(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) Require Export DoubleType. Require Import Int31 Cyclic31 Ring31. Require Import ZArith. Require Import Bool. Definition size := size. Notation int := int31. Declare Scope int63_scope. Delimit Scope int63_scope with int. Bind Scope int63_scope with int. (* Some constants *) Notation "0" := 0%int31 : int63_scope. Notation "1" := 1%int31 : int63_scope. Notation "2" := 2%int31 : int63_scope. Notation "3" := 3%int31 : int63_scope. (* Comparisons *) Definition eqb := eqb31. Notation "m '==' n" := (eqb m n) (at level 70, no associativity) : int63_scope. Definition ltb : int -> int -> bool := fun i j => match compare31 i j with | Lt => true | _ => false end. Notation "m < n" := (ltb m n) : int63_scope. Definition leb : int -> int -> bool := fun i j => match compare31 i j with | Gt => false | _ => true end. Notation "m <= n" := (leb m n) : int63_scope. Lemma eqb_correct : forall i j, (i==j)%int = true -> i = j. Proof. exact eqb31_correct. Qed. (* Logical operations *) Definition lsl : int -> int -> int := fun i j => addmuldiv31 j i 0. Infix "<<" := lsl (at level 30, no associativity) : int63_scope. Definition lsr : int -> int -> int := fun i j => if (j < 31%int31)%int then addmuldiv31 (31-j)%int31 0 i else 0%int31. Infix ">>" := lsr (at level 30, no associativity) : int63_scope. Definition land : int -> int -> int := land31. Global Arguments land i j : simpl never. Global Opaque land. Infix "land" := land (at level 40, left associativity) : int63_scope. Definition lor : int -> int -> int := lor31. Global Arguments lor i j : simpl never. Global Opaque lor. Infix "lor" := lor (at level 40, left associativity) : int63_scope. Definition lxor : int -> int -> int := lxor31. Global Arguments lxor i j : simpl never. Global Opaque lxor. Infix "lxor" := lxor (at level 40, left associativity) : int63_scope. (* Arithmetic modulo operations *) Notation "n + m" := (add31 n m) : int63_scope. Notation "n - m" := (sub31 n m) : int63_scope. Notation "n * m" := (mul31 n m) : int63_scope. Definition mulc : int -> int -> int * int := fun i j => match mul31c i j with | W0 => (0%int, 0%int) | WW h l => (h, l) end. Definition div : int -> int -> int := fun i j => let (q,_) := div31 i j in q. Notation "n / m" := (div n m) : int63_scope. Definition modulo : int -> int -> int := fun i j => let (_,r) := div31 i j in r. Notation "n '\%' m" := (modulo n m) (at level 40, left associativity) : int63_scope. (* Iterators *) Definition firstr i := if ((i land 1) == 0)%int then D0 else D1. Fixpoint recr_aux (n:nat)(A:Type)(case0:A)(caserec:digits->int31->A->A) (i:int31) : A := match n with | O => case0 | S next => if (i == 0)%int then case0 else let si := (i >> 1)%int in caserec (firstr i) si (recr_aux next A case0 caserec si) end. Definition recr := recr_aux size. Definition iter_int31 i A f := recr (A->A) (fun x => x) (fun b si rec => match b with | D0 => fun x => rec (rec x) | D1 => fun x => f (rec (rec x)) end) i. Definition foldi_cont {A B : Type} (f : int -> (A -> B) -> A -> B) (from to : int) (cont : A -> B) : A -> B := if ltb to from then cont else let (_,r) := iter_int31 (to - from) _ (fun (jy: (int * (A -> B))%type) => let (j,y) := jy in ((j-1)%int, f j y) ) (to, cont) in f from r. Definition foldi_down_cont {A B : Type} (f : int -> (A -> B) -> A -> B) (from downto : int) (cont : A -> B) : A -> B := if ltb from downto then cont else let (_,r) := iter_int31 (from - downto) _ (fun (jy: (int * (A -> B))%type) => let (j,y) := jy in ((j+1)%int, f j y) ) (downto, cont) in f from r. (* Fake print *) Definition print_int : int -> int := fun i => i.