Require Import compcert.common.Errors. Require Import compcert.common.AST. Require Import vericert.common.Maps. Require Import vericert.common.Statemonad. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. Require Import vericert.hls.AssocMap. Require Import vericert.hls.HTL. Require Import vericert.hls.Verilog. Import ListNotations. Section APPLY_EXTERNCTRL. Local Open Scope assocmap. Local Open Scope error_monad_scope. Variable prog : HTL.program. Variable m : HTL.module. Let modmap := prog_modmap prog. Definition global_clk := match modmap ! (AST.prog_main prog) with | None => Error (msg "ApplyExternctrl: No main") | Some main => OK (HTL.mod_clk main) end. Definition get_mod_signal (othermod : HTL.module) (signal : HTL.controlsignal) := match signal with | ctrl_finish => OK (HTL.mod_finish othermod) | ctrl_return => OK (HTL.mod_return othermod) | ctrl_start => OK (HTL.mod_start othermod) | ctrl_reset => OK (HTL.mod_reset othermod) | ctrl_clk => OK (HTL.mod_clk othermod) | ctrl_param idx => match List.nth_error (HTL.mod_params othermod) idx with | Some r => OK r | None => Error (msg "Module does not have nth parameter") end end. Definition reg_apply_externctrl (r : Verilog.reg) : res reg := match (HTL.mod_externctrl m) ! r with | None => OK r | Some (m, signal) => match modmap ! m with | None => Error (msg "Veriloggen: Could not find definition for called module") | Some othermod => get_mod_signal othermod signal end end. Fixpoint expr_apply_externctrl (expr : Verilog.expr) {struct expr} : res Verilog.expr := match expr with | Vlit n => OK (Vlit n) | Vvar r => do r' <- reg_apply_externctrl r; OK (Vvar r') | Vvari r e => do r' <- reg_apply_externctrl r; do e' <- expr_apply_externctrl e; OK (Vvari r e) | Vrange r e1 e2 => do r' <- reg_apply_externctrl r; do e1' <- expr_apply_externctrl e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_externctrl e2; OK (Vrange r' e1' e2') | Vinputvar r => do r' <- reg_apply_externctrl r; OK (Vinputvar r') | Vbinop op e1 e2 => do e1' <- expr_apply_externctrl e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_externctrl e2; OK (Vbinop op e1' e2') | Vunop op e => do e' <- expr_apply_externctrl e; OK (Vunop op e') | Vternary e1 e2 e3 => do e1' <- expr_apply_externctrl e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_externctrl e2; do e3' <- expr_apply_externctrl e3; OK (Vternary e1' e2' e3') end. Definition mmap_option {A B} (f : A -> res B) (opt : option A) : res (option B) := match opt with | None => OK None | Some a => do a' <- f a; OK (Some a') end. Definition cases_apply_externctrl_ (stmnt_apply_externctrl_ : Verilog.stmnt -> res Verilog.stmnt) := fix cases_apply_externctrl (cs : stmnt_expr_list) := match cs with | Stmntnil => OK Stmntnil | Stmntcons c_e c_s tl => do c_e' <- expr_apply_externctrl c_e; do c_s' <- stmnt_apply_externctrl_ c_s; do tl' <- cases_apply_externctrl tl; OK (Stmntcons c_e' c_s' tl') end. Fixpoint stmnt_apply_externctrl (stmnt : Verilog.stmnt) {struct stmnt} : res Verilog.stmnt := match stmnt with | Vskip => OK Vskip | Vseq s1 s2 => do s1' <- stmnt_apply_externctrl s1; do s2' <- stmnt_apply_externctrl s2; OK (Vseq s1' s2') | Vcond e s1 s2 => do e' <- expr_apply_externctrl e; do s1' <- stmnt_apply_externctrl s1; do s2' <- stmnt_apply_externctrl s2; OK (Vcond e' s1' s2') | Vcase e cases def => do e' <- expr_apply_externctrl e; do cases' <- cases_apply_externctrl_ stmnt_apply_externctrl cases; do def' <- mmap_option (fun x => stmnt_apply_externctrl x) def; OK (Vcase e' cases' def') | Vblock e1 e2 => do e1' <- expr_apply_externctrl e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_externctrl e2; OK (Vblock e1' e2') | Vnonblock e1 e2 => do e1' <- expr_apply_externctrl