Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia. Require Import compcert.lib.Maps. Require Import compcert.common.Errors. Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs. Require compcert.backend.Registers. Require Import compcert.common.Linking. Require Import compcert.common.Memory. Require compcert.common.Globalenvs. Require Import compcert.lib.Integers. Require Import compcert.common.AST. Require Import vericert.common.IntegerExtra. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. Require Import vericert.common.ZExtra. Require Import vericert.hls.Array. Require Import vericert.hls.AssocMap. Require Import vericert.hls.DHTL. Require Import vericert.hls.Gible. Require Import vericert.hls.GibleSubPar. Require Import vericert.hls.DHTLgen. Require Import vericert.hls.Predicate. Require Import vericert.hls.ValueInt. Require Import vericert.hls.Verilog. Require vericert.hls.Verilog. Require Import vericert.common.Errormonad. Require Import vericert.hls.DHTLgenproof0. Import ErrorMonad. Import ErrorMonadExtra. Require Import Lia. Local Open Scope assocmap. Local Opaque Int.max_unsigned. #[local] Hint Resolve AssocMap.gss : htlproof. #[local] Hint Resolve AssocMap.gso : htlproof. #[local] Hint Unfold find_assocmap AssocMapExt.get_default : htlproof. Section CORRECTNESS. Variable prog : GibleSubPar.program. Variable tprog : DHTL.program. Hypothesis TRANSL : match_prog prog tprog. Let ge : GibleSubPar.genv := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv prog. Let tge : DHTL.genv := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv tprog. (* Lemma storev_stack_bounds : *) (* forall m sp v dst m' hi, *) (* Mem.storev Mint32 m (Values.Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr v)) dst = Some m' -> *) (* stack_bounds (Values.Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr 0)) hi m -> *) (* v mod 4 = 0 -> *) (* 0 <= v < hi. *) (* Proof. *) (* intros. unfold stack_bounds in *. *) (* assert (0 <= v < hi \/ hi <= ) *) Ltac tac := repeat match goal with | [ _ : error _ _ = OK _ _ _ |- _ ] => discriminate | [ _ : context[if (?x && ?y) then _ else _] |- _ ] => let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in let EQ2 := fresh "EQ" in destruct x eqn:EQ1; destruct y eqn:EQ2; simpl in * | [ _ : context[if ?x then _ else _] |- _ ] => let EQ := fresh "EQ" in destruct x eqn:EQ; simpl in * | [ H : ret _ _ = _ |- _ ] => inv H | [ _ : context[match ?x with | _ => _ end] |- _ ] => destruct x end. Ltac inv_arr_access := match goal with | [ _ : translate_arr_access ?chunk ?addr ?args _ _ = OK ?c _ _ |- _] => destruct c, chunk, addr, args; crush; tac; crush end. Lemma offset_expr_ok : forall v z, (Z.to_nat (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.divu (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ v)) (Integers.Ptrofs.of_int (Integers.Int.repr z))) (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 4))) = valueToNat (Int.divu (Int.add v (ZToValue z)) (ZToValue 4))). Proof. simplify_val. unfold valueToNat. unfold Int.divu, Ptrofs.divu. pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_add as AGR. unfold Integers.Ptrofs.agree32 in AGR. assert (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr (Int.unsigned v)) (Ptrofs.repr (Int.unsigned (Int.repr z)))) = Int.unsigned (Int.add v (ZToValue z))). apply AGR; auto. apply Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. apply Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite H. replace (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr 4)) with 4. replace (Int.unsigned (ZToValue 4)) with 4. pose proof Ptrofs.agree32_repr. unfold Ptrofs.agree32 in *. rewrite H0. trivial. auto. unfold ZToValue. symmetry. apply Int.unsigned_repr. unfold_constants. lia. unfold ZToValue. symmetry. apply Int.unsigned_repr. unfold_constants. lia. Qed. Lemma offset_expr_ok_2 : forall v0 v1 z0 z1, (Z.to_nat (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.divu (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ v0)) (Integers.Ptrofs.of_int (Integers.Int.add (Integers.Int.mul (valueToInt v1) (Integers.Int.repr z1)) (Integers.Int.repr z0)))) (Ptrofs.repr 4)))) = valueToNat (Int.divu (Int.add (Int.add v0 (ZToValue z0)) (Int.mul v1 (ZToValue z1))) (ZToValue 4)). intros. unfold ZToValue, valueToNat, valueToInt, Ptrofs.divu, Int.divu, Ptrofs.of_int. assert (H : (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ v0)) (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.add (Int.mul (valueToInt v1) (Int.repr z1)) (Int.repr z0)))) / Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr 4)) = (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add v0 (Int.repr z0)) (Int.mul v1 (Int.repr z1))) / Int.unsigned (Int.repr 4))). { unfold ZToValue, valueToNat, valueToInt, Ptrofs.divu, Int.divu, Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by (unfold_constants; lia). rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by (unfold_constants; lia). unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Int.add_commut. pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_add as AGR. unfold Ptrofs.agree32 in *. erewrite AGR. 3: { unfold uvalueToZ. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. trivial. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. } 3: { rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. trivial. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. } rewrite Int.add_assoc. trivial. auto. } rewrite <- H. auto. Qed. Lemma offset_expr_ok_3 : forall OFFSET, Z.to_nat (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.divu OFFSET (Ptrofs.repr 4))) = valueToNat (ZToValue (Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET / 4)). Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma storev_mod_ok' : forall m sp' ptr src m', 0 <= ptr <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned -> Mem.storev Mint32 m (Values.Val.offset_ptr (Values.Vptr sp' (Ptrofs.repr 0)) (Ptrofs.repr ptr)) src = Some m' -> ptr mod 4 = 0. Proof. unfold Mem.storev; intros * BOUND **. repeat destruct_match; try discriminate. eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3 in H. unfold Mem.valid_access in H. inv H. apply Zdivide_mod. cbn -[Ptrofs.max_unsigned]in *. inv Heqv. rewrite Ptrofs.add_unsigned in H1. rewrite ! Ptrofs.unsigned_repr in H1; try lia. auto. rewrite ! Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; lia. Qed. Lemma loadv_mod_ok' : forall m sp' ptr v, 0 <= ptr <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned -> Mem.loadv Mint32 m (Values.Val.offset_ptr (Values.Vptr sp' (Ptrofs.repr 0)) (Ptrofs.repr ptr)) = Some v -> ptr mod 4 = 0. Proof. unfold Mem.loadv; intros * BOUND **. repeat destruct_match; try discriminate. eapply Mem.load_valid_access in H. unfold Mem.valid_access in H. inv H. apply Zdivide_mod. cbn -[Ptrofs.max_unsigned]in *. inv Heqv0. rewrite Ptrofs.add_unsigned in H1. rewrite ! Ptrofs.unsigned_repr in H1; try lia. auto. rewrite ! Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; lia. Qed. Lemma offset_ptr_equiv : forall sp' v, Values.Val.offset_ptr (Values.Vptr sp' (Ptrofs.repr 0)) v = Values.Vptr sp' v. Proof. unfold Values.Val.offset_ptr; intros. replace (Ptrofs.repr 0) with by auto. now rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l. Qed. Lemma loadv_mod_ok : forall m sp' ptr v, 0 <= ptr <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned -> Mem.loadv Mint32 m (Values.Vptr sp' (Ptrofs.repr ptr)) = Some v -> ptr mod 4 = 0. Proof. intros. eapply loadv_mod_ok'; eauto. rewrite offset_ptr_equiv; eauto. Qed. Lemma storev_mod_ok : forall m sp' ptr src m', 0 <= ptr <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned -> Mem.storev Mint32 m (Values.Vptr sp' (Ptrofs.repr ptr)) src = Some m' -> ptr mod 4 = 0. Proof. intros. eapply storev_mod_ok'; eauto. rewrite offset_ptr_equiv; eauto. Qed. Lemma loadv_mod_ok2 : forall m sp' v v', Mem.loadv Mint32 m (Values.Vptr sp' v) = Some v' -> (Ptrofs.unsigned v) mod 4 = 0. Proof. unfold Mem.loadv; intros. repeat destruct_match; try discriminate. eapply Mem.load_valid_access in H. unfold Mem.valid_access in H. inv H. apply Zdivide_mod. cbn -[Ptrofs.max_unsigned]in *. auto. Qed. Lemma storev_mod_ok2 : forall m sp' src m' v, Mem.storev Mint32 m (Values.Vptr sp' v) src = Some m' -> (Ptrofs.unsigned v) mod 4 = 0. Proof. unfold Mem.storev; intros. repeat destruct_match; try discriminate. eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3 in H. unfold Mem.valid_access in H. inv H. apply Zdivide_mod. cbn -[Ptrofs.max_unsigned]in *. auto. Qed. Lemma storev_exists_ptr: forall m v src m', Mem.storev Mint32 m v src = Some m' -> exists sp v', v = Values.Vptr sp v'. Proof. intros. unfold Mem.storev in *. destruct_match; try discriminate. subst. eauto. Qed. Lemma loadv_exists_ptr: forall m v m', Mem.loadv Mint32 m v = Some m' -> exists sp v', v = Values.Vptr sp v'. Proof using. intros. unfold Mem.loadv in *. destruct_match; try discriminate. subst. eauto. Qed. Lemma val_add_stack_based : forall v1 v2 sp, stack_based v1 sp -> stack_based v2 sp -> stack_based (Values.Val.add v1 v2) sp. Proof. intros. destruct v1, v2; auto. inv H. inv H0. cbn; auto. Qed. Lemma val_mul_stack_based : forall v1 v2 sp, stack_based v1 sp -> stack_based v2 sp -> stack_based (Values.Val.mul v1 v2) sp. Proof. intros. destruct v1, v2; auto. inv H. inv H0. cbn; auto. Qed. Lemma ptrofs_unsigned_add_0: forall x0, Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr 0) (Ptrofs.repr (Ptrofs.unsigned x0))) = Ptrofs.unsigned x0. Proof. intros. replace (Ptrofs.repr 0) with ( by auto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; auto. apply Ptrofs.unsigned_range_2. Qed. Lemma exists_ptr_add_int : forall a b sp' x0, Values.Val.add a (Values.Vint b) = Values.Vptr sp' x0 -> exists a', a = Values.Vptr sp' a'. Proof. intros. destruct a; eauto; cbn in *; try discriminate. assert (Xx: Archi.ptr64 = false) by auto. rewrite Xx in H. inv H. eauto. Qed. Lemma transl_arr_access_correct : forall addr args e rs ps m sp a chnk src m' s f pc s' m_ asr arr, translate_arr_access chnk addr args m_.