#+title: Org Zettelkasten Manual #+subtitle: Release {{{version}}} #+author: Yann Herklotz #+language: en #+texinfo: @insertcopying * Introduction :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Getting started. :END: #+cindex: introduction Niklas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten is becoming increasingly popular for being a great note taking technique. However, it is often misunderstood as taking notes without any structure, whereas Luhmann actually structured his notes hierarchically, but also allowed for arbitrary links between notes. Org Zettelkasten tries to following the general note-taking workflow that Luhmann used by using as much of Emacs' built-in Org as possible. ** Inserting new notes #+cindex: notes #+cindex: create-notes There are several possible notes that can be inserted into the Zettelkasten, but the need for them should arise naturally and one therefore does not have to think about the separate types of notes directly. For references I usually use the fantastic [[https://joostkremers.github.io/ebib/][ebib]] package. *** Permanent Notes #+cindex: notes #+cindex: permanent-notes Inserting new notes into the Zettelkasten can be done for any new piece of information one wants to permanently add to the tree of notes and therefore the network of notes. These are therefore called “permanent notes,” however, these are not the only notes that may appear in the network. The most important thing to take into consideration is that “permanent notes” should be completely in your own words, and express an idea that also links to other parts in the network. At the start it may be necessary to create a few topics that these notes fit into, however, eventually one should be able to find notes that are similar enough which this new note should follow. *** Index notes #+cindex: notes #+cindex: index-notes Apart from that, there can also be “index notes,” which try to give some structure to a subsection that may have gotten lost with all of the branches that may have been added. In addition to that, these may tie in other notes from other topics as well that relate to that topic. These can therefore just be added whenever you feel like there are too many notes for a subtopic and cannot keep track of all the possible links. * Variables for Customisation :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Variables which are available for customisation. :END: #+cindex: customisation - =org-zettelkasten-directory= :: This is the path to the root of the zettelkasten directory. By default this is set to: ="~/org-zettelkasten"=. - =org-zettelkasten-mapping= :: A mapping from indices to filenames, which is used to keep track of which org-mode files are part of the zettelkasten directory. This is currently a variable because the set of files should be quite static, and there should not be that many topics. - =org-zettelkasten-prefix= :: Prefix used for org-zettelkasten default bindings. - =org-zettelkasten-mode-map= :: Bound to the prefix, and contains the default bindings of Org Zettelkasten functions. * Creating New Topics and Notes :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Creating new top-level topics to contain new notes. :END: #+cindex: topics #+cindex: notes - =org-zettelkasten-new-topic= :: Create a new topic file in the current Zettelkasten directory. Bound to =t= by default. - =org-zettelkasten-create-dwim= :: Create a new note under the current note, by either introducing a new level in the current note, or continuing at the same level if the current note is the last. Bound to =n= by default. * Navigation Org Zettelkasten Links :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Functions used and provided to navigate org-zettelkasten links. :END: #+cindex: navigation - =org-zettelkasten-goto-id= :: Go to a specific ID in the zettelkasten directory. This will automatically jump to the right file and then go to the id. Bound to =g= by default. - =org-zettelkasten-search-current-id= :: Search the current ID in the org-zettelkasten directory using =grep=. This will essentially find backlinks to the current note. Bound to =C-s= by default. - =org-zettelkasten-agenda-search-view= :: Search all the whole Org Zettelkasten directory using =agenda-search=. Bound to =s= by default. ** Navigation With Consult or Counsel :PROPERTIES: :DESCRIPTION: Navigating org-zettelkasten using the optional consult or counsel package. :END: #+cindex: consult #+cindex: counsel #+cindex: navigation - =org-zettelkasten-consult-search-current-id= :: Alternative to =org-zettelkasten-search-current-id= using Ripgrep integration with Consult. - =org-zettelkasten-counsel-search-current-id= :: Alternative to =org-zettelkasten-search-current-id= using Ripgrep integration with Counsel. * GNU Free Documentation License :PROPERTIES: :APPENDIX: t :DESCRIPTION: The license for this documentation. :END: #+include: fdl.org * Main Index :PROPERTIES: :INDEX: cp :DESCRIPTION: An index of Org Zettelkasten concepts and features. :END: * Copying :PROPERTIES: :copying: t :END: This manual is for Org Zettelkasten version {{{version}}}. Copyright \copy 2022 Yann Herklotz. #+begin_quote Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU Manual," and with the Back-Cover Texts as in (a) below. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License." (a) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is: "You have the freedom to copy and modify this GNU manual." #+end_quote * Export Setup :noexport: #+setupfile: doc-setup.org #+export_file_name: org-zettelkasten.texi #+texinfo_dir_category: Zettelkasten #+texinfo_dir_title: Org Zettelkasten #+texinfo_dir_desc: A Zettelkasten mode leveraging Org