\section{Verilog} Verilog is a hardware description language commonly used to design hardware. A Verilog design can then be synthesised into more basic logic which describes how different gates connect to each other, called a netlist. This representation can then be put onto either a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) or turned into an application-specific integrated circuit (ASPIC) to implement the design that was described in Verilog. The Verilog standard is quite large though, and not all Verilog features are needed to be able to describe hardware. Many Verilog features are only useful for simulation and do not affect the actual hardware itself, which means that these features do not have to be modelled in the semantics. In addition to that, as the HLS algorithm dictates which Verilog constructs are generated, meaning the Verilog subset that has to be modelled by the semantics can be reduced even further to only support the constructs that are needed. Only supporting a smaller subset in the semantics also means that there is less chance that the standard is misunderstood, and that the semantics actually model how the Verilog is simulated. The Verilog semantics are based on the semantics proposed by \citet{loow19_verif_compil_verif_proces}, which were used to create a formal translation from HOL logic into a Verilog circuit. These semantics are quite practical as they restrict themselves to a small subset of Verilog, which can nonetheless be used to model all hardware constructs one would want to design. The main syntax for the Verilog subset is the following: \begin{align*} v ::=&\; \mathit{sz} * n\\ e ::=&\; v\\[-2pt] |&\; x\\[-2pt] |&\; e [e]\\[-2pt] |&\; e\ \mathit{op}\ e\\[-2pt] |&\; \texttt{!} e\ |\ \texttt{~} e\\[-2pt] |&\; e \texttt{ ? } e \texttt{ : } e\\ s ::=&\; s\ \texttt{;}\ s\ |\ \texttt{;}\\[-2pt] |&\; \texttt{if } e \texttt{ then } s \texttt{ else } s\\[-2pt] |&\; \texttt{case } e\ [e : s] \texttt{ endcase}\\[-2pt] |&\; e \texttt{ = } e\\[-2pt] |&\; e \texttt{ <= } e\\ d ::=&\; \texttt{[n-1:0] } r\ |\ \texttt{[n-1:0] } r \texttt{ [m-1:0]}\\ m ::=&\ \texttt{reg } d \texttt{;}\ |\ \texttt{input wire } d \texttt{;}\ |\ \texttt{output reg } d \texttt{;}\\ |&\; \text{\tt always @(posedge clk)}\ s \end{align*} The main addition to the Verilog syntax is the explicit declaration of inputs and outputs, as well as variables and arrays. This means that the declarations have to be handled explicitly in the semantics as well, adding the safety that all the registers are declared properly with the right size, as this affects how the Verilog module is synthesised and simulated. In addition to that, literal values cannot be represented by a list of nested boolean values, instead they are represented by a size and its value. Finally, the last difference is that the syntax supports memories in Verilog explicitly and we have separate semantics to handle nonblocking and blocking assignments to memory correctly. \subsection{Semantics} However, adjustments to these semantics had to be made to make it compatible with the CompCert small step semantics. In addition to that, memory is not directly modelled in their semantics of Verilog, as well as handling of inputs and declarations in modules. \begin{equation} \label{eq:10} s = (\Gamma, \Delta) \end{equation} Definition of stmntrun. \JW{stmtntrun has four parameters, and if I read the rules correctly, it looks like the fourth parameter is uniquely determined by the first three. So, you could consider presenting stmntrun simply as a recursive definition, e.g. `stmntrun f s Vskip = s', `stmntrun f s0 (Vseq st1 st2) = stmntrun f (stmntrun f s0 st1) st2', and so on. That might (\emph{might}) be easier to read than the inference rule format.} \YH{It works well for Seq and Skip, but I think that CaseMatch and CaseNoMatch, or even if statements will be a bit clunky? We would have to use case statements in the function to do different things based on what they evaluate to. For case I think that would end up being a three way choice. I'll try it out though and see how nice it is.