(DHTL.mod_stk) = OK e -> Op.eval_addressing ge sp addr ( (fun r => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) = Some a -> Mem.storev chnk m a (Registers.Regmap.get src rs) = Some m' -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs ps m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr arr) -> exists x, expr_runp tt asr arr e x. Proof. assert (HARCH: Archi.ptr64 = false) by auto. intros. unfold translate_arr_access in *. repeat destr. destruct_match; try discriminate; repeat destr. - inv H. cbn in *. unfold Op.eval_addressing in *. rewrite HARCH in H0. cbn in *. inv H0. inv H2. unfold stack_bounds in *. exploit storev_exists_ptr; eauto. simplify. assert (stack_based (Values.Vint (Int.repr z)) sp') by (cbn; auto). assert (stack_based (rs !! r) sp') by (cbn; auto). eapply val_add_stack_based in H0; eauto. rewrite H in H0. cbn in *. inv H0. rewrite H in H1. exploit storev_mod_ok2; eauto; intros. specialize (BOUNDS (Ptrofs.unsigned x0) rs !! src). pose proof (ptrofs_unsigned_lt_int_max x0). assert (0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned x0 < fn_stacksize f \/ fn_stacksize f <= Ptrofs.unsigned x0 <= Int.max_unsigned) by lia. inv H4. + inv MARR. inv H4. eexists. econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. econstructor. cbn. eauto. econstructor. cbn. unfold ZToValue. unfold unfold Int.eq. rewrite ! Int.unsigned_repr by crush. cbn. eauto. (* exploit exists_ptr_add_int; eauto. intros (a & HPTR). *) (* rewrite HPTR in H. cbn in H. *) assert (HARCHI: Archi.ptr64 = false) by auto. unfold arr_assocmap_lookup. setoid_rewrite H6. eauto. + apply BOUNDS in H5; auto. inv H5. rewrite ptrofs_unsigned_add_0 in H6. unfold Mem.storev in H1. rewrite H6 in H1. discriminate. - inv H. inv H2. inv MARR. inv H. repeat econstructor. unfold arr_assocmap_lookup. setoid_rewrite H2. auto. - inv H. inv H2. inv MARR. inv H. repeat econstructor. unfold arr_assocmap_lookup. setoid_rewrite H2. auto. Qed. Lemma stack_correct_transl: forall f m_, transl_module f = OK m_ -> 0 <= fn_stacksize f /\ fn_stacksize f < Ptrofs.modulus /\ fn_stacksize f mod 4 = 0. Proof. intros; unfold transl_module, Errors.bind, ret in *; repeat destr. inv H. cbn in *. eapply stack_correct_inv; eauto. Qed. Lemma stack_correct_match_states: forall s f sp pc rs pr s' m_ asr asa m, match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> 0 <= fn_stacksize f /\ fn_stacksize f < Ptrofs.modulus /\ fn_stacksize f mod 4 = 0. Proof. inversion 1; subst. unfold transl_module, Errors.bind, ret in *; repeat destr. inv TF. cbn in *. eapply stack_correct_inv; eauto. Qed. Lemma load_exists_pointer_offset : forall s f pc rs pr m v v' sp s' m_ asr asa, stack_based v sp -> Mem.loadv Mint32 m v = Some v' -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f (Values.Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr 0)) pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> exists ptr, 0 <= ptr < fn_stacksize f / 4 /\ v = Values.Val.offset_ptr (Values.Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr 0)) (Ptrofs.repr (4 * ptr)). Proof. intros * HSTACK HMEM HMATCH. exploit loadv_exists_ptr; eauto. intros (sp0 & v0 & HVAL). unfold Values.Val.offset_ptr. subst; exploit loadv_mod_ok2; eauto. intros. inv HMATCH. unfold stack_bounds in *. specialize (BOUNDS (Ptrofs.unsigned v0)). pose proof (ptrofs_unsigned_lt_int_max v0) as HY. assert (HX: 0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned v0 < fn_stacksize f \/ fn_stacksize f <= Ptrofs.unsigned v0 <= Int.max_unsigned) by lia. inv HX. + inv MARR. assert (Ptrofs.unsigned v0 = (Ptrofs.unsigned v0 / 4) * 4). { erewrite Z_div_mod_eq_full at 1. rewrite H. lia. } assert (fn_stacksize f = (fn_stacksize f / 4) * 4). { erewrite Z_div_mod_eq_full at 1. exploit stack_correct_transl; eauto; intros (STK1 & STK2 & STK3). rewrite STK3. lia. } assert (0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned v0 / 4 < fn_stacksize f / 4) by lia. eexists; split; eauto. replace (4 * (Ptrofs.unsigned v0 / 4)) with (Ptrofs.unsigned v0) by lia. rewrite Ptrofs.repr_unsigned by eauto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l. inv SP. cbn in HSTACK; subst. auto. + apply BOUNDS in H0; auto. inv H0. rewrite ptrofs_unsigned_add_0 in H2. unfold Mem.loadv in HMEM. inv SP. cbn in HSTACK. subst. rewrite HMEM in H2. discriminate. Qed. Lemma div_ineq : forall a x y, 0 <= x <= a -> 0 <= y <= a -> y <> 0 -> 0 <= x / y <= a. Proof. intros. pose proof (Z_div_pos x y ltac:(lia) ltac:(lia)). split; auto. pose proof (Z.div_le_mono x a y ltac:(lia) ltac:(lia)). assert (a / y <= a). { eapply Z.div_le_upper_bound; try lia. nia. } lia. Qed. Lemma expr_runp_load_1 : forall z s f sp pc rs pr' m' s' m_ asr asa r0 v, check_address_parameter_signed z = true -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f (Values.Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr 0)) pc rs pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> Mem.loadv Mint32 m' (Values.Val.add rs !! r0 (Values.Vint (Int.repr z))) = Some v -> Ple r0 (max_reg_function f) -> exists v' : value, expr_runp tt asr asa (Vvari (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (Vbinop Vdivu (boplitz Vadd r0 z) (Vlit (ZToValue 4)))) v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'. Proof. intros * HCHECK HMATCH HLOAD HPLE. exploit load_exists_pointer_offset. 2: { eauto. } 2: { eauto. } inv HMATCH. inv SP. eapply val_add_stack_based; eauto. now cbn. intros (ptr & HSIZE & HVAL). inv HMATCH. inv MARR; simplify. rename H2 into HPTR1, H4 into HPTR2, H0 into HSTACK, H into HLEN1, H1 into HLEN2, H3 into HEQ. rewrite HVAL in HLOAD. specialize (HEQ ptr ltac:(lia)). unfold Mem.loadv in HLOAD. rewrite HLOAD in HEQ. inv HEQ. exists (get_mem (Z.to_nat ptr) stack); split; auto. repeat (econstructor; eauto). unfold arr_assocmap_lookup, get_mem. setoid_rewrite HSTACK. do 4 f_equal. destruct (rs !! r0) eqn:HRS; try discriminate. cbn in *. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in HVAL by auto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l in HVAL. assert (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr (4 * ptr)) = Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add i (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.repr z)))). { inv HVAL; eauto. } assert (HR: forall a b, a < b -> a * 4 < b * 4) by lia. eapply HR in HPTR2. exploit stack_correct_transl; eauto; intros (HSTK1 & HSTK2 & HSTK3). replace (fn_stacksize f / 4 * 4) with (4 * (fn_stacksize f / 4)) in HPTR2 by lia. rewrite <- Z_div_exact_2 with (b := 4) in HPTR2 by lia. assert (0 <= 4 * ptr < fn_stacksize f) by lia. exploit stack_correct_transl; eauto; intros (STK1 & STK2 & STK3). assert (0 <= fn_stacksize f <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned) by crush. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr in H by lia. assert (forall a b c, a = b -> a / c = b / c) by (intros; subst; auto). apply H3 with (c := 4) in H. replace (4 * ptr / 4) with (ptr) in H. 2: { replace (4 * ptr) with (ptr * 4) by lia. now rewrite Z_div_mult. } subst. rewrite <- offset_expr_ok. f_equal. replace 4 with (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr 4)) at 2 by eauto. replace (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add i (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.repr z))) / Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr 4)) with (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.divu (Ptrofs.add i (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.repr z))) (Ptrofs.repr 4))). 2: { unfold Ptrofs.divu. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. assert (0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add i (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.repr z))) <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned) by auto using Ptrofs.unsigned_range_2. assert (0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr 4) <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned) by auto using Ptrofs.unsigned_range_2. eapply div_ineq; eauto. crush. } repeat f_equal. unfold uvalueToZ. inv MASSOC. eapply H in HPLE. rewrite HRS in HPLE. inv HPLE; auto. Qed. Lemma expr_runp_load_2 : forall z s f sp pc rs pr' m' s' m_ asr asa r0 v r1 z0, check_address_parameter_signed z = true -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f (Values.Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr 0)) pc rs pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> Mem.loadv Mint32 m' (Values.Val.add rs !! r0 (Values.Val.add (Values.Val.mul rs !! r1 (Values.Vint (Int.repr z))) (Values.Vint (Int.repr z0)))) = Some v -> Ple r0 (max_reg_function f) -> Ple r1 (max_reg_function f) -> exists v' : value, expr_runp tt asr asa (Vvari m_.(DHTL.mod_stk) (Vbinop Vdivu (Vbinop Vadd (boplitz Vadd r0 z0) (boplitz Vmul r1 z)) (Vlit (ZToValue 4)))) v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'. Proof. intros * HCHECK HMATCH HLOAD HPLE1 HPLE2. exploit load_exists_pointer_offset. 2: { eauto. } 2: { eauto. } inv HMATCH. inv SP. eapply val_add_stack_based; eauto. eapply val_add_stack_based; cbn; eauto. eapply val_mul_stack_based; cbn; eauto. intros (ptr & HSIZE & HVAL). inv HMATCH. inv MARR; simplify. rename H2 into HPTR1, H4 into HPTR2, H0 into HSTACK, H into HLEN1, H1 into HLEN2, H3 into HEQ. rewrite HVAL in HLOAD. specialize (HEQ ptr ltac:(lia)). unfold Mem.loadv in HLOAD. rewrite HLOAD in HEQ. inv HEQ. exists (get_mem (Z.to_nat ptr) stack); split; auto. repeat (econstructor; eauto). unfold arr_assocmap_lookup, get_mem. setoid_rewrite HSTACK. repeat f_equal. destruct (rs !! r0) eqn:HRS1; destruct (rs !! r1) eqn:HRS2; try discriminate. cbn in *. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in HVAL by auto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l in HVAL. assert (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr (4 * ptr)) = Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add i (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.add (Int.mul i0 (Int.repr z)) (Int.repr z0))))). { inv HVAL; eauto. } assert (HR: forall a b, a < b -> a * 4 < b * 4) by lia. eapply HR in HPTR2. exploit stack_correct_transl; eauto; intros (HSTK1 & HSTK2 & HSTK3). replace (fn_stacksize f / 4 * 4) with (4 * (fn_stacksize f / 4)) in HPTR2 by lia. rewrite <- Z_div_exact_2 with (b := 4) in HPTR2 by lia. assert (0 <= 4 * ptr < fn_stacksize f) by lia. exploit stack_correct_transl; eauto; intros (STK1 & STK2 & STK3). assert (0 <= fn_stacksize f <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned) by crush. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr in H by lia. assert (forall a b c, a = b -> a / c = b / c) by (intros; subst; auto). apply H3 with (c := 4) in H. replace (4 * ptr / 4) with (ptr) in H. 2: { replace (4 * ptr) with (ptr * 4) by lia. now rewrite Z_div_mult. } subst. rewrite <- offset_expr_ok_2. f_equal. replace 4 with (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr 4)) at 2 by eauto. match goal with |- _ = Ptrofs.unsigned ?a / Ptrofs.unsigned ?b => replace (Ptrofs.unsigned a / Ptrofs.unsigned b) with (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.divu a b)) end. 2: { unfold Ptrofs.divu. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. match goal with |- _ <= Ptrofs.unsigned ?a / Ptrofs.unsigned ?b <= _ => assert (0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned a <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned) by auto using Ptrofs.unsigned_range_2; assert (0 <= Ptrofs.unsigned b <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned) by auto using Ptrofs.unsigned_range_2 end. eapply div_ineq; eauto. crush. } repeat f_equal. - unfold uvalueToZ. inv MASSOC. eapply H in HPLE1. rewrite HRS1 in HPLE1. inv HPLE1; auto. - unfold uvalueToZ. inv MASSOC. eapply H in HPLE2. rewrite HRS2 in HPLE2. inv HPLE2; auto. Qed. Lemma expr_runp_load_3 : forall s f sp pc rs pr' m' s' m_ asr asa v i, match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f (Values.Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr 0)) pc rs pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> Mem.loadv Mint32 m' (Values.Val.offset_ptr (Values.Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr 0)) i) = Some v -> exists v' : value, expr_runp tt asr asa (Vvari m_.