(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* SMTCoq *) (* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2019 *) (* *) (* See file "AUTHORS" for the list of authors *) (* *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C licence *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) Require Import SMTCoq. Require Import Bool PArray Int63 List ZArith BVList Logic. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope list_scope. Local Open Scope int63_scope. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Open Scope bv_scope. Infix "-->" := implb (at level 60, right associativity) : bool_scope. Import BVList.BITVECTOR_LIST. Require Import FArray. Section BV. Import BVList.BITVECTOR_LIST. Local Open Scope bv_scope. Goal forall (bv1 bv2 bv3 bv4: bitvector 4), bv_eq #b|0|0|0|0| bv1 && bv_eq #b|1|0|0|0| bv2 && bv_eq #b|1|1|0|0| bv3 --> bv_eq #b|1|1|1|0| bv4 --> bv_ult bv1 bv2 || bv_ult bv3 bv1 --> bv_ult bv1 bv3 --> bv_ult bv1 bv4 || bv_ult bv4 bv1. Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a: bitvector 32), bv_eq a a. Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (bv1 bv2: bitvector 4), (Bool.eqb (bv_eq bv1 bv2) (bv_eq bv2 bv1)). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (bv1 bv2 bv3 bv4: bitvector 4), bv_eq #b|0|0|0|0| bv1 && bv_eq #b|1|0|0|0| bv2 && bv_eq #b|1|1|0|0| bv3 --> bv_eq #b|1|1|1|0| bv4 --> bv_ult bv1 bv2 || bv_ult bv3 bv1 && bv_ult bv3 bv4. Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a b c: bitvector 4), (bv_eq c (bv_and a b)) --> (bv_eq (bv_and (bv_and c a) b) c). Proof. smt. Qed. End BV. Section Arrays. Import BVList.BITVECTOR_LIST. Import FArray. Local Open Scope farray_scope. Local Open Scope bv_scope. Goal forall (a:farray Z Z), equal a a. Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a b: farray Z Z), Bool.eqb (equal a b) (equal b a). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a b: farray (bitvector 8) (bitvector 8)), Bool.eqb (equal a b) (equal b a). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a b c d: farray Z Z), equal b[0 <- 4] c --> equal d b[0 <- 4][1 <- 4] && equal a d[1 <- b[1]] --> equal a c. Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (bv1 bv2 : bitvector 4) (a b c d : farray (bitvector 4) Z), bv_eq #b|0|0|0|0| bv1 --> bv_eq #b|1|0|0|0| bv2 --> equal c b[bv1 <- 4] --> equal d b[bv1 <- 4][bv2 <- 4] --> equal a d[bv2 <- b[bv2]] --> equal a c. Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a b: farray Z Z) (v w x y: Z) (g: farray Z Z -> Z) (f: Z -> Z), (equal a[x <- v] b) && (equal a[y <- w] b) --> (Z.eqb (f x) (f y)) || (Z.eqb (g a) (g b)). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a b: farray Z Z) i, Z.eqb (select (store (store (store a i 3%Z) 1%Z (select (store b i 4) i)) 2%Z 2%Z) 1%Z) 4. Proof. smt. rewrite read_over_other_write; try easy. rewrite read_over_same_write; try easy; try apply Z_compdec. rewrite read_over_same_write; try easy; try apply Z_compdec. Qed. End Arrays. Section UF. Goal forall (x y: Z) (f: Z -> Z), Z.eqb y x --> Z.eqb (f x) (f y). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (x y: Z) (f: Z -> Z), Z.eqb (f x) (f y) --> Z.eqb (f y) (f x). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (x y: Z) (f: Z -> Z), Z.eqb (x + 1) (y + 1) --> Z.eqb (f y) (f x). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (x y: Z) (f: Z -> Z), Z.eqb x (y + 1) --> Z.eqb (f y) (f (x - 1)). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (f:Z -> Z -> Z) x y z, (Z.eqb x y) --> Z.eqb (f z x) (f z y). Proof. smt. Qed. End UF. Section LIA. Goal forall (a b: Z), Bool.eqb (Z.eqb a b) (Z.eqb b a). Proof. smt. Qed. Goal forall (a b: Z), (Z.eqb a a) && (Z.eqb b b). Proof. smt. Qed. End LIA.