\begin{example}[A miscompilation bug in LegUp] The test-case in Figure~\ref{fig:eval:legup:wrong} produces an incorrect Verilog in LegUp 4.0 and 7.5, which means that the results of RTL simulation is different to the C execution. \begin{figure} \begin{minted}{c} volatile int a = 0; int b = 1; int main() { int d = 1; if (d + a) b || 1; else b = 0; return b; } \end{minted} \caption{An output mismatch: LegUp HLS returns 0 but the correct result is 1.}\label{fig:eval:legup:wrong} \end{figure} In the code above, \texttt{b} has value 1 when run in GCC, but has value 0 when run with LegUp. If the \texttt{volatile} keyword is removed from \texttt{a}, then the Verilog produces the correct result. As \texttt{a} and \texttt{d} are constants, the \code{if} statement should always produce go into the \texttt{true} branch, meaning \texttt{b} should never be set to 0. The \texttt{true} branch of the \code{if} statement only executes an expression which is not assigned to any variable, meaning the initial state of all variables should not change. However, LegUp HLS generates a design which enters the \texttt{else} branch instead and assigns \texttt{b} to be 0. The cause of this bug seems to be the use of \texttt{volatile} keyword, which interferes with the analysis that attempts to simplify the \code{if} statement. \end{example}