(DHTL.mod_stk) (Vlit (ZToValue (Ptrofs.unsigned i / 4)))) v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'. Proof. intros * HMATCH HLOAD. exploit load_exists_pointer_offset. 2: { eauto. } 2: { eauto. } inv HMATCH. inv SP. unfold Values.Val.offset_ptr; cbn; auto. intros (ptr & HSIZE & HVAL). inv HMATCH. inv MARR; simplify. rename H2 into HPTR1, H4 into HPTR2, H0 into HSTACK, H into HLEN1, H1 into HLEN2, H3 into HEQ. specialize (HEQ ptr ltac:(lia)). rewrite ! Ptrofs.add_zero_l in *. assert (HUNSG: Ptrofs.unsigned i = (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr (4 * ptr)))) by (inv HVAL; eauto). rewrite <- HUNSG in HEQ. unfold Mem.loadv in HLOAD. rewrite HLOAD in HEQ. inv HEQ. exists (get_mem (Z.to_nat ptr) stack); split; auto. repeat (econstructor; eauto). unfold arr_assocmap_lookup, get_mem. setoid_rewrite HSTACK. repeat f_equal. unfold valueToNat, ZToValue. f_equal. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. 2: { eapply div_ineq; eauto using ptrofs_unsigned_lt_int_max; crush. } rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr in HUNSG. rewrite HUNSG. replace (4 * ptr) with (ptr * 4) by lia. now rewrite Z_div_mult by lia. exploit stack_correct_transl; eauto; simplify. lia. assert (HR: forall a b, a < b -> a * 4 < b * 4) by lia. eapply HR in HPTR2. replace (fn_stacksize f / 4 * 4) with (4 * (fn_stacksize f / 4)) in HPTR2 by lia. rewrite <- Z_div_exact_2 with (b := 4) in HPTR2 by lia. lia. Qed. Lemma reset_transl_module : forall f m_, transl_module f = OK m_ -> m_.(DHTL.mod_reset) = Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (max_resource_function f)))))). Proof. unfold transl_module, Errors.bind, ret. intros. repeat destr; inv H; auto. Qed. Opaque translate_predicate. Lemma transl_load_correct : forall m0 a0 l f e m_ asa asr asa0 asr0 pr next_p sp rs m rs' pr' m' o r s pc s' a stmnt, translate_arr_access m0 a0 l (ctrl_stack (mk_ctrl f)) = OK e -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> eval_predf pr next_p = true -> truthy pr o -> step_instr ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) (RBload o m0 a0 l r) (Iexec {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |}) -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> Forall (fun x : positive => Ple x (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses (RBload o m0 a0 l r)) -> Ple (max_predicate next_p) (max_pred_function f) -> Ple (max_reg_instr a (RBload o m0 a0 l r)) (max_reg_function f) -> exists (asr' : AssocMap.t value) (asa' : AssocMap.t arr), stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) (Vseq stmnt (translate_predicate Vblock (Some (Pand next_p (dfltp o))) (Vvar (reg_enc r)) e)) (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr' asa') /\ eval_predf pr' next_p = true. Proof. intros * HTRANSL HSTMNT HEVAL HTRUTHY HSTEP HMATCH HFRL HPLE1 HPLE2. unfold translate_arr_access in HTRANSL; repeat destr; destruct_match; try discriminate; repeat destr; inv HTRANSL. - inv HSTEP. rename H4 into HADDR, H12 into MEMLOAD, H13 into HTRUTHY'. clear HTRUTHY'. 2: { inv H3. inv HTRUTHY. cbn in *. now rewrite H1 in H0. } unfold Op.eval_addressing in *. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in HADDR by auto. cbn in *. inv HADDR. assert (HEXPR: exists v', expr_runp tt asr asa (Vvari (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (max_resource_function f))))) (Vbinop Vdivu (boplitz Vadd r0 z) (Vlit (ZToValue 4)))) v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'). { inv HMATCH; exploit mk_ctrl_correct; eauto. simplify. rewrite H. eapply expr_runp_load_1; eauto. econstructor; eauto. extlia. } destruct HEXPR as (v' & HEXPR' & HVAL). exists (AssocMap.set (reg_enc r) v' asr), asa; split; [|split]. econstructor; eauto. eapply transl_predicate_correct2_true; try eassumption. { cbn. instantiate (1:=max_pred_function f). destruct o; cbn; [eapply le_max_pred in HFRL|]; extlia. } inv HMATCH; eassumption. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. rewrite truthy_dflt; eauto. assert (HREG: Ple r (max_reg_function f)) by extlia. inv HMATCH. econstructor; eauto. eapply regs_lessdef_add_match; auto. eauto. eapply state_st_wf_write; eauto. { symmetry in TF; eapply mk_ctrl_correct in TF. inv TF. rewrite <- H. cbn. eapply ple_max_resource_function in HREG. extlia. } unfold reg_stack_based_pointers; intros. destruct (peq r r1); subst; [|rewrite PMap.gso by auto; eauto]. rewrite PMap.gss. unfold arr_stack_based_pointers in ASBP. exploit load_exists_pointer_offset. 2: { eauto. } eapply val_add_stack_based; eauto. now cbn. econstructor; eauto. intros (ptr & HSIZE & HVAL'). eapply ASBP in HSIZE. rewrite HVAL' in MEMLOAD. rewrite MEMLOAD in HSIZE. eauto. exploit mk_ctrl_correct; eauto. simplify. inv CONST. assert (HX: Ple r (max_reg_function f)) by extlia. eapply ple_max_resource_function in HX. exploit reset_transl_module; eauto; intros. econstructor; rewrite AssocMap.gso by extlia; auto. auto. - inv HSTEP. rename H4 into HADDR, H12 into MEMLOAD, H13 into HTRUTHY'. clear HTRUTHY'. 2: { inv H3. inv HTRUTHY. cbn in *. now rewrite H1 in H0. } unfold Op.eval_addressing in *. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in HADDR by auto. cbn in *. inv HADDR. assert (HEXPR: exists v', expr_runp tt asr asa (Vvari (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (max_resource_function f))))) (Vbinop Vdivu (Vbinop Vadd (boplitz Vadd r0 z0) (boplitz Vmul r1 z)) (Vlit (ZToValue 4)))) v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'). { inv HMATCH; exploit mk_ctrl_correct; eauto. simplify. rewrite H. eapply expr_runp_load_2; eauto. econstructor; eauto. extlia. extlia. } destruct HEXPR as (v' & HEXPR' & HVAL). exists (AssocMap.set (reg_enc r) v' asr), asa; split; [|split]. econstructor; eauto. eapply transl_predicate_correct2_true; try eassumption. { cbn. instantiate (1:=max_pred_function f). destruct o; cbn; [eapply le_max_pred in HFRL|]; extlia. } inv HMATCH; eassumption. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. rewrite truthy_dflt; eauto. assert (HREG: Ple r (max_reg_function f)) by extlia. inv HMATCH. econstructor; eauto. eapply regs_lessdef_add_match; auto. eauto. eapply state_st_wf_write; eauto. { symmetry in TF; eapply mk_ctrl_correct in TF. inv TF. rewrite <- H. cbn. eapply ple_max_resource_function in HREG. extlia. } unfold reg_stack_based_pointers; intros. destruct (peq r r2); subst; [|rewrite PMap.gso by auto; eauto]. rewrite PMap.gss. unfold arr_stack_based_pointers in ASBP. exploit load_exists_pointer_offset. 2: { eauto. } eapply val_add_stack_based; eauto. eapply val_add_stack_based; cbn; eauto. eapply val_mul_stack_based; cbn; eauto. econstructor; eauto. intros (ptr & HSIZE & HVAL'). eapply ASBP in HSIZE. rewrite HVAL' in MEMLOAD. rewrite MEMLOAD in HSIZE. eauto. exploit mk_ctrl_correct; eauto. simplify. inv CONST. assert (HX: Ple r (max_reg_function f)) by extlia. eapply ple_max_resource_function in HX. exploit reset_transl_module; eauto; intros. econstructor; rewrite AssocMap.gso by extlia; auto. auto. - inv HSTEP. rename H4 into HADDR, H12 into MEMLOAD, H13 into HTRUTHY'. clear HTRUTHY'. 2: { inv H3. inv HTRUTHY. cbn in *. now rewrite H1 in H0. } unfold Op.eval_addressing in *. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in HADDR by auto. cbn in *. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in * by auto. inv HADDR. assert (HEXPR: exists v', expr_runp tt asr asa (Vvari (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (max_resource_function f))))) (Vlit (ZToValue (Ptrofs.unsigned i / 4)))) v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'). { inv HMATCH; exploit mk_ctrl_correct; eauto. simplify. rewrite H. eapply expr_runp_load_3; try eassumption. econstructor; eauto. eauto. } destruct HEXPR as (v' & HEXPR' & HVAL). exists (AssocMap.set (reg_enc r) v' asr), asa; split; [|split]. econstructor; eauto. eapply transl_predicate_correct2_true; try eassumption. { cbn. instantiate (1:=max_pred_function f). destruct o; cbn; [eapply le_max_pred in HFRL|]; extlia. } inv HMATCH; eassumption. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. rewrite truthy_dflt; eauto. assert (HREG: Ple r (max_reg_function f)) by extlia. inv HMATCH. econstructor; eauto. eapply regs_lessdef_add_match; auto. eauto. eapply state_st_wf_write; eauto. { symmetry in TF; eapply mk_ctrl_correct in TF. inv TF. rewrite <- H. cbn. eapply ple_max_resource_function in HREG. extlia. } unfold reg_stack_based_pointers; intros. destruct (peq r r0); subst; [|rewrite PMap.gso by auto; eauto]. rewrite PMap.gss. unfold arr_stack_based_pointers in ASBP. exploit load_exists_pointer_offset. 2: { eauto. } replace Archi.ptr64 with false by auto. unfold Values.Val.offset_ptr. cbn. eauto. econstructor; eauto. intros (ptr & HSIZE & HVAL'). eapply ASBP in HSIZE. rewrite HVAL' in MEMLOAD. rewrite MEMLOAD in HSIZE. eauto. exploit mk_ctrl_correct; eauto. simplify. inv CONST. assert (HX: Ple r (max_reg_function f)) by extlia. eapply ple_max_resource_function in HX. exploit reset_transl_module; eauto; intros. econstructor; rewrite AssocMap.gso by extlia; auto. auto. Qed. Lemma exec_expr_store_1 : forall f m_ rs' pr' asr r0 z sp v' asa, transl_module f = OK m_ -> match_assocmaps (max_reg_function f) (max_pred_function f) rs' pr' asr -> Values.Val.add rs' !! r0 (Values.Vint (Int.repr z)) = Values.Vptr sp v' -> reg_stack_based_pointers sp rs' -> Ple r0 (max_reg_function f) -> expr_runp tt asr asa (Vbinop Vdivu (boplitz Vadd r0 z) (Vlit (ZToValue 4))) (Int.divu (ptrToValue v') (ZToValue 4)). Proof. intros. rename H3 into HPLE. repeat econstructor. cbn. replace (Int.eq (ZToValue 4) with false. 2: { unfold Int.eq. destruct_match; auto. exfalso. unfold, ZToValue in *. clear Heqs. rewrite ! Int.unsigned_repr in e; [discriminate| |]; crush. } unfold ptrToValue. destruct (rs' !! r0) eqn:?; crush. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in H1 by auto. inv H1. f_equal. unfold Ptrofs.to_int. symmetry; rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned at 1. symmetry. f_equal. apply Ptrofs.agree32_add; auto; unfold ZToValue. 2: { apply Ptrofs.agree32_of_int; auto. } inv H0. exploit H1; eauto; intros. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. unfold valueToPtr. apply Ptrofs.agree32_of_int; auto. Qed. Lemma transl_store_correct : forall m0 a0 l f e asr0 asa0 asr asa next_p sp o m_ rs pr m r rs' pr' m' s pc s' a stmnt, translate_arr_access m0 a0 l (ctrl_stack (mk_ctrl f)) = OK e -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> eval_predf pr next_p = true -> truthy pr o -> step_instr ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) (RBstore o m0 a0 l r) (Iexec {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |}) -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> Forall (fun x : positive => Ple x (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses (RBstore o m0 a0 l r)) -> Ple (max_predicate next_p) (max_pred_function f) -> Ple (max_reg_instr a (RBstore o m0 a0 l r)) (max_reg_function f) -> exists (asr' : AssocMap.t value) (asa' : AssocMap.t arr), stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) (Vseq stmnt (Vcond (Vbinop Vand (pred_expr next_p) (pred_expr (dfltp o))) (Vblock e (Vvar (reg_enc r))) Vskip)) (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr' asa') /\ eval_predf pr' next_p = true. Proof. intros * HTRANSL HSTMNT HEVAL HTRUTHY HSTEP HMATCH HFRL HPLE1 HPLE2. unfold translate_arr_access in HTRANSL; repeat destr; destruct_match; try discriminate; repeat destr; inv HTRANSL. - inv HSTEP. rename H4 into HADDR, H12 into MEMLOAD, H13 into HTRUTHY'. clear HTRUTHY'. 