(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2016 *) (* *) (* Michaël Armand *) (* Benjamin Grégoire *) (* Chantal Keller *) (* *) (* Inria - École Polytechnique - Université Paris-Sud *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Entries open Declare open Decl_kinds open SmtMisc open CoqTerms open SmtForm open SmtCertif open SmtTrace open SmtAtom let debug = false (******************************************************************************) (* Given a verit trace build the corresponding certif and theorem *) (******************************************************************************) let import_trace filename first = let chan = open_in filename in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel chan in let confl_num = ref (-1) in let first_num = ref (-1) in let is_first = ref true in let line = ref 1 in (* let _ = Parsing.set_trace true in *) try while true do confl_num := VeritParser.line VeritLexer.token lexbuf; if !is_first then ( is_first := false; first_num := !confl_num ); incr line done; raise VeritLexer.Eof with | VeritLexer.Eof -> close_in chan; let first = let aux = VeritSyntax.get_clause !first_num in match first, aux.value with | Some (root,l), Some (fl::nil) -> if Form.equal l fl then aux else ( aux.kind <- Other (ImmFlatten(root,fl)); SmtTrace.link root aux; root ) | _,_ -> aux in let confl = VeritSyntax.get_clause !confl_num in SmtTrace.select confl; (* Trace.share_prefix first (2 * last.id); *) occur confl; (alloc first, confl) | Parsing.Parse_error -> failwith ("Verit.import_trace: parsing error line "^(string_of_int !line)) let clear_all () = SmtTrace.clear (); VeritSyntax.clear () let import_all fsmt fproof = clear_all (); let rt = Btype.create () in let ro = Op.create () in let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in let roots = Smtlib2_genConstr.import_smtlib2 rt ro ra rf fsmt in let (max_id, confl) = import_trace fproof None in (rt, ro, ra, rf, roots, max_id, confl) let parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_root trace fsmt fproof = SmtCommands.parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_root trace (import_all fsmt fproof) let theorem name fsmt fproof = SmtCommands.theorem name (import_all fsmt fproof) let checker fsmt fproof = SmtCommands.checker (import_all fsmt fproof) (******************************************************************************) (** Given a Coq formula build the proof *) (******************************************************************************) let export out_channel rt ro l = let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out_channel in Format.fprintf fmt "(set-logic QF_UFLIA)@."; List.iter (fun (i,t) -> let s = "Tindex_"^(string_of_int i) in VeritSyntax.add_btype s (Tindex t); Format.fprintf fmt "(declare-sort %s 0)@." s ) (Btype.to_list rt); List.iter (fun (i,cod,dom,op) -> let s = "op_"^(string_of_int i) in VeritSyntax.add_fun s op; Format.fprintf fmt "(declare-fun %s (" s; let is_first = ref true in Array.iter (fun t -> if !is_first then is_first := false else Format.fprintf fmt " "; Btype.to_smt fmt t) cod; Format.fprintf fmt ") "; Btype.to_smt fmt dom; Format.fprintf fmt ")@." ) (Op.to_list ro); Format.fprintf fmt "(assert "; Form.to_smt Atom.to_smt fmt l; Format.fprintf fmt ")@\n(check-sat)@\n(exit)@." (* val call_verit : Btype.reify_tbl -> Op.reify_tbl -> Form.t -> (Form.t clause * Form.t) -> (int * Form.t clause) *) let call_verit rt ro fl root = let (filename, outchan) = Filename.open_temp_file "verit_coq" ".smt2" in export outchan rt ro fl; close_out outchan; let logfilename = Filename.chop_extension filename ^ ".vtlog" in let command = "veriT --proof-prune --proof-merge --proof-with-sharing --cnf-definitional --disable-ackermann --input=smtlib2 --proof=" ^ logfilename ^ " " ^ filename in Format.eprintf "%s@." command; let t0 = Sys.time () in let exit_code = Sys.command command in let t1 = Sys.time () in Format.eprintf "Verit = %.5f@." (t1-.t0); if exit_code <> 0 then failwith ("Verit.call_verit: command " ^ command ^ " exited with code " ^ string_of_int exit_code); try import_trace logfilename (Some root) with | VeritSyntax.Sat -> Structures.error "veriT can't prove this" let tactic () = clear_all (); let rt = Btype.create () in let ro = Op.create () in let ra = VeritSyntax.ra in let rf = VeritSyntax.rf in SmtCommands.tactic call_verit rt ro ra rf