(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2016 *) (* *) (* Michaël Armand *) (* Benjamin Grégoire *) (* Chantal Keller *) (* *) (* Inria - École Polytechnique - Université Paris-Sud *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Util open SmtMisc open CoqTerms module type ATOM = sig type t val index : t -> int val equal : t -> t -> bool val is_bool_type : t -> bool end type fop = | Ftrue | Ffalse | Fand | For | Fxor | Fimp | Fiff | Fite | Fnot2 of int type ('a,'f) gen_pform = | Fatom of 'a | Fapp of fop * 'f array module type FORM = sig type hatom type t type pform = (hatom, t) gen_pform val pform_true : pform val pform_false : pform val equal : t -> t -> bool val to_lit : t -> int val index : t -> int val pform : t -> pform val neg : t -> t val is_pos : t -> bool val is_neg : t -> bool val to_smt : (Format.formatter -> hatom -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit (* Building formula from positive formula *) exception NotWellTyped of pform type reify val create : unit -> reify val clear : reify -> unit val get : reify -> pform -> t (** Give a coq term, build the corresponding formula *) val of_coq : (Term.constr -> hatom) -> reify -> Term.constr -> t (** Flattening of [Fand] and [For], removing of [Fnot2] *) val flatten : reify -> t -> t (** Producing Coq terms *) val to_coq : t -> Term.constr val pform_tbl : reify -> pform array val to_array : reify -> 'a -> (pform -> 'a) -> int * 'a array val interp_tbl : reify -> Term.constr * Term.constr val nvars : reify -> int (** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation of a formula *) (** [interp_atom] map [hatom] to coq term, it is better if it produce shared terms. *) val interp_to_coq : (hatom -> Term.constr) -> (int, Term.constr) Hashtbl.t -> t -> Term.constr end module Make (Atom:ATOM) = struct type hatom = Atom.t type pform = (Atom.t, t) gen_pform and hpform = pform gen_hashed and t = | Pos of hpform | Neg of hpform let pform_true = Fapp (Ftrue,[||]) let pform_false = Fapp (Ffalse,[||]) let equal h1 h2 = match h1, h2 with | Pos hp1, Pos hp2 -> hp1.index == hp2.index | Neg hp1, Neg hp2 -> hp1.index == hp2.index | _, _ -> false let index = function | Pos hp -> hp.index | Neg hp -> hp.index let to_lit = function | Pos hp -> hp.index * 2 | Neg hp -> hp.index * 2 + 1 let neg = function | Pos hp -> Neg hp | Neg hp -> Pos hp let is_pos = function | Pos _ -> true | _ -> false let is_neg = function | Neg _ -> true | _ -> false let pform = function | Pos hp -> hp.hval | Neg hp -> hp.hval let rec to_smt atom_to_smt fmt = function | Pos hp -> to_smt_pform atom_to_smt fmt hp.hval | Neg hp -> Format.fprintf fmt "(not "; to_smt_pform atom_to_smt fmt hp.hval; Format.fprintf fmt ")" and to_smt_pform atom_to_smt fmt = function | Fatom a -> atom_to_smt fmt a | Fapp (op,args) -> to_smt_op atom_to_smt fmt op args and to_smt_op atom_to_smt fmt op args = let s = match op with | Ftrue -> "true" | Ffalse -> "false" | Fand -> "and" | For -> "or" | Fxor -> "xor" | Fimp -> "=>" | Fiff -> "=" | Fite -> "ite" | Fnot2 _ -> "" in let (s1,s2) = if Array.length args = 0 then ("","") else ("(",")") in Format.fprintf fmt "%s%s" s1 s; Array.iter (fun h -> Format.fprintf fmt " "; to_smt atom_to_smt fmt h) args; Format.fprintf fmt "%s" s2 module HashedForm = struct type t = pform let equal pf1 pf2 = match pf1, pf2 with | Fatom ha1, Fatom ha2 -> Atom.equal ha1 ha2 | Fapp(op1,args1), Fapp(op2,args2) -> op1 = op2 && Array.length args1 == Array.length args2 && (try for i = 0 to Array.length args1 - 1 do if not (equal args1.(i) args2.(i)) then raise Not_found done; true with Not_found -> false) | _, _ -> false let hash pf = match pf with | Fatom ha1 -> Atom.index ha1 * 2 | Fapp(op, args) -> let hash_args = match Array.length args with | 0 -> 0 | 1 -> to_lit args.(0) | 2 -> (to_lit args.(1)) lsl 2 + to_lit args.(0) | _ -> (to_lit args.(2)) lsl 4 + (to_lit args.(1)) lsl 2 + to_lit args.