(* * CoqUp: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Yann Herklotz * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) From Coq Require Import Lists.List Strings.String. From Coq Require Import Structures.OrderedTypeEx FSets.FMapList Program.Basics PeanoNat. From CoqUp.Common Require Import Helper Tactics Show. Import ListNotations. Module Map := FMapList.Make String_as_OT. Inductive value : Type := | VBool (b : bool) | VArray (l : list value). Definition cons_value (a b : value) : value := match a, b with | VBool _, VArray b' => VArray (a :: b') | VArray a', VBool _ => VArray (List.concat [a'; [b]]) | VArray a', VArray b' => VArray (List.concat [a'; b']) | _, _ => VArray [a; b] end. (** * Conversion to and from value *) Fixpoint nat_to_value' (sz n : nat) : value := match sz with | 0 => VArray [] | S sz' => if Nat.even n then cons_value (VBool false) (nat_to_value' sz' (Nat.div n 2)) else cons_value (VBool true) (nat_to_value' sz' (Nat.div n 2)) end. Definition nat_to_value (n : nat) : value := nat_to_value' ((Nat.log2 n) + 1) n. Definition state : Type := Map.t value * Map.t value. Inductive binop : Type := | Plus | Minus | Times | Divide | LT | GT | LE | GE | Eq | And | Or | Xor. Inductive expr : Type := | Lit (n : value) | Var (s : string) | Neg (a : expr) | BinOp (op : binop) (a1 a2 : expr) | Ternary (c t f : expr). Inductive stmnt : Type := | Skip | Block (s : list stmnt) | Cond (c : expr) (st sf : stmnt) | Case (c : expr) (b : list (expr * stmnt)) | Blocking (a b : expr) | Nonblocking (a b : expr). Inductive verilog : Type := Verilog (s : list stmnt). Definition verilog_example := Verilog [Block [Nonblocking (Var "hello") (BinOp Plus (Lit (nat_to_value 40)) (Lit (nat_to_value 20))); Cond (BinOp LE (Lit (nat_to_value 2)) (Lit (nat_to_value 3))) (Blocking (Var "Another") (BinOp Times (Lit (nat_to_value 20)) (Lit (nat_to_value 500)))) Skip]; Block []]. Coercion VBool : bool >-> value. Coercion Lit : value >-> expr. Coercion Var : string >-> expr. Definition value_is_bool (v : value) : bool := match v with | VBool _ => true | VArray _ => false end. Definition value_is_array : value -> bool := compose negb value_is_bool. Definition flat_value (v : value) : bool := match v with | VBool _ => true | VArray l => forallb value_is_bool l end. Inductive value_is_boolP : value -> Prop := | ValIsBool : forall b : bool, value_is_boolP (VBool b). Inductive value_is_arrayP : value -> Prop := | ValIsArray : forall v : list value, value_is_arrayP (VArray v). Inductive flat_valueP : value -> Prop := | FLV0 : forall b : bool, flat_valueP (VBool b) | FLVA : forall l : list value, Forall (value_is_boolP) l -> flat_valueP (VArray l). Lemma value_is_bool_equiv : forall v, value_is_boolP v <-> value_is_bool v = true. Proof. split; intros. - inversion H. trivial. - destruct v. constructor. unfold value_is_bool in H. discriminate. Qed. Lemma value_is_array_equiv : forall v, value_is_arrayP v <-> value_is_array v = true. Proof. split; intros. - inversion H. trivial. - destruct v; try constructor. unfold value_is_array in H. unfold compose, value_is_bool, negb in H. discriminate. Qed. Lemma flat_value_equiv : forall v, flat_valueP v <-> flat_value v = true. Proof. split; intros. - unfold flat_value. inversion H. subst. trivial. + rewrite Forall_forall in H0. rewrite forallb_forall. intros. subst. apply value_is_bool_equiv. apply H0. assumption. - destruct v. constructor. constructor. unfold flat_value in H. rewrite Forall_forall. rewrite forallb_forall in H. intros. apply value_is_bool_equiv. apply H. assumption. Qed. Fixpoint value_to_nat' (i : nat) (v : value) : option nat := match i, v with | _, VBool b => Some (Nat.b2n b) | _, VArray [VBool b] => Some (Nat.b2n b) | S i', VArray ((VBool b) :: l) => Option.map (compose (Nat.add (Nat.b2n b)) (Mult.tail_mult 2)) (value_to_nat' i' (VArray l)) | _, _ => None end. Definition value_length (v : value) : nat := match v with | VBool _ => 1 | VArray l => Datatypes.length l end. Definition value_to_nat (v : value) : option nat := value_to_nat' (value_length v) v. Lemma empty_is_flat : flat_valueP (VArray []). Proof. constructor. apply Forall_forall. intros. inversion H. Qed. Lemma check_5_is_101 : value_to_nat (VArray [VBool true; VBool false; VBool true]) = Some 5. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma cons_value_flat : forall (b : bool) (v : value), flat_valueP v -> flat_valueP (cons_value (VBool b) v). Proof. intros. unfold cons_value. destruct v. - constructor. apply Forall_forall. intros. inversion H0; subst. constructor. inversion H1; subst. constructor. inversion H2. - intros. inversion H. inversion H1; subst; constructor. + apply Forall_forall. intros. inversion H0; subst. constructor. inversion H2. + repeat constructor. assumption. assumption. Qed. Lemma nat_to_value'_is_flat : forall (sz n : nat), flat_valueP (nat_to_value' sz n). Proof. induction sz; intros. - subst. apply empty_is_flat. - unfold_rec nat_to_value'. destruct (Nat.even n); apply cons_value_flat; apply IHsz. Qed. Lemma nat_to_value_is_flat : forall (sz n : nat), flat_valueP (nat_to_value n). Proof. intros. unfold nat_to_value. apply nat_to_value'_is_flat. Qed. Lemma nat_to_value_idempotent : forall (sz n : nat), sz > 0 -> (value_to_nat' sz (nat_to_value' sz n)) = Some n. Proof. induction sz; intros. - inversion H. - unfold_rec value_to_nat'. assert (flat_valueP (nat_to_value' (S sz) n)). { apply nat_to_value'_is_flat. } destruct (nat_to_value' (S sz) n) eqn:?. Admitted. Module VerilogEval. Definition app (f : nat -> nat -> nat) (a : value) (b : value) : option value := Option.map nat_to_value (Option.liftA2 f (value_to_nat a) (value_to_nat b)). Definition state_find (k : string) (s : state) : option value := Map.find k (fst s). Definition eval_binop (op : binop) (a1 a2 : value) : option value := match op with | Plus => app Nat.add a1 a2 | Minus => app Nat.sub a1 a2 | Times => app Mult.tail_mult a1 a2 | Divide => app Nat.div a1 a2 | _ => Some a1 end. (* Fixpoint eval_expr (s : state) (e : expr) : option value := match e with | Lit n => Some n | Var v => state_find v s | Neg a => 0 - (eval_expr s a) | BinOp op a1 a2 => eval_binop op a1 a2 | Ternary c t f => if eval_expr s c then eval_expr s t else eval_expr s f end. *) End VerilogEval.