(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) Require Import PArray. Section Trace. (* We use [array array step] to allow bigger trace *) Definition trace (step:Type) := array (array step). Definition trace_to_list {step:Type} (t:trace step) : list step := PArray.fold_left (fun res a => List.app res (PArray.to_list a)) nil t. Definition trace_length {step:Type} (t:trace step) : int := PArray.fold_left (fun l a => (l + (length a))%int63) 0%int63 t. Definition trace_get {step:Type} (t:trace step) (i:int) : step := snd (PArray.fold_left (fun (jres:(option int) * step) a => let (j,res) := jres in match j with | Some j' => let l := length a in if (j' < l)%int63 then (None, get a j') else ((Some ((j' - l)%int63)),res) | None => (None,res) end ) (Some i, (get (get t 0) 0)) t). Definition trace_fold {state step:Type} (transition: state -> step -> state) (s0:state) (t:trace step) := PArray.fold_left (PArray.fold_left transition) s0 t. Lemma trace_fold_ind (state step : Type) (P : state -> Prop) (transition : state -> step -> state) (t : trace step) (IH: forall (s0 : state) (i : int), (i < trace_length t)%int63 = true -> P s0 -> P (transition s0 (trace_get t i))) : forall s0 : state, P s0 -> P (trace_fold transition s0 t). Proof. apply PArray.fold_left_ind. intros a i Hi Ha. apply PArray.fold_left_ind;trivial. intros a0 i0 Hi0 Ha0. (* IH applied to a0 and (sum of the lengths of the first i arrays + i0) *) Admitted. End Trace. Definition nat_eqb := beq_nat. Definition nat_eqb_eq := beq_nat_true_iff. Definition nat_eqb_refl := NPeano.Nat.eqb_refl.