(0) in (hash_args * 10 + Hashtbl.hash op) * 2 + 1 end module HashForm = Hashtbl.Make (HashedForm) type reify = { mutable count : int; tbl : t HashForm.t } exception NotWellTyped of pform let check pf = match pf with | Fatom ha -> if not (Atom.is_bool_type ha) then raise (NotWellTyped pf) | Fapp (op, args) -> match op with | Ftrue | Ffalse -> if Array.length args <> 0 then raise (NotWellTyped pf) | Fnot2 _ -> if Array.length args <> 1 then raise (NotWellTyped pf) | Fand | For -> () | Fxor | Fimp | Fiff -> if Array.length args <> 2 then raise (NotWellTyped pf) | Fite -> if Array.length args <> 3 then raise (NotWellTyped pf) let declare reify pf = check pf; let res = Pos {index = reify.count; hval = pf} in HashForm.add reify.tbl pf res; reify.count <- reify.count + 1; res let create () = let reify = { count = 0; tbl = HashForm.create 17 } in let _ = declare reify pform_true in let _ = declare reify pform_false in reify let clear r = r.count <- 0; HashForm.clear r.tbl; let _ = declare r pform_true in let _ = declare r pform_false in () let get reify pf = try HashForm.find reify.tbl pf with Not_found -> declare reify pf (** Given a coq term, build the corresponding formula *) type coq_cst = | CCtrue | CCfalse | CCnot | CCand | CCor | CCxor | CCimp | CCiff | CCifb | CCunknown module ConstrHash = struct type t = Term.constr let equal = Term.eq_constr let hash = Term.hash_constr end module ConstrHashtbl = Hashtbl.Make(ConstrHash) let op_tbl () = let tbl = ConstrHashtbl.create 29 in let add (c1,c2) = ConstrHashtbl.add tbl (Lazy.force c1) c2 in List.iter add [ ctrue,CCtrue; cfalse,CCfalse; candb,CCand; corb,CCor; cxorb,CCxor; cimplb,CCimp; cnegb,CCnot; ceqb,CCiff; cifb,CCifb ]; tbl let op_tbl = lazy (op_tbl ()) let empty_args = [||] let of_coq atom_of_coq reify c = let op_tbl = Lazy.force op_tbl in let get_cst c = try ConstrHashtbl.find op_tbl c with Not_found -> CCunknown in let rec mk_hform h = let c, args = Term.decompose_app h in match get_cst c with | CCtrue -> get reify (Fapp(Ftrue,empty_args)) | CCfalse -> get reify (Fapp(Ffalse,empty_args)) | CCnot -> mk_fnot 1 args | CCand -> mk_fand [] args | CCor -> mk_for [] args | CCxor -> op2 (fun l -> Fapp(Fxor,l)) args | CCiff -> op2 (fun l -> Fapp(Fiff,l)) args | CCimp -> (match args with | [b1;b2] -> let l1 = mk_hform b1 in let l2 = mk_hform b2 in get reify (Fapp (Fimp, [|l1;l2|])) | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments for implb") | CCifb -> (* We should also be able to reify if then else *) begin match args with | [b1;b2;b3] -> let l1 = mk_hform b1 in let l2 = mk_hform b2 in let l3 = mk_hform b3 in get reify (Fapp(Fite, [|l1;l2;l3|])) | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments for ifb" end | _ -> let a = atom_of_coq h in get reify (Fatom a) and op2 f args = match args with | [b1;b2] -> let l1 = mk_hform b1 in let l2 = mk_hform b2 in get reify (f [|l1; l2|]) | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.of_coq: wrong number of arguments" and mk_fnot i args = match args with | [t] -> let c,args = Term.decompose_app t in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force cnegb) then mk_fnot (i+1) args else let q,r = i lsr 1 , i land 1 in let l = mk_hform t in let l = if r = 0 then l else neg l in if q = 0 then l else get reify (Fapp(Fnot2 q, [|l|])) | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for negb" and mk_fand acc args = match args with | [t1;t2] -> let l2 = mk_hform t2 in let c, args = Term.decompose_app t1 in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force candb) then mk_fand (l2::acc) args else let l1 = mk_hform t1 in get reify (Fapp(Fand, Array.of_list (l1::l2::acc))) | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for andb" and mk_for acc args = match args with | [t1;t2] -> let l2 = mk_hform t2 in let c, args = Term.decompose_app t1 in if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force corb) then mk_for (l2::acc) args else let l1 = mk_hform t1 in get reify (Fapp(For, Array.of_list (l1::l2::acc))) | _ -> Structures.error "SmtForm.Form.mk_hform: wrong number of arguments for orb" in let l = mk_hform c in l (** Flattening of Fand and For, removing of Fnot2 *) let set_sign f f' = if is_pos f then f' else neg f' let rec flatten reify f = match pform f with | Fatom _ -> f | Fapp(Fnot2 _,args) -> set_sign f (flatten reify args.