#! /usr/local/bin/csi -ss ;; -*- mode: scheme -*- ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2022 Yann Herklotz ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (import (chicken file) (chicken io) (chicken irregex) (chicken port) (chicken process-context) (chicken sort) (chicken string) args matchable srfi-193 ssax) (define options) (define operands) (define (check-opt b) (cdr (or (assoc b options) `(,b . #f)))) (define opts (list (args:make-option (v verbose) (optional: "LEVEL") "Debug level [default: 0]" (set! arg (or arg "0"))) (args:make-option (k keys) (required: "KEY,KEY,...") "Keys to display [default: slice,ramfifo,delay]") (args:make-option (o output) (required: "FILE") "Output file") (args:make-option (default-sort) #:none "Don't the names of the benchmarks") (args:make-option (suppress) (required: "TYPE,TYPE,...") "Values to suppress from output [default: none]") (args:make-option (c csv) #:none "Output processed CSV") (args:make-option (cycle-file) (required: "FILE") "File which contains the cycle counts for the benchmark") (args:make-option (org) #:none "Output processed Org") (args:make-option (V version) #:none "Display version" (print "synthesis-results v0.2.0") (exit)) (args:make-option (h help) #:none "Display this text" (usage)))) (: description string) (define description "synthesis-results: sends a verilog file to be synthesised and returns results as a CSV file.") (define (usage) (with-output-to-port (current-error-port) (lambda () (print description) (newline) (print "Usage: " (program-name) " [options...] [files...]") (newline) (print (args:usage opts)) (print "Report bugs to git at yannherklotz dot com."))) (exit 1)) (define (map-names n) (match n ["XILINX_LUT_FLIP_FLOP_PAIRS_USED" "lut_flip_flop"] ["XILINX_SLICE" "slice"] ["XILINX_SLICE_REGISTERS" "regs"] ["XILINX_SLICE_LUTS" "luts"] ["XILINX_BLOCK_RAMFIFO" "ramfifo"] ["XILINX_IOPIN" "iopin"] ["XILINX_DSPS" "dsps"] ["XILINX_POWER" "power"] ["XILINX_DESIGN_DELAY" "delay"] [_ n])) (define (csv:fmt-row l) (string-intersperse (map ->string l) ",")) (define (org:fmt-row l) (string-append "| " (string-intersperse (map ->string l) " | ") " |")) (define (csv:fmt-table-string l) (apply string-append (map (lambda (s) (string-append s "\n")) l))) (define (csv:fmt-table l) (apply string-append (map (lambda (s) (string-append s "\n")) (map csv:fmt-row l)))) (define (xml-matcher xml) (match xml [('*TOP* _ ('document ('application ('section _ . r)))) (map (match-lambda [('item ('@ ('value v) ('stringID s))) (cons (map-names s) (string->number v))]) r)])) (define (parse-xml name file) (with-input-from-file file (lambda () (cons name (xml-matcher (ssax:xml->sxml (current-input-port) '())))))) (define (ifn-cons b c l) (if b l (cons c l))) (define ((to-csv-record fmt-row b head) results) (let ((res (map (lambda (key) (cdr (assoc key (cadr results)))) head))) (fmt-row (ifn-cons b (car results) res)))) (: path-to-name (string -> string)) (define (path-to-name path) (irregex-replace "^.*?([^/]+)_report\\.xml$" path 1)) (define (order-data d1 d2) (match (list d1 d2) [((n1 . _) (n2 . _)) (string (list-of string))) (define (split-at-comma s) (string-split s ",")) (define (parse-cycles f) (if f (with-input-from-file f (lambda () (map (match-lambda [(a b) (cons a b)]) (map split-at-comma (read-lines))))) #f)) (: find-all-xml (string -> (list-of string))) (define (find-all-xml dir) (find-files dir #:test ".*\\.xml$")) (define (get-files-from-op operands) (match operands [(d) (cond [(directory-exists? d) (find-all-xml d)] [else (list d)])] [_ operands])) (define (with-output thk) (if (check-opt 'output) (with-output-to-file (check-opt 'output) thk) (thk))) (define (row-fmt) (if (check-opt 'org) org:fmt-row csv:fmt-row)) (define (cycle-file operands) (let ((dir (match operands [(d) (when (directory-exists? d) d)] [_ #f]))) (or (check-opt 'cycle-file) (if dir (string-append dir "/exec.csv") #f)))) (define (add-cycles data cycles) (if cycles (map (lambda (f) (list (car f) (cons (cons "cycles" (cdr (assoc (car f) cycles))) (cdr f)))) data) data)) (define (main args) (set!-values (options operands) (args:parse args opts)) (let ((head (split-at-comma (or (check-opt 'keys) "slice,ramfifo,delay,cycles"))) (suppress (split-at-comma (or (check-opt 'suppress) "none"))) (files (get-files-from-op operands))) (let ((data (convert-files (not (check-opt 'default-sort)) files)) (header ((row-fmt) (ifn-cons (member "name" suppress) "name" head))) (cycles (parse-cycles (cycle-file operands)))) (with-output (lambda () (display (csv:fmt-table-string (ifn-cons (member "header" suppress) header (map (to-csv-record (row-fmt) (member "name" suppress) head) (add-cycles data cycles))))))))))