\section{Designing a verified HLS tool} \label{sec:design} This section describes the main architecture of the HLS tool, and the way in which the Verilog back end was added to \compcert{}. This section will also cover an example of converting a simple C program into hardware, expressed in the Verilog language. \paragraph{Choice of source language} C was chosen as the source language as it remains the most common source language amongst production-quality HLS tools~\cite{canis11_legup, xilinx20_vivad_high_synth, intel_hls, bambu_hls}. This, in turn, may be because it is ``[t]he starting point for the vast majority of algorithms to be implemented in hardware''~\cite{5522874}, lending a degree of practicality. The availability of \compcert{}~\cite{leroy09_formal_verif_realis_compil} also provides a solid basis for formally verified C compilation. %Since a lot of existing code for HLS is written in C, supporting C as an input language, rather than a custom domain-specific language, means that \vericert{} is more practical. %An alternative was to support LLVM IR as an input language, however, to get a full work flow from a higher level language to hardware, a front end for that language to LLVM IR would also have to be verified. \JW{Maybe save LLVM for the `Choice of implementation language'?} We considered Bluespec~\cite{nikhil04_blues_system_veril}, but decided that although it ``can be classed as a high-level language''~\cite{greaves_note}, it is too hardware-oriented to be suitable for traditional HLS. We also considered using a language with built-in parallel constructs that map well to parallel hardware, such as occam~\cite{page91_compil_occam}, Spatial~\cite{spatial} or Scala~\cite{chisel}. % However, this would not qualify as being HLS due to the manual parallelism that would have to be performed. \JW{I don't think the presence of parallelism stops it being proper HLS.} %\JP{I think I agree with Yann here, but it could be worded better. At any rate not many people have experience writing what is essentially syntactic sugar over a process calculus.} %\JW{I mean: there are plenty of software languages that involve parallel constructs. Anyway, perhaps we can just dismiss occam for being too obscure.} \paragraph{Choice of target language} Verilog~\cite{06_ieee_stand_veril_hardw_descr_languag} is an HDL that can be synthesised into logic cells which can either be placed onto a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) or turned into an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). Verilog was chosen as the output language for \vericert{} because it is one of the most popular HDLs and there already exist a few formal semantics for it that could be used as a target~\cite{loow19_verif_compil_verif_proces, meredith10_veril}. Bluespec, previously ruled out as a source language, is another possible target and there exists a formally verified translation to circuits using K\^{o}ika~\cite{bourgeat20_essen_blues}. %\JP{This needs an extra comment maybe?}\YH{Maybe about bluespec not being an ideal target language because it's quite high-level?} % but targeting this language would not be trivial as it is not meant to be targeted by an automatic tool, instead strives to a formally verified high-level hardware description language instead. %\JW{Can we mention one or two alternatives that we considered? Bluespec or Chisel or one of Adam Chlipala's languages, perhaps?} \paragraph{Choice of implementation language} We chose Coq as the implementation language because of its mature support for code extraction; that is, its ability to generate OCaml programs directly from the definitions used in the theorems. We note that other authors have had some success reasoning about the HLS process using other theorem provers such as Isabelle~\cite{ellis08}. \compcert{}~\cite{leroy09_formal_verif_realis_compil} was chosen as the front end framework, as it is a mature framework for simulation proofs about intermediate languages, and it already provides a validated C parser~\cite{jourdan12_valid_lr_parser}. The Vellvm framework~\cite{zhao12_formal_llvm_inter_repres_verif_progr_trans} was also considered because several existing HLS tools are already LLVM-based, but additional work would be required to support a high-level language like C as input. The .NET framework has been used as a basis for other HLS tools, such as Kiwi~\cite{kiwi}, and LLHD~\cite{schuiki20_llhd} has been recently proposed as an intermediate language for hardware design, but neither are suitable for us because they lack formal semantics. \begin{figure} \centering \resizebox{0.85\textwidth}{!