(* * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2020 Yann Herklotz * 2020 James Pollard * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) Require Import compcert.lib.Maps. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. Require Import vericert.hls.ValueInt. Definition reg := positive. Module AssocMap := Maps.PTree. Module AssocMapExt. Import AssocMap. #[export] Hint Resolve elements_correct elements_complete elements_keys_norepet : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve gso gss : assocmap. Section Operations. Variable A : Type. Definition get_default (a : A) (k : reg) (m : t A) : A := match get k m with | None => a | Some v => v end. Definition merge_atom (new : option A) (old : option A) : option A := match new, old with | Some _, _ => new | _, _ => old end. Definition merge (m1 m2 : t A) : t A := PTree.combine merge_atom m1 m2. Lemma merge_base_1 : forall am x, (merge (empty A) am) ! x = am ! x. Proof using. unfold merge; intros. rewrite PTree.gcombine; eauto. Qed. Lemma merge_base_2 : forall am x, (merge am (empty A)) ! x = am ! x. Proof using. unfold merge; intros. rewrite PTree.gcombine; eauto. cbv [merge_atom]. destruct_match; crush. Qed. Lemma merge_add_assoc : forall r am am' v x, (merge (set r v am) am') ! x = (set r v (merge am am')) ! x. Proof using. unfold merge. intros; rewrite PTree.gcombine by auto. unfold merge_atom. destruct_match. destruct (peq r x); subst. rewrite PTree.gss in Heqo. inv Heqo. rewrite PTree.gss. auto. rewrite PTree.gso in Heqo by auto. rewrite PTree.gso by auto. rewrite PTree.gcombine by auto. rewrite Heqo. auto. destruct (peq r x); subst. rewrite PTree.gss in Heqo. inv Heqo. rewrite PTree.gso in Heqo by auto. rewrite PTree.gso by auto. rewrite PTree.gcombine by auto. rewrite Heqo. auto. Qed. Lemma merge_correct_1 : forall am bm k v, am ! k = Some v -> (merge am bm) ! k = Some v. Proof using. unfold merge; intros. rewrite PTree.gcombine by auto. rewrite H; auto. Qed. Lemma merge_correct_2 : forall am bm k v, am ! k = None -> bm ! k = Some v -> (merge am bm) ! k = Some v. Proof using. unfold merge; intros. rewrite PTree.gcombine by auto. rewrite H. rewrite H0. auto. Qed. Lemma merge_correct_3 : forall am bm k, am ! k = None -> bm ! k = None -> (merge am bm) ! k = None. Proof using. unfold merge; intros. rewrite PTree.gcombine by auto. rewrite H. rewrite H0. auto. Qed. Definition merge_fold (am bm : t A) : t A := fold_right (fun p a => set (fst p) (snd p) a) bm (elements am). Lemma add_assoc : forall (k : elt) (v : A) l bm, List.In (k, v) l -> list_norepet (List.map fst l) -> @get A k (fold_right (fun p a => set (fst p) (snd p) a) bm l) = Some v. Proof. induction l; intros. - contradiction. - destruct a as [k' v']. destruct (peq k k'). + inversion H. inversion H1. inversion H0. subst. simpl. auto with assocmap. inversion H0; subst. apply in_map with (f:=fst) in H1. contradiction. + inversion H. inversion H1. inversion H0. subst. simpl. rewrite gso; try assumption. apply IHl. contradiction. contradiction. simpl. rewrite gso; try assumption. apply IHl. assumption. inversion H0. subst. assumption. Qed. Lemma not_in_assoc : forall k v l bm, ~ List.In k (List.map (@fst elt A) l) -> @get A k bm = Some v -> get k (fold_right (fun p a => set (fst p) (snd p) a) bm l) = Some v. Proof. induction l; intros. - assumption. - destruct a as [k' v']. destruct (peq k k'); subst; simpl in *; apply Decidable.not_or in H; destruct H. contradiction. rewrite AssocMap.gso; auto. Qed. Lemma elements_iff : forall am k, (exists v, get k am = Some v) <-> List.In k (List.map (@fst _ A) (elements am)). Proof. split; intros. destruct H. apply elements_correct in H. apply in_map with (f := fst) in H. apply H. apply list_in_map_inv in H. destruct H. destruct H. subst. exists (snd x). apply elements_complete. assert (x = (fst x, snd x)) by apply surjective_pairing. rewrite H in H0; assumption. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve merge_base_1 : core. #[local] Hint Resolve merge_base_2 : core. #[local] Hint Resolve merge_add_assoc : core. #[local] Hint Resolve merge_correct_1 : core. #[local] Hint Resolve merge_correct_2 : core. #[local] Hint Resolve merge_correct_3 : core. #[local] Hint Resolve add_assoc : core. #[local] Hint Resolve not_in_assoc : core. #[local] Hint Resolve elements_iff : core. Lemma elements_correct' : forall am k, ~ (exists v, get k am = Some v) <-> ~ List.In k (List.map (@fst _ A) (elements am)). Proof. auto using not_iff_compat. Qed. Lemma elements_correct_none : forall am k, get k am = None -> ~ List.In k (List.map (@fst _ A) (elements am)). Proof. intros. apply elements_correct'. unfold not. intros. destruct H0. rewrite H in H0. discriminate. Qed. Lemma merge_fold_add : forall k v am bm, am ! k = Some v -> (merge_fold am bm) ! k = Some v. Proof. unfold merge_fold; auto with assocmap. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve elements_correct' : core. #[local] Hint Resolve elements_correct_none : core. #[local] Hint Resolve merge_fold_add : core. Lemma merge_fold_not_in : forall k v am bm, get k am = None -> get k bm = Some v -> get k (merge_fold am bm) = Some v. Proof. intros. apply not_in_assoc; auto. Qed. Lemma merge_fold_base : forall am, merge_fold (empty A) am = am. Proof. auto. Qed. End Operations. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_base_1 : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_base_2 : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_add_assoc : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_correct_1 : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_correct_2 : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_correct_3 : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve add_assoc : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve not_in_assoc : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve elements_iff : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve elements_correct' : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_fold_not_in : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_fold_base : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve elements_correct_none : assocmap. #[export] Hint Resolve merge_fold_add : assocmap. End AssocMapExt. Import AssocMapExt. Definition assocmap := AssocMap.t value. Definition find_assocmap (n : nat) : reg -> assocmap -> value := get_default value (ZToValue 0). Definition empty_assocmap : assocmap := AssocMap.empty value. Definition merge_assocmap : assocmap -> assocmap -> assocmap := merge value. Ltac unfold_merge := unfold merge_assocmap; try (repeat (rewrite merge_add_assoc)); rewrite AssocMapExt.merge_base_1. Declare Scope assocmap. Notation "a ! b" := (AssocMap.get b a) (at level 1) : assocmap. Notation "a # ( b , c )" := (find_assocmap c b a) (at level 1) : assocmap. Notation "a # b" := (find_assocmap 32 b a) (at level 1) : assocmap. Notation "a ## b" := (List.map (fun c => find_assocmap 32 c a) b) (at level 1) : assocmap. Notation "a # b '<-' c" := (AssocMap.set b c a) (at level 1, b at next level) : assocmap. Local Open Scope assocmap. Lemma find_get_assocmap : forall assoc r v, assoc ! r = Some v -> assoc # r = v. Proof. intros. unfold find_assocmap, AssocMapExt.get_default. rewrite H. trivial. Qed.