2: { inv H3; cbn in *. inv HTRUTHY. congruence. } unfold Op.eval_addressing in HADDR. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in HADDR by auto; cbn in *. inv HADDR. exploit storev_exists_ptr; eauto. intros (sp0 & v' & HADD). exists asr, (arr_assocmap_set m_.(DHTL.mod_stk) (valueToNat (Int.divu (ptrToValue v') (ZToValue 4))) (find_assocmap 32 (reg_enc r) asr) asa). split; [|split]. + repeat (econstructor; try eassumption). * eapply pred_expr_correct; intros. inv HMATCH. inv MASSOC. eapply H1; eauto. extlia. * eapply pred_expr_correct; intros. inv HMATCH. inv MASSOC. eapply H1; eauto. destruct o. cbn in *. eapply le_max_pred in HFRL. extlia. cbn in *. extlia. * rewrite int_and_boolToValue. rewrite valueToBool_correct. rewrite HEVAL. now rewrite truthy_dflt. * cbn. inv HMATCH. exploit mk_ctrl_correct; eauto; simplify. rewrite H. econstructor. eapply exec_expr_store_1; eauto; try extlia. destruct (rs' !! r0) eqn:?; crush. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in HADD by auto. inv HADD. unfold reg_stack_based_pointers in *. unfold stack_based in *. pose proof (RSBP r0). rewrite Heqv in H2. now subst. + inv HMATCH; econstructor; eauto. * inv MARR. destruct H as (HARR1 & HARR2 & HARR3 & HARR4). econstructor. repeat split. -- erewrite arr_assocmap_set_gss by eassumption. eauto. -- now rewrite <- array_set_len. -- now rewrite <- array_set_len. -- intros * HBOUND. rewrite <- array_set_len in HBOUND. apply HARR4 in HBOUND. unfold Mem.loadv, Mem.storev in *. move MEMLOAD after HBOUND. repeat destr. destruct (rs' !! r0) eqn:?; crush. replace Archi.ptr64 with false in Heqv0 by auto. inv Heqv0. inv HADD. inv Heqv. exploit Mem.load_store_other. exploit Mem.load_store_same; eauto; intros. inv HADD. cbn in Heqv. inv Heqv. inv Heqv0. + auto. - admit. - admit. Admitted. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_instr : forall s f sp pc curr_p next_p rs rs' m m' pr pr' m_ s' stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n i a, (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f) (curr_p, stmnt) i = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> eval_predf pr curr_p = true -> step_instr ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) i (Iexec {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |}) -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> Forall (fun x : positive => Ple x (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses i) -> Ple (max_predicate curr_p) (max_pred_function f) -> Ple (max_reg_instr a i) (max_reg_function f) -> exists asr' asa', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr' asa') /\ eval_predf pr' next_p = true. Proof. intros * HTRANSF HSTMNT HEVAL HSTEP HMATCH HFRL1 HPLE HREGMAX. unfold transf_instr, Errors.bind in HTRANSF. destruct_match; repeat destr; subst; inv HTRANSF. - (* RBnop *) inv HSTEP. exists asr, asa; auto. inv H3. - (* RBop *) inversion HSTEP; subst. + exploit transl_iop_correct; eauto. cbn. rewrite Heqr0. cbn. eauto. cbn in *. eapply Forall_forall; intros. assert (Ple x (fold_left Pos.max l (Pos.max r a))) by (eapply fold_left_max; tauto); extlia. assert (Ple r (fold_left Pos.max l (Pos.max r a))) by (eapply fold_left_max; extlia). intros (asr'' & HSTMNT' & HMATCH'). cbn in *. extlia. exists asr'', asa. split; eauto. + inv H3; cbn in *. assert (eval_predf pr' (Pand next_p p) = false). { rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite H0; auto with bool. } assert (Ple (max_predicate (Pand next_p p)) (max_pred_function f)). { cbn. eapply le_max_pred in HFRL1. extlia. } inv HMATCH. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr'' & HSTMNT' & HASR1 & HASR2). exists asr'', asa. split; [|split]; auto. econstructor; eauto. eapply unchanged_implies_match. split; [|split]; eauto. econstructor; eauto. - (* RBload *) inversion HSTEP; subst. + exploit transl_load_correct; eauto. + inv H3; cbn in *. assert (eval_predf pr' (Pand next_p p) = false). { rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite H0; auto with bool. } assert (Ple (max_predicate (Pand next_p p)) (max_pred_function f)). { cbn. eapply le_max_pred in HFRL1. extlia. } inv HMATCH. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr'' & HSTMNT' & HASR1 & HASR2). exists asr'', asa. split; [|split]; auto. econstructor; eauto. eapply unchanged_implies_match. split; [|split]; eauto. econstructor; eauto. - (* RBstore *) - (* RBsetpred *) admit. - (* RBexit *) inv HSTEP. inv H3; cbn -[eval_predf] in *. assert (eval_predf pr' (Pand curr_p p) = false). { rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite H0; auto with bool. } assert (Ple (max_predicate (Pand curr_p p)) (max_pred_function f)). { cbn. eapply le_max_pred in HFRL1. extlia. } unfold translate_cfi, Errors.bind in *. inv HMATCH. repeat (destin Heqr0; try discriminate); subst. + unfold state_cond in *. inv Heqr0. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). exists asr', asa. split; [|split]. econstructor; eauto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. unfold unchanged. split; [|split]; eauto. econstructor; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. rewrite eval_predf_negate. now rewrite H0. + unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv Heqr0. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). assert (X': unchanged asr asa asr' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X' as Y1. eapply unchanged_implies_match in X'; eauto. 2: { econstructor; eauto. } inversion X'; subst. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr'' & HSTMNT'' & HEQUIV' & HFORALL'). assert (X'': unchanged asr' asa asr'' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X'' as Y2. eapply unchanged_implies_match in X''; eauto. inversion X''; subst. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr''' & HSTMNT''' & HEQUIV'' & HFORALL''). assert (X''': unchanged asr'' asa asr''' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X''' as Y3. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in X'''; eauto. exists asr''', asa. split; [|split]. econstructor; eauto. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. eauto. eauto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite eval_predf_negate. rewrite HEVAL. now rewrite H0. + unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv Heqr0. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). assert (X': unchanged asr asa asr' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X' as Y1. eapply unchanged_implies_match in X'; eauto. 2: { econstructor; eauto. } inversion X'; subst. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr'' & HSTMNT'' & HEQUIV' & HFORALL'). assert (X'': unchanged asr' asa asr'' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X'' as Y2. eapply unchanged_implies_match in X''; eauto. inversion X''; subst. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr''' & HSTMNT''' & HEQUIV'' & HFORALL''). assert (X''': unchanged asr'' asa asr''' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X''' as Y3. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in X'''; eauto. exists asr''', asa. split; [|split]. econstructor; eauto. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. eauto. eauto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite eval_predf_negate. rewrite HEVAL. now rewrite H0. + unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv Heqr0. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). exists asr', asa. split; [|split]. econstructor; eauto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. unfold unchanged. split; [|split]; eauto. econstructor; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. rewrite eval_predf_negate. now rewrite H0. Admitted. Transparent translate_predicate. Transparent translate_predicate_cond. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_instr_term : forall s f sp pc curr_p next_p rs rs' m m' pr pr' m_ s' stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n i cf pc', (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f) (curr_p, stmnt) i = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> eval_predf pr curr_p = true -> step_instr ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) i (Iterm {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |} cf) -> step_cf_instr ge (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') cf Events.E0 (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc' rs' pr' m') -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> exists asr' asa', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc' rs' pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc' asr' asa') /\ eval_predf pr' next_p = false. Proof. Admitted. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_instr_term_return : forall s f sp pc curr_p next_p rs rs' m m' pr pr' m_ s' stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n i cf v m'', (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f) (curr_p, stmnt) i = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> eval_predf pr curr_p = true -> step_instr ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) i (Iterm {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |} cf) -> step_cf_instr ge (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') cf Events.E0 (GibleSubPar.Returnstate s v m'') -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> exists retval, stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc (AssocMap.set m_.(DHTL.mod_st) (posToValue n) (AssocMap.set (m_.(DHTL.mod_return)) retval (AssocMap.set (m_.(DHTL.mod_finish)) (ZToValue 1) asr)))) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) /\ val_value_lessdef v retval /\ eval_predf pr' next_p = false. Proof. Admitted. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard : forall ctrl bb curr_p next_p m_ stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n max_reg max_pred rs ps, (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) transf_instr n ctrl (curr_p, stmnt) bb = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> Forall (fun x => Ple x max_pred) (pred_uses bb) -> Ple (max_predicate curr_p) max_pred -> eval_predf ps curr_p = false -> match_assocmaps max_reg max_pred rs ps asr -> (forall a b c d e, bb <> RBstore a b c d e) -> (forall a b, bb <> RBexit a b) -> exists asr', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) /\ unchanged asr asa asr' asa /\ Ple (max_predicate next_p) max_pred /\ eval_predf ps next_p = false. Proof. destruct bb; intros * HTRANSF HSTMNT HFRL HPLE HEVAL HMATCH HNO_RBSTORE HNO_EXIT. - cbn in HTRANSF. inv HTRANSF. exists asr; repeat split; eauto. - cbn -[translate_predicate deep_simplify] in HTRANSF; unfold Errors.bind in HTRANSF. destruct_match; try discriminate. assert (forall A a b, @OK A a = OK b -> a = b) by now inversion 1. apply H in HTRANSF. assert (forall A B (a b: A) (c d: B), (a, c) = (b, d) -> a = b /\ c = d) by now inversion 1. apply H0 in HTRANSF. destruct HTRANSF. rewrite H1 in *. rewrite <- H2 in *. assert (eval_predf ps (Pand next_p (dfltp o)) = false). { rewrite eval_predf_Pand. subst. rewrite HEVAL. auto. } assert (Ple (max_predicate (Pand next_p (dfltp o))) max_pred). { cbn. cbn in HFRL. destruct o; cbn; [|unfold Ple in *; lia]. eapply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. } exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & FRL). exists asr'. repeat split; eauto. econstructor; eauto. simplify. crush. crush. - cbn -[translate_predicate deep_simplify] in HTRANSF; unfold Errors.bind in HTRANSF. destruct_match; try discriminate. assert (forall A a b, @OK A a = OK b -> a = b) by now inversion 1. apply H in HTRANSF. assert (forall A B (a b: A) (c d: B), (a, c) = (b, d) -> a = b /\ c = d) by now inversion 1. apply H0 in HTRANSF. destruct HTRANSF. rewrite H1 in *. rewrite <- H2 in *. assert (eval_predf ps (Pand next_p (dfltp o)) = false). { rewrite eval_predf_Pand. subst. rewrite HEVAL. auto. } assert (Ple (max_predicate (Pand next_p (dfltp o))) max_pred). { cbn. cbn in HFRL. destruct o; cbn; [|unfold Ple in *; lia]. eapply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. } exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & FRL). exists asr'. repeat split; eauto. econstructor; eauto. crush. crush. - exfalso; eapply HNO_RBSTORE; auto. - cbn -[translate_predicate deep_simplify] in HTRANSF; unfold Errors.bind in HTRANSF. destruct_match; try discriminate. assert (forall A a b, @OK A a = OK b -> a = b) by now inversion 1. apply H in HTRANSF. assert (forall A B (a b: A) (c d: B), (a, c) = (b, d) -> a = b /\ c = d) by now inversion 1. apply H0 in HTRANSF. destruct HTRANSF. rewrite H1 in *. rewrite <- H2 in *. assert (eval_predf ps (Pand next_p (dfltp o)) = false). { rewrite eval_predf_Pand. subst. rewrite HEVAL. auto. } assert (Ple (max_predicate (Pand next_p (dfltp o))) max_pred). { cbn. cbn in HFRL. destruct o; cbn; [|unfold Ple in *; lia]. inv HFRL. eapply le_max_pred in H7. unfold Ple in *; lia. } exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & FRL). exists asr'. repeat split; eauto. econstructor; eauto. crush. crush. - exfalso; eapply HNO_EXIT; auto. Qed. Lemma transl_arr_access_exists_vari : forall chunk addr args stack e, translate_arr_access chunk addr args stack = OK e -> exists e', e = Vvari stack e'. Proof. destruct chunk, addr; intros; cbn in *; repeat destr; try discriminate; inv H; eauto. Qed. Opaque translate_predicate. (* Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top_store : *) (* forall f s s' pc curr_p next_p m_ stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n rs ps sp m p chunk addr args src, *) (* (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) *) (* transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f) (curr_p, stmnt) (RBstore p chunk addr args src) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> *) (* stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) *) (* stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> *) (* Forall (fun x => Ple x (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses (RBstore p chunk addr args src)) -> *) (* Ple (max_predicate curr_p) (max_pred_function f) -> *) (* eval_predf ps curr_p = false -> *) (* match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs ps m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> *) (* exists asr' asa', *) (* stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' *) (* (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') *) (* /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs ps m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr' asa') *) (* /\ Ple (max_predicate next_p) (max_pred_function f) *) (* /\ eval_predf ps next_p = false. *) (* Proof. *) (* intros * HTRANSF HSTMNT HFRL HPLE HEVAL HMATCH. *) (* cbn -[translate_predicate_cond] in *; unfold Errors.bind in *. *) (* destruct (translate_arr_access chunk addr args (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (Pos.succ (max_resource_function f)))))) eqn:HT; try discriminate. *) (* inv HTRANSF. exploit transl_arr_access_exists_vari; eauto. intros (e' & HVARI). *) (* subst. inv HMATCH. exploit mk_ctrl_correct; eauto. intros (HCTRLST' & HCTRLSTACK' & HCTRLFIN' & HCTRLRETURN'). *) (* cbn -[translate_predicate_cond] in *. rewrite HCTRLSTACK' in HT. *) (* assert (X: Ple (max_predicate (Pand next_p (dfltp p))) (max_pred_function f)). *) (* { unfold Ple; cbn. destruct p; cbn. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *. lia. unfold Ple in *. lia. } *) (* exploit transl_predicate_cond_correct_arr2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. *) (* intros HSTMNT'. exists asr, asa. *) (* split; [|split; [|split]]. *) (* econstructor; eauto. cbn in *. *) (* econstructor; eauto. auto. auto. *) (* Qed. *) Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top_store : forall ctrl curr_p next_p m_ stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n p chunk addr args src max_reg max_pred rs ps, (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) transf_instr n ctrl (curr_p, stmnt) (RBstore p chunk addr args src) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> Forall (fun x => Ple x max_pred) (pred_uses (RBstore p chunk addr args src)) -> Ple (max_predicate curr_p) max_pred -> eval_predf ps curr_p = false -> match_assocmaps max_reg max_pred rs ps asr -> exists asr', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) /\ unchanged asr asa asr' asa /\ Ple (max_predicate next_p) max_pred /\ eval_predf ps next_p = false. Proof. intros * HTRANSF HSTMNT HFRL HPLE HEVAL HMATCH. cbn -[translate_predicate_cond] in *; unfold Errors.bind in *. destruct (translate_arr_access chunk addr args (ctrl_stack ctrl)) eqn:HT; try discriminate. inv HTRANSF. exploit transl_arr_access_exists_vari; eauto. intros (e' & HVARI). subst. cbn -[translate_predicate_cond] in *. assert (X: Ple (max_predicate (Pand next_p (dfltp p))) max_pred). { unfold Ple; cbn. destruct p; cbn. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *. lia. unfold Ple in *. lia. } exploit transl_predicate_cond_correct_arr2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. intros HSTMNT'. exists asr. split; [|split; [|split]]. econstructor; eauto. cbn in *. econstructor; eauto. auto. auto. Qed. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top_exit : forall ctrl curr_p next_p m_ stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n rs ps p cfi max_pred max_reg, (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) transf_instr n ctrl (curr_p, stmnt) (RBexit p cfi) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> Forall (fun x => Ple x max_pred) (pred_uses (RBexit p cfi)) -> Ple (max_predicate curr_p) max_pred -> eval_predf ps curr_p = false -> match_assocmaps max_reg max_pred rs ps asr -> exists asr', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) /\ unchanged asr asa asr' asa /\ Ple (max_predicate next_p) max_pred /\ eval_predf ps next_p = false. Proof. intros * HTRANSF HSTMNT HFRL HPLE HEVAL HMATCH. cbn -[translate_predicate_cond translate_predicate] in *; unfold Errors.bind in *. repeat (destin HTRANSF; try discriminate; []). inv HTRANSF. assert (X: Ple (max_predicate (Pand curr_p (dfltp p))) max_pred). { unfold Ple; cbn. destruct p; cbn. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *. lia. unfold Ple in *. lia. } unfold translate_cfi, Errors.bind in *. repeat (destin DIN0; try discriminate). - unfold state_cond in *. inv DIN0. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). exists asr'. split; [|split; [|split]]. econstructor; eauto. unfold unchanged. split; [|split]; eauto. unfold Ple in *; cbn. rewrite max_predicate_negate. destruct p; cbn; try lia. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. - unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv DIN0. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). assert (X': unchanged asr asa asr' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X' as Y1. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in X'; eauto. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. intros (asr'' & HSTMNT'' & HEQUIV' & HFORALL'). assert (X'': unchanged asr' asa asr'' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X'' as Y2. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in X''; eauto. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. intros (asr''' & HSTMNT''' & HEQUIV'' & HFORALL''). assert (X''': unchanged asr'' asa asr''' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X''' as Y3. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in X'''; eauto. exists asr'''. split; [|split; [|split]]. econstructor; eauto. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. eauto. eauto. eapply unchanged_trans; eauto. eapply unchanged_trans; eauto. unfold Ple in *; cbn. rewrite max_predicate_negate. destruct p; cbn; try lia. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. - unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv DIN0. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). assert (X': unchanged asr asa asr' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X' as Y1. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in X'; eauto. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. intros (asr'' & HSTMNT'' & HEQUIV' & HFORALL'). assert (X'': unchanged asr' asa asr'' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X'' as Y2. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in X''; eauto. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. intros (asr''' & HSTMNT''' & HEQUIV'' & HFORALL''). assert (X''': unchanged asr'' asa asr''' asa). { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } pose proof X''' as Y3. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in X'''; eauto. exists asr'''. split; [|split; [|split]]. econstructor; eauto. econstructor. econstructor. eauto. eauto. eauto. eapply unchanged_trans; eauto. eapply unchanged_trans; eauto. unfold Ple in *; cbn. rewrite max_predicate_negate. destruct p; cbn; try lia. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. - unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv DIN0. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). exists asr'. split; [|split; [|split]]. econstructor; eauto. econstructor; eauto. unfold Ple in *; cbn. rewrite max_predicate_negate. destruct p; cbn; try lia. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. Qed. (* Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top_exit' : *) (* forall f s s' pc curr_p next_p m_ stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n rs ps sp m p cfi, *) (* (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) *) (* transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f) (curr_p, stmnt) (RBexit p cfi) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> *) (* stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) *) (* stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> *) (* Forall (fun x => Ple x (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses (RBexit p cfi)) -> *) (* Ple (max_predicate curr_p) (max_pred_function f) -> *) (* eval_predf ps curr_p = false -> *) (* match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs ps m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> *) (* exists asr' asa', *) (* stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' *) (* (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') *) (* /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs ps m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr' asa') *) (* /\ Ple (max_predicate next_p) (max_pred_function f) *) (* /\ eval_predf ps next_p = false. *) (* Proof. *) (* intros * HTRANSF HSTMNT HFRL HPLE HEVAL HMATCH. *) (* cbn -[translate_predicate_cond translate_predicate] in *; unfold Errors.bind in *. *) (* repeat (destin HTRANSF; try discriminate; []). inv HTRANSF. *) (* assert (X: Ple (max_predicate (Pand curr_p (dfltp p))) (max_pred_function f)). *) (* { unfold Ple; cbn. destruct p; cbn. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *. lia. unfold Ple in *. lia. } *) (* unfold translate_cfi, Errors.bind in *. *) (* repeat (destin DIN0; try discriminate). *) (* - unfold state_cond in *. inv DIN0. *) (* inv HMATCH. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. *) (* intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). *) (* exists asr', asa. split; [|split; [|split]]. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. instantiate (2:=asr). instantiate (1:=asa). *) (* unfold unchanged. split; [|split]; eauto. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* unfold Ple in *; cbn. rewrite max_predicate_negate. *) (* destruct p; cbn; try lia. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. *) (* - unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv DIN0. *) (* inv HMATCH. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. *) (* intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). *) (* assert (X': unchanged asr asa asr' asa). *) (* { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } *) (* pose proof unchanged_implies_match as Y. eapply Y in X'; [|econstructor; eauto]. *) (* inv X'. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. *) (* intros (asr'' & HSTMNT'' & HEQUIV' & HFORALL'). *) (* assert (X': unchanged asr' asa asr'' asa). *) (* { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } *) (* pose proof unchanged_implies_match as Y'. eapply Y' in X'; [|econstructor; eauto]. *) (* inv X'. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. *) (* intros (asr''' & HSTMNT''' & HEQUIV'' & HFORALL''). *) (* assert (X': unchanged asr'' asa asr''' asa). *) (* { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } *) (* pose proof unchanged_implies_match as Y''. eapply Y'' in X'; [|econstructor; eauto]. *) (* inv X'. *) (* exists asr''', asa. split; [|split; [|split]]. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* econstructor. econstructor. eauto. *) (* eauto. eauto. econstructor; eauto. *) (* unfold Ple in *; cbn. rewrite max_predicate_negate. *) (* destruct p; cbn; try lia. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. *) (* - unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv DIN0. *) (* inv HMATCH. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. *) (* intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). *) (* assert (X': unchanged asr asa asr' asa). *) (* { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } *) (* pose proof unchanged_implies_match as Y. eapply Y in X'; [|econstructor; eauto]. *) (* inv X'. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. *) (* intros (asr'' & HSTMNT'' & HEQUIV' & HFORALL'). *) (* assert (X': unchanged asr' asa asr'' asa). *) (* { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } *) (* pose proof unchanged_implies_match as Y'. eapply Y' in X'; [|econstructor; eauto]. *) (* inv X'. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. *) (* intros (asr''' & HSTMNT''' & HEQUIV'' & HFORALL''). *) (* assert (X': unchanged asr'' asa asr''' asa). *) (* { unfold unchanged; split; [|split]; eauto. } *) (* pose proof unchanged_implies_match as Y''. eapply Y'' in X'; [|econstructor; eauto]. *) (* inv X'. *) (* exists asr''', asa. split; [|split; [|split]]. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* econstructor. econstructor. eauto. *) (* eauto. eauto. econstructor; eauto. *) (* unfold Ple in *; cbn. rewrite max_predicate_negate. *) (* destruct p; cbn; try lia. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. *) (* - unfold state_cond, state_goto in *. inv DIN0. *) (* inv HMATCH. exploit transl_predicate_correct2; eauto. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite HEVAL. eauto. *) (* intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HEQUIV & HFORALL). *) (* exists asr', asa. split; [|split; [|split]]. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. instantiate (2:=asr). instantiate (1:=asa). *) (* unfold unchanged. split; [|split]; eauto. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* unfold Ple in *; cbn. rewrite max_predicate_negate. *) (* destruct p; cbn; try lia. apply le_max_pred in HFRL. unfold Ple in *; lia. *) (* rewrite eval_predf_Pand. now rewrite HEVAL. *) (* Qed. *) Transparent translate_predicate. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top : forall ctrl bb curr_p next_p m_ stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n rs ps max_reg max_pred, (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) transf_instr n ctrl (curr_p, stmnt) bb = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> Forall (fun x => Ple x max_pred) (pred_uses bb) -> Ple (max_predicate curr_p) max_pred -> eval_predf ps curr_p = false -> match_assocmaps max_reg max_pred rs ps asr -> exists asr', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) /\ unchanged asr asa asr' asa /\ Ple (max_predicate next_p) max_pred /\ eval_predf ps next_p = false. Proof. intros * HTRANSF HSTMNT HFRL HPLE HEVAL HMATCH. destruct bb. - eapply transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard; eauto; try discriminate. - eapply transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard; eauto; try discriminate. - eapply transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard; eauto; try discriminate. - eapply transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top_store; eauto. - eapply transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard; eauto; try discriminate. - eapply transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top_exit; eauto. Qed. (* Lemma transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top : *) (* forall f s s' pc bb curr_p next_p m_ stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n rs ps sp m, *) (* (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) *) (* transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f) (curr_p, stmnt) bb = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> *) (* stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) *) (* stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> *) (* Forall (fun x => Ple x (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses bb) -> *) (* Ple (max_predicate curr_p) (max_pred_function f) -> *) (* eval_predf ps curr_p = false -> *) (* match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs ps m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> *) (* exists asr' asa', *) (* stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' *) (* (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') *) (* /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs ps m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr' asa') *) (* /\ Ple (max_predicate next_p) (max_pred_function f) *) (* /\ eval_predf ps next_p = false. *) (* Proof. *) (* intros * HTRANSF HSTMNT HFRL HPLE HEVAL HMATCH. destruct bb. *) (* - inv HMATCH. *) (* exploit transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard; eauto; try discriminate. *) (* intros (asr' & asa' & HSTMNT' & HUNCHG & HPLE' & HEVAL'). *) (* exists asr', asa'. repeat split; auto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* - inv HMATCH. *) (* exploit transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard; eauto; try discriminate. *) (* intros (asr' & asa' & HSTMNT' & HUNCHG & HPLE' & HEVAL'). *) (* exists asr', asa'. repeat split; auto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* - inv HMATCH. *) (* exploit transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard; eauto; try discriminate. *) (* intros (asr' & asa' & HSTMNT' & HUNCHG & HPLE' & HEVAL'). *) (* exists asr', asa'. repeat split; auto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* - eapply transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top_store; eauto. *) (* - inv HMATCH. *) (* exploit transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard; eauto; try discriminate. *) (* intros (asr' & asa' & HSTMNT' & HUNCHG & HPLE' & HEVAL'). *) (* exists asr', asa'. repeat split; auto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. *) (* econstructor; eauto. *) (* - eapply transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top_exit; eauto. *) (* Qed. *) Lemma iterm_intermediate_state : forall bb sp rs pr m rs' pr' m' cf, SubParBB.step_instr_list ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) bb (Iterm {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |} cf) -> exists bb' i bb'', SubParBB.step_instr_list ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) bb' (Iexec {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |}) /\ step_instr ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |}) i (Iterm {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |} cf) /\ bb = bb' ++ (i :: bb''). Proof. induction bb; intros * HSUBPAR. - inv HSUBPAR. - inv HSUBPAR. destruct i1; destruct i. + exploit IHbb; eauto. intros (bb' & i & bb'' & HSTEPLIST & HSTEP & HLIST). subst. exists (a :: bb'), i, bb''. split; [|split]; auto. econstructor; eauto. + exists nil, a, bb. exploit step_instr_finish; eauto; inversion 1; subst; clear H. exploit step_list_inter_not_term; eauto; inversion 1. inv H0. split; [|split]; auto. constructor. Qed. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_instr : forall s f sp bb pc curr_p next_p rs rs' m m' pr pr' m_ s' stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n, (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) mfold_left (transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f)) bb (OK (curr_p, stmnt)) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> eval_predf pr curr_p = true -> SubParBB.step_instr_list ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) bb (Iexec {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |}) -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> exists asr' asa', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr' asa') /\ eval_predf pr' next_p = true. Proof. induction bb; intros * HFOLD HSTMNT HEVAL HSUBPAR HMATCH. - inv HSUBPAR. exists asr, asa. cbn in *. inv HFOLD. auto. - exploit mfold_left_cons; eauto. intros (x' & y' & HFOLD' & HTRANS & HINV). inv HINV. destruct y'. clear HFOLD. inv HSUBPAR. destruct i1; [|inv H5]. destruct i. exploit transl_step_state_correct_single_instr; eauto. intros (asr' & asa' & HSTMNT' & HMATCH' & HEVAL'). eauto. Qed. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_instr_false : forall ctrl bb curr_p next_p m_ stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa n rs ps max_reg max_pred, (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) mfold_left (transf_instr n ctrl) bb (OK (curr_p, stmnt)) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> Forall (fun i => Forall (fun x : positive => Ple x max_pred) (pred_uses i)) bb -> Ple (max_predicate curr_p) max_pred -> eval_predf ps curr_p = false -> match_assocmaps max_reg max_pred rs ps asr -> exists asr', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) /\ unchanged asr asa asr' asa /\ eval_predf ps next_p = false /\ Ple (max_predicate next_p) max_pred. Proof. induction bb; intros * HFOLD HSTMNT HFRL HPLE HEVAL HMATCH. - cbn in *. inv HFOLD. exists asr; repeat split; auto. eauto. - exploit mfold_left_cons; eauto. intros (x' & y' & HFOLD' & HTRANS & HINV). inv HINV. destruct y'. exploit transl_step_state_correct_single_false_standard_top; eauto. inv HFRL; eauto. intros (asr' & HSTMNT' & HMATCH' & HPLE' & HEVAL'). inv HFRL. pose proof HMATCH' as HMATCHB. eapply unchanged_match_assocmaps in HMATCH'; eauto. exploit IHbb; eauto. intros (asr'' & HSTMNT'' & HMATCH'' & HPLE'' & HEVAL''). exists asr''; repeat (split; auto; []). eapply unchanged_trans; eauto. Qed. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_instr_state : forall s f sp bb pc curr_p next_p rs rs' m m' pr pr' m_ s' stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa cf pc' n, (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) mfold_left (transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f)) bb (OK (curr_p, stmnt)) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> eval_predf pr curr_p = true -> SubParBB.step_instr_list ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) bb (Iterm {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |} cf) -> step_cf_instr ge (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') cf Events.E0 (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc' rs' pr' m') -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> Forall (fun i0 : instr => Forall (fun x : positive => Ple x (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses i0)) bb -> Ple (max_predicate curr_p) (max_pred_function f) -> exists asr' asa', stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc' rs' pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc' asr' asa'). Proof. intros * HFOLD HSTMNT HEVAL HSTEP HSTEPCF HMATCH HFRL HPLE. exploit iterm_intermediate_state; eauto. intros (bb' & i & bb'' & HSTEP' & HSTEPINSTR & HBB). subst. exploit mfold_left_app; eauto. intros (y' & HFOLD1 & HFOLD2). exploit mfold_left_cons; eauto. intros (x' & y_other & HFOLDFINAL & HINSTR & HSUBST). inv HSUBST. destruct x'. destruct y_other. exploit transl_step_state_correct_instr; try eapply HFOLD1; eauto. intros (asr' & asa' & HSTMNT' & HMATCH' & HNEXT). exploit transl_step_state_correct_single_instr_term; eauto. intros (asr'0 & asa'0 & HSTMNT'' & HMATCH'' & HNEXT''). inv HMATCH''. exploit transl_step_state_correct_instr_false; eauto. { eapply Forall_app in HFRL. inv HFRL. inv H0. eauto. } { eapply all_le_max_predicate_instr; eauto. eapply Forall_app in HFRL. inv HFRL. inv H0. eauto. eapply all_le_max_predicate; eauto. eapply Forall_app in HFRL. inv HFRL. inv H0. eauto. } intros (asr'' & HSTMNT''' & HUNCHANGED & HEVAL' & HPLE'). exists asr'', asa'0. split; auto. eapply unchanged_implies_match; eauto. econstructor; eauto. Qed. Lemma transl_step_state_correct_instr_return : forall s f sp bb pc curr_p next_p rs rs' m m' pr pr' m_ s' stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa cf v m'' n, mfold_left (transf_instr n (mk_ctrl f)) bb (OK (curr_p, stmnt)) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> eval_predf pr curr_p = true -> SubParBB.step_instr_list ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) bb (Iterm {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |} cf) -> step_cf_instr ge (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') cf Events.E0 (GibleSubPar.Returnstate s v m'') -> match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> Forall (fun i0 : instr => Forall (fun x : positive => Ple x (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses i0)) bb -> Ple (max_predicate curr_p) (max_pred_function f) -> exists asr' asa' retval, stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') /\ val_value_lessdef v retval /\ asr'!(m_.(DHTL.mod_finish)) = Some (ZToValue 1) /\ asr'!(m_.(DHTL.mod_return)) = Some retval /\ asr'!(m_.(DHTL.mod_st)) = Some (posToValue n). Proof. intros * HFOLD HSTMNT HEVAL HSTEP HSTEPCF HMATCH HFRL HPLE. exploit iterm_intermediate_state; eauto. intros (bb' & i & bb'' & HSTEP' & HSTEPINSTR & HBB). subst. exploit mfold_left_app; eauto. intros (y' & HFOLD1 & HFOLD2). exploit mfold_left_cons; eauto. intros (x' & y_other & HFOLDFINAL & HINSTR & HSUBST). inv HSUBST. destruct x'. destruct y_other. exploit transl_step_state_correct_instr; try eapply HFOLD1; eauto. intros (asr' & asa' & HSTMNT' & HMATCH' & HNEXT). exploit transl_step_state_correct_single_instr_term_return; eauto. intros (v' & HSTMNT'' & HEVAL2 & HEVAL3). inv HMATCH'. exploit transl_step_state_correct_instr_false; eauto. { eapply Forall_app in HFRL. inv HFRL. inv H0. eauto. } { eapply all_le_max_predicate_instr; eauto. eapply Forall_app in HFRL. inv HFRL. inv H0. eauto. eapply all_le_max_predicate; eauto. eapply Forall_app in HFRL. inv HFRL. inv H0. eauto. } { unfold transl_module, Errors.bind, ret in TF. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv TF. repeat eapply regs_lessdef_add_greater; eauto; cbn; unfold Plt; lia. } intros (asr'' & HSTMNT''' & HUNCHANGED & HEVAL' & HPLE'). exists asr'', asa', v'. repeat (split; auto; []). inv HUNCHANGED. inv H0. unfold transl_module, Errors.bind, ret in TF. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv TF; cbn in *. split; [|split]; eapply H1; repeat rewrite AssocMap.gso by lia; now rewrite AssocMap.gss. Qed. (* Lemma transl_step_state_correct_chained_state : *) (* forall s f sp bb pc pc' curr_p next_p rs rs' m m' pr pr' m_ s' stmnt stmnt' asr0 asa0 asr asa cf n, *) (* (* (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> *) *) (* mfold_left (transf_chained_block n (mk_ctrl f)) bb (OK (curr_p, stmnt)) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> *) (* stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt *) (* (e_assoc asr) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa) -> *) (* eval_predf pr curr_p = true -> *) (* SubParBB.step ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) bb *) (* (Iterm {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |} cf) -> *) (* step_cf_instr ge (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') cf Events.E0 (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc' rs' pr' m') -> *) (* match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) (DHTL.State s' m_ pc asr asa) -> *) (* exists asr' asa', *) (* stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr0) (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa0) stmnt' *) (* (e_assoc asr') (e_assoc_arr (DHTL.mod_stk m_) (DHTL.mod_stk_len m_) asa') *) (* /\ match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc' rs' pr' m') (DHTL.State s' m_ pc' asr' asa'). *) (* Proof. Abort. *) Lemma transl_step_through_cfi' : forall bb ctrl curr_p stmnt next_p stmnt' p cf n, mfold_left (transf_instr n ctrl) bb (OK (curr_p, stmnt)) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> In (RBexit p cf) bb -> exists curr_p' stmnt'', translate_cfi n ctrl (Some (Pand curr_p' (dfltp p))) cf = OK stmnt'' /\ check_cfi n cf = OK tt. Proof. induction bb. - inversion 2. - intros * HFOLD HIN. exploit mfold_left_cons; eauto. intros (x' & y' & HFOLD' & HTRANSF & HSUBST). inversion HSUBST. inv H0. clear HSUBST. inv HIN; destruct y'; eauto. cbn in HTRANSF. unfold Errors.bind in HTRANSF. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv HTRANSF. destruct u. eauto. Qed. Lemma transl_step_through_cfi : forall bb ctrl curr_p stmnt next_p stmnt' l p cf n, mfold_left (transf_chained_block n ctrl) bb (OK (curr_p, stmnt)) = OK (next_p, stmnt') -> In l bb -> In (RBexit p cf) l -> exists curr_p' stmnt'', translate_cfi n ctrl (Some (Pand curr_p' (dfltp p))) cf = OK stmnt''. Proof. induction bb. - inversion 2. - intros * HFOLD HIN1 HIN2. exploit mfold_left_cons; eauto. intros (x' & y' & HFOLD' & HTRANSF & HSUBST). destruct y'. inv HSUBST. inv HIN1; eauto. exploit transl_step_through_cfi'; eauto. simplify. eauto. Qed. Lemma cf_in_bb_subparbb' : forall sp bb a b cf, SubParBB.step_instr_list ge sp (Iexec a) bb (Iterm b cf) -> exists curr_p, In (RBexit curr_p cf) bb /\ truthy (is_ps b) curr_p. Proof. induction bb. - intros. inv H. - intros. inv H. destruct i1. + exploit IHbb; eauto. intros (curr_p & HIN & HTRY). exists curr_p. split; auto. now apply in_cons. + inv H4. exists p. inv H6; split; auto; now constructor. Qed. Lemma cf_in_bb_subparbb : forall sp bb a b cf, SubParBB.step_instr_seq ge sp (Iexec a) bb (Iterm b cf) -> exists l curr_p, In l bb /\ In (RBexit curr_p cf) l /\ truthy (is_ps b) curr_p. Proof. induction bb. - intros. inv H. - intros. inv H. + exploit IHbb; eauto. intros (l & curr_p & HIN2 & HIN & HTRY). exists l, curr_p. split; auto. now apply in_cons. + exploit cf_in_bb_subparbb'; eauto. intros (curr_p & HIN & HTR). exists a, curr_p. split; auto. now constructor. Qed. Lemma match_states_cf_events_translate_cfi: forall T1 cf T2 p t ctrl stmnt n, translate_cfi n ctrl p cf = OK stmnt -> step_cf_instr ge T1 cf t T2 -> t = Events.E0. Proof. intros * HGET HSTEP. destruct cf; try discriminate; inv HSTEP; eauto. Qed. Lemma match_states_cf_states_translate_cfi: forall T1 cf T2 p t ctrl stmnt n, translate_cfi n ctrl p cf = OK stmnt -> step_cf_instr ge T1 cf t T2 -> exists s f sp pc rs pr m, T1 = GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m /\ ((exists pc', T2 = GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc' rs pr m) \/ (exists v m' stk, m stk 0 (fn_stacksize f) = Some m' /\ sp = Values.Vptr stk /\ T2 = GibleSubPar.Returnstate s v m')). Proof. intros * HGET HSTEP. destruct cf; try discriminate; inv HSTEP; try (now repeat econstructor). Qed. Lemma translate_cfi_goto: forall pr curr_p pc s ctrl asr asa n, (forall r, Ple r (max_predicate curr_p) -> find_assocmap 1 (pred_enc r) asr = boolToValue (PMap.get r pr)) -> eval_predf pr curr_p = true -> translate_cfi n ctrl (Some curr_p) (RBgoto pc) = OK s -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr) asa s (e_assoc (AssocMap.set ctrl.(ctrl_st) (posToValue pc) asr)) asa. Proof. intros * HPLE HEVAL HTRANSL. unfold translate_cfi in *. inversion_clear HTRANSL as []. destruct_match. - constructor. constructor. econstructor. eapply pred_expr_correct. intros. unfold Ple in *. eapply HPLE. now apply max_predicate_deep_simplify in H. eauto. constructor. rewrite eval_predf_deep_simplify. rewrite HEVAL. auto. - repeat constructor. Qed. Lemma translate_cfi_goto_none: forall pc s ctrl asr asa n, translate_cfi n ctrl None (RBgoto pc) = OK s -> stmnt_runp tt (e_assoc asr) asa s (e_assoc (AssocMap.set ctrl.