@admin = ymherklotz @github-mirror = leela Vivant alluvial-hs pfm @github-mirror = median-cut mirror-ball FMark MipsCPU YAGE Compiler Simplex @github-srht-mirror = vericert vericert-docs dotfiles emacs-zettelkasten verismith @srht-mirror = hugo-ymherklotz yannherklotz.com @gitlab-mirror = @active = @github-mirror @srht-mirror @github-srht-mirror @gitlab-mirror ymherklotz/gsa-mlir @zzz = zzz/TicTacToe zzz/Arider zzz/WaveGenerator zzz/ChessAI @zzz = zzz/NumericalAnalysis zzz/PriorityQueue zzz/BinaryTree @zzz = zzz/NetworkCoursework zzz/DatabaseCoursework zzz/FPGA_Playground @zzz = zzz/Cardeval zzz/SwitchPCB zzz/A-star-algorithm zzz/VerilogCoursework @zzz = zzz/second-year-computing zzz/FPGA-2015 zzz/sudoku_solver @zzz = zzz/imperial_2015 zzz/NoteReader zzz/verilog zzz/NoiseSilencer @zzz = zzz/dot_product zzz/sobel_filter repo CREATOR/..* C = @all RW+ = CREATOR RW = WRITERS R = READERS repo gitolite-admin RW+ = @admin repo @all R = gitweb daemon repo private/..* RW+ = ymherklotz owner = Yann Herklotz option hook.post-update = srht-mirror repo @zzz @active RW+ = ymherklotz R = @all owner = Yann Herklotz repo @github-mirror option hook.post-update = github-mirror repo @gitlab-mirror option hook.post-update = gitlab-mirror repo @github-srht-mirror option hook.post-update = github-mirror srht-mirror repo @srht-mirror option hook.post-update = srht-mirror repo private/zk desc = Zettelkasten. repo vericert desc = Vericert is a formally verified high-level synthesis tool. repo vericert-docs desc = Documentation for Vericert. repo dotfiles desc = Dotfiles for Linux and Macos. repo emacs-zettelkasten desc = Simple zettelkasten mode for emacs. repo verismith desc = Verilog Fuzzer to test the major simulators and sythesisers by generating random, valid Verilog. repo leela desc = Ray tracer written in pure rust running on the CPU. repo Vivant desc = OpenGL low-poly terrain generation written in Haskell. repo alluvial-hs desc = Alluvial diagram generation for Tex using Haskell. repo FMark desc = Commonmark parser written in F sharp with various extensions added such as macros. repo median-cut desc = Median cut illumination map generation implementation implemented in Haskell. repo mirror-ball desc = Mirror ball ray tracing implementation. repo pfm desc = Haskell parser for the pfm file format for HDR images. repo YAGE desc = YAGE game engine implementation. repo MipsCPU desc = Cycle accurate MIPS CPU simulation. repo Compiler desc = MIPS Compiler implemented in standard C++. repo Simplex desc = Simplex algorithm implementation for integer linear programming. repo ymherklotz.gitlab.io desc = Personal website hosted at https://yannherklotz.com. repo hugo-ymherklotz desc = Custom Hugo theme for https://yannherklotz.com. repo zzz/verilog desc = Repository with some Verilog designs used to learn Verilog simulation. repo zzz/NoteReader desc = C++ implementation using OpenCV to read sheet music and print machine-readable sheet music. repo zzz/imperial_2015 desc = A repository with code from my first year at university. repo zzz/sobel_filter desc = A sobel filter implementation for FPGAs implemented using Catapult C. repo zzz/dot_product desc = An implementation of a dotproduct for FPGAs using Catapult C. repo zzz/sudoku_solver desc = A simple, brute-force Sudoku solver. repo zzz/FPGA-2015 desc = A collection of Quartus projects to learn FPGA design. repo zzz/second-year-computing desc = A repository containing code while learning data-structures and algorithms. repo zzz/BinaryTree desc = An implementation of a binary tree in C++. repo zzz/A-star-algorithm desc = an A-star algorithm implementation with a UI. repo papers/oopsla21_fvhls RW+ = ymherklotz R = @all owner = Yann Herklotz desc = Formal verification of high-level synthesis. repo papers/fccm21_esrhls RW+ = ymherklotz R = @all owner = Yann Herklotz desc = Empirical study of the reliability of high-level synthesis. repo papers/fpga20_fubfst RW+ = ymherklotz R = @all owner = Yann Herklotz desc = Finding and understanding bugs in FPGA synthesis tools. repo papers/latte21_hlstpc RW+ = ymherklotz R = @all owner = Yann Herklotz desc = High-level synthesis tools should be proven correct.