neg b, Form.neg c in link_Other (BuildDef nl) [nl;a;c]; link_Other (BuildDef pl) [pl;a;nc]; link_Other (BuildDef2 nl) [nl;na;b]; link_Other (BuildDef2 pl) [pl;na;nb]; set_done l; cnf a; cnf b; cnf c | Fnot2 _ -> cnf args.(0) exception Cnf_done let rec imm_link_Other other l = if not (test_immediate l) then let c = mkOther other (Some [l]) in link !last c; last := c; imm_cnf c and imm_cnf c = let l = match c.value with | Some [l] -> begin match Form.pform l with | Fapp (Fnot2 _, args) -> let l' = args.(0) in if Form.is_pos l then l' else Form.neg l' | _ -> l end | _ -> assert false in match get_info l with | Immediate b -> if b = Form.is_neg l then raise Cnf_done | Done -> assert false | Todo -> set_immediate l; match Form.pform l with | Fatom _ -> () | Fapp (op,args) -> match op with | Ftrue | Ffalse -> () | Fand -> if Form.is_pos l then Array.iteri (fun i l' -> imm_link_Other (ImmBuildProj(c,i)) l') args else begin let nargs = Array.map Form.neg args in link_Other (ImmBuildDef c) (Array.to_list nargs); push_cnf args end | For -> if Form.is_pos l then begin link_Other (ImmBuildDef c) (Array.to_list args); push_cnf args end else Array.iteri (fun i l' -> imm_link_Other (ImmBuildProj(c,i)) (Form.neg l')) args | Fimp -> let args = or_of_imp args in if Form.is_pos l then begin link_Other (ImmBuildDef c) (Array.to_list args); push_cnf args end else Array.iteri (fun i l' -> imm_link_Other (ImmBuildProj(c,i)) (Form.neg l')) args | Fxor -> let args1 = if Form.is_pos l then [args.(0);args.(1)] else [args.(0);Form.neg args.(1)] in let args2 = if Form.is_pos l then [Form.neg args.(0);Form.neg args.(1)] else [Form.neg args.(0); args.(1)] in link_Other (ImmBuildDef c) args1; link_Other (ImmBuildDef2 c) args2; push_cnf args | Fiff -> let args1 = if Form.is_pos l then [args.(0);Form.neg args.(1)] else [Form.neg args.(0);Form.neg args.(1)] in let args2 = if Form.is_pos l then [Form.neg args.(0);args.(1)] else [args.(0); args.(1)] in link_Other (ImmBuildDef c) args1; link_Other (ImmBuildDef2 c) args2; push_cnf args | Fite -> let args1 = if Form.is_pos l then [args.(0);Form.neg args.(2)] else [args.(0);Form.neg args.(2)] in let args2 = if Form.is_pos l then [Form.neg args.(0);args.(1)] else [Form.neg args.(0); Form.neg args.(1)] in link_Other (ImmBuildDef c) args1; link_Other (ImmBuildDef2 c) args2; push_cnf args | Fnot2 _ -> assert false let make_cnf reify c = let ftrue = Form.get reify (Fapp(Ftrue, [||])) in let ffalse = Form.get reify (Fapp(Ffalse, [||])) in last := c; link_Other True [ftrue]; link_Other False [Form.neg ffalse]; (try imm_cnf c; List.iter (Array.iter cnf) !cnf_todo with Cnf_done -> ()); let res = !last in clear (); res end