(ctrl_st) (posToValue pc) asr)) asa. Proof. intros; inversion_clear H as []; repeat constructor. Qed. Lemma transl_module_ram_none : forall f m_, transl_module f = OK m_ -> m_.(mod_ram) = None. Proof. unfold transl_module, Errors.bind, Errors.bind2, ret; intros. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate). inversion_clear H as []. auto. Qed. Lemma match_states_ok_transl : forall s f sp pc rs pr mem R1, match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr mem) R1 -> exists m asr asa s', transl_module f = OK m /\ R1 = DHTL.State s' m pc asr asa. Proof. inversion 1; subst. now repeat eexists. Qed. Lemma transl_spec_in_output : forall l ctrl d_in d_out pc stmnt, mfold_left (transf_seq_block ctrl) l (OK d_in) = OK d_out -> d_in ! pc = Some stmnt -> d_out ! pc = Some stmnt. Proof. induction l; intros * HFOLD HIN. - cbn in *; now (inversion HFOLD; subst). - exploit mfold_left_cons; eauto. intros (x' & y' & HFOLD_EXP & TRANSFSEQ & HINV). inv HINV. unfold transf_seq_block in TRANSFSEQ. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). destruct (peq pc n); subst. + now rewrite Heqo in HIN. + unfold Errors.bind2 in TRANSFSEQ. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv TRANSFSEQ. eapply IHl; eauto. now rewrite PTree.gso by auto. Qed. Lemma transl_spec_correct' : forall l ctrl d_in d_out pc bb, mfold_left (transf_seq_block ctrl) l (OK d_in) = OK d_out -> In (pc, bb) l -> exists n pred' stmnt, transf_chained_block n ctrl (Ptrue, Vskip) (concat bb) = OK (pred', stmnt) /\ d_out ! pc = Some stmnt. Proof. induction l; [now inversion 2|]. cbn -[mfold_left]. intros * HFOLD HIN. exploit mfold_left_cons; eauto. intros (x' & y' & HFOLD_EXP & TRANSFSEQ & HINV). inv HINV. inversion_clear HIN as [HIN' | HIN']; eauto. inversion HIN' as [HIN_CLEAR]; subst. clear HIN_CLEAR. unfold transf_seq_block, Errors.bind2 in TRANSFSEQ. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inversion TRANSFSEQ as []; subst. clear TRANSFSEQ. exploit transl_spec_in_output; eauto. now rewrite PTree.gss. Qed. Lemma transl_spec_correct : forall ctrl d_in d_out pc bb c, mfold_left (transf_seq_block ctrl) (PTree.elements c) (OK d_in) = OK d_out -> c ! pc = Some bb -> exists n pred' stmnt, transf_chained_block n ctrl (Ptrue, Vskip) (concat bb) = OK (pred', stmnt) /\ d_out ! pc = Some stmnt. Proof. intros. eapply transl_spec_correct'; eauto using PTree.elements_correct. Qed. Lemma lt_check_step_cf_instr : forall s f sp pc rs pr m cf t s' f' sp' x rs' pr' m' ctrl p st n, translate_cfi n ctrl p cf = OK st -> check_cfi n cf = OK tt -> step_cf_instr ge (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) cf t (GibleSubPar.State s' f' sp' x rs' pr' m') -> Z.pos x <= Int.max_unsigned. Proof. intros. destruct cf; cbn in *; try discriminate; unfold check_cfi, assert_, Errors.bind in *; repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate); simplify; inv H1; try destruct_match; try lia. (* This was used for case statement translation *) (* apply list_nth_z_in in H19. *) (* eapply forallb_forall in Heqb; eauto. lia. *) Qed. Lemma lt_check_step_cf_instr2 : forall cf n, check_cfi n cf = OK tt -> Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned. Proof. intros. destruct cf; cbn in *; try discriminate; unfold check_cfi, assert_, Errors.bind in *; repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate); simplify; try destruct_match; try lia. Qed. Lemma max_pred_instr_lt : forall y a, (y <= max_pred_instr y a)%positive. Proof. unfold max_pred_instr; intros. destruct a; try destruct o; lia. Qed. Lemma max_pred_instr_fold_lt : forall b y, (y <= fold_left max_pred_instr b y)%positive. Proof. induction b; crush. transitivity (max_pred_instr y a); auto. apply max_pred_instr_lt. Qed. Lemma max_pred_block_lt : forall y a b, (y <= max_pred_block y a b)%positive. Proof. unfold max_pred_block, SubParBB.foldl; intros. apply max_pred_instr_fold_lt. Qed. Lemma max_fold_left_initial : forall l y, (y <= fold_left (fun (a : positive) (p0 : positive * SubParBB.t) => max_pred_block a (fst p0) (snd p0)) l y)%positive. Proof. induction l; crush. transitivity (max_pred_block y (fst a) (snd a)); eauto. apply max_pred_block_lt. Qed. Lemma max_pred_in_max : forall y p i, In p (pred_uses i) -> (p <= max_pred_instr y i)%positive. Proof. intros. unfold max_pred_instr. destruct i; try destruct o; cbn in *; try easy. - eapply predicate_lt in H; lia. - eapply predicate_lt in H; lia. - eapply predicate_lt in H; lia. - inv H; try lia. eapply predicate_lt in H0; lia. - eapply predicate_lt in H; lia. Qed. Lemma fold_left_in_max : forall bb p y i, In i bb -> In p (pred_uses i) -> (p <= fold_left max_pred_instr bb y)%positive. Proof. induction bb; crush. inv H; eauto. transitivity (max_pred_instr y i); [|eapply max_pred_instr_fold_lt]. apply max_pred_in_max; auto. Qed. Lemma max_pred_function_use' : forall l pc bb p i y, In (pc, bb) l -> In i (concat bb) -> In p (pred_uses i) -> (p <= fold_left (fun (a : positive) (p0 : positive * SubParBB.t) => max_pred_block a (fst p0) (snd p0)) l y)%positive. Proof. induction l; crush. inv H; eauto. transitivity (max_pred_block y (fst (pc, bb)) (snd (pc, bb))); eauto; [|eapply max_fold_left_initial]. cbn. unfold SubParBB.foldl. eapply fold_left_in_max; eauto. Qed. Lemma max_pred_function_use : forall f pc bb i p, f.(fn_code) ! pc = Some bb -> In i (concat bb) -> In p (pred_uses i) -> (p <= max_pred_function f)%positive. Proof. unfold max_pred_function; intros. rewrite PTree.fold_spec. eapply max_pred_function_use'; eauto. eapply PTree.elements_correct; eauto. Qed. (* Lemma lt_max_resources_in_block : *) (* forall bb a pc x x0, *) (* In x (concat bb) -> *) (* In x0 (pred_uses x) -> *) (* Ple x0 (max_pred_block a pc bb). *) (* Proof. *) (* induction bb. *) (* - intros. cbn in *. inv H. *) (* - intros. cbn in *. *) (* Lemma lt_max_resources_lt_a : *) (* forall bb x x0 a k v, *) (* In x (concat bb) -> *) (* In x0 (pred_uses x) -> *) (* Ple x0 a -> *) (* Ple x0 (max_pred_block a k v). *) (* Proof. Admitted. *) (* Definition inductive_p final fld := *) (* forall pc bb, *) (* final ! pc = Some bb -> *) (* Forall (fun i0 : instr => Forall (fun x2 : positive => Ple x2 fld) (pred_uses i0)) (concat bb). *) (* Lemma lt_max_resource_predicate_Forall : *) (* forall f pc bb, *) (* f.(GibleSubPar.fn_code) ! pc = Some bb -> *) (* Forall (fun i0 : instr => Forall (fun x2 : positive => Ple x2 (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses i0)) (concat bb). *) (* Proof. *) (* unfold max_pred_function. *) (* intro f. *) (* match goal with |- ?g => replace g with (inductive_p (fn_code f) (PTree.fold max_pred_block (fn_code f) 1%positive)) by auto end. *) (* eapply PTree_Properties.fold_rec; unfold inductive_p; intros; cbn in *. *) (* - eapply H0. erewrite H. eauto. *) (* - now rewrite PTree.gempty in H. *) (* - destruct (peq k pc); subst. *) (* + rewrite PTree.gss in H2. inv H2. *) (* eapply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall; intros. eauto using lt_max_resources_in_block. *) (* + rewrite PTree.gso in H2 by auto. *) (* eapply H1 in H2. eapply Forall_forall; intros. eapply Forall_forall; intros. *) (* eapply Forall_forall in H2; eauto. eapply Forall_forall in H2; eauto. *) (* eauto using lt_max_resources_lt_a. *) (* Qed. *) Lemma lt_max_resource_predicate_Forall : forall f pc bb, f.(GibleSubPar.fn_code) ! pc = Some bb -> Forall (fun i0 : instr => Forall (fun x2 : positive => Ple x2 (max_pred_function f)) (pred_uses i0)) (concat bb). Proof. intros. do 2 (eapply Forall_forall; intros). unfold Ple. eapply max_pred_function_use; eauto. Qed. Lemma transl_step_state_correct : forall s f sp pc rs rs' m m' bb pr pr' state cf t, (fn_code f) ! pc = Some bb -> SubParBB.step ge sp (Iexec {| is_rs := rs; is_ps := pr; is_mem := m |}) bb (Iterm {| is_rs := rs'; is_ps := pr'; is_mem := m' |} cf) -> step_cf_instr ge (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') cf t state -> forall R1 : DHTL.state, match_states (GibleSubPar.State s f sp pc rs pr m) R1 -> exists R2 : DHTL.state, DHTL.step tge R1 t R2 /\ match_states state R2. Proof. intros * HIN HSTEP HCF * HMATCH. exploit match_states_ok_transl; eauto. intros (m0 & asr & asa & s' & HTRANSL & ?). subst. unfold transl_module, Errors.bind, bind, ret in HTRANSL. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). exploit transl_spec_correct; eauto. intros (n & pred' & stmnt0 & HTRANSF & HGET). exploit step_exec_concat; eauto; intros HCONCAT. exploit cf_in_bb_subparbb'; eauto. intros (exit_p & HINEXIT & HTRUTHY). exploit transl_step_through_cfi'; eauto. intros (curr_p & _stmnt & HCFI & HCHECK). exploit match_states_cf_states_translate_cfi; eauto. intros (s0 & f1 & sp0 & pc0 & rs0 & pr0 & m2 & HPARSTATE & HEXISTS). exploit match_states_cf_events_translate_cfi; eauto; intros; subst. inv HEXISTS. - inv HPARSTATE. inv H. exploit transl_step_state_correct_instr_state; eauto. constructor. eapply lt_max_resource_predicate_Forall; eauto. cbn; unfold Ple; lia. intros (asr' & asa' & HSTMNTRUN & HMATCH'). do 2 apply match_states_merge_empty_all in HMATCH'. eexists. split; eauto. inv HMATCH. inv CONST. apply Smallstep.plus_one. econstructor; eauto. inv HTRANSL. auto. erewrite transl_module_ram_none by eauto. constructor. inv HMATCH'. unfold state_st_wf in WF0. auto. eapply lt_check_step_cf_instr; eauto. - inv HPARSTATE; simplify. exploit transl_step_state_correct_instr_return; eauto. constructor. eapply lt_max_resource_predicate_Forall; eauto. cbn; unfold Ple; lia. intros (asr' & asa' & retval & HSTMNT_RUN & HVAL & HASR1 & HASR2 & HASR3). inv HMATCH. inv CONST. econstructor. split. eapply Smallstep.plus_two. econstructor. + eauto. + eauto. + eauto. + inv HTRANSL. eauto. + eauto. + erewrite transl_module_ram_none by eauto. constructor. + eauto. + eauto. + unfold merge_regs. rewrite AssocMapExt.merge_base_1. rewrite AssocMapExt.merge_base_1. eauto. + eapply lt_check_step_cf_instr2; eauto. + eapply DHTL.step_finish. * now do 2 rewrite AssocMapExt.merge_base_1. * do 2 rewrite AssocMapExt.merge_base_1; eauto. + auto. + constructor. auto. auto. Qed. Theorem transl_step_correct: forall (S1 : GibleSubPar.state) t S2, GibleSubPar.step ge S1 t S2 -> forall (R1 : DHTL.state), match_states S1 R1 -> exists R2, DHTL.step tge R1 t R2 /\ match_states S2 R2. Proof. induction 1. - now (eapply transl_step_state_correct; eauto). - now apply transl_callstate_correct. - inversion 1. - now apply transl_returnstate_correct. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve transl_step_correct : htlproof. #[local] Hint Resolve transl_returnstate_correct : htlproof. #[local] Hint Resolve transl_final_states : htlproof. #[local] Hint Resolve transl_initial_states : htlproof. Theorem transf_program_correct: Smallstep.forward_simulation (GibleSubPar.semantics prog) (DHTL.semantics tprog). Proof. eapply Smallstep.forward_simulation_plus; eauto with htlproof. apply senv_preserved; eauto. Qed. End CORRECTNESS.