e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_externctrl e2; OK (Vnonblock e1' e2') end. (* Unused. Defined for completeness *) Definition cases_apply_externctrl := cases_apply_externctrl_ stmnt_apply_externctrl. Fixpoint xassocmap_apply_externctrl {A} (regmap : list (reg * A)) : res (list (reg * A)) := match regmap with | nil => OK nil | (r, v) :: l => do r' <- reg_apply_externctrl r; do l' <- xassocmap_apply_externctrl l; OK ((r', v) :: l') end. Definition assocmap_apply_externctrl {A} (regmap : AssocMap.t A) : res (AssocMap.t A) := do l <- xassocmap_apply_externctrl (AssocMap.elements regmap); OK (AssocMap_Properties.of_list l). Definition module_apply_externctrl : res HTL.module := do mod_start' <- reg_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_start m); do mod_reset' <- reg_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_reset m); do mod_clk' <- global_clk; do mod_finish' <- reg_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_finish m); do mod_return' <- reg_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_return m); do mod_st' <- reg_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_st m); do mod_stk' <- reg_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_stk m); do mod_params' <- mmap reg_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_params m); do mod_controllogic' <- PTree.traverse1 stmnt_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_controllogic m); do mod_datapath' <- PTree.traverse1 stmnt_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_datapath m); do mod_scldecls' <- assocmap_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_scldecls m); do mod_arrdecls' <- assocmap_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_arrdecls m); do mod_externctrl' <- assocmap_apply_externctrl (HTL.mod_externctrl m); match zle (Z.pos (max_pc_map mod_datapath')) Integers.Int.max_unsigned, zle (Z.pos (max_pc_map mod_controllogic')) Integers.Int.max_unsigned, decide_order mod_st' mod_finish' mod_return' mod_stk' mod_start' mod_reset' mod_clk', max_list_dec mod_params' mod_st', decide_ram_wf mod_clk' (HTL.mod_ram m) with | left LEDATA, left LECTRL, left MORD, left WFPARAMS, left WFRAM => OK (HTL.mkmodule mod_params' mod_datapath' mod_controllogic' (HTL.mod_entrypoint m) mod_st' mod_stk' (HTL.mod_stk_len m) mod_finish' mod_return' mod_start' mod_reset' mod_clk' mod_scldecls' mod_arrdecls' mod_externctrl' (HTL.mod_ram m) (conj (max_pc_wf _ _ LECTRL) (max_pc_wf _ _ LEDATA)) MORD WFRAM WFPARAMS) | right _, _, _, _, _ => Error (Errors.msg "ApplyExternctrl: More than 2^32 datapath states") | _, right _, _, _, _ => Error (Errors.msg "ApplyExternctrl: More than 2^32 controlpath states") | _, _, right _, _, _ => Error (Errors.msg "ApplyExternctrl: Incorrect ordering of control registers") | _, _, _, right _, _ => Error (Errors.msg "ApplyExternctrl: Parameter registers conflict with control registers") | _, _, _, _, right _ => Error (Errors.msg "ApplyExternctrl: Ram address register conflicts with control registers") end. End APPLY_EXTERNCTRL. Definition transf_fundef (prog : HTL.program) := transf_partial_fundef (module_apply_externctrl prog). Definition transf_program (prog : HTL.program) := transform_partial_program (transf_fundef prog) prog. (* Semantics *) Definition match_prog : HTL.program -> HTL.program -> Prop := Linking.match_program (fun ctx f tf => ApplyExternctrl.transf_fundef ctx f = OK tf) eq. Lemma transf_program_match : forall p tp, ApplyExternctrl.transf_program p = OK tp -> match_prog p tp. Admitted. Lemma transf_program_correct : forall p tp, match_prog p tp -> Smallstep.forward_simulation (HTL.semantics p) (HTL.semantics tp). Admitted. Instance TransfLink : Linking.TransfLink match_prog. Admitted.