\appendix \section{Appendix} \begin{figure*} \centering \begin{minipage}{1.0\linewidth} \begin{align*} v\quad ::=&\; 32 \yhkeyword{'d} n\\ \textit{op}\quad ::=&\; \yhkeyword{+ } | \yhkeywordsp{- } | \yhkeywordsp{* } \cdots \\ e\quad ::=&\; v\;\; |\;\; x\;\; |\;\; e \yhkeyword{[} e \yhkeyword{]}\;\; |\;\; e\ \mathit{op}\ e\;\; |\;\; \yhkeyword{\textasciitilde} e\;\; |\;\; e \yhkeywordsp{? } e \yhkeywordsp{: } e\\ s\quad ::=&\; s\ s\ |\ \epsilon\\[-2pt] |&\; \yhkeyword{if(} e \yhkeyword{) } s \yhkeywordsp{else } s\\[-2pt] |&\; \yhkeyword{case(} e \yhkeyword{) } e : s\ \{\ e : s\ \}\ [\ s\ ] \yhkeywordsp{endcase}\\[-2pt] |&\; e = e \yhkeyword{;}\\[-2pt] |&\; e \Leftarrow e \yhkeyword{;}\\ d\quad ::=&\; \yhkeyword{[n-1:0] } r\ |\ \yhkeyword{[n-1:0] } r \yhkeywordsp{[m-1:0]}\\ m\quad ::=&\; \yhkeyword{reg } d \yhkeyword{;}\ |\ \yhkeyword{input wire } d \yhkeyword{;}\ |\ \yhkeyword{output reg } d \yhkeyword{;}\\ |&\; \yhkeywordsp{always @(posedge clk) } s \\ m \text{ list}\quad ::=&\; \{ m \} \end{align*} \end{minipage} \caption{Verilog syntax for values $v$, expressions $e$, statements $s$ and module items $m$.}\label{fig:verilog_syntax} \end{figure*} \begin{figure*} \centering \begin{minipage}{1.0\linewidth} \begin{gather*} \label{eq:1} \inferrule[Skip]{ }{\textit{srun}\ \sigma\ \epsilon\ \sigma}\\ % \inferrule[Seq]{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ \textit{s}_{1}\ \sigma_{1} \\ \textit{srun}\ \sigma_{1}\ \textit{s}_{2}\ \sigma_{2}}{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ (\textit{s}_{1}\ \textit{s}_{2})\ \sigma_{2}}\\ % \inferrule[CondTrue]{\textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{\rm r}^{0}\ \Gamma_{\rm a}^{0}\ c\ v_{c} \\ \yhfunction{valToB}\ v_{c} = \yhconstant{true} \\ \textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ \textit{st}\ \sigma_{1}}{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ (\yhkeyword{if(} c \yhkeyword{) } \textit{st} \yhkeywordsp{else } \textit{sf})\ \sigma_{1}}\\ % \inferrule[CondFalse]{\textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{\rm r}^{0}\ \Gamma_{\rm a}^{0}\ c\ v_{\rm c} \\ \yhfunction{valToB}\ v_{\rm c} = \yhconstant{false} \\ \textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ \textit{sf}\ \sigma_{1}}{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ (\yhkeyword{if(} c \yhkeyword{) } \textit{st} \yhkeywordsp{else } \textit{sf})\ \sigma_{1}}\\ % \inferrule[CaseNoMatch]{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ (\yhkeyword{case(} e \yhkeyword{) } cs\ \textit{def} \yhkeywordsp{endcase})\ \sigma_{1} \\ \textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{\rm r}^{0}\ \Gamma_{\rm a}^{0}\ me\ mve \\ \textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{\rm r}^{0}\ \Gamma_{\rm a}^{0}\ e\ ve \\ mve \neq ve}{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ (\yhkeyword{case(} e \yhkeyword{) } ((me : sc) :: cs)\ \textit{def} \yhkeywordsp{endcase})\ \sigma_{1}}\\ % \inferrule[CaseMatch]{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ sc\ \sigma_{1} \\ \textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{\rm r}^{0}\ \Gamma_{\rm a}^{0}\ e\ ve \\ \textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{\rm r}^{0}\ \Gamma_{\rm a}^{0}\ me\ mve \\ mve = ve}{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ (\yhkeyword{case(} e \yhkeyword{) } ((me : sc) :: cs)\ \textit{def} \yhkeywordsp{endcase})\ \sigma_{1}}\\ % \inferrule[CaseDefault]{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ s\ \sigma_{1}}{\textit{srun}\ \sigma_{0}\ (\yhkeyword{case(} e \yhkeyword{) } []\ (\yhconstant{Some}\ s) \yhkeywordsp{endcase})\ \sigma_{1}}\\ % \inferrule[Blocking Reg]{\yhfunction{name}\ \textit{lhs} = \yhconstant{OK}\ n \\ \textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{\rm r}\ \Gamma_{\rm a}\ \textit{rhs}\ v_{\rm rhs}}{\textit{srun}\ (\Gamma_{\rm r},\Gamma_{\rm a},\Delta_{\rm r},\Delta_{\rm a})\ (\textit{lhs} = \textit{rhs})\ (\Gamma_{\rm r} [n \mapsto v_{\rm rhs}], \Gamma_{\rm a}, \Delta_{\rm r}, \Delta_{\rm a})}\\ % \inferrule[Nonblocking Reg]{\yhfunction{name}\ \textit{lhs} = \yhconstant{OK}\ n \\ \textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{\rm r}\ \Gamma_{\rm a}\ \textit{rhs}\ v_{\rm rhs}}{\textit{srun}\ (\Gamma_{\rm r}, \Gamma_{\rm a}, \Delta_{\rm r}, \Delta_{\rm a})\ (\textit{lhs} \Leftarrow \textit{rhs})\ (\Gamma_{\rm r}, \Gamma_{\rm a}, \Delta_{\rm r} [n \mapsto v_{\rm rhs}], \Delta_{\rm a})}\\ \inferrule[Blocking Array]{\yhkeyword{name}\ \textit{lhs} = \yhkeyword{OK}\ n \\ \textit{erun}\ \Gamma_{r}\ \Gamma_{a}\ \textit{rhs}\ v_{\textit{rhs}}}{\textit{srun}\ (\Gamma_{r},\Gamma_{a},\Delta_{r},\Delta_{a})\ (\textit{lhs} = \textit{rhs})\ (\Gamma_{r} // \{n \rightarrow v_{\textit{rhs}}\}, \Gamma_{a}, \Delta_{r}, \Delta_{a})}\\ % \inferrule[Nonblocking Array]{\yhkeyword{name}\ \textit{lhs} = \yhkeyword{OK}\ n \\ \textit{erun}\ \Gamma\ \textit{rhs}\ v_{\textit{rhs}}}{\textit{srun}\ (\Gamma_{r}, \Gamma_{a}, \Delta_{r}, \Delta_{a})\ (\textit{lhs} \Leftarrow \textit{rhs})\ (\Gamma_{r}, \Gamma_{a}, \Delta_{r} // \{n \rightarrow v_{\textit{rhs}}\}, \Delta_{a})} \end{gather*} \end{minipage} \caption{Inferrence rules for statements.}\label{fig:inferrence_statements} \end{figure*} \begin{figure*} \centering \begin{minipage}{1.0\linewidth} \begin{gather*} \inferrule[Module]{\Gamma_{r} ! s_{t} = \texttt{Some } v \\ (m_{i}, \Gamma_{r}^{0}, \Gamma_{a}^{0}, \epsilon, \epsilon\ l)\ \longrightarrow_{\vec{m}} (m_{i}, \Gamma_{r}^{1}, \Gamma_{a}^{1}, \Delta_{r}^{1}, \Delta_{a}^{1}) \\ (\Gamma_{r}^{1} // \Delta_{r}^{1}) ! s_{t} = \texttt{Some } v'}{\texttt{State } \textit{sf }\ m\ v\ \Gamma_{r}^{0}\ \Gamma_{a}^{0} \longrightarrow \texttt{State } \textit{sf }\ m\ v'\ (\Gamma_{r}^{1} // \Delta_{r}^{1})\ (\Gamma_{a}^{1} // \Delta_{a}^{1})}\\ % \inferrule[Finish]{\Gamma_{r}!\textit{fin} = \texttt{Some } 1 \\ \Gamma_{r}!\textit{ret} = \texttt{Some } r}{\texttt{State } \textit{sf }\ m\ s_{t}\ \Gamma_{r}\ \Gamma_{a} \longrightarrow \texttt{Returnstate } \textit{sf }\ r}\\ % \inferrule[Call]{ }{\texttt{Callstate } \textit{sf }\ m\ \vec{r} \longrightarrow \texttt{State } \textit{sf }\ m\ n\ (\textit{init\_params }\ \vec{r}\ a // \{s_{t} \rightarrow n\})}\\ % \inferrule[Return]{ }{\texttt{Returnstate } (\texttt{Stackframe } r\ m\ \textit{pc }\ \Gamma_{r}\ \Gamma_{a} :: \textit{sf}) \longrightarrow \texttt{State } \textit{sf }\ m\ \textit{pc }\ (\Gamma_{r} // \{ \textit{st} \rightarrow \textit{pc}, r \rightarrow i \})\ \epsilon} \end{gather*} \end{minipage} \caption{Inferrence rules for modules}% \label{fig:inferrence_module} \end{figure*} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{minted}{coq} Inductive match_states : 3AC.state -> HTL.state -> Prop := | match_state : forall asa asr sf f sp sp' rs mem m st res (MASSOC : match_assocmaps f rs asr) (TF : tr_module f m) (WF : state_st_wf m (HTL.State res m st asr asa)) (MF : match_frames sf res) (MARR : match_arrs m f sp mem asa) (SP : sp = Values.Vptr sp' (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0)) (RSBP : reg_stack_based_pointers sp' rs) (ASBP : arr_stack_based_pointers sp' mem (f.(3AC.fn_stacksize)) sp) (BOUNDS : stack_bounds sp (f.(3AC.fn_stacksize)) mem) (CONST : match_constants m asr), match_states (3AC.State sf f sp st rs mem) (HTL.State res m st asr asa) | match_returnstate : forall v v' stack mem res (MF : match_frames stack res), val_value_lessdef v v' -> match_states (3AC.Returnstate stack v mem) (HTL.Returnstate res v') | match_initial_call : forall f m m0 (TF : tr_module f m), match_states (3AC.Callstate nil (AST.Internal f) nil m0) (HTL.Callstate nil m nil). \end{minted} \caption{\texttt{match\_states} predicate used to match an 3AC state to the equivalent HTL state.}\label{fig:match_states} \end{figure} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "main" %%% TeX-command-extra-options: "-shell-escape" %%% End: