(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) DECLARE PLUGIN "smtcoq_plugin" { open Stdarg open Ltac_plugin } VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Vernac_zchaff CLASSIFIED AS QUERY | [ "Parse_certif_zchaff" ident(dimacs) ident(trace) string(fdimacs) string(fproof) ] -> { Zchaff.parse_certif dimacs trace fdimacs fproof } | [ "Zchaff_Checker" string(fdimacs) string(fproof) ] -> { Zchaff.checker fdimacs fproof } | [ "Zchaff_Theorem" ident(name) string(fdimacs) string(fproof) ] -> { Zchaff.theorem name fdimacs fproof } END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Vernac_verit CLASSIFIED AS QUERY | [ "Parse_certif_verit" ident(t_i) ident(t_func) ident(t_atom) ident(t_form) ident(root) ident(used_roots) ident(trace) string(fsmt) string(fproof) ] -> { Verit.parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_roots trace fsmt fproof } | [ "Verit_Checker" string(fsmt) string(fproof) ] -> { Verit.checker fsmt fproof } | [ "Verit_Checker_Debug" string(fsmt) string(fproof) ] -> { Verit.checker_debug fsmt fproof } | [ "Verit_Theorem" ident(name) string(fsmt) string(fproof) ] -> { Verit.theorem name fsmt fproof } END VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Vernac_lfsc CLASSIFIED AS QUERY | [ "Parse_certif_lfsc" ident(t_i) ident(t_func) ident(t_atom) ident(t_form) ident(root) ident(used_roots) ident(trace) string(fsmt) string(fproof) ] -> { Lfsc.parse_certif t_i t_func t_atom t_form root used_roots trace fsmt fproof } | [ "Lfsc_Checker" string(fsmt) string(fproof) ] -> { Lfsc.checker fsmt fproof } | [ "Lfsc_Checker_Debug" string(fsmt) string(fproof) ] -> { Lfsc.checker_debug fsmt fproof } | [ "Lfsc_Theorem" ident(name) string(fsmt) string(fproof) ] -> { Lfsc.theorem name fsmt fproof } END TACTIC EXTEND Tactic_zchaff | [ "zchaff_bool" ] -> { Zchaff.tactic () } | [ "zchaff_bool_no_check" ] -> { Zchaff.tactic_no_check () } END { let lemmas_list = Summary.ref ~name:"Selected lemmas" [] let cache_lemmas (_, lems) = lemmas_list := lems let declare_lemmas : Structures.constr_expr list -> Libobject.obj = let open Libobject in declare_object { (default_object "LEMMAS") with cache_function = cache_lemmas; load_function = (fun _ -> cache_lemmas); } let add_lemmas lems = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (declare_lemmas (lems @ !lemmas_list)) let clear_lemmas () = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (declare_lemmas []) let get_lemmas () = !lemmas_list } VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND Add_lemma CLASSIFIED AS SIDEFF | [ "Add_lemmas" constr_list(lems) ] -> { add_lemmas lems } | [ "Clear_lemmas" ] -> { clear_lemmas () } END TACTIC EXTEND Tactic_verit | [ "verit_bool_base" constr_list(lpl) ] -> { Verit.tactic (List.map EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr lpl) (get_lemmas ()) } | [ "verit_bool_no_check_base" constr_list(lpl) ] -> { Verit.tactic_no_check (List.map EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr lpl) (get_lemmas ()) } END TACTIC EXTEND Tactic_cvc4 | [ "cvc4_bool" ] -> { Lfsc.tactic () } | [ "cvc4_bool_no_check" ] -> { Lfsc.tactic_no_check () } END