(*| .. Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis. Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Yann Herklotz This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . .. coq:: none |*) Require Import Coq.Structures.Orders. Require Import Coq.Sorting.Mergesort. Require Import compcert.common.AST. Require Import compcert.common.Errors. Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs. Require Import compcert.lib.Integers. Require Import compcert.lib.Maps. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. Require Import vericert.hls.Gible. Require Import vericert.hls.GibleSeq. Require Import vericert.hls.Predicate. Require Import vericert.bourdoncle.Bourdoncle. Definition if_conv_t : Type := PTree.t (list (node * node)). Parameter build_bourdoncle : function -> (bourdoncle * PMap.t N). Parameter get_if_conv_t : program -> list if_conv_t. #[local] Open Scope positive. (*| ============= If-Conversion ============= This conversion is a verified conversion from RTLBlock back to itself, which performs if-conversion on basic blocks to make basic blocks larger. |*) Definition map_if_convert (p: option pred_op) (i: instr) := match i with | RBop p' op args dst => RBop (combine_pred p p') op args dst | RBload p' chunk addr args dst => RBload (combine_pred p p') chunk addr args dst | RBstore p' chunk addr args src => RBstore (combine_pred p p') chunk addr args src | RBsetpred p' c l pred => RBsetpred (combine_pred p p') c l pred | RBexit p' cf => RBexit (combine_pred p p') cf | _ => i end. Definition wf_transition (pl: list predicate) (i: instr) := match i with | RBsetpred _ _ _ p => negb (existsb (Pos.eqb p) pl) | _ => true end. Definition wf_transition_block (p: pred_op) (b: SeqBB.t) := forallb (wf_transition (predicate_use p)) b. Definition wf_transition_block_opt (p: option pred_op) b := Option.default true (Option.map (fun p' => wf_transition_block p' b) p). Definition if_convert_block (next: node) (b_next: SeqBB.t) (i: instr) := match i with | RBexit p (RBgoto next') => if (next =? next') && wf_transition_block_opt p b_next then map (map_if_convert p) b_next else i::nil | _ => i::nil end. Definition wrap_unit {A B} (f: A -> B) (_: unit) (a: A) := (tt, f a). Definition predicated_store i := match i with | RBstore _ _ _ _ _ => true | _ => false end. Definition no_predicated_store bb := match filter predicated_store bb with | nil => true | _ => false end. Definition decide_if_convert b_next := (length b_next <=? 50)%nat && no_predicated_store b_next. Definition if_convert (orig_c c: code) (main next: node) := match orig_c ! main, orig_c ! next with | Some b_main, Some b_next => if decide_if_convert b_next then PTree.set main (snd (replace_section (wrap_unit (if_convert_block next b_next)) tt b_main)) c else c | _, _ => c end. Definition get_unconditional_exit (bb: SeqBB.t) := nth_error bb (length bb - 1). (* Definition if_convert_block (c: code) (p: predicate) (bb: SeqBB.t) : SeqBB.t := *) (* match get_unconditional_exit bb with *) (* | Some (RBexit None (RBcond cond args n1 n2)) => *) (* match PTree.get n1 c, PTree.get n2 c with *) (* | Some bb1, Some bb2 => *) (* let bb1' := List.map (map_if_convert (Plit (true, p))) bb1 in *) (* let bb2' := List.map (map_if_convert (Plit (false, p))) bb2 in *) (* List.concat (bb :: ((RBsetpred None cond args p) :: bb1') :: bb2' :: nil) *) (* | _, _ => bb *) (* end *) (* | _ => bb *) (* end. *) Definition is_cond_cfi' (cfi: cf_instr) := match cfi with | RBcond _ _ _ _ => true | _ => false end. Definition is_cond_cfi (b: SeqBB.t) := match get_unconditional_exit b with | Some (RBexit None (RBcond _ _ _ _)) => true | _ => false end. Fixpoint any {A: Type} (f: A -> bool) (a: list A) := match a with | x :: xs => f x || any f xs | nil => false end. Fixpoint all {A: Type} (f: A -> bool) (a: list A) := match a with | x :: xs => f x && all f xs | nil => true end. Definition find_backedge (nb: node * SeqBB.t) := let (n, b) := nb in let succs := all_successors b in filter (fun x => Pos.ltb n x) succs. Definition find_all_backedges (c: code) : list node := concat (map find_backedge (PTree.elements c)). Definition has_backedge (entry: node) (be: list node) := any (fun x => Pos.eqb entry x) be. Fixpoint get_loops (b: bourdoncle): list node := match b with | L h b' => h::(fold_right (fun a b => get_loops a ++ b) nil b') | I h => nil end. Definition is_loop (b: list node) (n: node) := any (Pos.eqb n) b. Definition is_flat_cfi' (n: cf_instr) := match n with | RBcond _ _ _ _ => false | RBjumptable _ _ => false | _ => true end. Definition is_flat_cfi (n: SeqBB.t) := (length (all_successors n) =? 1)%nat. Definition is_flat (c: code) (succ: node) := match c ! succ with | Some bblock => is_flat_cfi bblock | None => false end. Definition find_blocks_with_cond ep (b: list node) (c: code) : list (node * SeqBB.t) := let backedges := find_all_backedges c in filter (fun x => is_cond_cfi (snd x) && (negb (is_loop b (fst x)) || Pos.eqb (fst x) ep) && all (fun x' => is_flat c x') (all_successors (snd x)) ) (PTree.elements c). Module TupOrder <: TotalLeBool. Definition t : Type := positive * positive. Definition leb (x y: t) := fst x <=? fst y. Infix "<=?" := leb (at level 70, no associativity). Theorem leb_total : forall a1 a2, (a1 <=? a2) = true \/ (a2 <=? a1) = true. Proof. unfold leb; intros; repeat rewrite Pos.leb_le; lia. Qed. End TupOrder. Module Import TupSort := Sort TupOrder. Definition ifconv_list (headers: list node) (c: code) := let all_succ := PTree.fold (fun l n i => (n, all_successors i) :: l) c nil in let filtered := filter (fun x => match x with (_, l) => (length l <=? 2)%nat end) all_succ in let expanded := fold_left (fun l (e: node * list node) => let (e1, e2) := e in map (fun x => (e1, x)) e2 ++ l ) filtered nil in let filtered2 := filter (fun x: node * node => let (x1, x2) := x in negb (is_loop headers x2) ) expanded in sort filtered2. (* Definition if_convert_code (p: nat * code) (nb: node * SeqBB.t) := *) (* let nbb := if_convert_block (snd p) (Pos.of_nat (fst p)) (snd nb) in *) (* (S (fst p), PTree.set (fst nb) nbb (snd p)). *) Definition if_convert_code (c: code) iflist := fold_left (fun s n => if_convert c s (fst n) (snd n)) iflist c. Definition transf_function (l: if_conv_t) (i: ident) (f: function) : function := let (b, _) := build_bourdoncle f in let b' := get_loops b in let iflist := ifconv_list b' f.(fn_code) in mkfunction f.(fn_sig) f.(fn_params) f.(fn_stacksize) (if_convert_code f.(fn_code) iflist) f.(fn_entrypoint). Section TRANSF_PROGRAM. Context {A B V: Type}. Variable transf: ident -> A -> B. Definition transform_program_globdef' (idg: ident * globdef A V) : ident * globdef B V := match idg with | (id, Gfun f) => (id, Gfun (transf id f)) | (id, Gvar v) => (id, Gvar v) end. Definition transform_program' (p: AST.program A V) : AST.program B V := mkprogram (List.map transform_program_globdef' p.(prog_defs)) p.(prog_public) p.(prog_main). End TRANSF_PROGRAM. Definition transf_fundef (l: if_conv_t) (i: ident) (fd: fundef) : fundef := transf_fundef (transf_function l i) fd. Definition transf_program_rec (p: program) (l: if_conv_t) : program := transform_program' (transf_fundef l) p. Definition transf_program (p: program) : program := fold_left transf_program_rec (get_if_conv_t p) p.