(* * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2020 Yann Herklotz * 2020 James Pollard * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) Require compcert.backend.RTL. Require compcert.backend.Registers. Require compcert.common.AST. Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs. Require Import compcert.common.Linking. Require Import compcert.common.Memory. Require Import compcert.lib.Integers. Require Import compcert.lib.Maps. Require Import vericert.common.IntegerExtra. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. Require Import vericert.common.ZExtra. Require Import vericert.common.ListExtra. Require Import vericert.hls.Array. Require Import vericert.hls.AssocMap. Require vericert.hls.HTL. Require Import vericert.hls.HTLgen. Require Import vericert.hls.HTLgenspec. Require Import vericert.hls.ValueInt. Require vericert.hls.Verilog. Require Import Lia. From Hammer Require Import Tactics. Set Nested Proofs Allowed. Local Open Scope assocmap. Hint Resolve Smallstep.forward_simulation_plus : htlproof. Hint Resolve AssocMap.gss : htlproof. Hint Resolve AssocMap.gso : htlproof. Hint Resolve RTL.max_reg_function_def : htlproof. Hint Unfold find_assocmap AssocMapExt.get_default : htlproof. Hint Constructors val_value_lessdef : htlproof. Inductive match_assocmaps : RTL.function -> RTL.regset -> assocmap -> Prop := match_assocmap : forall f rs am, (forall r, Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f) -> val_value_lessdef (Registers.Regmap.get r rs) am#r) -> match_assocmaps f rs am. Hint Constructors match_assocmaps : htlproof. Definition state_st_wf (m : HTL.module) (s : HTL.state) := forall mid st asa asr res, s = HTL.State res mid m st asa asr -> asa!(m.(HTL.mod_st)) = Some (posToValue st). Hint Unfold state_st_wf : htlproof. Inductive match_arrs (m : HTL.module) (f : RTL.function) (sp : Values.val) (mem : Memory.mem) : Verilog.assocmap_arr -> Prop := | match_arr : forall asa stack, asa ! (m.(HTL.mod_stk)) = Some stack /\ stack.(arr_length) = Z.to_nat (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) / 4) /\ (forall ptr, 0 <= ptr < Z.of_nat m.(HTL.mod_stk_len) -> opt_val_value_lessdef (Mem.loadv AST.Mint32 mem (Values.Val.offset_ptr sp (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (4 * ptr)))) (Option.default (NToValue 0) (Option.join (array_get_error (Z.to_nat ptr) stack)))) -> match_arrs m f sp mem asa. Definition stack_based (v : Values.val) (sp : Values.block) : Prop := match v with | Values.Vptr sp' off => sp' = sp | _ => True end. Definition not_pointer (v : Values.val) : Prop := match v with | Values.Vptr _ _ => False | _ => True end. Definition reg_stack_based_pointers (sp : Values.block) (rs : Registers.Regmap.t Values.val) : Prop := forall r, stack_based (Registers.Regmap.get r rs) sp. Definition arr_stack_based_pointers (spb : Values.block) (m : mem) (stack_length : Z) (sp : Values.val) : Prop := forall ptr, 0 <= ptr < (stack_length / 4) -> stack_based (Option.default Values.Vundef (Mem.loadv AST.Mint32 m (Values.Val.offset_ptr sp (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (4 * ptr))))) spb. Definition stack_bounds (sp : Values.val) (hi : Z) (m : mem) : Prop := forall ptr v, hi <= ptr <= Integers.Ptrofs.max_unsigned -> Z.modulo ptr 4 = 0 -> Mem.loadv AST.Mint32 m (Values.Val.offset_ptr sp (Integers.Ptrofs.repr ptr )) = None /\ Mem.storev AST.Mint32 m (Values.Val.offset_ptr sp (Integers.Ptrofs.repr ptr )) v = None. Inductive match_constants : HTL.module -> assocmap -> Prop := match_constant : forall m asr, asr!(HTL.mod_reset m) = Some (ZToValue 0) -> asr!(HTL.mod_finish m) = Some (ZToValue 0) -> match_constants m asr. (** The caller needs to have externctrl signals for the current module *) Definition has_externctrl (caller : HTL.module) (current_id : HTL.ident) (ret rst fin : HTL.reg) := (HTL.mod_externctrl caller)!ret = Some (current_id, HTL.ctrl_return) /\ (HTL.mod_externctrl caller)!rst = Some (current_id, HTL.ctrl_reset) /\ (HTL.mod_externctrl caller)!fin = Some (current_id, HTL.ctrl_finish). Hint Unfold has_externctrl : htlproof. Definition match_externctrl m asr := forall r mid, (HTL.mod_externctrl m) ! r = Some (mid, HTL.ctrl_finish) -> asr # r = ZToValue 0. Definition sp_valid sp := exists blk, sp = Values.Vptr blk Ptrofs.zero. Inductive stack_base_sp : list RTL.stackframe -> Values.block -> Prop := | stack_base_sp_one : forall blk dst f pc rs, stack_base_sp (RTL.Stackframe dst f (Values.Vptr blk Ptrofs.zero) pc rs :: nil) blk | stack_base_sp_cons : forall stk_hd stk_tl blk, stack_base_sp stk_tl blk -> stack_base_sp (stk_hd :: stk_tl) blk. Hint Constructors stack_base_sp : htlproof. Inductive match_frames (ge : RTL.genv) (current_id : HTL.ident) (mem : Memory.mem) : (list RTL.stackframe) -> (list HTL.stackframe) -> Prop := | match_frames_nil : match_frames ge current_id mem nil nil | match_frames_cons : forall dst f sp blk rs mid m pc st asr asa rtl_tl htl_tl ret rst fin (MASSOC : match_assocmaps f rs asr) (TF : tr_module ge f m) (MARR : match_arrs m f sp mem asa) (SP_VALID : sp_valid sp) (SP_BASE : stack_base_sp rtl_tl blk) (RSBP : reg_stack_based_pointers blk rs) (ASBP : arr_stack_based_pointers blk mem (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) sp) (BOUNDS : stack_bounds sp (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) mem) (CONST : match_constants m asr) (EXTERN_CALLER : has_externctrl m current_id ret rst fin) (MEXTERNCTRL : match_externctrl m asr) (JOIN_CTRL : (HTL.mod_controllogic m)!st = Some (state_wait (HTL.mod_st m) fin pc)) (JOIN_DATA : (HTL.mod_datapath m)!st = Some (join fin rst ret dst)) (TAILS : match_frames ge mid mem rtl_tl htl_tl) (DST : Ple dst (RTL.max_reg_function f)) (PC : (Z.pos pc <= Int.max_unsigned)), match_frames ge current_id mem ((RTL.Stackframe dst f sp pc rs ) :: rtl_tl) ((HTL.Stackframe mid m st asr asa) :: htl_tl). Hint Constructors match_frames : htlproof. Inductive match_states (ge : RTL.genv) : RTL.state -> HTL.state -> Prop := | match_state : forall asa asr rtl_stk f sp blk rs mem mid m st htl_stk (MASSOC : match_assocmaps f rs asr) (TF : tr_module ge f m) (WF : state_st_wf m (HTL.State htl_stk mid m st asr asa)) (MF : match_frames ge mid mem rtl_stk htl_stk) (MARR : match_arrs m f sp mem asa) (SP_VALID : sp_valid sp) (SP_BASE : stack_base_sp rtl_stk blk) (RSBP : reg_stack_based_pointers blk rs) (ASBP : arr_stack_based_pointers blk mem (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) sp) (BOUNDS : stack_bounds sp (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) mem) (CONST : match_constants m asr) (MEXTERNCTRL : match_externctrl m asr), match_states ge (RTL.State rtl_stk f sp st rs mem) (HTL.State htl_stk mid m st asr asa ) | match_returnstate : forall v v' rtl_stk htl_stk mem mid blk (MF : match_frames ge mid mem rtl_stk htl_stk) (SP_BASE : rtl_stk = nil \/ stack_base_sp rtl_stk blk) (RV_BASED : stack_based v blk) (MV : val_value_lessdef v v'), match_states ge (RTL.Returnstate rtl_stk v mem) (HTL.Returnstate htl_stk mid v' ) | match_call : forall f m rtl_args htl_args mid mem rtl_stk htl_stk blk (TF : tr_module ge f m) (MF : match_frames ge mid mem rtl_stk htl_stk) (SP_BASE : stack_base_sp rtl_stk blk) (ARGS_BASED : Forall (fun a => stack_based a blk) rtl_args) (MARGS : list_forall2 val_value_lessdef rtl_args htl_args), match_states ge (RTL.Callstate rtl_stk (AST.Internal f) rtl_args mem) (HTL.Callstate htl_stk mid m htl_args). Hint Constructors match_states : htlproof. Definition match_prog (p: RTL.program) (tp: HTL.program) := Linking.match_program (fun cu f tf => transl_fundef p f = Errors.OK tf) eq p tp /\ main_is_internal p = true. Instance TransfHTLLink (tr_fun: RTL.program -> Errors.res HTL.program): TransfLink (fun (p1: RTL.program) (p2: HTL.program) => match_prog p1 p2). Proof. red. intros. exfalso. destruct (link_linkorder _ _ _ H) as [LO1 LO2]. apply link_prog_inv in H. unfold match_prog in *. unfold main_is_internal in *. simplify. repeat (unfold_match H4). repeat (unfold_match H3). simplify. subst. rewrite H0 in *. specialize (H (AST.prog_main p2)). exploit H. apply Genv.find_def_symbol. exists b. split. assumption. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_iff. eassumption. apply Genv.find_def_symbol. exists b0. split. assumption. apply Genv.find_funct_ptr_iff. eassumption. intros. inv H3. inv H5. destruct H6. inv H5. Qed. Definition match_prog' (p: RTL.program) (tp: HTL.program) := Linking.match_program (fun cu f tf => transl_fundef p f = Errors.OK tf) eq p tp. Lemma match_prog_matches : forall p tp, match_prog p tp -> match_prog' p tp. Proof. unfold match_prog. tauto. Qed. Lemma transf_program_match: forall p tp, HTLgen.transl_program p = Errors.OK tp -> match_prog p tp. Proof. intros. unfold transl_program in H. destruct (main_is_internal p) eqn:?; try discriminate. unfold match_prog. split. apply Linking.match_transform_partial_program; auto. assumption. Qed. Lemma regs_lessdef_empty : forall f, match_assocmaps f (Registers.Regmap.init Values.Vundef) empty_assocmap. Proof. constructor. intros. unfold Registers.Regmap.init, "_ !! _", "_ # _", empty_assocmap, AssocMapExt.get_default. repeat rewrite PTree.gempty. constructor. Qed. Hint Resolve regs_lessdef_empty : htlproof. Lemma regs_lessdef_add_greater : forall f rs1 rs2 n v, Plt (RTL.max_reg_function f) n -> match_assocmaps f rs1 rs2 -> match_assocmaps f rs1 (AssocMap.set n v rs2). Proof. inversion 2; subst. intros. constructor. intros. unfold find_assocmap. unfold AssocMapExt.get_default. rewrite AssocMap.gso. eauto. apply Pos.le_lt_trans with _ _ n in H2. unfold not. intros. subst. eapply Pos.lt_irrefl. eassumption. assumption. Qed. Hint Resolve regs_lessdef_add_greater : htlproof. Lemma regs_lessdef_add_match : forall f rs am r v v', val_value_lessdef v v' -> match_assocmaps f rs am -> match_assocmaps f (Registers.Regmap.set r v rs) (AssocMap.set r v' am). Proof. inversion 2; subst. constructor. intros. destruct (peq r0 r); subst. rewrite Registers.Regmap.gss. unfold find_assocmap. unfold AssocMapExt.get_default. rewrite AssocMap.gss. assumption. rewrite Registers.Regmap.gso; try assumption. unfold find_assocmap. unfold AssocMapExt.get_default. rewrite AssocMap.gso; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve regs_lessdef_add_match : htlproof. Lemma list_combine_none : forall n l, length l = n -> list_combine Verilog.merge_cell (list_repeat None n) l = l. Proof. induction n; intros; crush. - symmetry. apply length_zero_iff_nil. auto. - destruct l; crush. rewrite list_repeat_cons. crush. f_equal. eauto. Qed. Lemma combine_none : forall n a, a.(arr_length) = n -> arr_contents (combine Verilog.merge_cell (arr_repeat None n) a) = arr_contents a. Proof. intros. unfold combine. crush. rewrite <- (arr_wf a) in H. apply list_combine_none. assumption. Qed. Lemma list_combine_lookup_first : forall l1 l2 n, length l1 = length l2 -> nth_error l1 n = Some None -> nth_error (list_combine Verilog.merge_cell l1 l2) n = nth_error l2 n. Proof. induction l1; intros; crush. rewrite nth_error_nil in H0. discriminate. destruct l2 eqn:EQl2. crush. simpl in H. invert H. destruct n; simpl in *. invert H0. simpl. reflexivity. eauto. Qed. Lemma combine_lookup_first : forall a1 a2 n, a1.(arr_length) = a2.(arr_length) -> array_get_error n a1 = Some None -> array_get_error n (combine Verilog.merge_cell a1 a2) = array_get_error n a2. Proof. intros. unfold array_get_error in *. apply list_combine_lookup_first; eauto. rewrite a1.(arr_wf). rewrite a2.(arr_wf). assumption. Qed. Lemma list_combine_lookup_second : forall l1 l2 n x, length l1 = length l2 -> nth_error l1 n = Some (Some x) -> nth_error (list_combine Verilog.merge_cell l1 l2) n = Some (Some x). Proof. induction l1; intros; crush; auto. destruct l2 eqn:EQl2. crush. simpl in H. invert H. destruct n; simpl in *. invert H0. simpl. reflexivity. eauto. Qed. Lemma combine_lookup_second : forall a1 a2 n x, a1.(arr_length) = a2.(arr_length) -> array_get_error n a1 = Some (Some x) -> array_get_error n (combine Verilog.merge_cell a1 a2) = Some (Some x). Proof. intros. unfold array_get_error in *. apply list_combine_lookup_second; eauto. rewrite a1.(arr_wf). rewrite a2.(arr_wf). assumption. Qed. Lemma option_inv : forall A x y, @Some A x = Some y -> x = y. Proof. intros. inversion H. trivial. Qed. Ltac inv_state := match goal with MSTATE : match_states _ _ _ |- _ => inversion MSTATE; match goal with TF : tr_module _ _ _ |- _ => inversion TF; match goal with TC : forall _ _, Maps.PTree.get _ _ = Some _ -> tr_code _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, H : Maps.PTree.get _ _ = Some _ |- _ => apply TC in H; inversion H; try match goal with TI : context[tr_instr] |- _ => inversion TI end end end end; subst. Ltac unfold_func H := match type of H with | ?f = _ => unfold f in H; repeat (unfold_match H) | ?f _ = _ => unfold f in H; repeat (unfold_match H) | ?f _ _ = _ => unfold f in H; repeat (unfold_match H) | ?f _ _ _ = _ => unfold f in H; repeat (unfold_match H) | ?f _ _ _ _ = _ => unfold f in H; repeat (unfold_match H) end. (* FIXME: Rename this to something more descriptive. It can also discriminate control registers between each other. *) Ltac not_control_reg := solve [ unfold Ple, Plt, externctrl_ordering in *; try multimatch goal with | [ H : forall r, (exists x, _ ! r = Some x) -> (r > _)%positive |- context[?r'] ] => pose proof (H r' ltac:(eauto)) end; lia ]. Lemma init_reg_assoc_empty : forall f l, match_assocmaps f (RTL.init_regs nil l) (HTL.init_regs nil l). Proof. induction l; simpl; constructor; intros. - rewrite Registers.Regmap.gi. unfold find_assocmap. unfold AssocMapExt.get_default. rewrite AssocMap.gempty. constructor. - rewrite Registers.Regmap.gi. unfold find_assocmap. unfold AssocMapExt.get_default. rewrite AssocMap.gempty. constructor. Qed. Lemma arr_lookup_some: forall (z : Z) (r0 : Registers.reg) (r : Verilog.reg) (asr : assocmap) (asa : Verilog.assocmap_arr) (stack : Array (option value)) (H5 : asa ! r = Some stack) n, exists x, Verilog.arr_assocmap_lookup asa r n = Some x. Proof. intros z r0 r asr asa stack H5 n. eexists. unfold Verilog.arr_assocmap_lookup. rewrite H5. reflexivity. Qed. Hint Resolve arr_lookup_some : htlproof. Lemma mem_free_zero_load : forall mem mem' blk chunk sp ptr, Mem.free mem blk 0 0 = Some mem' -> Mem.load chunk mem sp ptr = Mem.load chunk mem' sp ptr. Proof. intros. destruct (Mem.load chunk mem' sp ptr) eqn:E. - eauto using Mem.load_free_2. - erewrite <- Mem.load_free; try eassumption; crush. Qed. Lemma mem_free_zero_loadv : forall mem mem' blk chunk ptr, Mem.free mem blk 0 0 = Some mem' -> Mem.loadv chunk mem ptr = Mem.loadv chunk mem' ptr. Proof. intros. destruct ptr; crush. eauto using mem_free_zero_load. Qed. Lemma mem_free_zero_store : forall mem mem' blk chunk sp ofs v, Mem.free mem blk 0 0 = Some mem' -> Mem.store chunk mem sp ofs v = None -> Mem.store chunk mem' sp ofs v = None. Proof. Transparent Mem.store. intros. unfold Mem.store in *. destruct (Mem.valid_access_dec mem chunk sp ofs Writable), (Mem.valid_access_dec mem' chunk sp ofs Writable); crush. exfalso. srun eauto use: Mem.valid_access_free_inv_1. Qed. Lemma mem_free_zero_storev : forall mem mem' blk chunk ptr v, Mem.free mem blk 0 0 = Some mem' -> Mem.storev chunk mem ptr v = None -> Mem.storev chunk mem' ptr v = None. Proof. destruct ptr; simpl in *; eauto using mem_free_zero_store. Qed. Lemma mem_alloc_zero_load : forall mem mem' blk chunk sp ptr, Mem.alloc mem 0 0 = (mem', blk) -> Mem.load chunk mem sp ptr = Mem.load chunk mem' sp ptr. Proof. Transparent Mem.load. intros. destruct (Mem.load chunk mem sp ptr) eqn:E. - hauto lq: on use: Mem.load_alloc_other. - unfold Mem.load in *. destruct (Mem.valid_access_dec mem _ _ _ _), (Mem.valid_access_dec mem' _ _ _ _); crush. eapply Mem.valid_access_alloc_inv in H; eauto. destruct (Values.eq_block _ _), chunk; crush. Qed. Lemma mem_alloc_zero_loadv : forall mem mem' blk chunk ptr, Mem.alloc mem 0 0 = (mem', blk) -> Mem.loadv chunk mem ptr = Mem.loadv chunk mem' ptr. Proof. intros. unfold Mem.loadv. destruct ptr; crush. eauto using mem_alloc_zero_load. Qed. Lemma mem_alloc_zero_store : forall mem mem' blk chunk sp ofs v, Mem.alloc mem 0 0 = (mem', blk) -> Mem.store chunk mem sp ofs v = None -> Mem.store chunk mem' sp ofs v = None. Proof. Transparent Mem.store. intros. unfold Mem.store in *. destruct (Mem.valid_access_dec mem _ _ _ _), (Mem.valid_access_dec mem' _ _ _ _); crush. exfalso. eapply Mem.valid_access_alloc_inv in H; eauto. destruct (Values.eq_block _ _), chunk; crush. Qed. Lemma mem_alloc_zero_storev : forall mem mem' blk chunk ptr v, Mem.alloc mem 0 0 = (mem', blk) -> Mem.storev chunk mem ptr v = None -> Mem.storev chunk mem' ptr v = None. Proof. destruct ptr; simpl in *; eauto using mem_alloc_zero_store. Qed. Section CORRECTNESS. Variable prog : RTL.program. Variable tprog : HTL.program. Let ge : RTL.genv := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv prog. Let tge : HTL.genv := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv tprog. Hypothesis TRANSL : match_prog prog tprog. (** The following are assumed to be guaranteed by an inlining pass previous to this translation. [ only_main_stores ] should be a direct result of that inlining. [ no_stack_functions ] and [ no_stack_calls ] might be provable as corollaries of [ only_main_stores ] *) Axiom only_main_stores : forall rtl_stk f sp pc pc' rs mem htl_stk mid m asr asa a b c d, match_states ge (RTL.State rtl_stk f sp pc rs mem) (HTL.State htl_stk mid m pc asr asa) -> (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Istore a b c d pc') -> (rtl_stk = nil /\ htl_stk = nil). Axiom no_stack_functions : forall f sp rs mem st rtl_stk S, match_states ge (RTL.State rtl_stk f sp st rs mem) S -> (RTL.fn_stacksize f) = 0 \/ rtl_stk = nil. Axiom no_stack_calls : forall f mem args rtl_stk S, match_states ge (RTL.Callstate rtl_stk (AST.Internal f) args mem) S -> (RTL.fn_stacksize f) = 0 \/ rtl_stk = nil. Lemma mem_free_zero_match_frames : forall rtl_stk htl_stk mem mem' blk id, Mem.free mem blk 0 0 = Some mem' -> match_frames ge id mem rtl_stk htl_stk -> match_frames ge id mem' rtl_stk htl_stk. Proof. Lemma mem_free_match_arrs : forall m f sp blk mem mem' asa, Mem.free mem blk 0 0 = Some mem' -> sp_valid sp -> match_arrs m f sp mem asa -> match_arrs m f sp mem' asa. Proof. intros * Hfree [blk SP] Hmatch. inv Hmatch. apply match_arr with (stack:=stack); crush. intros. erewrite <- (mem_free_zero_load mem mem'); eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve mem_free_match_arrs : htlproof. Lemma mem_free_stack_based_pointers : forall mem mem' blk blk' sp sz, Mem.free mem blk 0 0 = Some mem' -> arr_stack_based_pointers blk' mem sz sp -> arr_stack_based_pointers blk' mem' sz sp. Proof. intros * Hfree SP Hstk. unfold arr_stack_based_pointers in *. intros. erewrite <- (mem_free_zero_loadv mem mem'); eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve mem_free_stack_based_pointers : htlproof. Lemma mem_free_stack_bounds : forall mem mem' blk ptr sz, Mem.free mem blk 0 0 = Some mem' -> stack_bounds ptr sz mem -> stack_bounds ptr sz mem'. Proof. unfold stack_bounds. intros * Hfree Hbounds **. exploit Hbounds; eauto. intros [Hload Hstore]. split. - erewrite <- (mem_free_zero_loadv mem mem'); eauto. - eauto using mem_free_zero_storev. Qed. Hint Resolve mem_free_stack_bounds : htlproof. induction rtl_stk; intros * Hmem Hstk; inv Hstk; eauto 6 with htlproof. Qed. Lemma mem_alloc_zero_match_frames : forall rtl_stk htl_stk mem mem' blk ge id, Mem.alloc mem 0 0 = (mem', blk) -> match_frames ge id mem rtl_stk htl_stk -> match_frames ge id mem' rtl_stk htl_stk. Proof. Lemma mem_alloc_zero_match_arrs : forall m f sp blk mem mem' asa, Mem.alloc mem 0 0 = (mem', blk) -> sp_valid sp -> match_arrs m f sp mem asa -> match_arrs m f sp mem' asa. Proof. intros * Halloc [blk SP] Hmatch. inv Hmatch. apply match_arr with (stack:=stack); crush. intros. erewrite <- (mem_alloc_zero_load mem mem'); eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve mem_alloc_zero_match_arrs : htlproof. Lemma mem_alloc_zero_stack_based_pointers : forall mem mem' blk blk' sp sz, Mem.alloc mem 0 0 = (mem', blk) -> arr_stack_based_pointers blk' mem sz sp -> arr_stack_based_pointers blk' mem' sz sp. Proof. intros * Hfree Hstk. unfold arr_stack_based_pointers in *. intros. erewrite <- (mem_alloc_zero_loadv mem mem'); eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve mem_alloc_zero_stack_based_pointers : htlproof. Lemma mem_alloc_zero_stack_bounds : forall mem mem' blk ptr sz, Mem.alloc mem 0 0 = (mem', blk) -> stack_bounds ptr sz mem -> stack_bounds ptr sz mem'. Proof. unfold stack_bounds. intros * Hfree Hbounds **. exploit Hbounds; eauto. intros [Hload Hstore]. split. - erewrite <- (mem_alloc_zero_loadv mem mem'); eauto. - eauto using mem_alloc_zero_storev. Qed. Hint Resolve mem_alloc_zero_stack_bounds : htlproof. induction rtl_stk; intros * Halloc Hmatch; inv Hmatch; eauto 6 with htlproof. Qed. Lemma match_arrs_empty : forall m f sp mem asa, match_arrs m f sp mem asa -> match_arrs m f sp mem (Verilog.merge_arrs (HTL.empty_stack m) asa). Admitted. Lemma TRANSL' : Linking.match_program (fun cu f tf => transl_fundef prog f = Errors.OK tf) eq prog tprog. Proof. pose proof match_prog_matches as H. unfold match_prog' in H. auto. Qed. Lemma symbols_preserved: forall (s: AST.ident), Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s. Proof. intros. eapply (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSL'). Qed. Lemma function_ptr_translated : forall (b : Values.block) (f: RTL.fundef), Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f -> exists tf, Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transl_fundef prog f = Errors.OK tf. Proof. intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_ptr_match TRANSL'); eauto. intros (cu & tf & P & Q & R); exists tf; auto. Qed. Lemma functions_translated: forall (v: Values.val) (f: RTL.fundef), Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f -> exists tf, Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transl_fundef prog f = Errors.OK tf. Proof. intros. exploit (Genv.find_funct_match TRANSL'); eauto. intros (cu & tf & P & Q & R); exists tf; auto. Qed. Lemma senv_preserved: Senv.equiv (Genv.to_senv ge) (Genv.to_senv tge). Proof (Genv.senv_transf_partial TRANSL'). Hint Resolve senv_preserved : htlproof. Lemma ptrofs_inj : forall a b, Ptrofs.unsigned a = Ptrofs.unsigned b -> a = b. Proof. intros. rewrite <- Ptrofs.repr_unsigned. symmetry. rewrite <- Ptrofs.repr_unsigned. rewrite H. auto. Qed. Lemma match_find_function : forall fn rs f m, RTL.find_function ge (inr fn) rs = Some (AST.Internal f) -> HTL.find_func tge fn = Some (AST.Internal m) -> tr_module ge f m. Proof. intros * Hrtl Hhtl. destruct TRANSL as [MATCH _]. unfold RTL.find_function in *. unfold_match Hrtl. unfold HTL.find_func in *. unfold_match Hhtl. replace b0 with b in *. clear b0. destruct (function_ptr_translated _ _ Hrtl) as [tf [? ?]]. replace tf with (AST.Internal m) in *. clear tf. - apply transl_module_correct. simpl in *. destruct (transl_module prog f) eqn:E; crush. - assert (Some (AST.Internal m) = Some tf) by hauto lq: on unfold: HTL.program, Genv.find_funct_ptr. sauto. - scongruence use: symbols_preserved. Qed. Lemma op_stack_based : forall F V sp blk v m args rs op ge pc' res0 pc f e fin rtrn st stk, tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Iop op args res0 pc') (Verilog.Vnonblock (Verilog.Vvar res0) e) (state_goto st pc') -> reg_stack_based_pointers blk rs -> sp_valid sp -> (* match_sp rtl_stk sp blk -> *) (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Iop op args res0 pc') -> @Op.eval_operation F V ge sp op (map (fun r : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) m = Some v -> stack_based v blk. Proof. Ltac solve_no_ptr := match goal with | H: reg_stack_based_pointers ?sp ?rs |- stack_based (Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs) _ => solve [apply H] | H1: reg_stack_based_pointers ?sp ?rs, H2: Registers.Regmap.get _ _ = Values.Vptr ?b ?i |- context[Values.Vptr ?b _] => let H := fresh "H" in assert (H: stack_based (Values.Vptr b i) sp) by (rewrite <- H2; apply H1); simplify; solve [auto] | |- context[Registers.Regmap.get ?lr ?lrs] => destruct (Registers.Regmap.get lr lrs) eqn:?; simplify; auto | |- stack_based (?f _) _ => unfold f | |- stack_based (?f _ _) _ => unfold f | |- stack_based (?f _ _ _) _ => unfold f | |- stack_based (?f _ _ _ _) _ => unfold f | H: ?f _ _ = Some _ |- _ => unfold f in H; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H | H: ?f _ _ _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ => unfold f in H; repeat (unfold_match H); inv H | H: map (fun r : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r _) ?args = _ |- _ => destruct args; inv H | |- context[if ?c then _ else _] => destruct c; try discriminate | H: match _ with _ => _ end = Some _ |- _ => repeat (unfold_match H) | H: match _ with _ => _ end = OK _ _ _ |- _ => repeat (unfold_match H) | |- context[match ?g with _ => _ end] => destruct g; try discriminate | |- _ => simplify; solve [auto] end. intros * INSTR RSBP SP SEL EVAL. inversion INSTR. subst. unfold translate_instr in H5. unfold_match H5; repeat (unfold_match H5); repeat (simplify; solve_no_ptr). (** Ainstack *) { simplify. inv SP; crush. (** rtl_stk = stk_hd::stk_tl, should be impossible *) admit. } Admitted. Lemma int_inj : forall x y, Int.unsigned x = Int.unsigned y -> x = y. Proof. intros. rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned at 1. rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned. rewrite <- H. trivial. Qed. Ltac eval_correct_tac := match goal with | |- context[valueToPtr] => unfold valueToPtr | |- context[valueToInt] => unfold valueToInt | |- context[bop] => unfold bop | H : context[bop] |- _ => unfold bop in H | |- context[boplit] => unfold boplit | H : context[boplit] |- _ => unfold boplit in H | |- context[boplitz] => unfold boplitz | H : context[boplitz] |- _ => unfold boplitz in H | |- val_value_lessdef Values.Vundef _ => solve [constructor] | H : val_value_lessdef _ _ |- val_value_lessdef (Values.Vint _) _ => constructor; inv H | |- val_value_lessdef (Values.Vint _) _ => constructor; auto | H : ret _ _ = OK _ _ _ |- _ => inv H | H : context[RTL.max_reg_function ?f] |- context[_ (Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs) (Registers.Regmap.get ?r0 ?rs)] => let HPle1 := fresh "HPle" in let HPle2 := fresh "HPle" in assert (HPle1 : Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); assert (HPle2 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); apply H in HPle1; apply H in HPle2; eexists; split; [econstructor; eauto; constructor; trivial | inv HPle1; inv HPle2; try (constructor; auto)] | H : context[RTL.max_reg_function ?f] |- context[_ (Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs) _] => let HPle1 := fresh "HPle" in assert (HPle1 : Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); apply H in HPle1; eexists; split; [econstructor; eauto; constructor; trivial | inv HPle1; try (constructor; auto)] | H : _ :: _ = _ :: _ |- _ => inv H | |- context[match ?d with _ => _ end] => destruct d eqn:?; try discriminate | H : match ?d with _ => _ end = _ |- _ => repeat unfold_match H | H : match ?d with _ => _ end _ = _ |- _ => repeat unfold_match H | |- Verilog.expr_runp _ _ _ ?f _ => match f with | Verilog.Vternary _ _ _ => idtac | _ => econstructor end | |- val_value_lessdef (?f _ _) _ => unfold f | |- val_value_lessdef (?f _) _ => unfold f | H : ?f (Registers.Regmap.get _ _) _ = Some _ |- _ => unfold f in H; repeat (unfold_match H) | H1 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vint _, H2 : val_value_lessdef (Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs) _ |- _ => rewrite H1 in H2; inv H2 | |- _ => eexists; split; try constructor; solve [eauto] | H : context[RTL.max_reg_function ?f] |- context[_ (Verilog.Vvar ?r) (Verilog.Vvar ?r0)] => let HPle1 := fresh "H" in let HPle2 := fresh "H" in assert (HPle1 : Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); assert (HPle2 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); apply H in HPle1; apply H in HPle2; eexists; split; try constructor; eauto | H : context[RTL.max_reg_function ?f] |- context[Verilog.Vvar ?r] => let HPle := fresh "H" in assert (HPle : Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); apply H in HPle; eexists; split; try constructor; eauto | |- context[if ?c then _ else _] => destruct c eqn:?; try discriminate | H : ?b = _ |- _ = boolToValue ?b => rewrite H end. Ltac inv_lessdef := lazymatch goal with | H2 : context[RTL.max_reg_function ?f], H : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = _, H1 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r0 ?rs = _ |- _ => let HPle1 := fresh "HPle" in assert (HPle1 : Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); apply H2 in HPle1; inv HPle1; let HPle2 := fresh "HPle" in assert (HPle2 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); apply H2 in HPle2; inv HPle2 | H2 : context[RTL.max_reg_function ?f], H : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = _ |- _ => let HPle1 := fresh "HPle" in assert (HPle1 : Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto); apply H2 in HPle1; inv HPle1 end. Ltac solve_cond := match goal with | H : context[match _ with _ => _ end] |- _ => repeat (unfold_merge H) | H : ?f = _ |- context[boolToValue ?f] => rewrite H; solve [auto] | H : Values.Vptr _ _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vint _ |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vundef = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vint _ |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vint _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vundef |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vint _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vtrue |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vint _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vfalse |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vint _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vptr _ _ |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vundef = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vptr _ _ |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vundef = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vtrue |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vundef = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vfalse |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vptr _ _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vundef |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vptr _ _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vtrue |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | H : Values.Vptr _ _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H2 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vfalse |- _ => rewrite H2 in H; discriminate | |- context[val_value_lessdef Values.Vundef _] => econstructor; split; econstructor; econstructor; auto; solve [constructor] | H1 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vint _, H2 : Values.Vint _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H3 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r0 ?rs = Values.Vint _, H4 : Values.Vint _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r0 ?rs|- _ => rewrite H1 in H2; rewrite H3 in H4; inv H2; inv H4; unfold valueToInt in *; constructor | H1 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs = Values.Vptr _ _, H2 : Values.Vptr _ _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r ?rs, H3 : Registers.Regmap.get ?r0 ?rs = Values.Vptr _ _, H4 : Values.Vptr _ _ = Registers.Regmap.get ?r0 ?rs|- _ => rewrite H1 in H2; rewrite H3 in H4; inv H2; inv H4; unfold valueToInt in *; constructor; unfold Ptrofs.ltu, Int.ltu in *; unfold Ptrofs.of_int in *; repeat (rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr in *; auto using Int.unsigned_range_2) | H : _ :: _ = _ :: _ |- _ => inv H | H : ret _ _ = OK _ _ _ |- _ => inv H | |- _ => eexists; split; [ econstructor; econstructor; auto | simplify; inv_lessdef; repeat (unfold valueToPtr, valueToInt in *; solve_cond); unfold valueToPtr in * ] end. Lemma eval_cond_correct : forall stk f sp pc rs mid m res ml st asr asa e b f' s s' args i cond, match_states ge (RTL.State stk f sp pc rs m) (HTL.State res mid ml st asr asa) -> (forall v, In v args -> Ple v (RTL.max_reg_function f)) -> Op.eval_condition cond (map (fun r : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) m = Some b -> translate_condition cond args s = OK e s' i -> Verilog.expr_runp f' asr asa e (boolToValue b). Proof. intros * MSTATE MAX_FUN EVAL TR_INSTR. pose proof MSTATE as MSTATE_2. inv MSTATE. inv MASSOC. unfold translate_condition, translate_comparison, translate_comparisonu, translate_comparison_imm, translate_comparison_immu in TR_INSTR; repeat unfold_match TR_INSTR; try inv TR_INSTR; simplify_val; unfold Values.Val.cmp_bool, Values.Val.of_optbool, bop, Values.Val.cmpu_bool, Int.cmpu in *; repeat unfold_match EVAL. - repeat econstructor. repeat unfold_match Heqo. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. repeat unfold_match Heqo. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. repeat unfold_match Heqo. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. repeat unfold_match Heqo. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. repeat unfold_match Heqo. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. repeat unfold_match Heqo. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. repeat unfold_match Heqo; simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. repeat unfold_match Heqo; simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; try solve_cond. simplify_val. rewrite Heqv0 in H3. rewrite Heqv in H2. inv H2. inv H3. unfold Ptrofs.ltu. unfold Int.ltu. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by apply Int.unsigned_range_2. auto. - repeat econstructor. unfold Verilog.binop_run. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; simplify_val; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; try solve_cond. simplify_val. rewrite Heqv0 in H3. rewrite Heqv in H2. inv H2. inv H3. unfold Ptrofs.ltu. unfold Int.ltu. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by apply Int.unsigned_range_2. auto. - repeat econstructor. unfold Verilog.binop_run. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; simplify_val; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; try solve_cond. simplify_val. rewrite Heqv0 in H3. rewrite Heqv in H2. inv H2. inv H3. unfold Ptrofs.ltu. unfold Int.ltu. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by apply Int.unsigned_range_2. auto. - repeat econstructor. unfold Verilog.binop_run. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; simplify_val; solve_cond. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. pose proof (MAX_FUN p0) as MAX_FUN_P0. apply H in MAX_FUN_P0; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; inv MAX_FUN_P0; try solve_cond. simplify_val. rewrite Heqv0 in H3. rewrite Heqv in H2. inv H2. inv H3. unfold Ptrofs.ltu. unfold Int.ltu. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by apply Int.unsigned_range_2. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. - repeat econstructor. simplify_val. pose proof (MAX_FUN p) as MAX_FUN_P. apply H in MAX_FUN_P; auto. inv MAX_FUN_P; simplify_val; try solve_cond. rewrite Heqv in H0. inv H0. auto. Qed. Lemma eval_cond_correct' : forall e stk f sp pc rs m res mid ml st asr asa v f' s s' args i cond, match_states ge (RTL.State stk f sp pc rs m) (HTL.State res mid ml st asr asa) -> (forall v, In v args -> Ple v (RTL.max_reg_function f)) -> Values.Val.of_optbool None = v -> translate_condition cond args s = OK e s' i -> exists v', Verilog.expr_runp f' asr asa e v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'. intros * MSTATE MAX_FUN EVAL TR_INSTR. unfold translate_condition, translate_comparison, translate_comparisonu, translate_comparison_imm, translate_comparison_immu, bop, boplit in *. repeat unfold_match TR_INSTR; inv TR_INSTR; repeat econstructor. Qed. Lemma eval_correct_Oshrximm : forall s sp rs m v e asr asa f f' stk s' i pc res0 pc' args res mid ml st n, match_states ge (RTL.State stk f sp pc rs m) (HTL.State res mid ml st asr asa) -> (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Iop (Op.Oshrximm n) args res0 pc') -> Op.eval_operation ge sp (Op.Oshrximm n) (List.map (fun r : BinNums.positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) m = Some v -> translate_instr (Op.Oshrximm n) args s = OK e s' i -> exists v', Verilog.expr_runp f' asr asa e v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'. Proof. intros * MSTATE INSTR EVAL TR_INSTR. pose proof MSTATE as MSTATE_2. inv MSTATE. inv MASSOC. unfold translate_instr in TR_INSTR; repeat (unfold_match TR_INSTR); inv TR_INSTR; unfold Op.eval_operation in EVAL; repeat (unfold_match EVAL); inv EVAL. unfold Values.Val.shrx in *. destruct v0; try discriminate. destruct (Int.ltu n (Int.repr 31)) eqn:?; try discriminate. inversion H1. clear H1. assert (Int.unsigned n <= 30). { unfold Int.ltu in *. destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned n) (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 31))); try discriminate. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in l by (simplify; lia). replace 31 with (Z.succ 30) in l by auto. apply Zlt_succ_le in l. auto. } rewrite IntExtra.shrx_shrx_alt_equiv in H2 by auto. unfold IntExtra.shrx_alt in *. destruct (zlt (Int.signed i0) 0). - repeat econstructor; unfold valueToBool, boolToValue, uvalueToZ, natToValue; repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac). inv_lessdef. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite H3 in H1. inv H1. unfold Int.lt in *. rewrite zlt_true in Heqb0. simplify. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in Heqb0. discriminate. simplify; lia. unfold ZToValue. rewrite Int.signed_repr by (simplify; lia). auto. rewrite H3 in H1; discriminate. rewrite H3 in H2; discriminate. rewrite IntExtra.shrx_shrx_alt_equiv; auto. unfold IntExtra.shrx_alt. rewrite zlt_true; try lia. simplify. inv_lessdef. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite H3 in H1. auto. inv H1. auto. rewrite H3 in H1. discriminate. rewrite H3 in H2. discriminate. - econstructor; econstructor; [eapply Verilog.erun_Vternary_false|idtac]; repeat econstructor; unfold valueToBool, boolToValue, uvalueToZ, natToValue; repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac). inv_lessdef. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite H3 in H1. inv H1. unfold Int.lt in *. rewrite zlt_false in Heqb0. simplify. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in Heqb0. lia. simplify; lia. unfold ZToValue. rewrite Int.signed_repr by (simplify; lia). auto. rewrite H3 in H1; discriminate. rewrite H3 in H2; discriminate. rewrite IntExtra.shrx_shrx_alt_equiv; auto. unfold IntExtra.shrx_alt. rewrite zlt_false; try lia. simplify. inv_lessdef. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite H3 in H1. auto. inv H1. auto. rewrite H3 in H1. discriminate. rewrite H3 in H2. discriminate. Qed. (* Lemma match_sp_zero_ofs : forall ofs stk b1 b2, *) (* match_sp stk (Values.Vptr b1 ofs) b2 -> *) (* ofs = (Ptrofs.repr 0). *) (* Proof. induction stk; simplify; inv H; crush. Qed. *) Lemma eval_correct : forall s sp op rs m v e asr asa f f' stk s' i pc res0 pc' args res mid ml st , match_states ge (RTL.State stk f sp pc rs m) (HTL.State res mid ml st asr asa) -> (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Iop op args res0 pc') -> Op.eval_operation ge sp op (List.map (fun r : BinNums.positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) m = Some v -> translate_instr op args s = OK e s' i -> exists v', Verilog.expr_runp f' asr asa e v' /\ val_value_lessdef v v'. Proof. intros * MSTATE INSTR EVAL TR_INSTR. pose proof MSTATE as MSTATE_2. inv MSTATE. inv MASSOC. unfold translate_instr in TR_INSTR; repeat (unfold_match TR_INSTR); inv TR_INSTR; unfold Op.eval_operation in EVAL; repeat (unfold_match EVAL); inv EVAL; repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac; unfold valueToInt in *). - pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_sub as H2; unfold Integers.Ptrofs.agree32 in H2. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. simpl. apply ptrofs_inj. assert (Archi.ptr64 = false) by auto. eapply H2 in H3. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply H3. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned; auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. auto. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned; auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned; auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. - pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_sub as AGR; unfold Integers.Ptrofs.agree32 in AGR. assert (ARCH: Archi.ptr64 = false) by auto. eapply AGR in ARCH. apply int_inj. unfold Ptrofs.to_int. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. apply ARCH. pose proof Ptrofs.unsigned_range_2. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned; auto. pose proof Ptrofs.agree32_of_int. unfold Ptrofs.agree32 in H2. eapply H2 in ARCH. apply ARCH. pose proof Ptrofs.agree32_of_int. unfold Ptrofs.agree32 in H2. eapply H2 in ARCH. apply ARCH. - rewrite H0 in Heqb. rewrite H1 in Heqb. discriminate. - rewrite Heqb in Heqb0. discriminate. - rewrite H0 in Heqb. rewrite H1 in Heqb. discriminate. - rewrite Heqb in Heqb0. discriminate. - assert (Int.unsigned n <= 30). { unfold Int.ltu in *. destruct (zlt (Int.unsigned n) (Int.unsigned (Int.repr 31))); try discriminate. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in l by (simplify; lia). replace 31 with (Z.succ 30) in l by auto. apply Zlt_succ_le in l. auto. } destruct (zlt (Int.signed i0) 0). + repeat econstructor; unfold valueToBool, boolToValue, uvalueToZ, natToValue; repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac). rewrite IntExtra.shrx_shrx_alt_equiv; auto. unfold IntExtra.shrx_alt. rewrite zlt_true; try lia. simplify. inv_lessdef. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite Heqv0 in H0. auto. inv H0. auto. rewrite Heqv0 in H2. discriminate. unfold valueToInt in l. auto. inv_lessdef. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite Heqv0 in H0. inv H0. unfold Int.lt in *. rewrite zlt_true in Heqb0. simplify. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in Heqb0. discriminate. simplify; lia. unfold ZToValue. rewrite Int.signed_repr by (simplify; lia). auto. rewrite Heqv0 in H0; discriminate. rewrite Heqv0 in H2; discriminate. + eapply Verilog.erun_Vternary_false; repeat econstructor; unfold valueToBool, boolToValue, uvalueToZ, natToValue; repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac). rewrite IntExtra.shrx_shrx_alt_equiv; auto. unfold IntExtra.shrx_alt. rewrite zlt_false; try lia. simplify. inv_lessdef. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite Heqv0 in H0. auto. inv H0. auto. rewrite Heqv0 in H2. discriminate. unfold valueToInt in *. auto. inv_lessdef. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite Heqv0 in H0. inv H0. unfold Int.lt in *. rewrite zlt_false in Heqb0. simplify. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in Heqb0. lia. simplify; lia. unfold ZToValue. rewrite Int.signed_repr by (simplify; lia). auto. rewrite Heqv0 in H0; discriminate. rewrite Heqv0 in H2; discriminate. - unfold Op.eval_addressing32 in *. repeat (unfold_match H2); inv H2. + unfold translate_eff_addressing in *. repeat (unfold_match H1). destruct v0; inv Heql; rewrite H2; inv H1; repeat eval_correct_tac. pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_add as AGR; unfold Integers.Ptrofs.agree32 in AGR. unfold ZToValue. apply ptrofs_inj. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply AGR. auto. rewrite H2 in H0. inv H0. unfold valueToPtr. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. + unfold translate_eff_addressing in *. repeat (unfold_match H1). inv H1. inv Heql. unfold boplitz. repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac). all: repeat (unfold_match Heqv). * inv Heqv. unfold valueToInt in *. inv H2. inv H0. unfold valueToInt in *. trivial. * constructor. unfold valueToPtr, ZToValue in *. pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_add as AGR; unfold Integers.Ptrofs.agree32 in AGR. unfold ZToValue. apply ptrofs_inj. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply AGR. auto. inv Heqv. rewrite Int.add_commut. apply AGR. auto. inv H1. inv H0. unfold valueToPtr. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. inv H0. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. * constructor. unfold valueToPtr, ZToValue in *. pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_add as AGR; unfold Integers.Ptrofs.agree32 in AGR. unfold ZToValue. apply ptrofs_inj. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply AGR. auto. inv Heqv. apply AGR. auto. inv H0. unfold valueToPtr, Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. inv H1. unfold valueToPtr, Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. + unfold translate_eff_addressing in *. repeat (unfold_match H1). inv H1. inv Heql. unfold boplitz. repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac). all: repeat (unfold_match Heqv). * unfold Values.Val.mul in Heqv. repeat (unfold_match Heqv). inv Heqv. inv H3. unfold valueToInt, ZToValue. auto. * unfold Values.Val.mul in Heqv. repeat (unfold_match Heqv). * unfold Values.Val.mul in Heqv. repeat (unfold_match Heqv). * constructor. unfold valueToPtr, ZToValue. unfold Values.Val.mul in Heqv. repeat (unfold_match Heqv). + unfold translate_eff_addressing in *. repeat (unfold_match H1). inv H1. inv Heql. unfold boplitz. repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac). all: repeat (unfold_match Heqv). unfold valueToPtr, ZToValue. repeat unfold_match Heqv0. unfold Values.Val.mul in Heqv1. repeat unfold_match Heqv1. inv Heqv1. inv Heqv0. unfold valueToInt in *. assert (HPle1 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto). apply H in HPle1. inv HPle1. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite Heqv2 in H2. inv H2. auto. rewrite Heqv2 in H2. inv H2. rewrite Heqv2 in H3. discriminate. repeat unfold_match Heqv0. unfold Values.Val.mul in Heqv1. repeat unfold_match Heqv1. repeat unfold_match Heqv0. unfold Values.Val.mul in Heqv1. repeat unfold_match Heqv1. constructor. unfold valueToPtr, ZToValue. inv Heqv0. inv Heqv1. assert (HPle1 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto). apply H in HPle1. inv HPle1. unfold valueToInt in *. rewrite Heqv2 in H3. inv H3. pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_add as AGR; unfold Integers.Ptrofs.agree32 in AGR. unfold ZToValue. apply ptrofs_inj. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply AGR. auto. inv H2. unfold valueToPtr, Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. auto. replace Ptrofs.max_unsigned with Int.max_unsigned by auto. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. apply Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite Heqv2 in H3. inv H3. rewrite Heqv2 in H4. inv H4. + unfold translate_eff_addressing in *. repeat (unfold_match H1). inv H1. eexists. repeat (simplify; eval_correct_tac). replace i1 with (Ptrofs.repr 0) by (inversion SP_VALID as [? SP_VALID']; inv SP_VALID'; trivial). constructor. unfold valueToPtr, ZToValue. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l. unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. symmetry. apply Ptrofs.repr_unsigned. unfold check_address_parameter_unsigned in *. apply Ptrofs.unsigned_range_2. - destruct (Op.eval_condition cond (map (fun r : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) m) eqn:EQ. + exploit eval_cond_correct; eauto. intros. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use. apply INSTR. auto. intros. econstructor. econstructor. eassumption. unfold boolToValue, Values.Val.of_optbool. destruct b; constructor; auto. + eapply eval_cond_correct'; eauto. intros. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use. apply INSTR. auto. - monadInv H1. destruct (Op.eval_condition c (map (fun r1 : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r1 rs) l0) m) eqn:EQN; simplify. destruct b eqn:B. + exploit eval_cond_correct; eauto. intros. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use. apply INSTR. simplify; tauto. intros. econstructor. econstructor. eapply Verilog.erun_Vternary_true. eassumption. econstructor. auto. auto. unfold Values.Val.normalize. destruct (Registers.Regmap.get r rs) eqn:EQN2; constructor. * assert (HPle1 : Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto). apply H in HPle1. inv HPle1. unfold valueToInt in H1. rewrite EQN2 in H1. inv H1. auto. rewrite EQN2 in H1. discriminate. rewrite EQN2 in H2. discriminate. * assert (HPle1 : Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto). apply H in HPle1. inv HPle1. rewrite EQN2 in H1. inv H1. rewrite EQN2 in H1. inv H1. auto. rewrite EQN2 in H2. discriminate. + exploit eval_cond_correct; eauto. intros. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use. apply INSTR. simplify; tauto. intros. econstructor. econstructor. eapply Verilog.erun_Vternary_false. eassumption. econstructor. auto. auto. unfold Values.Val.normalize. destruct (Registers.Regmap.get r0 rs) eqn:EQN2; constructor. * assert (HPle1 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto). apply H in HPle1. inv HPle1. unfold valueToInt in H1. rewrite EQN2 in H1. inv H1. auto. rewrite EQN2 in H1. discriminate. rewrite EQN2 in H2. discriminate. * assert (HPle1 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto). apply H in HPle1. inv HPle1. rewrite EQN2 in H1. inv H1. rewrite EQN2 in H1. inv H1. auto. rewrite EQN2 in H2. discriminate. + exploit eval_cond_correct'; eauto. intros. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use. apply INSTR. simplify; tauto. intros. inv H0. inv H1. destruct (Int.eq_dec x0 Int.zero). econstructor. econstructor. eapply Verilog.erun_Vternary_false. eassumption. econstructor. auto. subst. auto. constructor. econstructor. econstructor. eapply Verilog.erun_Vternary_true. eassumption. econstructor. auto. unfold valueToBool. pose proof n. apply Int.eq_false in n. unfold uvalueToZ. unfold Int.eq in n. unfold zeq in *. destruct (Int.unsigned x0 ==Z Int.unsigned Int.zero); try discriminate. rewrite <- Z.eqb_neq in n0. rewrite Int.unsigned_zero in n0. rewrite n0. auto. constructor. Qed. (** The proof of semantic preservation for the translation of instructions is a simulation argument based on diagrams of the following form: << match_states code st rs ---------------- State m st assoc || | || | || | \/ v code st rs' --------------- State m st assoc' match_states >> where [tr_code c data control fin rtrn st] is assumed to hold. The precondition and postcondition is that that should hold is [match_assocmaps rs assoc]. *) Definition transl_instr_prop (instr : RTL.instruction) : Prop := forall mid m asr asa fin rtrn st stmt trans res, tr_instr fin rtrn st (m.(HTL.mod_stk)) instr stmt trans -> exists asr' asa', HTL.step tge (HTL.State res mid m st asr asa) Events.E0 (HTL.State res mid m st asr' asa'). Opaque combine. Ltac tac0 := match goal with | [ |- HTL.exec_ram _ _ _ _ _ ] => constructor | [ |- context[Verilog.merge_arrs _ _] ] => unfold Verilog.merge_arrs | [ |- context[Verilog.merge_arr] ] => unfold Verilog.merge_arr | [ |- context[Verilog.merge_regs _ _] ] => unfold Verilog.merge_regs; crush; unfold_merge | [ |- context[reg_stack_based_pointers] ] => unfold reg_stack_based_pointers; intros | [ |- context[Verilog.arr_assocmap_set _ _ _ _] ] => unfold Verilog.arr_assocmap_set | [ |- context[HTL.empty_stack] ] => unfold HTL.empty_stack | [ |- context[_ # ?d <- _ ! ?d] ] => rewrite AssocMap.gss | [ |- context[_ # ?d <- _ ! ?s] ] => rewrite AssocMap.gso | [ |- context[(AssocMap.empty _) ! _] ] => rewrite AssocMap.gempty | [ |- context[array_get_error _ (combine Verilog.merge_cell (arr_repeat None _) _)] ] => rewrite combine_lookup_first | [ |- state_st_wf _ _ ] => unfold state_st_wf; inversion 1 | [ |- context[match_states _ _] ] => econstructor; auto | [ |- match_arrs _ _ _ _ _ ] => econstructor; auto | [ |- match_assocmaps _ _ _ # _ <- (posToValue _) ] => apply regs_lessdef_add_greater; [> unfold Plt; lia | assumption] | [ H : ?asa ! ?r = Some _ |- Verilog.arr_assocmap_lookup ?asa ?r _ = Some _ ] => unfold Verilog.arr_assocmap_lookup; setoid_rewrite H; f_equal | [ |- context[(AssocMap.combine _ _ _) ! _] ] => try (rewrite AssocMap.gcombine; [> | reflexivity]) | [ |- context[Registers.Regmap.get ?d (Registers.Regmap.set ?d _ _)] ] => rewrite Registers.Regmap.gss | [ |- context[Registers.Regmap.get ?s (Registers.Regmap.set ?d _ _)] ] => let EQ := fresh "EQ" in destruct (Pos.eq_dec s d) as [EQ|EQ]; [> rewrite EQ | rewrite Registers.Regmap.gso; auto] | [ H : opt_val_value_lessdef _ _ |- _ ] => invert H | [ H : context[Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat _)] |- _ ] => rewrite Z2Nat.id in H; [> solve crush |] | [ H : _ ! _ = Some _ |- _] => setoid_rewrite H end. Ltac small_tac := repeat (crush_val; try array; try ptrofs); crush_val; auto. Ltac big_tac := repeat (crush_val; try array; try ptrofs; try tac0); crush_val; auto. Lemma match_externctrl_out : forall m r v asr, (HTL.mod_externctrl m) ! r = None -> match_externctrl m asr -> match_externctrl m (asr # r <- v). Proof. unfold match_externctrl. intros * Hunmapped Hprev * Hmapped. rewrite AssocMap.fso by crush. eauto. Qed. Lemma externctrl_low : forall clk r externctrl, externctrl_ordering externctrl clk -> (r < clk)%positive -> externctrl ! r = None. Proof. intros * Horder Hclk. destruct (externctrl ! r) eqn:E; trivial. unfold externctrl_ordering in Horder. specialize (Horder r ltac:(eauto)). lia. Qed. Ltac trans_externctrl := apply match_externctrl_out; crush; eapply externctrl_low; eauto; crush. Lemma transl_inop_correct: forall (s : list RTL.stackframe) (f : RTL.function) (sp : Values.val) (pc : positive) (rs : RTL.regset) (m : mem) (pc' : RTL.node), (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Inop pc') -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc rs m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc' rs m) R2. Proof. intros * H R1 MSTATE. inv_state. unfold match_prog in TRANSL. eexists. split. - apply Smallstep.plus_one. eapply HTL.step_module; eauto. + inv CONST; assumption. + inv CONST; assumption. + repeat constructor. + repeat constructor. + constructor. + big_tac. - inv CONST. inv MARR. simplify. big_tac; auto. + constructor; rewrite AssocMap.gso; crush. + trans_externctrl. Unshelve. exact tt. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_inop_correct : htlproof. Ltac trans_match_externctrl := unshelve ( try eassumption; apply match_externctrl_out; simpl; [eauto; crush; shelve | eauto; crush; try trans_match_externctrl] ). Lemma transl_iop_correct: forall (s : list RTL.stackframe) (f : RTL.function) (sp : Values.val) (pc : positive) (rs : Registers.Regmap.t Values.val) (m : mem) (op : Op.operation) (args : list Registers.reg) (res0 : Registers.reg) (pc' : RTL.node) (v : Values.val), (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Iop op args res0 pc') -> Op.eval_operation ge sp op (map (fun r : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) m = Some v -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc rs m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc' (Registers.Regmap.set res0 v rs) m) R2. Proof. intros * H H0 R1 MSTATE. inv_state. inv MARR. exploit eval_correct; eauto. intros. inversion H1. inversion H2. eexists. split. apply Smallstep.plus_one. eapply HTL.step_module; eauto. - inv CONST. assumption. - inv CONST. assumption. - repeat econstructor. - repeat econstructor. intuition eauto. - constructor. - big_tac. assert (Ple res0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by eauto using RTL.max_reg_function_def. xomega. - big_tac. + apply regs_lessdef_add_match. assumption. apply regs_lessdef_add_greater. unfold Plt; lia. assumption. + assert (HPle: Ple res0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_def; eauto; simpl; auto). unfold Ple in HPle; lia. + eapply op_stack_based; eauto. + inv CONST. constructor; simplify. * rewrite AssocMap.gso. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. assert (HPle: Ple res0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_def; eauto; simpl; auto). unfold Ple in HPle. lia. * rewrite AssocMap.gso. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. assert (HPle: Ple res0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_def; eauto; simpl; auto). unfold Ple in HPle. lia. + trans_match_externctrl. * epose proof (RTL.max_reg_function_def f _ _ res0 ltac:(eauto) ltac:(eauto)). unfold Ple in *. apply (externctrl_low clk); eauto; crush. * apply (externctrl_low clk); eauto; crush. Unshelve. exact tt. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_iop_correct : htlproof. Lemma match_args : forall rtl_args htl_args params f, list_forall2 val_value_lessdef rtl_args htl_args -> match_assocmaps f (RTL.init_regs rtl_args params) (HTL.init_regs htl_args params). Proof. induction rtl_args; intros * H; inv H. - destruct params; eauto with htlproof. - destruct params; eauto using regs_lessdef_add_match with htlproof. Qed. Lemma stack_based_set : forall sp r v rs, stack_based v sp -> reg_stack_based_pointers sp rs -> reg_stack_based_pointers sp (Registers.Regmap.set r v rs). Proof. unfold reg_stack_based_pointers, Registers.Regmap.set, "_ !! _". intros * ? ? r0. simpl. destruct (peq r r0); subst. - rewrite AssocMap.gss; auto. - rewrite AssocMap.gso; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve stack_based_set : htlproof. Lemma stack_based_forall : forall vals regs blk, Forall (fun a => stack_based a blk) vals -> reg_stack_based_pointers blk (RTL.init_regs vals regs). Proof. unfold reg_stack_based_pointers. induction vals; intros * VALS_BASED *. + destruct regs; simpl; unfold "_ !! _"; rewrite PTree.gempty; crush. + destruct regs; simpl. * unfold "_ !! _". rewrite PTree.gempty. crush. * inv VALS_BASED. apply stack_based_set. -- crush. -- unfold reg_stack_based_pointers. auto. Qed. Lemma mem_alloc_stack_bounds : forall mem mem' sz stk, Mem.alloc mem 0 sz = (mem', stk) -> stack_bounds (Values.Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero) sz mem'. Proof. Transparent Mem.load. Transparent Mem.store. unfold stack_bounds. intros * Halloc * Hbounds Halign. assert (~ Mem.valid_access mem' AST.Mint32 stk (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr ptr)) Readable). { intro contra. eapply Mem.valid_access_alloc_inv in contra; eauto. rewrite peq_true in contra. big_tac. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr_eq in *. rewrite (Z.mod_small ptr Ptrofs.modulus) in *; crush. } assert (~ Mem.valid_access mem' AST.Mint32 stk (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr ptr)) Writable). { intro contra. eapply Mem.valid_access_alloc_inv in contra; eauto. rewrite peq_true in contra. big_tac. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr_eq in *. rewrite (Z.mod_small ptr Ptrofs.modulus) in *; crush. } big_tac. - unfold Mem.load. destruct_match; crush. - unfold Mem.store. destruct_match; crush. Qed. Lemma find_init_regs_out : forall ps vs r, ~ In r ps -> (HTL.init_regs vs ps) ! r = None. Proof. induction ps; simplify. - apply AssocMap.gempty. - destruct vs. + apply AssocMap.gempty. + rewrite AssocMap.gso by crush. apply IHps. crush. Qed. Lemma find_default : forall m r, m ! r = None -> m # r = ZToValue 0. Proof. unfold "_ # _". hauto unfold: reg, AssocMapExt.get_default. Qed. Lemma transl_callstate_correct: forall (s : list RTL.stackframe) (f : RTL.function) (args : list Values.val) (m : mem) (m' : Mem.mem') (stk : Values.block), Mem.alloc m 0 (RTL.fn_stacksize f) = (m', stk) -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.Callstate s (AST.Internal f) args m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.State s f (Values.Vptr stk Integers.Ptrofs.zero) (RTL.fn_entrypoint f) (RTL.init_regs args (RTL.fn_params f)) m') R2. Proof. intros * ? * MSTATE. inversion MSTATE. inversion TF. simplify. (* Lemma match_frames_match_sp : forall rtl_stk htl_stk mid m stk, *) (* match_frames ge mid m rtl_stk htl_stk -> *) (* exists blk, match_sp rtl_stk (Values.Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero) blk. *) (* Proof. *) (* destruct rtl_stk; simplify. *) (* - repeat econstructor. *) (* - destruct s. *) (* inv H. *) (* eauto with htlproof. *) (* Qed. *) (* edestruct (match_frames_match_sp) as [blk ?]; eauto. *) Hint Unfold sp_valid : htlproof. eexists. split. apply Smallstep.plus_one. solve [constructor]. simplify. econstructor; try solve [big_tac]. - repeat apply regs_lessdef_add_greater; try not_control_reg. eauto using match_args. - edestruct no_stack_calls; eauto. + replace (RTL.fn_stacksize f) in *. eauto using mem_alloc_zero_match_frames. + subst. inv MF. constructor. - big_tac. destruct (Mem.load _ _ _ _) eqn:eq_load; repeat constructor. erewrite (Mem.load_alloc_same m 0 (RTL.fn_stacksize f) m' _ _ _ _ v); eauto; repeat econstructor. - eauto with htlproof. - eauto with htlproof. - eauto using stack_based_forall. - unfold arr_stack_based_pointers; intros. destruct (Mem.loadv _ _ _) eqn:eq_load. + simpl. unfold Mem.loadv in *; simplify. erewrite (Mem.load_alloc_same m 0 (RTL.fn_stacksize f) m' _ _ _ _ v); eauto; repeat econstructor. + crush. - eauto using mem_alloc_stack_bounds. - constructor; simplify. + rewrite AssocMap.gss; crush. + rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. rewrite AssocMap.gss. crush. - unfold match_externctrl. simplify. repeat rewrite AssocMap.fso. + apply find_default. apply find_init_regs_out. intro contra. apply RTL.max_reg_function_params in contra. unfold Ple in contra. unfold externctrl_ordering in *. specialize (H17 r ltac:(eauto)). lia. + not_control_reg. + not_control_reg. + not_control_reg. Unshelve. all: eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_callstate_correct : htlproof. Lemma only_internal_calls : forall fd fn rs, RTL.find_function ge (inr fn) rs = Some fd -> (exists f : RTL.function, HTL.find_func ge fn = Some (AST.Internal f)) -> (exists f, fd = AST.Internal f). Proof. intros * ? [? ?]. unfold HTL.find_func in *. unfold RTL.find_function in *. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge fn); try discriminate. exists x. crush. Qed. Fixpoint assign_all acc (rs : list reg) (vals : list value) := match rs, vals with | r::rs', val::vals' => assign_all (acc # r <- val) rs' vals' | _, _ => acc end. Notation "a ## b '<-' c" := (assign_all a b c) (at level 1, b at next level) : assocmap. Lemma assign_all_nil : forall a rs, a ## rs <- nil = a. Proof. destruct rs; crush. Qed. Lemma assign_all_out : forall rs vs a r, (forall v, ~ In (r, v) (List.combine rs vs)) -> (a ## rs <- vs) ! r = a ! r. Proof. induction rs; intros * H. - trivial. - destruct vs. + rewrite assign_all_nil. trivial. + simpl. rewrite IHrs. rewrite AssocMap.gso. crush. * simpl (List.combine _ _) in *. specialize (H v). rewrite not_in_cons in H. inv H. crush. * intros v0. specialize (H v0). simpl (List.combine _ _) in *. rewrite not_in_cons in H. crush. Qed. Lemma get_all_assign_out : forall rs a r v, (~ In r rs) -> (a # r <- v) ## rs = a ## rs. Proof. induction rs; crush. f_equal. - rewrite fso; crush. - apply IHrs; crush. Qed. Lemma nonblock_all_exec : forall from_regs to_regs f basr nasr basa nasa, Verilog.stmnt_runp f {| Verilog.assoc_blocking := basr; Verilog.assoc_nonblocking := nasr |} {| Verilog.assoc_blocking := basa; Verilog.assoc_nonblocking := nasa |} (nonblock_all (List.combine to_regs from_regs)) {| Verilog.assoc_blocking := basr; Verilog.assoc_nonblocking := nasr ## to_regs <- (basr##from_regs) |} {| Verilog.assoc_blocking := basa; Verilog.assoc_nonblocking := nasa |}. Proof. induction from_regs; intros. - rewrite combine_nil, assign_all_nil. constructor. - destruct to_regs; try solve [ constructor ]. simpl. econstructor. + repeat econstructor. + eapply IHfrom_regs. Qed. Lemma fork_exec : forall f basr nasr basa nasa rst to_regs from_regs, Verilog.stmnt_runp f {| Verilog.assoc_blocking := basr; Verilog.assoc_nonblocking := nasr |} {| Verilog.assoc_blocking := basa; Verilog.assoc_nonblocking := nasa |} (fork rst (List.combine to_regs from_regs)) {| Verilog.assoc_blocking := basr; Verilog.assoc_nonblocking := (nasr # rst <- (ZToValue 1)) ## to_regs <- (basr##from_regs) |} {| Verilog.assoc_blocking := basa; Verilog.assoc_nonblocking := nasa |}. Proof. intros. unfold fork. econstructor. - repeat econstructor. - unfold Verilog.nonblock_reg; simpl. eapply nonblock_all_exec. Qed. Lemma transl_find : forall fn f, HTL.find_func ge fn = Some (AST.Internal f) -> match_prog prog tprog -> (exists f', HTL.find_func tge fn = Some (AST.Internal f')). Proof. intros. unfold HTL.find_func in *. rewrite symbols_preserved. destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge fn); try discriminate. destruct (function_ptr_translated _ _ H) as [? [? ?]]. replace (Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b). inversion H2. destruct (transl_module prog f); try discriminate. inversion H4. exists m. crush. Qed. Lemma param_mapping_correct : forall fn args fn_params externctrl, externctrl_params_mapped args fn_params externctrl fn -> (forall n param, nth_error fn_params n = Some param -> externctrl!param = Some (fn, HTL.ctrl_param n)). Proof. intros * [Hlen [Hnodup Hmapped]] * Hfn_params. assert (H : exists arg, nth_error args n = Some arg). { apply length_nth_error. apply nth_error_length in Hfn_params. lia. } destruct H as [ arg H ]. edestruct (Hmapped _ _ H) as [? [? ?]]. enough (Some x = Some param) by crush. congruence. Qed. Lemma find_merge_right : forall m1 m2 r, m1 ! r = None -> (AssocMapExt.merge value m1 m2) # r = m2 # r. Proof. unfold "_ # _", AssocMapExt.get_default. intros. destruct (m2 ! r) eqn:?. - erewrite AssocMapExt.merge_correct_2; auto. - erewrite AssocMapExt.merge_correct_3; auto. Qed. Lemma nth_error_same_length : forall {A} (l1 l2 : list A) n x1, length l1 = length l2 -> nth_error l1 n = Some x1 -> exists x2, nth_error l2 n = Some x2. Proof. intros * Hlength Hnth. apply length_nth_error. apply nth_error_length in Hnth. lia. Qed. Lemma not_in_params : forall r params args externctrl clk argvals fn, externctrl_ordering externctrl clk -> externctrl_params_mapped args params externctrl fn -> (r < clk)%positive -> forall v : value, ~ In (r, v) (List.combine params argvals). Proof. unfold "~". intros * Hordering [Hlen [Hnodup Hmapped]] Hclk * contra. apply in_combine_l in contra. apply In_nth_error in contra. destruct contra as [? ?]. edestruct (nth_error_same_length params args); eauto. unfold externctrl_ordering in *. exploit (Hordering r). exploit (Hmapped x x0). all: qauto; lia. Qed. Lemma match_arg_vals : forall args f rs asr, Forall (fun r => Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) args -> match_assocmaps f rs asr -> list_forall2 val_value_lessdef (map (fun r : positive => rs !! r) args) asr ## args. Proof. induction args; intros * Harg Hmatch; constructor. - inv Harg. inv Hmatch. eauto. - inv Harg. unfold map in IHargs. eauto. Qed. Lemma call_args_maxreg : forall args f pc pc' sig fn dst, (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Icall sig fn args dst pc') -> Forall (fun r : positive => Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) args. Proof. intros. apply Forall_forall. intros r Hin. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use with (r:=r); eauto. destruct fn; crush. Qed. Lemma merge_correct_all_1 : forall ks vs m1 m2, length ks = length vs -> NoDup ks -> (AssocMapExt.merge value (m1 ## ks <- vs) m2) ## ks = vs. Proof. induction ks; destruct vs; intros * Hlen Hnodup; crush. f_equal. - unfold "_ # _", AssocMapExt.get_default. erewrite AssocMapExt.merge_correct_1; trivial. rewrite assign_all_out by sauto inv: NoDup use: in_combine_l. big_tac. - sauto. Qed. Lemma get_all_length : forall ks m, length (m ## ks) = length ks. Proof. induction ks; crush. Qed. Lemma separate_params_reset : forall r args params externctrl fn, externctrl_params_mapped args params externctrl fn -> externctrl ! r = Some (fn, HTL.ctrl_reset) -> (~ In r params). Proof. intros * Hmapped Hrst contra. inv Hmapped. edestruct (In_nth_error _ _ contra) as [n ?]. edestruct (nth_error_same_length params args); eauto. edestruct H0 as [? [? [? ?]]]; eauto. replace x0 with r in *; crush. apply option_inv. transitivity (nth_error params n); crush. Qed. Lemma param_reg_lower : forall params r clk args externctrl fn, externctrl_params_mapped args params externctrl fn -> externctrl_ordering externctrl clk -> (r < clk)%positive -> ~ In r params. Proof. unfold externctrl_ordering. intros * [Hlen [Hnodup Hmapped]] Hordering Hlt contra. destruct (In_nth_error _ _ contra) as [n Hparam]. destruct (nth_error_same_length params args _ _ ltac:(crush) Hparam). destruct (Hmapped n _ ltac:(eassumption)) as [r' [? ?]]. replace r' with r in *. - specialize (Hordering r ltac:(eauto)). lia. - enough (Some r = Some r') by crush. transitivity (nth_error params n); crush. Qed. Lemma not_in_combine_l : forall A B (x : A) (y : B) l1 l2, ~ In x l1 -> ~ In (x, y) (List.combine l1 l2). Proof. eauto using in_combine_l. Qed. Lemma match_externctrl_merge : forall m asr1 asr2, match_externctrl m asr1 -> match_externctrl m asr2 -> match_externctrl m (AssocMapExt.merge value asr1 asr2). Proof. unfold match_externctrl. intros * H1 H2 * Hexternctrl. specialize (H1 r mid Hexternctrl). specialize (H2 r mid Hexternctrl). unfold "_ # _" in *. unfold AssocMapExt.get_default in *. destruct (asr1 ! r) eqn:E1, (asr2 ! r) eqn:E2; subst. - erewrite AssocMapExt.merge_correct_1; eauto. - erewrite AssocMapExt.merge_correct_1; eauto. - erewrite AssocMapExt.merge_correct_2; eauto. - erewrite AssocMapExt.merge_correct_3; eauto. Qed. Lemma fempty : forall r, empty_assocmap # r = ZToValue 0. Proof. unfold "_ # _", AssocMapExt.get_default. intros. rewrite AssocMap.gempty. trivial. Qed. Lemma in_params_exists : forall r params args externctrl fn, externctrl_params_mapped args params externctrl fn -> (In r params) -> exists n, externctrl ! r = Some (fn, HTL.ctrl_param n). Proof. intros param * [Hlen [Hnodup Hmapped]]. intro Hin. apply In_nth_error in Hin; destruct Hin as [n Hparam]. edestruct (nth_error_same_length params args) as [arg Harg]; eauto. edestruct (Hmapped _ _ Harg) as [param' [Hparam' ?]]. replace param' with param in * by crush. eauto. Qed. Lemma Forall_map_iff : forall A B P (f : A -> B) (l : list A), Forall P (map f l) <-> Forall (fun x => P (f x)) l. Proof. induction l; split; intros. - trivial. - simpl. trivial. - inv H. constructor. auto. apply IHl. auto. - inv H. simpl. constructor. auto. apply IHl. auto. Qed. (* Lemma stack_based_forall : forall args rs blk, *) (* reg_stack_based_pointers blk rs -> *) (* Forall (fun a : Values.val => stack_based a blk) (map (fun r : positive => rs !! r) args). *) (* Proof. induction args; crush. Qed. *) Ltac not_in_params_low := eapply param_reg_lower; eauto; lia. Ltac not_in_params_other := let contra := fresh "contra" in intro contra; eapply in_params_exists in contra; eauto; crush. Ltac not_in_params := solve [ intros; try apply not_in_combine_l; (not_in_params_low + not_in_params_other) ]. Lemma transl_icall_correct: forall (s : list RTL.stackframe) (f : RTL.function) (sp : Values.val) (pc : positive) (rs : RTL.regset) (m : mem) sig fn fd args dst pc', (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Icall sig fn args dst pc') -> RTL.find_function ge fn rs = Some fd -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc rs m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.Callstate (RTL.Stackframe dst f sp pc' rs :: s) fd (List.map (fun r => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) m) R2. Proof. Lemma merge_st : forall st n x args args' asr, ~ In st args -> st <> x -> (Verilog.merge_regs ((empty_assocmap # st <- n) # x <- (ZToValue 1)) ## args <- (asr ## args') asr) ! st = Some n. big_tac. eapply AssocMapExt.merge_correct_1. rewrite assign_all_out. -- big_tac. -- intros ? Hneg. apply List.in_combine_l in Hneg. contradiction. Qed. intros * H Hfunc * MSTATE. inv_state. edestruct (only_internal_calls fd); eauto; subst fd. inv CONST. simplify. destruct (transl_find _ _ ltac:(eauto) TRANSL). eexists. split. - eapply Smallstep.plus_three; simpl in *. + eapply HTL.step_module; simpl. * auto. * auto. * eauto. * eauto. * eauto. * repeat econstructor; eauto. * repeat econstructor; eauto. * eapply fork_exec. * constructor. * trivial. * trivial. * apply merge_st. -- eapply param_reg_lower; eauto. lia. -- not_control_reg. * eauto. + assert ((asr # x3) = ZToValue 0) by eauto using MEXTERNCTRL. eapply HTL.step_module; trivial. * simpl. apply AssocMapExt.merge_correct_2; auto. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. rewrite AssocMap.gso by lia. apply AssocMap.gempty. * simpl. apply AssocMapExt.merge_correct_2; auto. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. rewrite AssocMap.gso by lia. apply AssocMap.gempty. * simpl. apply AssocMapExt.merge_correct_1; auto. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gss. * eauto. * eauto. * unfold state_wait. eapply Verilog.stmnt_runp_Vcond_false. -- simpl. econstructor; econstructor; simpl. rewrite find_merge_right. eassumption. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by crush. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gempty. -- auto. -- econstructor. * simpl. apply AssocMapExt.merge_correct_1; auto. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gss. * unfold join. econstructor. -- repeat econstructor. -- eapply Verilog.stmnt_runp_Vcond_false. ++ repeat econstructor. ++ big_tac. rewrite find_merge_right. replace (asr # x3). auto. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by crush. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gempty. ++ repeat econstructor. * constructor. * simpl. apply AssocMapExt.merge_correct_2. big_tac; [ apply AssocMap.gempty | not_control_reg]. apply merge_st. -- not_in_params. -- not_control_reg. * auto. + eapply HTL.step_initcall. * eassumption. * eassumption. * eauto using param_mapping_correct. * big_tac. * simpl; trivial. + eauto with htlproof. - econstructor; try solve [repeat econstructor; eauto with htlproof ]. + eauto using match_find_function. + econstructor; eauto with htlproof. * (* match_assocmaps *) big_tac. apply regs_lessdef_add_greater. not_control_reg. constructor; intros. rewrite find_merge_right. hauto drew: off inv: match_assocmaps. rewrite assign_all_out by (eapply not_in_params; try eassumption; not_control_reg). rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gempty. * (* Match arrays *) inv MARR. big_tac. * (* Match constants *) constructor; big_tac. -- apply AssocMapExt.merge_correct_2; crush. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gempty. -- not_control_reg. -- apply AssocMapExt.merge_correct_2; crush. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gempty. -- not_control_reg. * simplify. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. apply match_externctrl_merge; [idtac | apply match_externctrl_merge ]; eauto; unfold match_externctrl; simplify. -- rewrite AssocMap.fso by crush. apply fempty. -- apply find_default. rewrite assign_all_out by not_in_params. rewrite AssocMap.gso by crush. rewrite AssocMap.gso by not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gempty. + apply Forall_map_iff. apply Forall_forall. auto. + (* Argument values match *) big_tac. replace (((AssocMapExt.merge value ((empty_assocmap # st1 <- (posToValue x0)) # x1 <- (ZToValue 1)) ## x4 <- (asr ## args) asr) # x1 <- (ZToValue 0)) ## x4) with (asr ## args). * eauto using match_arg_vals, call_args_maxreg. * unfold externctrl_params_mapped in *. rewrite get_all_assign_out. rewrite merge_correct_all_1. -- crush. -- rewrite get_all_length. crush. -- crush. -- eauto using separate_params_reset. Unshelve. all: eauto; exact tt. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_icall_correct : htlproof. Close Scope rtl. Lemma return_val_exec_spec : forall f or asr asa, Verilog.expr_runp f asr asa (return_val or) (match or with | Some r => asr#r | None => ZToValue 0 end). Proof. destruct or; repeat econstructor. Qed. Lemma transl_ireturn_correct: forall (s : list RTL.stackframe) (f : RTL.function) (stk : Values.block) (pc : positive) (rs : RTL.regset) (m : mem) (or : option Registers.reg) (m' : mem), (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Ireturn or) -> Mem.free m stk 0 (RTL.fn_stacksize f) = Some m' -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.State s f (Values.Vptr stk Integers.Ptrofs.zero) pc rs m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.Returnstate s (Registers.regmap_optget or Values.Vundef rs) m') R2. Proof. intros * H H0 * MSTATE. inv_state. inv CONST. simplify. eexists. split. - eapply Smallstep.plus_two. + eapply HTL.step_module; try solve [ repeat econstructor; eauto ]. * repeat econstructor. apply return_val_exec_spec. * big_tac. * inversion wf1. eapply H10. eapply AssocMapExt.elements_iff. eauto. + eapply HTL.step_finish; big_tac. + eauto with htlproof. - econstructor; eauto with htlproof. + edestruct no_stack_functions; eauto. * replace (RTL.fn_stacksize f) in *. eauto using mem_free_zero_match_frames. * subst. inv MF. constructor. + destruct or; simpl; auto. + destruct or. * rewrite fso. (* Return value is not fin *) { big_tac. inv MASSOC. apply H10. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; crush. } assert (Ple r (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; crush). xomega. * simpl. eauto with htlproof. Unshelve. try exact tt; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_ireturn_correct : htlproof. Lemma stack_base_sp_fequal : forall stk blk blk', stack_base_sp stk blk -> stack_base_sp stk blk' -> blk = blk'. Proof. Ltac inv_stack_base := repeat match goal with | [ H : stack_base_sp _ _ |- _ ] => learn H; inversion H; subst; crush end. induction stk; intros * H H'. - inv_stack_base. - inversion H; inversion H'; subst; inv_stack_base. Qed. Hint Resolve stack_base_sp_fequal : htlproof. Hint Resolve stack_based_set : htlproof. Lemma transl_returnstate_correct: forall (res0 : Registers.reg) (f : RTL.function) (sp : Values.val) (pc : RTL.node) (rs : RTL.regset) (s : list RTL.stackframe) (vres : Values.val) (m : mem) (R1 : HTL.state), match_states ge (RTL.Returnstate (RTL.Stackframe res0 f sp pc rs :: s) vres m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc (Registers.Regmap.set res0 vres rs) m) R2. Proof. intros * MSTATE. inv MSTATE. inversion MF. inversion EXTERN_CALLER. inversion TF. simplify. eexists; split. - eapply Smallstep.plus_three. + (* Return to caller *) repeat econstructor; eauto. + (* Join *) inv CONST. econstructor; eauto. * big_tac; inv TF; simplify; not_control_reg. * big_tac; inv TF; simplify; not_control_reg. * big_tac; inv TF; simplify; not_control_reg. * (* control logic *) repeat econstructor. big_tac. simpl. rewrite fso by crush. rewrite fss. crush. * big_tac; inv TF; simplify; not_control_reg. * repeat econstructor. simpl. rewrite AssocMap.fso by crush. rewrite AssocMap.fss. auto. * simplify. constructor. * big_tac; inv TF; simplify; not_control_reg. + simplify. eapply HTL.step_finish_reset with (fin:=fin). big_tac. * not_control_reg. * not_control_reg. * eauto. + trivial. - simpl. eapply match_state; simpl; eauto. + big_tac. rewrite AssocMap.fss. eapply regs_lessdef_add_greater; try not_control_reg. eapply regs_lessdef_add_match; eauto. repeat eapply regs_lessdef_add_greater; eauto; not_control_reg. + unfold state_st_wf. intros * Hwf. inv Hwf. big_tac. * not_control_reg. * not_control_reg. + auto using match_arrs_empty. + replace blk0 with blk in * by (inv SP_BASE; crush; eauto with htlproof). eauto with htlproof. + (* match_constants *) inv CONST. big_tac. constructor. * simplify. rewrite AssocMap.fss. repeat rewrite AssocMap.gso; auto; not_control_reg. * simplify. repeat rewrite AssocMap.gso; auto; not_control_reg. + unfold match_externctrl. simplify. destruct (peq fin r); subst; auto using fss. rewrite fso by assumption. rewrite find_merge_right. * rewrite fso by crush. rewrite fso by not_control_reg. rewrite fso by not_control_reg. unfold match_externctrl in *. eauto. * big_tac; try not_control_reg. apply AssocMap.gempty. Unshelve. all: try exact tt; eauto. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_returnstate_correct : htlproof. Ltac tac := repeat match goal with | [ _ : error _ _ = OK _ _ _ |- _ ] => discriminate | [ _ : context[if (?x && ?y) then _ else _] |- _ ] => let EQ1 := fresh "EQ" in let EQ2 := fresh "EQ" in destruct x eqn:EQ1; destruct y eqn:EQ2; simpl in * | [ _ : context[if ?x then _ else _] |- _ ] => let EQ := fresh "EQ" in destruct x eqn:EQ; simpl in * | [ H : ret _ = _ |- _ ] => invert H | [ _ : context[match ?x with | _ => _ end] |- _ ] => destruct x end. Ltac inv_arr_access := match goal with | [ _ : translate_arr_access ?chunk ?addr ?args _ _ = OK ?c _ _ |- _] => destruct c, chunk, addr, args; crush; tac; crush end. Lemma offset_expr_ok : forall v z, (Z.to_nat (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.divu (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ v)) (Integers.Ptrofs.of_int (Integers.Int.repr z))) (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 4))) = valueToNat (Int.divu (Int.add v (ZToValue z)) (ZToValue 4))). Proof. simplify_val. unfold valueToNat. unfold Int.divu, Ptrofs.divu. pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_add as AGR. unfold Integers.Ptrofs.agree32 in AGR. assert (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr (Int.unsigned v)) (Ptrofs.repr (Int.unsigned (Int.repr z)))) = Int.unsigned (Int.add v (ZToValue z))). apply AGR; auto. apply Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. apply Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. rewrite H. replace (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr 4)) with 4. replace (Int.unsigned (ZToValue 4)) with 4. pose proof Ptrofs.agree32_repr. unfold Ptrofs.agree32 in *. rewrite H0. trivial. auto. unfold ZToValue. symmetry. apply Int.unsigned_repr. unfold_constants. lia. unfold ZToValue. symmetry. apply Int.unsigned_repr. unfold_constants. lia. Qed. Lemma offset_expr_ok_2 : forall v0 v1 z0 z1, (Z.to_nat (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.divu (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ v0)) (Integers.Ptrofs.of_int (Integers.Int.add (Integers.Int.mul (valueToInt v1) (Integers.Int.repr z1)) (Integers.Int.repr z0)))) (Ptrofs.repr 4)))) = valueToNat (Int.divu (Int.add (Int.add v0 (ZToValue z0)) (Int.mul v1 (ZToValue z1))) (ZToValue 4)). intros. unfold ZToValue, valueToNat, valueToInt, Ptrofs.divu, Int.divu, Ptrofs.of_int. assert (H : (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ v0)) (Ptrofs.of_int (Int.add (Int.mul (valueToInt v1) (Int.repr z1)) (Int.repr z0)))) / Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr 4)) = (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add v0 (Int.repr z0)) (Int.mul v1 (Int.repr z1))) / Int.unsigned (Int.repr 4))). { unfold ZToValue, valueToNat, valueToInt, Ptrofs.divu, Int.divu, Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr by (unfold_constants; lia). rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by (unfold_constants; lia). unfold Ptrofs.of_int. rewrite Int.add_commut. pose proof Integers.Ptrofs.agree32_add as AGR. unfold Ptrofs.agree32 in *. erewrite AGR. 3: { unfold uvalueToZ. rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. trivial. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. } 3: { rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. trivial. apply Int.unsigned_range_2. } rewrite Int.add_assoc. trivial. auto. } rewrite <- H. auto. Qed. Lemma offset_expr_ok_3 : forall OFFSET, Z.to_nat (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.divu OFFSET (Ptrofs.repr 4))) = valueToNat (ZToValue (Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET / 4)). Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma transl_iload_correct: forall (s : list RTL.stackframe) (f : RTL.function) (sp : Values.val) (pc : positive) (rs : Registers.Regmap.t Values.val) (m : mem) (chunk : AST.memory_chunk) (addr : Op.addressing) (args : list Registers.reg) (dst : Registers.reg) (pc' : RTL.node) (a v : Values.val), (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Iload chunk addr args dst pc') -> Op.eval_addressing ge sp addr (map (fun r : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) = Some a -> Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc rs m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc' (Registers.Regmap.set dst v rs) m) R2. Proof. intros s f sp pc rs m chunk addr args dst pc' a v H H0 H1 R1 MSTATE. inv_state. inv_arr_access. + (** Preamble *) invert MARR. inv CONST. crush. unfold Op.eval_addressing in H0. destruct (Archi.ptr64) eqn:ARCHI; crush. unfold reg_stack_based_pointers in RSBP. pose proof (RSBP r0) as RSBPr0. destruct (Registers.Regmap.get r0 rs) eqn:EQr0; crush. rewrite ARCHI in H1. crush. subst. pose proof MASSOC as MASSOC'. invert MASSOC'. pose proof (H0 r0). assert (HPler0 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; crush; eauto). apply H0 in HPler0. invert HPler0; try congruence. rewrite EQr0 in H11. invert H11. unfold check_address_parameter_signed in *; unfold check_address_parameter_unsigned in *; crush. remember (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ asr # r0)) (Integers.Ptrofs.of_int (Integers.Int.repr z))) as OFFSET. (** Modular preservation proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET mod 4 = 0) as MOD_PRESERVE. { apply Mem.load_valid_access in H1. unfold Mem.valid_access in *. simplify. apply Zdivide_mod. assumption. } (** Read bounds proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET < f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) as READ_BOUND_HIGH. { destruct (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET rewrite NORMALISE in H; rewrite HeqOFFSET in H; rewrite H1 in H end. assumption. constructor; simplify. rewrite AssocMap.gso. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. assert (HPle: Ple dst (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_def; eauto; simpl; auto). unfold Ple in HPle. lia. rewrite AssocMap.gso. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. assert (HPle: Ple dst (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_def; eauto; simpl; auto). unfold Ple in HPle. lia. + (** Preamble *) invert MARR. inv CONST. crush. unfold Op.eval_addressing in H0. destruct (Archi.ptr64) eqn:ARCHI; crush. unfold reg_stack_based_pointers in RSBP. pose proof (RSBP r0) as RSBPr0. pose proof (RSBP r1) as RSBPr1. destruct (Registers.Regmap.get r0 rs) eqn:EQr0; destruct (Registers.Regmap.get r1 rs) eqn:EQr1; crush. rewrite ARCHI in H1. crush. subst. clear RSBPr1. pose proof MASSOC as MASSOC'. invert MASSOC'. pose proof (H0 r0). pose proof (H0 r1). assert (HPler0 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; crush; eauto). assert (HPler1 : Ple r1 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto). apply H8 in HPler0. apply H11 in HPler1. invert HPler0; invert HPler1; try congruence. rewrite EQr0 in H13. rewrite EQr1 in H22. invert H13. invert H14. clear H0. clear H8. clear H11. unfold check_address_parameter_signed in *; unfold check_address_parameter_unsigned in *; crush. remember (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ asr # r0)) (Integers.Ptrofs.of_int (Integers.Int.add (Integers.Int.mul (valueToInt asr # r1) (Integers.Int.repr z)) (Integers.Int.repr z0)))) as OFFSET. (** Modular preservation proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET mod 4 = 0) as MOD_PRESERVE. { apply Mem.load_valid_access in H1. unfold Mem.valid_access in *. simplify. apply Zdivide_mod. unfold valueToPtr in *. unfold uvalueToZ in *. unfold Ptrofs.of_int in *. unfold valueToInt in *. inversion H22. subst. assumption. } (** Read bounds proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET < f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) as READ_BOUND_HIGH. { destruct (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET admit end. (** RSBP preservation *) unfold arr_stack_based_pointers in ASBP. specialize (ASBP (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.divu OFFSET (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 4)))). exploit ASBP; big_tac. rewrite NORMALISE in H14. rewrite HeqOFFSET in H14. inversion H22. replace (asr # r1) in *. rewrite H1 in *. assumption. rewrite Pcompare_eq_Gt in *. constructor; simplify. rewrite AssocMap.gso. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. assert (HPle: Ple dst (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_def; eauto). xomega. rewrite AssocMap.gso. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. assert (HPle: Ple dst (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_def; eauto; simpl; auto). xomega. + invert MARR. inv CONST. crush. unfold Op.eval_addressing in H0. destruct (Archi.ptr64) eqn:ARCHI; crush. rewrite ARCHI in H0. crush. unfold check_address_parameter_unsigned in *; unfold check_address_parameter_signed in *; crush. assert (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0 = Integers.Ptrofs.zero) as ZERO by reflexivity. rewrite ZERO in H1. clear ZERO. rewrite Integers.Ptrofs.add_zero_l in H1. remember i as OFFSET. (** Modular preservation proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET mod 4 = 0) as MOD_PRESERVE. { apply Mem.load_valid_access in H1. unfold Mem.valid_access in *. simplify. apply Zdivide_mod. assumption. } (** Read bounds proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET < f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) as READ_BOUND_HIGH. { destruct (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET Op.eval_addressing ge sp addr (map (fun r : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) = Some a -> Mem.storev chunk m a (Registers.Regmap.get src rs) = Some m' -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc rs m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc' rs m') R2. Proof. intros s f sp pc rs m chunk addr args src pc' a m' H H0 H1 R1 MSTATES. inv_state. inv_arr_access. + (** Preamble *) invert MARR. inv CONST. crush. unfold Op.eval_addressing in H0. destruct (Archi.ptr64) eqn:ARCHI; crush. unfold reg_stack_based_pointers in RSBP. pose proof (RSBP r0) as RSBPr0. destruct (Registers.Regmap.get r0 rs) eqn:EQr0; crush. rewrite ARCHI in H1. crush. subst. pose proof MASSOC as MASSOC'. invert MASSOC'. pose proof (H0 r0). assert (HPler0 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; crush; eauto). apply H8 in HPler0. invert HPler0; try congruence. rewrite EQr0 in H11. invert H11. clear H0. clear H8. unfold check_address_parameter_unsigned in *; unfold check_address_parameter_signed in *; crush. remember (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ asr # r0)) (Integers.Ptrofs.of_int (Integers.Int.repr z))) as OFFSET. (** Modular preservation proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET mod 4 = 0) as MOD_PRESERVE. { apply Mem.store_valid_access_3 in H1. unfold Mem.valid_access in *. simplify. apply Zdivide_mod. assumption. } (** Write bounds proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET < f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) as WRITE_BOUND_HIGH. { destruct (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET destruct x eqn:EQ end; try reflexivity. assert (Mem.valid_access m AST.Mint32 sp' (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0) (Integers.Ptrofs.repr ptr))) Writable). { pose proof H1. eapply Mem.store_valid_access_2 in H11. exact H11. eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3. eassumption. } pose proof (Mem.valid_access_store m AST.Mint32 sp' (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0) (Integers.Ptrofs.repr ptr))) v). apply X in H11. invert H11. congruence. constructor; simplify. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. unfold_merge. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. unfold_merge. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. + (** Preamble *) invert MARR. inv CONST. crush. unfold Op.eval_addressing in H0. destruct (Archi.ptr64) eqn:ARCHI; crush. unfold reg_stack_based_pointers in RSBP. pose proof (RSBP r0) as RSBPr0. pose proof (RSBP r1) as RSBPr1. destruct (Registers.Regmap.get r0 rs) eqn:EQr0; destruct (Registers.Regmap.get r1 rs) eqn:EQr1; crush. rewrite ARCHI in H1. crush. subst. clear RSBPr1. pose proof MASSOC as MASSOC'. invert MASSOC'. pose proof (H0 r0). pose proof (H0 r1). assert (HPler0 : Ple r0 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; crush; eauto). assert (HPler1 : Ple r1 (RTL.max_reg_function f)) by (eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use; eauto; simpl; auto). apply H8 in HPler0. apply H11 in HPler1. invert HPler0; invert HPler1; try congruence. rewrite EQr0 in H13. rewrite EQr1 in H22. invert H13. invert H22. clear H0. clear H8. clear H11. unfold check_address_parameter_signed in *; unfold check_address_parameter_unsigned in *; crush. remember (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr (uvalueToZ asr # r0)) (Integers.Ptrofs.of_int (Integers.Int.add (Integers.Int.mul (valueToInt asr # r1) (Integers.Int.repr z)) (Integers.Int.repr z0)))) as OFFSET. (** Modular preservation proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET mod 4 = 0) as MOD_PRESERVE. { apply Mem.store_valid_access_3 in H1. unfold Mem.valid_access in *. simplify. apply Zdivide_mod. assumption. } (** Write bounds proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET < f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) as WRITE_BOUND_HIGH. { destruct (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET destruct x eqn:EQ end; try reflexivity. assert (Mem.valid_access m AST.Mint32 sp' (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0) (Integers.Ptrofs.repr ptr))) Writable). { pose proof H1. eapply Mem.store_valid_access_2 in H22. exact H22. eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3. eassumption. } pose proof (Mem.valid_access_store m AST.Mint32 sp' (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0) (Integers.Ptrofs.repr ptr))) v). apply X in H22. invert H22. congruence. constructor; simplify. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. unfold_merge. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. unfold_merge. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. + invert MARR. inv CONST. crush. unfold Op.eval_addressing in H0. destruct (Archi.ptr64) eqn:ARCHI; crush. rewrite ARCHI in H0. crush. unfold check_address_parameter_unsigned in *; unfold check_address_parameter_signed in *; crush. assert (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0 = Integers.Ptrofs.zero) as ZERO by reflexivity. rewrite ZERO in H1. clear ZERO. rewrite Integers.Ptrofs.add_zero_l in H1. remember i as OFFSET. (** Modular preservation proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET mod 4 = 0) as MOD_PRESERVE. { apply Mem.store_valid_access_3 in H1. unfold Mem.valid_access in *. simplify. apply Zdivide_mod. assumption. } (** Write bounds proof *) assert (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET < f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) as WRITE_BOUND_HIGH. { destruct (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned OFFSET destruct x eqn:?EQ end; try reflexivity. assert (Mem.valid_access m AST.Mint32 sp' (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0) (Integers.Ptrofs.repr ptr))) Writable). { pose proof H1. eapply Mem.store_valid_access_2 in H0. exact H0. eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3. eassumption. } pose proof (Mem.valid_access_store m AST.Mint32 sp' (Integers.Ptrofs.unsigned (Integers.Ptrofs.add (Integers.Ptrofs.repr 0) (Integers.Ptrofs.repr ptr))) v). apply X in H0. invert H0. congruence. constructor; simplify. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. unfold_merge. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. unfold_merge. rewrite AssocMap.gso. assumption. lia. Unshelve. all: try (exact tt); auto. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_istore_correct : htlproof. Lemma transl_icond_correct: forall (s : list RTL.stackframe) (f : RTL.function) (sp : Values.val) (pc : positive) (rs : Registers.Regmap.t Values.val) (m : mem) (cond : Op.condition) (args : list Registers.reg) (ifso ifnot : RTL.node) (b : bool) (pc' : RTL.node), (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Icond cond args ifso ifnot) -> Op.eval_condition cond (map (fun r : positive => Registers.Regmap.get r rs) args) m = Some b -> pc' = (if b then ifso else ifnot) -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc rs m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc' rs m) R2. Proof. intros s f sp pc rs m cond args ifso ifnot b pc' H H0 H1 R1 MSTATE. inv_state. destruct b. - eexists. split. apply Smallstep.plus_one. match goal with | [H : Z.pos ifnot <= Int.max_unsigned |- _] => clear H end. eapply HTL.step_module; eauto. inv CONST; assumption. inv CONST; assumption. econstructor; simpl; trivial. constructor; trivial. eapply Verilog.erun_Vternary_true; simpl; eauto. eapply eval_cond_correct; eauto. intros. intros. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use. eauto. auto. econstructor. auto. simpl. econstructor. constructor. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. unfold_merge. simpl. apply AssocMap.gss. inv MARR. inv CONST. big_tac. constructor; rewrite AssocMap.gso; simplify; try assumption; lia. - eexists. split. apply Smallstep.plus_one. match goal with | [H : Z.pos ifso <= Int.max_unsigned |- _] => clear H end. eapply HTL.step_module; eauto. inv CONST; assumption. inv CONST; assumption. econstructor; simpl; trivial. constructor; trivial. eapply Verilog.erun_Vternary_false; simpl; eauto. eapply eval_cond_correct; eauto. intros. intros. eapply RTL.max_reg_function_use. eauto. auto. econstructor. auto. simpl. econstructor. constructor. unfold Verilog.merge_regs. unfold_merge. simpl. apply AssocMap.gss. inv MARR. inv CONST. big_tac. constructor; rewrite AssocMap.gso; simplify; try assumption; lia. Unshelve. all: exact tt. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_icond_correct : htlproof. (*Lemma transl_ijumptable_correct: forall (s : list RTL.stackframe) (f : RTL.function) (sp : Values.val) (pc : positive) (rs : Registers.Regmap.t Values.val) (m : mem) (arg : Registers.reg) (tbl : list RTL.node) (n : Integers.Int.int) (pc' : RTL.node), (RTL.fn_code f) ! pc = Some (RTL.Ijumptable arg tbl) -> Registers.Regmap.get arg rs = Values.Vint n -> list_nth_z tbl (Integers.Int.unsigned n) = Some pc' -> forall R1 : HTL.state, match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc rs m) R1 -> exists R2 : HTL.state, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 Events.E0 R2 /\ match_states ge (RTL.State s f sp pc' rs m) R2. Proof. intros s f sp pc rs m arg tbl n pc' H H0 H1 R1 MSTATE. Hint Resolve transl_ijumptable_correct : htlproof.*) Lemma main_tprog_internal : forall b, Globalenvs.Genv.find_symbol tge tprog.(AST.prog_main) = Some b -> exists f, Genv.find_funct_ptr (Genv.globalenv tprog) b = Some (AST.Internal f). Proof. intros. destruct TRANSL. unfold main_is_internal in H1. repeat (unfold_match H1). replace b with b0. exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]]. unfold transl_fundef, AST.transf_partial_fundef, Errors.bind in B. unfold_match B. inv B. econstructor. apply A. apply option_inv. rewrite <- Heqo. rewrite <- H. rewrite symbols_preserved. replace (AST.prog_main tprog) with (AST.prog_main prog). trivial. symmetry; eapply Linking.match_program_main; eauto. Qed. Hint Constructors list_forall2 : htlproof. Hint Constructors match_frames : htlproof. Lemma transl_initial_states : forall s1 : Smallstep.state (RTL.semantics prog), Smallstep.initial_state (RTL.semantics prog) s1 -> exists s2 : Smallstep.state (HTL.semantics tprog), Smallstep.initial_state (HTL.semantics tprog) s2 /\ match_states ge s1 s2. Proof. induction 1. destruct TRANSL. unfold main_is_internal in H4. repeat (unfold_match H4). assert (f = AST.Internal f1). { apply option_inv. rewrite <- Heqo0. rewrite <- H1. replace b with b0. auto. apply option_inv. rewrite <- H0. rewrite <- Heqo. trivial. } exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]]. unfold transl_fundef, Errors.bind in B. unfold AST.transf_partial_fundef, Errors.bind in B. repeat (unfold_match B). inversion B. subst. exploit main_tprog_internal; eauto; intros. rewrite symbols_preserved. replace (AST.prog_main tprog) with (AST.prog_main prog). apply Heqo. symmetry; eapply Linking.match_program_main; eauto. inversion H5. econstructor; split. econstructor. - apply (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial TRANSL'); eauto. - replace (AST.prog_main tprog) with (AST.prog_main prog) by (symmetry; eapply Linking.match_program_main; eauto). rewrite symbols_preserved; eauto. - eauto. - constructor; auto with htlproof. apply transl_module_correct. assert (Some (AST.Internal x) = Some (AST.Internal m)) as Heqm. { rewrite <- H6. setoid_rewrite <- A. trivial. } inv Heqm. assumption. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_initial_states : htlproof. Lemma transl_final_states : forall (s1 : Smallstep.state (RTL.semantics prog)) (s2 : Smallstep.state (HTL.semantics tprog)) (r : Integers.Int.int), match_states ge s1 s2 -> Smallstep.final_state (RTL.semantics prog) s1 r -> Smallstep.final_state (HTL.semantics tprog) s2 r. Proof. intros. repeat match goal with [ H : _ |- _ ] => try inv H end. repeat constructor; auto. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_final_states : htlproof. Theorem transl_step_correct: forall (S1 : RTL.state) t S2, RTL.step ge S1 t S2 -> forall (R1 : HTL.state), match_states ge S1 R1 -> exists R2, Smallstep.plus HTL.step tge R1 t R2 /\ match_states ge S2 R2. Proof. induction 1; eauto with htlproof; try solve [ intros; inv_state ]. Qed. Hint Resolve transl_step_correct : htlproof. Theorem transf_program_correct: Smallstep.forward_simulation (RTL.semantics prog) (HTL.semantics tprog). Proof. eapply Smallstep.forward_simulation_plus; eauto with htlproof. apply senv_preserved. Qed. End CORRECTNESS.