}{ \begin{tikzpicture} [language/.style={fill=white,rounded corners=3pt,minimum height=7mm}, continuation/.style={}] \fill[compcert,rounded corners=3pt] (-1,-0.5) rectangle (9,1.5); \fill[formalhls,rounded corners=3pt] (-1,-1) rectangle (9,-2); \node[language] at (-0.3,0) (clight) {Clight}; \node[continuation] at (1,0) (conta) {$\cdots$}; \node[language] at (2.7,0) (cminor) {CminorSel}; \node[language] at (4.7,0) (rtl) {3AC}; \node[language] at (6.2,0) (ltl) {LTL}; \node[language] at (8.4,0) (ppc) {PPC}; \node[continuation] at (7.3,0) (contb) {$\cdots$}; \node[language] at (4.7,-1.5) (htl) {HTL}; \node[language] at (6.7,-1.5) (verilog) {Verilog}; \node at (0,1) {\bf\compcert{}}; \node at (0,-1.5) {\bf\vericert{}}; \node[align=center] at (3.3,-2.4) {\footnotesize Memory\\[-0.5em]\footnotesize Inference}; \draw[->,thick] (clight) -- (conta); \draw[->,thick] (conta) -- (cminor); \draw[->,thick] (cminor) -- (rtl); \draw[->,thick] (rtl) -- (ltl); \draw[->,thick] (ltl) -- (contb); \draw[->,thick] (contb) -- (ppc); \draw[->,thick] (rtl) -- (htl); \draw[->,thick] (htl) -- (verilog); \draw[->,thick] (htl.west) to [out=180,in=150] (4,-2.2) to [out=330,in=270] (htl.south); \end{tikzpicture}} \caption{\vericert{} as a Verilog back end to \compcert{}}% \label{fig:rtlbranch} \end{figure} \paragraph{Architecture of \vericert{}} The main work flow of \vericert{} is given in Figure~\ref{fig:rtlbranch}, which shows those parts of the translation that are performed in \compcert{}, and those that have been added. \def\numcompcertlanguages{ten} \compcert{} translates Clight\footnote{A deterministic subset of C with pure expressions.} input into assembly output via a sequence of intermediate languages; we must decide which of these \numcompcertlanguages{} languages is the most suitable starting point for the HLS-specific translation stages. We select CompCert's three-address code (3AC)\footnote{This is known as register transfer language (RTL) in the \compcert{} literature. `3AC' is used in this paper instead to avoid confusion with register-transfer level (RTL), which is another name for the final hardware target of the HLS tool.} as the starting point. Branching off \emph{before} this point (at CminorSel or earlier) denies \compcert{} the opportunity to perform optimisations such as constant propagation and dead code elimination, which, despite being designed for software compilers, have been found useful in HLS tools as well~\cite{cong+11}. And if we branch off \emph{after} this point (at LTL or later) then \compcert{} has already performed register allocation to reduce the number of registers and spill some variables to the stack; this transformation is not required in HLS because there are many more registers available, and these should be used instead of RAM whenever possible. %\JP{``\compcert{} performs register allocation during the translation to LTL, with some registers spilled onto the stack: this is unnecessary in HLS since as many registers as are required may be described in the output RTL.''} \JP{Maybe something about FPGAs being register-dense (so rarely a need to worry about the number of flops)?} 3AC is also attractive because it is the closest intermediate language to LLVM IR, which is used by several existing HLS compilers. %\JP{We already ruled out LLVM as a starting point, so this seems like it needs further qualification.}\YH{Well not because it's not a good starting point, but the ecosystem in Coq isn't as good. I think it's still OK here to say that being similar to LLVM IR is an advantage?} It has an unlimited number of pseudo-registers, and is represented as a control flow graph (CFG) where each instruction is a node with links to the instructions that can follow it. One difference between LLVM IR and 3AC is that 3AC includes operations that are specific to the chosen target architecture; we chose to target the x86\_32 backend, because it generally produces relatively dense 3AC thanks to the availability of complex addressing modes.% reducing cycle counts in the absence of an effective scheduling approach. \begin{figure} \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.3\linewidth} \begin{minted}[fontsize=\footnotesize]{c} main() { x2 = 3 int32[stack(0)] = x2 x1 = int32[stack(0)] return x1 } \end{minted} \caption{3AC produced by \compcert{}.}\label{fig:accumulator_rtl} \end{subfigure}\hfill% \begin{subfigure}[b]{0.65\linewidth} \vspace{1em} \begin{minted}[fontsize=\tiny]{verilog} module main(reset, clk, finish, return_val); input [0:0] clk, reset; output reg [31:0] return_val = 0; output reg [0:0] finish = 0; reg [31:0] state = 0, d_out = 0, d_in = 0, reg_1 = 0, addr = 0, reg_2 = 0; reg [0:0] en = 0, wr_en = 0, u_en = 0; reg [31:0] stack [0:0]; always @(negedge clk) if ({u_en != en}) begin if (wr_en) stack[addr] <= d_in; else d_out <= stack[addr]; en <= u_en; end always @(posedge clk) case (state) 32'd6: reg_1 <= d_out; 32'd4: reg_2 <= 32'd3; 32'd3: begin u_en <= ( ! u_en); wr_en <= 32'd1; d_in <= reg_2; addr <= 32'd0; end 32'd2: begin u_en <= ( ! u_en); wr_en <= 32'd0; addr <= 32'd0; end 32'd1: begin finish <= 32'd1; return_val <= reg_1; end default:; endcase always @(posedge clk) if ({reset == 32'd1}) state <= 32'd4; else case (state) 32'd6: state <= 32'd1; 32'd4: state <= 32'd3; 32'd3: state <= 32'd2; 32'd2: state <= 32'd6; 32'd1: ; default:; endcase endmodule \end{minted} \caption{Verilog produced by \vericert{}. The left column contains the data-path and the right column contains the control logic.}\label{fig:accumulator_v} \end{subfigure} \caption{Translating a simple program from C to Verilog.}\label{fig:accumulator_c_rtl} \end{figure} \subsection{Translating C to Verilog, by example} Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_c_rtl} illustrates the translation of a simple program that sums the elements of an array. In this section, we describe the stages of the \vericert{} translation, referring to this program as an example. \subsubsection{Translating C to 3AC} The first stage of the translation uses unmodified \compcert{} to transform the C input into a 3AC intermediate representation, shown in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_rtl}. As part of this translation, function inlining is also performed on all functions, which allows us to support function calls without having to support the \texttt{Icall} 3AC instruction. Although the duplication of the function bodies caused by inlining can increase the area of the hardware, it can have a positive effect on latency. Inlining precludes support for recursive function calls, but this feature isn't supported in most other HLS tools either~\cite{davidthomas_asap16}. %\JW{Is that definitely true? Was discussing this with Nadesh and George recently, and I ended up not being so sure. Inlining could actually lead to \emph{reduced} resource usage because once everything has been inlined, the (big) scheduling problem could then be solved quite optimally. Certainly inlining is known to increase register pressure, but that's not really an issue here. If we're not sure, we could just say that inlining everything leads to bloated Verilog files and the inability to support recursion, and leave it at that.}\YH{I think that is true, just because we don't do scheduling. With scheduling I think that's true, inlining actually becomes quite good.} \subsubsection{Translating 3AC to HTL} % + TODO Explain the main mapping in a short simple way % + TODO Clarify connection between CFG and FSMD % + TODO Explain how memory is mapped %\JW{I feel like this could use some sort of citation, but I'm not sure what. I guess this is all from "Hardware Design 101", right?}\YH{I think I found a good one actually, which goes over the basics.} %\JW{I think it would be worth having a sentence to explain how the C model of memory is translated to a hardware-centric model of memory. For instance, in C we have global variables/arrays, stack-allocated variables/arrays, and heap-allocated variables/arrays (anything else?). In Verilog we have registers and RAM blocks. So what's the correspondence between the two worlds? Globals and heap-allocated are not handled, stack-allocated variables become registers, and stack-allocated arrays become RAM blocks? Am I close?}\YH{Stack allocated variables become RAM as well, so that we can deal with addresses easily and take addresses of any variable.} \JW{I see, thanks. So, in short, the only registers in your hardware designs are those that store things like the current state, etc. You generate a fixed number of registers every time you synthesis -- you don't generate extra registers to store any of the program variables. Right?} The next translation is from 3AC to a new hardware translation language (HTL). %, which is one step towards being completely translated to hardware described in Verilog. This involves going from a CFG representation of the computation to a finite state machine with data-path (FSMD) representation~\cite{hwang99_fsmd}. The core idea of the FSMD representation is that it separates the control flow from the operations on the memory and registers. %\JP{I've become less comfortable with this term, but it's personal preference so feel free to ignore. I think `generalised finite state machine' (i.e.\ thinking of the entire `data-path' as contributing to the overall state) is more accurate.}\YH{Hmm, yes, I mainly chose FSMD because there is quite a lot of literature around it. I think for now I'll keep it but for the final draft we could maybe change it.} %This means that the state transitions can be translated into a simple finite state machine (FSM) where each state contains data operations that update the memory and registers. Hence, an HTL program consists of two maps from states to Verilog statements: control- and data-path maps that express state transitions and computations respectively. Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_diagram} shows the resulting FSMD architecture. The right-hand block is the control logic that computes the next state, while the left-hand block updates all the registers and RAM based on the current program state. \begin{figure*} \centering \definecolor{control}{HTML}{b3e2cd} \definecolor{data}{HTML}{fdcdac} \scalebox{1.2}{% \begin{tikzpicture} \fill[control,fill opacity=1] (6.5,0) rectangle (12,5); \fill[data,fill opacity=1] (0,0) rectangle (5.5,5); \node at (1,4.7) {\footnotesize Data-path}; \node at (7.5,4.7) {\footnotesize Control Logic}; \fill[white,rounded corners=10pt] (7,0.5) rectangle (11.5,2.2); \node at (8,2) {\tiny Next State FSM}; \foreach \x in {15,...,9} {\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\y}{\x-9}% \node[draw,circle,inner sep=0,minimum size=10,scale=0.8] (s\x) at (7.5+\y/2,1.6) {\tiny \x};} \foreach \x in {8,...,2} {\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\y}{8-\x}% \node[draw,circle,inner sep=0,minimum size=10,scale=0.8] (s\x) at (7.5+\y/2,1.1) {\tiny \x};} \node[draw,circle,inner sep=0,minimum size=10,scale=0.8] (s1c) at (11,1.35) {\tiny 1}; \node[draw,circle,inner sep=0,minimum size=13,scale=0.8] (s1) at (s1c) {}; \foreach \x in {15,...,2} {\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\y}{\x-1}\draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (s\x) -- (s\y);} \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (10.8,2) to [out=200,in=70] (s15); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (s3) to [out=210,in=330] (s7); \node[draw,fill=white] (nextstate) at (9.25,3) {\tiny Current State}; \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] let \p1 = (nextstate) in (11.5,1.25) -| (11.75,\y1) -- (nextstate); \draw let \p1 = (nextstate) in (nextstate) -- (6,\y1) |- (6,1.5); \node[scale=0.4,rotate=60] at (7.5,0.75) {\texttt{clk}}; \node[scale=0.4,rotate=60] at (7.7,0.75) {\texttt{rst}}; \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (7.65,-0.5) -- (7.65,0.5); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (7.45,-0.5) -- (7.45,0.5); \fill[white,rounded corners=10pt] (2,0.5) rectangle (5,3); \filldraw[fill=white] (0.25,0.5) rectangle (1.5,2.75); \node at (2.6,2.8) {\tiny Update}; \node[align=center] at (0.875,2.4) {\tiny \texttt{RAM}\\[-1.5ex]\tiny\texttt{(Array)}}; \node[scale=0.4] at (4.7,1.5) {\texttt{state}}; \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (6,1.5) -- (5,1.5); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (6,1.5) -- (7,1.5); \node[scale=0.4,rotate=60] at (4.1,0.9) {\texttt{finished}}; \node[scale=0.4,rotate=60] at (3.9,0.95) {\texttt{return\_val}}; \node[scale=0.4,rotate=60] at (2.5,0.75) {\texttt{clk}}; \node[scale=0.4,rotate=60] at (2.7,0.75) {\texttt{rst}}; \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (4,0.5) -- (4,-0.5); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (3.75,0.5) -- (3.75,-0.5); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (2.45,-0.5) -- (2.45,0.5); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (2.65,-0.5) -- (2.65,0.5); \foreach \x in {0,...,2} {\draw (0.25,1.25-0.25*\x) -- (1.5,1.25-0.25*\x); \node at (0.875,1.13-0.25*\x) {\tiny \x};} \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (1.5,1.5) -- (2,1.5); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (2,1.75) -- (1.5,1.75); %\node[scale=0.4] at (1.2,2.2) {\texttt{wr\_en}}; %\node[scale=0.4] at (1.2,2) {\texttt{wr\_addr}}; %\node[scale=0.4] at (1.2,1.8) {\texttt{wr\_data}}; %\node[scale=0.4] at (1.2,1.4) {\texttt{r\_addr}}; %\node[scale=0.4] at (1.2,1.2) {\texttt{r\_data}}; % %\node[scale=0.4] at (2.3,2.2) {\texttt{wr\_en}}; %\node[scale=0.4] at (2.3,2) {\texttt{wr\_addr}}; %\node[scale=0.4] at (2.3,1.8) {\texttt{wr\_data}}; %\node[scale=0.4] at (2.3,1.4) {\texttt{r\_addr}}; %\node[scale=0.4] at (2.3,1.2) {\texttt{r\_data}}; % %\draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (2,2.2) -- (1.5,2.2); %\draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (2,2) -- (1.5,2); %\draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (2,1.8) -- (1.5,1.8); %\draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (2,1.4) -- (1.5,1.4); %\draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (1.5,1.2) -- (2,1.2); \filldraw[fill=white] (2.8,3.25) rectangle (4.2,4.75); \node at (3.5,4.55) {\tiny \texttt{Registers}}; \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (2,2.4) -| (1.75,4) -- (2.8,4); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (4.2,4) -- (5.25,4) |- (5,2.4); \draw[-{Latex[length=1mm,width=0.7mm]}] (5.25,2.4) -- (6.2,2.4) |- (7,1.8); \node[scale=0.4] at (3.5,4.2) {\texttt{reg\_1}}; \node[scale=0.4] at (3.5,4) {\texttt{reg\_2}}; \node[scale=0.4] at (3.5,3.8) {\texttt{reg\_3}}; \node[scale=0.4] at (3.5,3.6) {$\cdots$}; \node[scale=0.4] at (3.5,3.4) {\texttt{reg\_8}}; \end{tikzpicture}} \caption{The FSMD for the example shown in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_c_rtl}, split into a data-path and control logic for the next state calculation. The Update block takes the current state, current values of all registers and at most one value stored in the array, and calculates a new value that can either be stored back in the array or in a register.