/**************************************************************************/ /* */ /* SMTCoq */ /* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2016 */ /* */ /* Michaël Armand */ /* Benjamin Grégoire */ /* Chantal Keller */ /* */ /* Inria - École Polytechnique - Université Paris-Sud */ /* */ /* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence */ /* */ /**************************************************************************/ %{ open SmtBtype open SmtAtom open SmtForm open VeritSyntax %} /* définition des lexèmes */ %token EOL SAT %token COLON SHARP %token LPAR RPAR %token NOT XOR ITE EQ LT LEQ GT GEQ PLUS MINUS MULT OPP LET DIST %token TBOOL TINT %token TINDEX %token INPU DEEP TRUE FALS ANDP ANDN ORP ORN XORP1 XORP2 XORN1 XORN2 IMPP IMPN1 IMPN2 EQUP1 EQUP2 EQUN1 EQUN2 ITEP1 ITEP2 ITEN1 ITEN2 EQRE EQTR EQCO EQCP DLGE LAGE LATA DLDE LADE FINS EINS SKEA SKAA QNTS QNTM RESO AND NOR OR NAND XOR1 XOR2 NXOR1 NXOR2 IMP NIMP1 NIMP2 EQU1 EQU2 NEQU1 NEQU2 ITE1 ITE2 NITE1 NITE2 TPAL TLAP TPLE TPNE TPDE TPSA TPIE TPMA TPBR TPBE TPSC TPPP TPQT TPQS TPSK SUBP HOLE FORALL %token INT %token BIGINT %token VAR BINDVAR ATVAR /* type de "retour" du parseur : une clause */ %type line /* %type term %start term */ %start line %% line: | SAT { raise Sat } | INT COLON LPAR typ clause RPAR EOL { mk_clause ($1,$4,$5,[]) } | INT COLON LPAR typ clause clause_ids_params RPAR EOL { mk_clause ($1,$4,$5,$6) } | INT COLON LPAR TPQT LPAR SHARP INT COLON LPAR forall_decl RPAR RPAR INT RPAR EOL { add_solver $7 $10; add_ref $7 $1; mk_clause ($1, Tpqt, [], [$13]) } | INT COLON LPAR FINS LPAR SHARP INT COLON LPAR OR LPAR NOT SHARP INT RPAR lit RPAR RPAR RPAR EOL { mk_clause ($1, Fins, [snd $16], [get_ref $14]) } ; typ: | TPBR { Tpbr } | INPU { Inpu } | DEEP { Deep } | TRUE { True } | FALS { Fals } | ANDP { Andp } | ANDN { Andn } | ORP { Orp } | ORN { Orn } | XORP1 { Xorp1 } | XORP2 { Xorp2 } | XORN1 { Xorn1 } | XORN2 { Xorn2 } | IMPP { Impp } | IMPN1 { Impn1 } | IMPN2 { Impn2 } | EQUP1 { Equp1 } | EQUP2 { Equp2 } | EQUN1 { Equn1 } | EQUN2 { Equn2 } | ITEP1 { Itep1 } | ITEP2 { Itep2 } | ITEN1 { Iten1 } | ITEN2 { Iten2 } | EQRE { Eqre } | EQTR { Eqtr } | EQCO { Eqco } | EQCP { Eqcp } | DLGE { Dlge } | LAGE { Lage } | LATA { Lata } | DLDE { Dlde } | LADE { Lade } | EINS { Eins } | SKEA { Skea } | SKAA { Skaa } | QNTS { Qnts } | QNTM { Qntm } | RESO { Reso } | AND { And } | NOR { Nor } | OR { Or } | NAND { Nand } | XOR1 { Xor1 } | XOR2 { Xor2 } | NXOR1 { Nxor1 } | NXOR2 { Nxor2 } | IMP { Imp } | NIMP1 { Nimp1 } | NIMP2 { Nimp2 } | EQU1 { Equ1 } | EQU2 { Equ2 } | NEQU1 { Nequ1 } | NEQU2 { Nequ2 } | ITE1 { Ite1 } | ITE2 { Ite2 } | NITE1 { Nite1 } | NITE2 { Nite2 } | TPAL { Tpal } | TLAP { Tlap } | TPLE { Tple } | TPNE { Tpne } | TPDE { Tpde } | TPSA { Tpsa } | TPIE { Tpie } | TPMA { Tpma } | TPBE { Tpbe } | TPSC { Tpsc } | TPPP { Tppp } | TPQS { Tpqs } | TPSK { Tpsk } | SUBP { Subp } | HOLE { Hole } ; clause: | LPAR RPAR { [] } | LPAR lit_list RPAR { let _, l = list_dec $2 in l } ; lit_list: | lit { [$1] } | lit lit_list { $1::$2 } ; lit: /* returns a SmtAtom.Form.t option */ | name_term { let decl, t = $1 in decl, lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (decl, t) } | LPAR NOT lit RPAR { apply_dec Form.neg $3 } ; nlit: | LPAR NOT lit RPAR { apply_dec Form.neg $3 } ; var_atvar: | VAR { $1 } | ATVAR { $1 } ; name_term: /* returns a bool * (SmtAtom.Form.pform or SmtAtom.hatom), the boolean indicates if we should declare the term or not */ | SHARP INT { get_solver $2 } | SHARP INT COLON LPAR term RPAR { let u = $5 in add_solver $2 u; u } | TRUE { true, Form Form.pform_true } | FALS { true, Form Form.pform_false } | var_atvar { let x = $1 in match find_opt_qvar x with | Some bt -> false, Atom (Atom.get ~declare:false ra (Aapp (dummy_indexed_op (Rel_name x) [||] bt, [||]))) | None -> true, Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (get_fun $1, [||]))) } | BINDVAR { true, Hashtbl.find hlets $1 } | INT { true, Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_int ra $1) } | BIGINT { true, Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra $1) } ; tvar: | TINT { TZ } | TBOOL { Tbool } | TINDEX { Tindex (indexed_type_of_int $1) } var_decl_list: | LPAR var_atvar tvar RPAR { add_qvar $2 $3; [$2, $3] } | LPAR var_atvar tvar RPAR var_decl_list { add_qvar $2 $3; ($2, $3)::$5 } ; forall_decl: | FORALL LPAR var_decl_list RPAR name_term { clear_qvar (); false, Form (Fapp (Fforall $3, [|lit_of_atom_form_lit rf $5|])) } ; term: /* returns a bool * (SmtAtom.Form.pform or SmtAtom.hatom), the boolean indicates if we should declare the term or not */ | LPAR term RPAR { $2 } /* Formulae */ | TRUE { true, Form Form.pform_true } | FALS { true, Form Form.pform_false } | AND lit_list { apply_dec (fun x -> Form (Fapp (Fand, Array.of_list x))) (list_dec $2) } | OR lit_list { apply_dec (fun x -> Form (Fapp (For, Array.of_list x))) (list_dec $2) } | IMP lit_list { apply_dec (fun x -> Form (Fapp (Fimp, Array.of_list x))) (list_dec $2) } | XOR lit_list { apply_dec (fun x -> Form (Fapp (Fxor, Array.of_list x))) (list_dec $2) } | ITE lit_list { apply_dec (fun x -> Form (Fapp (Fite, Array.of_list x))) (list_dec $2) } | forall_decl { $1 } /* Atoms */ | INT { true, Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_int ra $1) } | BIGINT { true, Atom (Atom.hatom_Z_of_bigint ra $1) } | LT name_term name_term { apply_bdec_atom (Atom.mk_lt ra) $2 $3 } | LEQ name_term name_term { apply_bdec_atom (Atom.mk_le ra) $2 $3 } | GT name_term name_term { apply_bdec_atom (Atom.mk_gt ra) $2 $3 } | GEQ name_term name_term { apply_bdec_atom (Atom.mk_ge ra) $2 $3 } | PLUS name_term name_term { apply_bdec_atom (Atom.mk_plus ra) $2 $3 } | MULT name_term name_term { apply_bdec_atom (Atom.mk_mult ra) $2 $3 } | MINUS name_term name_term { apply_bdec_atom (Atom.mk_minus ra) $2 $3} | MINUS name_term { apply_dec_atom (fun d a -> Atom.mk_neg ra a) $2 } | OPP name_term { apply_dec_atom (fun d a -> Atom.mk_opp ra ~declare:d a) $2 } | DIST args { let da, la = list_dec $2 in let a = Array.of_list la in da, Atom (Atom.mk_distinct ra (Atom.type_of a.(0)) ~declare:da a) } | VAR {let x = $1 in match find_opt_qvar x with | Some bt -> false, Atom (Atom.get ~declare:false ra (Aapp (dummy_indexed_op (Rel_name x) [||] bt, [||]))) | None -> true, Atom (Atom.get ra (Aapp (get_fun $1, [||])))} | VAR args { let f = $1 in let a = $2 in match find_opt_qvar f with | Some bt -> let op = dummy_indexed_op (Rel_name f) [||] bt in false, Atom (Atom.get ~declare:false ra (Aapp (op, Array.of_list (snd (list_dec a))))) | None -> let dl, l = list_dec $2 in dl, Atom (Atom.get ra ~declare:dl (Aapp (get_fun f, Array.of_list l))) } /* Both */ | EQ name_term name_term { let t1 = $2 in let t2 = $3 in match t1,t2 with | (decl1, Atom h1), (decl2, Atom h2) when (match Atom.type_of h1 with | SmtBtype.Tbool -> false | _ -> true) -> let decl = decl1 && decl2 in decl, Atom (Atom.mk_eq ra decl (Atom.type_of h1) h1 h2) | (decl1, t1), (decl2, t2) -> decl1 && decl2, Form (Fapp (Fiff, [|lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (decl1, t1); lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (decl2, t2)|])) } | EQ nlit lit { match $2, $3 with (decl1, t1), (decl2, t2) -> decl1 && decl2, Form (Fapp (Fiff, [|t1; t2|])) } | EQ name_term nlit { match $2, $3 with (decl1, t1), (decl2, t2) -> decl1 && decl2, Form (Fapp (Fiff, [|lit_of_atom_form_lit rf (decl1, t1); t2|])) } | LET LPAR bindlist RPAR name_term { $3; $5 } | BINDVAR { true, Hashtbl.find hlets $1 } ; blit: | name_term { $1 } | LPAR NOT lit RPAR { apply_dec (fun l -> Lit (Form.neg l)) $3 } ; bindlist: | LPAR BINDVAR blit RPAR { Hashtbl.add hlets $2 (snd $3) } | LPAR BINDVAR blit RPAR bindlist { Hashtbl.add hlets $2 (snd $3); $5 } args: | name_term { match $1 with decl, Atom h -> [decl, h] | _ -> assert false } | name_term args { match $1 with decl, Atom h -> (decl, h)::$2 | _ -> assert false } ; clause_ids_params: | int_list { $1 } ; int_list: | INT { [$1] } | INT int_list { let x1 = $1 in let x2 = $2 in x1::x2 } ;