(0)) | Fapp(Fand, args) -> set_sign f (flatten_and reify [] (Array.to_list args)) | Fapp(For,args) -> set_sign f (flatten_or reify [] (Array.to_list args)) | Fapp(op,args) -> (* TODO change Fimp into For ? *) set_sign f (get reify (Fapp(op, Array.map (flatten reify) args))) and flatten_and reify acc args = match args with | [] -> get reify (Fapp(Fand, Array.of_list (List.rev acc))) | a::args -> (* TODO change (not For) and (not Fimp) into Fand *) match pform a with | Fapp(Fand, args') when is_pos a -> let args = Array.fold_right (fun a args -> a::args) args' args in flatten_and reify acc args | _ -> flatten_and reify (flatten reify a :: acc) args and flatten_or reify acc args = (* TODO change Fimp and (not Fand) into For *) match args with | [] -> get reify (Fapp(For, Array.of_list (List.rev acc))) | a::args -> match pform a with | Fapp(For, args') when is_pos a -> let args = Array.fold_right (fun a args -> a::args) args' args in flatten_or reify acc args | _ -> flatten_or reify (flatten reify a :: acc) args (** Producing Coq terms *) let to_coq hf = mkInt (to_lit hf) let args_to_coq args = let cargs = Array.make (Array.length args + 1) (mkInt 0) in Array.iteri (fun i hf -> cargs.(i) <- to_coq hf) args; Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cint, cargs) let pf_to_coq = function | Fatom a -> mklApp cFatom [|mkInt (Atom.index a)|] | Fapp(op,args) -> match op with | Ftrue -> Lazy.force cFtrue | Ffalse -> Lazy.force cFfalse | Fand -> mklApp cFand [| args_to_coq args|] | For -> mklApp cFor [| args_to_coq args|] | Fimp -> mklApp cFimp [| args_to_coq args|] | Fxor -> mklApp cFxor (Array.map to_coq args) | Fiff -> mklApp cFiff (Array.map to_coq args) | Fite -> mklApp cFite (Array.map to_coq args) | Fnot2 i -> mklApp cFnot2 [|mkInt i; to_coq args.(0)|] let pform_tbl reify = let t = Array.make reify.count pform_true in let set _ h = match h with | Pos hp -> t.(hp.index) <- hp.hval | _ -> assert false in HashForm.iter set reify.tbl; t let to_array reify dft f = let t = Array.make (reify.count + 1) dft in let set _ h = match h with | Pos hp -> t.(hp.index) <- f hp.hval | _ -> assert false in HashForm.iter set reify.tbl; (reify.count, t) let interp_tbl reify = let (i,t) = to_array reify (Lazy.force cFtrue) pf_to_coq in (mkInt i, Structures.mkArray (Lazy.force cform, t)) let nvars reify = reify.count (** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation of a formula *) (** [interp_atom] map [Atom.t] to coq term, it is better if it produce shared terms. *) let interp_to_coq interp_atom form_tbl f = let rec interp_form f = let l = to_lit f in try Hashtbl.find form_tbl l with Not_found -> if is_neg f then let pc = interp_form (neg f) in let nc = mklApp cnegb [|pc|] in Hashtbl.add form_tbl l nc; nc else let pc = match pform f with | Fatom a -> interp_atom a | Fapp(op, args) -> match op with | Ftrue -> Lazy.force ctrue | Ffalse -> Lazy.force cfalse | Fand -> interp_args candb args | For -> interp_args corb args | Fxor -> interp_args cxorb args | Fimp -> let r = ref (interp_form args.(Array.length args - 1)) in for i = Array.length args - 2 downto 0 do r := mklApp cimplb [|interp_form args.(i); !r|] done; !r | Fiff -> interp_args ceqb args | Fite -> (* TODO with if here *) mklApp cifb (Array.map interp_form args) | Fnot2 n -> let r = ref (interp_form args.(0)) in for i = 1 to n do r := mklApp cnegb [|!r|] done; !r in Hashtbl.add form_tbl l pc; pc and interp_args op args = let r = ref (interp_form args.(0)) in for i = 1 to Array.length args - 1 do r := mklApp op [|!r;interp_form args.(i)|] done; !r in interp_form f end