}\label{fig:accumulator_diagram} \end{figure*} %\JP{Does it? Verilog has neither physical registers nor RAMs, just language constructs which the synthesiser might implement with registers and RAMs. We should be clear whether we're talking about the HDL representation, or the synthesised result: in our case these can be very different since we don't target any specific architectural features of an FPGA fabric of ASIC process.} \paragraph{Translating memory} Typically, HLS-generated hardware consists of a sea of registers and RAM memories. This memory view is very different to the C memory model, so we perform the following translation. Variables that do not have their address taken are kept in registers, which correspond to the registers in 3AC. All address-taken variables, arrays, and structs are kept in RAM. The stack of the main function becomes an unpacked array of 32-bit integers, which may be translated to a RAM when the hardware description is passed through a synthesis tool. Finally, global variables are not translated in \vericert{} at the moment. A high-level overview of the architecture can be seen in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_diagram}. \paragraph{Translating instructions} Each 3AC instruction either corresponds to a hardware construct, or does not have to be handled by the translation, such as function calls (because of inlining). For example, state 15 in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_rtl} shows a 32-bit register \texttt{x8} being initialised to 1, after which the control flow moves to state 14. This initialisation is also encoded in HTL at state 15 in both the control- and data-path always-blocks, as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_v}. Simple operator instructions are translated in a similar way. For example, in state 5, the value of the array element is added to the current sum value, which is simply translated to an addition of the equivalent registers in the HTL code. Note that the comparison in state 3 is signed. C and Verilog handle signedness quite differently; by default, all operators and registers in Verilog (and HTL) are unsigned, so to force an operation to handle the bits as signed, both operators have to be forced to be signed. In addition to that, Verilog implicitly resizes expressions to the largest needed size by default, which can affect the result of the computation. This feature is not supported by the Verilog semantics we adopted, so to match the semantics to the behaviour of the simulator and synthesis tool, braces are placed around all expressions as this inhibits implicit resizing. Instead, explicit resizing is used in the semantics and operations can only be performed on two registers that have the same size. In addition to that, equality between \emph{unsigned} variables are actually not supported, because this requires supporting the comparison of pointers, which should only be performed between pointers with the same provenance. In \vericert{} there is currently no way to determine the provenance of a pointer, and it therefore cannot model the semantics of unsigned comparison in \compcert{}. As dynamic allocation is not supported either, comparison of pointers is rarely needed, and for the comparison of integers, these can be cast to signed integers during the comparison for the translation to succeed. \subsubsection{Translating HTL to Verilog} Finally, we have to translate the HTL code into proper Verilog. % and prove that it behaves the same as the 3AC according to the Verilog semantics. The challenge here is to translate our FSMD representation into a Verilog AST. However, as all the instructions in HTL are already expressed as Verilog statements, only the top level data-path and control logic maps need to be translated to valid Verilog. We also require declarations for all the variables in the program, as well as declarations of the inputs and outputs to the module, so that the module can be used inside a larger hardware design. Figure~\ref{fig:accumulator_v} shows the final Verilog output that is generated for our example. Although this translation seems quite straight\-forward, proving that this translation is correct is complex. All the implicit assumptions that were made in HTL need to be translated explicitly to Verilog statements and it needs to be shown that these explicit behaviours are equivalent to the assumptions made in the HTL semantics. We discuss these proofs in upcoming sections. %In general, the generated Verilog structure has similar to that of the HTL code. %The key difference is that the control and datapath maps become Verilog case-statements. %Other additions are the initialisation of all the variables in the code to the correct bitwidths and the declaration of the inputs and outputs to the module, so that the module can be used inside a larger hardware design. \subsection{Optimisations} Although we would not claim that \vericert{} is a proper `optimising' HLS compiler yet, we have nonetheless made several design choices that aim to improve the quality of the hardware designs it produces. \subsubsection{Byte- and word-addressable memories} One big difference between C and Verilog is how memory is represented. Although Verilog arrays might seem to mirror their C counterparts directly, they must be treated quite differently. To reduce the design area and avoid timing issues, it is beneficial if Verilog arrays can be synthesised as RAMs, but this imposes various constraints on how Verilog arrays are used; for instance, RAMs often only allow one read and one write operation per clock cycle. To make loads and stores as efficient as possible, the RAM needs to be word-addressable, which means that an entire integer can be loaded or stored in one clock cycle. However, the memory model that \compcert{} uses for its intermediate languages is byte-addre\-ssa\-ble~\cite{blazy05_formal_verif_memor_model_c}. It therefore has to be proven that the byte-addressable memory behaves in the same way as the word-addressable memory in hardware. Any modifications of the bytes in the \compcert{} memory model also have to be shown to modify the word-addressable memory in the same way. Since only integer loads and stores are currently supported in \vericert{}, it follows that the addresses given to the loads and stores should be multiples of four. If that is the case, then the translation from byte-addressed memory to word-addressed memory can be done by dividing the address by four. \subsubsection{Implementing the \texttt{Oshrximm} instruction} % Mention that this optimisation is not performed sometimes (clang -03). Many of the \compcert{} instructions map well to hardware, but \texttt{Oshrximm} is expensive if implemented na\"ively. The problem is that in \compcert{} it is specified as a signed division: \begin{equation*} \texttt{Oshrximm } x\ y = \text{round\_towards\_zero}\left(\frac{x}{2^{y}}\right) \end{equation*} (where $x, y \in \mathbb{Z}$, $0 \leq y < 31$, and $-2^{31} \leq x < 2^{31}$) and instantiating divider circuits in hardware is well-known to cripple performance. Moreover, since \vericert{} requires the result of a divide operation to be ready within a single clock cycle, the divide circuit needs to be entirely combinational. This is inefficient in terms of area, but also in terms of latency, because it means that the maximum frequency of the hardware must be reduced dramatically so that the divide circuit has enough time to finish. %\JP{Multi-cycle paths might be something worth exploring in future work: fairly error-prone/dangerous for hand-written code, but might be interesting in generated code.}\YH{Definitely is on the list for next things to look into, will make divide so much more efficient.} %These small optimisations were found to be the most error prone, and guaranteeing that the new representation is equivalent to representation used in the \compcert{} semantics is difficult without proving this for all possible inputs. One might hope that the synthesis tool consuming our generated Verilog would convert the division to an efficient shift operation, but this is unlikely to happen with signed division which requires more than a single shift. However, the observation can be made that signed division can be implemented using shifts: \begin{equation*} \text{round\_towards\_zero}\left(\frac{x}{2^{y}}\right) = \begin{cases} x \gg y & \text{if } x \geq 0 \\ - ( - x \gg y ) & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}\\ \end{equation*} where $\gg$ stands for a logical right shift. %Once this equivalence about the shifts and division operator is proven correct, it can be used to implement the \texttt{Oshrximm} using the efficient shift version instead of how the \compcert{} semantics described it. When proving this equivalence, we actually found a bug in our original implementation that was due to the fact that a na\"{i}ve shift rounds towards $-\infty$. %The \compcert{} semantics for the \texttt{Oshrximm} instruction expresses its operation exactly as shown in the equation above, even though in hardware the computation that would be performed would be different. In \vericert{}, if the same operation would be implemented using Verilog operators, it is not guaranteed to be optimised correctly by the synthesis tools that convert the Verilog into a circuit. To guarantee an output that does not include divides, we therefore have to express it in Verilog using shifts, and then prove that this representation is equivalent to the divide representation used in the \compcert{} semantics. While conducting the proof, we discovered quite a few bugs in our initial implementation of optimisations, which rounded to $-\infty$ instead of 0. %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "main" %%% TeX-command-extra-options: "-shell-escape" %%% End: