(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Compcert Extensions *) (* *) (* Jean-Baptiste Tristan *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms *) (* described in file ../../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Basic open IMS open MVE open RTL let clean t = let rec clean_rec i = match i with | 0 -> [] | n -> begin match t.(i - 1) with | None -> clean_rec (i - 1) | Some inst -> inst :: clean_rec (i - 1) end in let l = List.rev (clean_rec (Array.length t)) in List.hd l :: (List.filter (fun e -> not (is_cond e)) (List.tl l)) let print_nodes = List.iter (fun n -> Printf.printf "%s \n" (string_of_node n)) (* random heuristic *) let find node schedule opt = try NI.find node schedule with | Not_found -> opt let random ddg schedule = let unscheduled = G.fold_vertex (fun node l -> match find node schedule None with | Some v -> l | None -> node :: l ) ddg [] in let bound = List.length unscheduled in Random.self_init (); List.nth unscheduled (Random.int bound) (* tought heuristics *) module Topo = Graph.Topological.Make (G) module Scc = Graph.Components.Make (G) let order = ref [] let pipeliner ddg = order := List.flatten (Scc.scc_list ddg); let (sched,ii) = IMS.pipeliner ddg random in let (steady,prolog,epilog,min,unroll,entrance,way_out) = MVE.mve ddg sched ii in let steady_state = clean steady in if min <= 0 then None else Some {steady_state = steady_state; prolog = prolog; epilog = epilog; min = min; unrolling = unroll; ramp_up = entrance; ramp_down = way_out} let main f = Basic.apply_pipeliner f pipeliner ~debug:false