} \JP{I suppose this would essentially be an ``interpreter'' style semantics but we can prove equivalence pretty easily.} \YH{To add to that, I used to have both in the Coq code, but commented the recursive definition out, and now only have the inductive definition, which is basically what I copy pasted here.} \JW{Fair enough. Whatever you think ends up being the easiest to read and understand, really. There's something to be said for staying close to the Coq definitions anyway.} \YH{I have added more rules, we can always switch from one to the other now. One more thing I noticed though is that recursive definitions will need an \texttt{option} type.} \JW{Oh, then my suggestion of `stmntrun f s0 (Vseq st1 st2) = stmntrun f (stmntrun f s0 st1) st2' is a bit ill-typed then, unless the second parameter becomes option-typed too. Maybe the inference rules are better overall then.} \YH{Ah yes, I actually didn't even notice that, it would need the do notation, just like the implementation in Coq, so it may be easier to just use the inference rules.} \begin{equation} \label{eq:1} \inferrule[Skip]{ }{\text{srun}\ f\ s\ \mathtt{Vskip} = s} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:4} \inferrule[Seq]{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ \mathit{st}_{1}\ s_{1} \\ \text{srun}\ f\ s_{1}\ \mathit{st}_{2}\ s_{2}}{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ (\mathtt{Vseq}\ \mathit{st}_{1}\ \mathit{st}_{2})\ s_{2}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:2} \inferrule[CondTrue]{\text{erun}\ f\ \Gamma_{0}\ c\ v_{c} \\ \text{valToB}\ v_{c} = \mathtt{true} \\ \text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ \mathit{stt}\ s_{1}}{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ (\mathtt{Vcond}\ c\ \mathit{stt}\ \mathit{stf})\ s_{1}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:3} \inferrule[CondFalse]{\text{erun}\ f\ \Gamma_{0}\ c\ v_{c} \\ \text{valToB}\ v_{c} = \mathtt{false} \\ \text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ \mathit{stf}\ s_{1}}{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ (\mathtt{Vcond}\ c\ \mathit{stt}\ \mathit{stf})\ s_{1}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:5} \inferrule[CaseNoMatch]{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ (\mathtt{Vcase}\ e\ cs\ \mathit{def})\ s_{1} \\ \text{erun}\ f\ \Gamma_{0}\ me\ mve \\ \text{erun}\ f\ \Gamma_{0}\ e\ ve \\ mve \neq ve}{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ (\mathtt{Vcase}\ e\ ((me,\ sc) :: cs)\ \mathit{def})\ s_{1}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:6} \inferrule[CaseMatch]{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ sc\ s_{1} \\ \text{erun}\ f\ \Gamma_{0}\ e\ ve \\ \text{erun}\ f\ \Gamma_{0}\ me\ mve \\ mve = ve}{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ (\mathtt{Vcase}\ e\ ((me,\ sc) :: cs)\ \mathit{def})\ s_{1}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:7} \inferrule[CaseDefault]{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ st\ s_{1}}{\text{srun}\ f\ s_{0}\ (\mathtt{Vcase}\ e\ []\ (\mathtt{Some}\ st))\ s_{1}} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:8} \inferrule[Blocking]{\text{name}\ \mathit{lhs} = \mathtt{OK}\ n \\ \text{erun}\ f\ \Gamma\ \mathit{rhs}\ v_{\mathit{rhs}}}{\text{srun}\ f\ (\Gamma, \Delta)\ (\mathtt{Vblock}\ \mathit{lhs}\ \mathit{rhs})\ (\Gamma ! n \rightarrow v_{\mathit{rhs}}, \Delta)} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:9} \inferrule[Nonblocking]{\text{name}\ \mathit{lhs} = \mathtt{OK}\ n \\ \text{erun}\ f\ \Gamma\ \mathit{rhs}\ v_{\mathit{rhs}}}{\text{srun}\ f\ (\Gamma, \Delta)\ (\mathtt{Vnonblock}\ \mathit{lhs}\ \mathit{rhs}) (\Gamma, \Delta ! n \rightarrow v_{\mathit{rhs}})} \end{equation} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "main" %%% End: