(* * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2021 Yann Herklotz * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) Require Import compcert.backend.Registers. Require Import compcert.lib.Maps. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. #[local] Open Scope positive. Record divider (signed: bool) : Type := mk_divider { div_stages: positive; div_size: positive; div_numer: reg; div_denom: reg; div_quot: reg; div_rem: reg; div_ordering: (div_numer < div_denom /\ div_denom < div_quot /\ div_quot < div_rem) }. Arguments div_stages [signed]. Arguments div_size [signed]. Arguments div_numer [signed]. Arguments div_denom [signed]. Arguments div_quot [signed]. Arguments div_rem [signed]. Record ram := mk_ram { ram_size: nat; ram_mem: reg; ram_en: reg; ram_u_en: reg; ram_addr: reg; ram_wr_en: reg; ram_d_in: reg; ram_d_out: reg; ram_ordering: (ram_addr < ram_en /\ ram_en < ram_d_in /\ ram_d_in < ram_d_out /\ ram_d_out < ram_wr_en /\ ram_wr_en < ram_u_en) }. Inductive funct_unit: Type := | SignedDiv: divider true -> funct_unit | UnsignedDiv: divider false -> funct_unit | Ram: ram -> funct_unit. Definition funct_units := PTree.t funct_unit. Record arch := mk_arch { arch_div: list positive; arch_sdiv: list positive; arch_ram: list positive; }. Record resources := mk_resources { res_funct_units: funct_units; res_arch: arch; }. Definition index_div {b:bool} r (d: divider b) := match r with | 1 => div_numer d | 2 => div_denom d | 3 => div_quot d | _ => div_rem d end. Definition index_ram r (d: ram) := match r with | 1 => ram_mem d | 2 => ram_en d | 3 => ram_u_en d | 4 => ram_addr d | 5 => ram_wr_en d | 6 => ram_d_in d | _ => ram_d_out d end. Definition index_res u r res := match PTree.get u res with | Some (SignedDiv d) => Some (index_div r d) | Some (UnsignedDiv d) => Some (index_div r d) | Some (Ram d) => Some (index_ram r d) | None => None end. Definition get_ram n res: option (positive * ram) := match nth_error (arch_ram (res_arch res)) n with | Some ri => match PTree.get ri (res_funct_units res) with | Some (Ram r) => Some (ri, r) | _ => None end | None => None end. Definition get_div n res := match nth_error (arch_div (res_arch res)) n with | Some ri => match PTree.get ri (res_funct_units res) with | Some (UnsignedDiv d) => Some (ri, d) | _ => None end | None => None end. Definition get_sdiv n res := match nth_error (arch_sdiv (res_arch res)) n with | Some ri => match PTree.get ri (res_funct_units res) with | Some (SignedDiv d) => Some (ri, d) | _ => None end | None => None end. Definition set_res fu res := let max := ((fold_left Pos.max ((arch_sdiv (res_arch res)) ++ (arch_div (res_arch res)) ++ (arch_ram (res_arch res))) 1) + 1)%positive in let nt := PTree.set max fu (res_funct_units res) in match fu with | UnsignedDiv _ => mk_resources nt (mk_arch (max :: arch_div (res_arch res)) (arch_sdiv (res_arch res)) (arch_ram (res_arch res))) | SignedDiv _ => mk_resources nt (mk_arch (arch_div (res_arch res)) (max :: arch_sdiv (res_arch res)) (arch_ram (res_arch res))) | Ram _ => mk_resources nt (mk_arch (arch_div (res_arch res)) (arch_sdiv (res_arch res)) (max :: arch_ram (res_arch res))) end. Definition initial_funct_units: funct_units := PTree.empty _. Definition initial_arch := mk_arch nil nil nil. Definition initial_resources := mk_resources initial_funct_units initial_arch. Definition funct_unit_stages (f: funct_unit) : positive := match f with | SignedDiv d => div_stages d | UnsignedDiv d => div_stages d | _ => 1 end. Definition max_reg_ram r := fold_right Pos.max 1 (ram_mem r::ram_en r::ram_u_en r::ram_addr r ::ram_wr_en r::ram_d_in r::ram_d_out r::nil). Definition max_reg_divider {b: bool} (d: divider b) := fold_right Pos.max 1 (div_numer d::div_denom d::div_quot d::div_rem d::nil). Definition max_reg_fu fu := match fu with | SignedDiv d | UnsignedDiv d => max_reg_divider d | Ram r => max_reg_ram r end. Definition max_reg_funct_units r := PTree.fold (fun m _ a => Pos.max m (max_reg_fu a)) r 1. Definition max_reg_resources r := max_reg_funct_units r.(res_funct_units).