(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) val notUsed : int val clear : unit -> unit val next_id : unit -> SmtCertif.clause_id val mk_scertif : 'a SmtCertif.clause_kind -> 'a list option -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val mkRootGen : 'a list option -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val mkRootV : 'a list -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val isRoot : 'a SmtCertif.clause_kind -> bool val mkRes : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause list -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val isRes : 'a SmtCertif.clause_kind -> bool val mkOther : 'a SmtCertif.rule -> 'a list option -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val next : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val has_prev : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> bool val prev : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val link : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause -> unit val clear_links : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> unit val skip : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> unit val insert_before : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause -> unit val get_res : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> string -> 'a SmtCertif.resolution val get_other : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> string -> 'a SmtCertif.rule val get_val : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a list val repr : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val set_same : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause -> unit val get_pos : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> int val eq_clause : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'b SmtCertif.clause -> bool val order_roots : ('a -> int) -> 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause * 'a SmtCertif.clause list val add_scertifs : ('a SmtCertif.clause_kind * 'a list option * 'a SmtCertif.clause) list -> 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'a SmtCertif.clause val select : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> unit val occur : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> unit val alloc : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> int val naive_alloc : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> int val build_certif : 'a SmtCertif.clause -> 'b SmtCertif.clause -> int val to_coq : ('a -> Structures.constr) -> ('a list list * 'a list -> Structures.types) -> Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t * Structures.constr Lazy.t -> 'a SmtCertif.clause -> ('a SmtCertif.clause -> Structures.types * Structures.constr) option -> Structures.constr * 'a SmtCertif.clause * (Structures.id * Structures.types) list module MakeOpt : functor (Form : SmtForm.FORM) -> sig val share_value : Form.t SmtCertif.clause -> unit module HashedHeadRes : sig type t = Form.t SmtCertif.resolution val equal : 'a SmtCertif.resolution -> 'b SmtCertif.resolution -> bool val hash : 'a SmtCertif.resolution -> int end module HRtbl : sig type key = HashedHeadRes.t type 'a t = 'a Hashtbl.Make(HashedHeadRes).t val create : int -> 'a t val clear : 'a t -> unit val reset : 'a t -> unit val copy : 'a t -> 'a t val add : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit val remove : 'a t -> key -> unit val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a val find_all : 'a t -> key -> 'a list val replace : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit val mem : 'a t -> key -> bool val iter : (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit val fold : (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b val length : 'a t -> int val stats : 'a t -> Hashtbl.statistics end val common_head : 'a SmtCertif.clause list -> 'b SmtCertif.clause list -> 'a SmtCertif.clause list * 'a SmtCertif.clause list * 'b SmtCertif.clause list val share_prefix : Form.t SmtCertif.clause -> int -> unit end