(* Note: this file is used by SliceToString, so it must not include it *) open Camlcoq open BinNums open BinPos open Maps open RTLBlock open RTLBlockInstr open BourdoncleIterator module B = Bourdoncle type node = P.t let int_of_positive p = let i = P.to_int p in i - 1 let positive_of_int n = P.of_int (n+1) (* Functions copied from SliceToString to avoid mutual inclusion *) let nodeToString (p : P.t) : string = Int.to_string (P.to_int p) let rec cleanListToString' (aToString: 'a -> string) (l : 'a list) = match l with | [] -> "" | e :: r -> " " ^ (aToString e) ^ (cleanListToString' aToString r) let cleanListToString (aToString: 'a -> string) (l : 'a list) = match l with | [] -> "[]" | [e] -> "(" ^ (aToString e) ^ ")" | e :: r -> "(" ^ (aToString e) ^ (cleanListToString' aToString r) ^ ")" let rec bourdoncleToString (b : B.bourdoncle) : string = match b with | B.I n -> (nodeToString n) | B.L (h, lb) -> cleanListToString bourdoncleToString ((B.I h) :: lb) let bourdoncleListToString (l : B.bourdoncle list) : string = cleanListToString bourdoncleToString l (* Dummy type to avoid redefining existing functions *) type instr = | Inop let rec get_exits = function | RBgoto j -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop)] | RBcall (_,_,_,dst,j) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop)] | RBtailcall _ -> [] | RBbuiltin (_,_,dst,j) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop)] | RBcond (c,args,j,k) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop);(int_of_positive k, Inop)] | RBjumptable (_,tbl) -> List.map (fun j -> (int_of_positive j, Inop)) tbl | RBpred_cf (p, cf1, cf2) -> List.append (get_exits cf1) (get_exits cf2) | RBreturn _ -> [] let build_cfg f = let entry = int_of_positive f.fn_entrypoint in let max = PTree.fold (fun m n _ -> max m (int_of_positive n)) f.fn_code 0 in (* nodes are between 1 and max+1 *) let succ = Array.make (max+1) [] in let _ = PTree.fold (fun () n ins -> succ.(int_of_positive n) <- get_exits ins.bb_exit) f.fn_code () in { entry = entry; succ = succ } let rec build_bourdoncle' (bl : bourdoncle list) : B.bourdoncle list = match bl with | [] -> [] | (I i) :: r -> B.I (positive_of_int i) :: (build_bourdoncle' r) | (L ((I h) :: l, _)) :: r -> B.L (positive_of_int h, build_bourdoncle' l) :: (build_bourdoncle' r) | _ -> failwith "Assertion error: invalid bourdoncle ist" let build_bourdoncle'' (f : bb coq_function) : B.bourdoncle = let cfg = build_cfg f in match build_bourdoncle' (get_bourdoncle cfg) with | [] -> failwith "assertion error: empty bourdoncle" | l -> begin match l with | B.I h :: r -> B.L (h, r) | B.L (_, _) :: _ -> begin Printf.printf "ASSERTION ERROR: invalid program structure (too many bourdoncles)\n"; Printf.printf "Head should be an element, but it is a list\n"; Printf.printf "Failed at: %s\n" (bourdoncleListToString l); failwith "assertion error" end | _ -> failwith "assertion error : ???" end (* Auxiliary function for build_order *) let rec linearize (b : B.bourdoncle) : node list = match b with | B.I n -> [n] | B.L (h, l) -> List.fold_left (fun l0 b' -> l0 @ (linearize b')) [h] l let succ_pos = function | N0 -> Npos Coq_xH | Npos p -> Npos (Pos.succ p) let rec build_order' (l : node list) (count : coq_N) : coq_N PTree.t = match l with | [] -> PTree.empty | n :: r -> PTree.set n count (build_order' r (succ_pos count)) let build_order (b : B.bourdoncle) : coq_N PMap.t = let bo = build_order' (linearize b) (succ_pos N0) in (succ_pos N0, bo) let build_bourdoncle (f : bb coq_function) : (B.bourdoncle * coq_N PMap.t) = let b = build_bourdoncle'' f in let bo = build_order b in (b, bo)