(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open SmtMisc module type ATOM = sig type t val index : t -> int val equal : t -> t -> bool val is_bool_type : t -> bool val is_bv_type : t -> bool val to_smt : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val logic : t -> logic end type fop = | Ftrue | Ffalse | Fand | For | Fxor | Fimp | Fiff | Fite | Fnot2 of int | Fforall of (string * SmtBtype.btype) list type ('a,'f) gen_pform = | Fatom of 'a | Fapp of fop * 'f array | FbbT of 'a * 'f list module type FORM = sig type hatom type t type pform = (hatom, t) gen_pform val pform_true : pform val pform_false : pform val equal : t -> t -> bool val to_lit : t -> int val index : t -> int val pform : t -> pform val neg : t -> t val is_pos : t -> bool val is_neg : t -> bool val to_smt : ?debug:bool -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit val logic : t -> logic (* Building formula from positive formula *) exception NotWellTyped of pform type reify val create : unit -> reify val clear : reify -> unit val get : ?declare:bool -> reify -> pform -> t (** Given a coq term, build the corresponding formula *) val of_coq : (Structures.constr -> hatom) -> reify -> Structures.constr -> t val hash_hform : (hatom -> hatom) -> reify -> t -> t (** Flattening of [Fand] and [For], removing of [Fnot2] *) val flatten : reify -> t -> t (** Turn n-ary [Fand] and [For] into their right-associative counter-parts *) val right_assoc : reify -> t -> t (** Producing Coq terms *) val to_coq : t -> Structures.constr val pform_tbl : reify -> pform array val to_array : reify -> 'a -> (pform -> 'a) -> int * 'a array val interp_tbl : reify -> Structures.constr * Structures.constr val nvars : reify -> int (** Producing a Coq term corresponding to the interpretation of a formula *) (** [interp_atom] map [hatom] to coq term, it is better if it produce shared terms. *) val interp_to_coq : (hatom -> Structures.constr) -> (int, Structures.constr) Hashtbl.t -> t -> Structures.constr (* Unstratified terms *) type atom_form_lit = | Atom of hatom | Form of pform | Lit of t val lit_of_atom_form_lit : reify -> bool * atom_form_lit -> t end module Make (Atom:ATOM) : FORM with type hatom = Atom.t