(* * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Yann Herklotz * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) From vericert Require Verilog Compiler RTLBlockgen RTLBlock RTLPar RTLBlockInstr HTLgen Pipeline HLSOpts Predicate . From Coq Require DecidableClass. From compcert Require Coqlib Wfsimpl Decidableplus AST Iteration Floats SelectLong Selection RTLgen Inlining ValueDomain Tailcall Allocation Bounds Ctypes Csyntax Ctyping Clight Compiler Parser Initializers. (* Standard lib *) Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic. Require Import ExtrOcamlString. (* Coqlib *) Extract Inlined Constant Coqlib.proj_sumbool => "(fun x -> x)". (* Datatypes *) Extract Inlined Constant Datatypes.fst => "fst". Extract Inlined Constant Datatypes.snd => "snd". (* Decidable *) Extraction Inline DecidableClass.Decidable_witness DecidableClass.decide Decidableplus.Decidable_and Decidableplus.Decidable_or Decidableplus.Decidable_not Decidableplus.Decidable_implies. (* Wfsimpl *) Extraction Inline Wfsimpl.Fix Wfsimpl.Fixm. (* Memory - work around an extraction bug. *) Extraction NoInline Memory.Mem.valid_pointer. (* Errors *) Extraction Inline Errors.bind Errors.bind2. (* Iteration *) Extract Constant Iteration.GenIter.iterate => "let rec iter f a = match f a with Coq_inl b -> Some b | Coq_inr a' -> iter f a' in iter". (* Selection *) Extract Constant Selection.compile_switch => "Switchaux.compile_switch". Extract Constant Selection.if_conversion_heuristic => "Selectionaux.if_conversion_heuristic". (* RTLgen *) Extract Constant RTLgen.more_likely => "RTLgenaux.more_likely". Extraction Inline RTLgen.ret RTLgen.error RTLgen.bind RTLgen.bind2. (* Inlining *) Extract Inlined Constant Inlining.should_inline => "Inliningaux.should_inline". Extract Inlined Constant Inlining.inlining_info => "Inliningaux.inlining_info". Extract Inlined Constant Inlining.inlining_analysis => "Inliningaux.inlining_analysis". Extraction Inline Inlining.ret Inlining.bind. (* Allocation *) Extract Constant Allocation.regalloc => "Regalloc.regalloc". (* Linearize *) Extract Constant Linearize.enumerate_aux => "Linearizeaux.enumerate_aux". (* SimplExpr *) Extract Constant SimplExpr.first_unused_ident => "Camlcoq.first_unused_ident". Extraction Inline SimplExpr.ret SimplExpr.error SimplExpr.bind SimplExpr.bind2. (* Compopts *) Extract Constant Compopts.optim_for_size => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_Osize". Extract Constant Compopts.va_strict => "fun _ -> false". Extract Constant Compopts.propagate_float_constants => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_ffloatconstprop >= 1". Extract Constant Compopts.generate_float_constants => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_ffloatconstprop >= 2". Extract Constant Compopts.optim_tailcalls => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_ftailcalls". Extract Constant Compopts.optim_constprop => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_fconstprop". Extract Constant Compopts.optim_CSE => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_fcse". Extract Constant Compopts.optim_redundancy => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_fredundancy". Extract Constant Compopts.thumb => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_mthumb". Extract Constant Compopts.debug => "fun _ -> !Clflags.option_g". Extract Constant HLSOpts.optim_if_conversion => "fun _ -> !VericertClflags.option_fif_conv". Extract Constant HLSOpts.optim_ram => "fun _ -> !VericertClflags.option_fram". (* Compiler *) Extract Constant Compiler.print_Clight => "PrintClight.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_Cminor => "PrintCminor.print_if". Extract Constant driver.Compiler.print_RTL => "PrintRTL.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_RTL => "PrintRTL.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_RTLBlock => "PrintRTLBlock.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_RTLPar => "PrintRTLPar.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_HTL => "PrintHTL.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_RTLPar => "PrintRTLPar.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_RTLParFU => "PrintRTLParFU.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_LTL => "PrintLTL.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print_Mach => "PrintMach.print_if". Extract Constant Compiler.print => "fun (f: 'a -> unit) (x: 'a) -> f x; x". Extract Constant Compiler.time => "Timing.time_coq". Extract Constant Vericertlib.debug_print => "print_newline". (*Extraction Inline Compiler.apply_total Compiler.apply_partial.*) (* Cabs *) Extract Constant Cabs.loc => "{ lineno : int; filename: string; byteno: int; ident : int; }". Extract Inlined Constant Cabs.string => "String.t". Extract Constant Cabs.char_code => "int64". (* Processor-specific extraction directives *) Load extractionMachdep. (* Avoid name clashes *) Extraction Blacklist List String Int. (* Cutting the dependency to R. *) Extract Inlined Constant Defs.F2R => "fun _ -> assert false". Extract Inlined Constant Binary.FF2R => "fun _ -> assert false". Extract Inlined Constant Binary.B2R => "fun _ -> assert false". Extract Inlined Constant Binary.round_mode => "fun _ -> assert false". Extract Inlined Constant Bracket.inbetween_loc => "fun _ -> assert false". Extract Constant Pipeline.pipeline => "pipelining.pipeline". Extract Constant RTLBlockgen.partition => "Partition.partition". Extract Constant RTLPargen.schedule => "Schedule.schedule_fn". (* Needed in Coq 8.4 to avoid problems with Function definitions. *) Set Extraction AccessOpaque. Cd "src/extraction". Separate Extraction Verilog.module vericert.Compiler.transf_hls vericert.Compiler.transf_hls_temp RTLBlockgen.transl_program RTLBlockInstr.successors_instr HTLgen.tbl_to_case_expr Pipeline.pipeline Predicate.sat_pred_simple Verilog.stmnt_to_list Compiler.transf_c_program Compiler.transf_cminor_program Cexec.do_initial_state Cexec.do_step Cexec.at_final_state Ctypes.merge_attributes Ctypes.remove_attributes Ctypes.build_composite_env Initializers.transl_init Initializers.constval Csyntax.Eindex Csyntax.Epreincr Csyntax.Eselection Ctyping.typecheck_program Ctyping.epostincr Ctyping.epostdecr Ctyping.epreincr Ctyping.epredecr Ctyping.eselection Ctypes.make_program Clight.type_of_function Conventions1.callee_save_type Conventions1.is_float_reg Conventions1.int_caller_save_regs Conventions1.float_caller_save_regs Conventions1.int_callee_save_regs Conventions1.float_callee_save_regs Conventions1.dummy_int_reg Conventions1.dummy_float_reg RTL.instr_defs RTL.instr_uses Machregs.mregs_for_operation Machregs.mregs_for_builtin Machregs.two_address_op Machregs.is_stack_reg Machregs.destroyed_at_indirect_call AST.signature_main Floats.Float32.from_parsed Floats.Float.from_parsed Globalenvs.Senv.invert_symbol Parser.translation_unit_file.