(* This file is useful when the tactic goes through but not hte Qed *) (* It is works as is for standard-coq and checker_b but can be adapted for native-coq and/or checker_eq *) (* Paste the environment and the following code : *) Definition l := TO_FILL. (* find l in the expression *) Definition nclauses := let (nclauses, _, _) := c in nclauses. (* different in native-coq *) Definition confl := let (_, _, confl) := c in confl. (* different in native-coq *) Definition t := let (_, t, _) := c in t. (* different in native-coq *) Definition nl := Lit.neg l. Definition d := PArray.make nclauses nl. Definition s := add_roots (S.make nclauses) d None. Compute (checker_b l true c). Compute (checker (PArray.make nclauses nl) None c). Compute (Form.check_form t_form). Compute (Atom.check_atom t_atom). Compute (Atom.wt t_i t_func t_atom). Compute (euf_checker (* t_atom t_form *) C.is_false s t confl). (* Check where the false comes from, if its the last one it means the certificate is wring *) (* To find what rule is causing this, use : *) Definition flatten {A : Type} (trace : _trace_ A) := let (t0, _) := t in t0. (* INSTEAD in native-coq, use : *) (* Definition flatten {A : Type} (trace : _trace_ A) := *) (* PArray.fold_left (fun l_step arr_step => l_step ++ PArray.to_list arr_step) *) (* nil trace. *) Import ListNotations. Fixpoint firsts {A : Type} (n : nat) (l : list A) := match n with | O => [] | S n => match l with | [] => [] | he :: ta => he :: firsts n ta end end. Definition step_euf := @step_checker t_i t_func t_atom t_form. Definition l_t := flatten t. Definition up_to n := List.fold_left step_euf (firsts n l_t) s. Definition nth n := List.nth (n-1) l_t (ImmBuildProj t_func t_atom t_form 99 99 99). Compute (List.length l_t). Compute (up_to 0). Compute (up_to 1). Compute (up_to 2). Compute (up_to 3). Compute (up_to 4). Compute (up_to 5). Compute (up_to 6). Compute (nth 6). Compute (up_to 7). Compute (up_to 8). Compute (up_to 9). Compute (nth 9). Compute (up_to 10). Compute (nth 10). Compute (Zpos (xO (xO (xI xH)))).