Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses. Require Import Coq.Classes.DecidableClass. Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid. Require Export Coq.Classes.SetoidClass. Require Export Coq.Classes.SetoidDec. Require Import Coq.Logic.Decidable. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. Require Import vericert.hls.Sat. Require Import HashTree. Declare Scope pred_op. Section PRED_DEFINITION. Context {A: Type}. Definition predicate := A. Inductive pred_op : Type := | Plit: (bool * predicate) -> pred_op | Ptrue: pred_op | Pfalse: pred_op | Pand: pred_op -> pred_op -> pred_op | Por: pred_op -> pred_op -> pred_op. Fixpoint negate (p: pred_op) := match p with | Plit (b, pr) => Plit (negb b, pr) | Ptrue => Pfalse | Pfalse => Ptrue | Pand A B => Por (negate A) (negate B) | Por A B => Pand (negate A) (negate B) end. Definition Pimplies (p: pred_op) p' := Por (negate p) p'. Fixpoint predicate_use (p: pred_op) : list predicate := match p with | Plit (b, p) => p :: nil | Ptrue => nil | Pfalse => nil | Pand a b => predicate_use a ++ predicate_use b | Por a b => predicate_use a ++ predicate_use b end. Definition combine_pred (p1 p2: option pred_op): option pred_op := match p1, p2 with | Some p1, Some p2 => Some (Pand p1 p2) | Some p, _ | _, Some p => Some p | None, None => None end. Definition simplify' (p: pred_op) := match p with (* | (Plit (b1, a)) ∧ (Plit (b2, b)) as p' => *) (* if Pos.eqb a b then *) (* if negb (xorb b1 b2) then Plit (b1, a) else ⟂ *) (* else p' *) (* | (Plit (b1, a)) ∨ (Plit (b2, b)) as p' => *) (* if Pos.eqb a b then *) (* if negb (xorb b1 b2) then Plit (b1, a) else T *) (* else p' *) | Pand A Ptrue => A | Pand Ptrue A => A | Pand _ Pfalse => Pfalse | Pand Pfalse _ => Pfalse | Por _ Ptrue => Ptrue | Por Ptrue _ => Ptrue | Por A Pfalse => A | Por Pfalse A => A | A => A end. Fixpoint simplify (p: pred_op) := match p with | Pand A B => let A' := simplify A in let B' := simplify B in simplify' (Pand A' B') | Por A B => let A' := simplify A in let B' := simplify B in simplify' (Por A' B') | Ptrue => Ptrue | Pfalse => Pfalse | Plit a => Plit a end. Section DEEP_SIMPLIFY. Context (eqd: forall a b: A, {a = b} + {a <> b}). Definition deep_simplify' (p: pred_op) := match p with | Pand A Ptrue => A | Pand Ptrue A => A | Pand _ Pfalse => Pfalse | Pand Pfalse _ => Pfalse | Por _ Ptrue => Ptrue | Por Ptrue _ => Ptrue | Por A Pfalse => A | Por Pfalse A => A | Pand (Plit (b1, a)) (Plit (b2, b)) => if eqd a b then if bool_eqdec b1 b2 then Plit (b1, a) else Pfalse else Pand (Plit (b1, a)) (Plit (b2, b)) | Por (Plit (b1, a)) (Plit (b2, b)) => if eqd a b then if bool_eqdec b1 b2 then Plit (b1, a) else Ptrue else Por (Plit (b1, a)) (Plit (b2, b)) | A => A end. Fixpoint deep_simplify (p: pred_op) := match p with | Pand A B => let A' := deep_simplify A in let B' := deep_simplify B in deep_simplify' (Pand A' B') | Por A B => let A' := deep_simplify A in let B' := deep_simplify B in deep_simplify' (Por A' B') | Ptrue => Ptrue | Pfalse => Pfalse | Plit a => Plit a end. Fixpoint predin (a: predicate) (p: pred_op): bool := match p with | Ptrue | Pfalse => false | Pand p1 p2 | Por p1 p2 => predin a p1 || predin a p2 | Plit (_, a') => eqd a a' end. End DEEP_SIMPLIFY. End PRED_DEFINITION. Notation "A ∧ B" := (Pand A B) (at level 20) : pred_op. Notation "A ∨ B" := (Por A B) (at level 25) : pred_op. Notation "⟂" := (Pfalse) : pred_op. Notation "'T'" := (Ptrue) : pred_op. Notation "¬ A" := (negate A) (at level 15) : pred_op. Notation "A → B" := (Pimplies A B) (at level 30) : pred_op. #[local] Open Scope pred_op. Fixpoint sat_predicate (p: pred_op) (a: asgn) : bool := match p with | Plit (b, p') => if b then a (Pos.to_nat p') else negb (a (Pos.to_nat p')) | Ptrue => true | Pfalse => false | Pand p1 p2 => sat_predicate p1 a && sat_predicate p2 a | Por p1 p2 => sat_predicate p1 a || sat_predicate p2 a end. Inductive sat_predicateP (a: asgn): pred_op -> bool -> Prop := | sat_prediacteP_Plit: forall b p', sat_predicateP a (Plit (b, p')) (if b then a (Pos.to_nat p') else negb (a (Pos.to_nat p'))) | sat_prediacteP_Ptrue: sat_predicateP a Ptrue true | sat_prediacteP_Pfalse: sat_predicateP a Pfalse false | sat_predicateP_Por_true1: forall p1 p2, sat_predicateP a p1 true -> sat_predicateP a (Por p1 p2) true | sat_predicateP_Por_true2: forall p1 p2, sat_predicateP a p2 true -> sat_predicateP a (Por p1 p2) true | sat_predicateP_Por_false: forall p1 p2, sat_predicateP a p1 false -> sat_predicateP a p2 false -> sat_predicateP a (Por p1 p2) false | sat_predicateP_Pand_false1: forall p1 p2, sat_predicateP a p1 false -> sat_predicateP a (Pand p1 p2) false | sat_predicateP_Pand_false2: forall p1 p2, sat_predicateP a p2 false -> sat_predicateP a (Pand p1 p2) false | sat_predicateP_Pand_true: forall p1 p2, sat_predicateP a p1 true -> sat_predicateP a p2 true -> sat_predicateP a (Pand p1 p2) true. Lemma sat_pred_equiv_sat_predicateP: forall a p, sat_predicateP a p (sat_predicate p a). Proof. induction p; crush. - destruct_match. constructor. - constructor. - constructor. - destruct (sat_predicate p1 a) eqn:?. cbn. destruct (sat_predicate p2 a) eqn:?. cbn. all: solve [constructor; auto]. - destruct (sat_predicate p1 a) eqn:?. cbn. solve [constructor; auto]. destruct (sat_predicate p2 a) eqn:?. cbn. all: solve [constructor; auto]. Qed. Definition sat_equiv p1 p2 := forall c, sat_predicate p1 c = sat_predicate p2 c. Lemma equiv_symm : forall a b, sat_equiv a b -> sat_equiv b a. Proof. crush. Qed. Lemma equiv_trans : forall a b c, sat_equiv a b -> sat_equiv b c -> sat_equiv a c. Proof. crush. Qed. Lemma equiv_refl : forall a, sat_equiv a a. Proof. crush. Qed. #[global] Instance Equivalence_SAT : Equivalence sat_equiv := { Equivalence_Reflexive := equiv_refl ; Equivalence_Symmetric := equiv_symm ; Equivalence_Transitive := equiv_trans ; }. #[global] Instance SATSetoid : Setoid pred_op := { equiv := sat_equiv; }. #[global] Instance PandProper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) Pand. Proof. unfold Proper. simplify. unfold "==>". intros. unfold sat_equiv in *. intros. simplify. rewrite H0. rewrite H. auto. Qed. #[global] Instance PorProper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) Por. Proof. unfold Proper, "==>". simplify. intros. unfold sat_equiv in *. intros. simplify. rewrite H0. rewrite H. auto. Qed. #[global] Instance sat_predicate_Proper : Proper (equiv ==> eq ==> eq) sat_predicate. Proof. unfold Proper, "==>". simplify. intros. unfold sat_equiv in *. subst. apply H. Qed. Lemma negate_correct : forall (h: @pred_op positive) a, sat_predicate (negate h) a = negb (sat_predicate h a). Proof. induction h; crush. - repeat destruct_match; subst; crush; symmetry; apply negb_involutive. - rewrite negb_andb; crush. - rewrite negb_orb; crush. Qed. Definition unsat p := forall a, sat_predicate p a = false. Definition sat p := exists a, sat_predicate p a = true. Lemma unsat_correct1 : forall a b c, unsat (Pand a b) -> sat_predicate a c = true -> sat_predicate b c = false. Proof. unfold unsat in *. intros. simplify. specialize (H c). apply andb_false_iff in H. inv H. rewrite H0 in H1. discriminate. auto. Qed. Lemma unsat_correct2 : forall a b c, unsat (Pand a b) -> sat_predicate b c = true -> sat_predicate a c = false. Proof. unfold unsat in *. intros. simplify. specialize (H c). apply andb_false_iff in H. inv H. auto. rewrite H0 in H1. discriminate. Qed. Lemma unsat_not a: unsat (a ∧ (¬ a)). Proof. unfold unsat; simplify. rewrite negate_correct. auto with bool. Qed. Lemma unsat_commut a b: unsat (a ∧ b) -> unsat (b ∧ a). Proof. unfold unsat; simplify; eauto with bool. Qed. Lemma sat_imp_equiv : forall a b, unsat (a ∧ ¬ b ∨ ¬ a ∧ b) -> a == b. Proof. simplify; unfold unsat, sat_equiv. intros. specialize (H c); simplify. rewrite negate_correct in *. destruct (sat_predicate b c) eqn:X; destruct (sat_predicate a c) eqn:X2; crush. Qed. Lemma sat_predicate_and : forall a b c, sat_predicate (a ∧ b) c = sat_predicate a c && sat_predicate b c. Proof. crush. Qed. Lemma sat_predicate_or : forall a b c, sat_predicate (a ∨ b) c = sat_predicate a c || sat_predicate b c. Proof. crush. Qed. Lemma sat_equiv2 : forall a b, a == b -> unsat (a ∧ ¬ b ∨ ¬ a ∧ b). Proof. unfold unsat, equiv; simplify. repeat rewrite negate_correct. repeat rewrite H. rewrite andb_negb_r. rewrite andb_negb_l. auto. Qed. Lemma sat_equiv3 : forall a b, unsat (a ∧ ¬ b ∨ b ∧ ¬ a) -> a == b. Proof. simplify. unfold unsat, sat_equiv in *; intros. specialize (H c); simplify. rewrite negate_correct in *. destruct (sat_predicate b c) eqn:X; destruct (sat_predicate a c) eqn:X2; crush. Qed. Lemma sat_equiv4 : forall a b, a == b -> unsat (a ∧ ¬ b ∨ b ∧ ¬ a). Proof. unfold unsat, equiv; simplify. repeat rewrite negate_correct. repeat rewrite H. rewrite andb_negb_r. auto. Qed. Lemma pred_op_dec : forall p1 p2: @pred_op positive, { p1 = p2 } + { p1 <> p2 }. Proof. pose proof Pos.eq_dec. repeat decide equality. Qed. Lemma simplify'_correct : forall h a, sat_predicate (simplify' h) a = sat_predicate h a. Proof. (*destruct h; crush; repeat destruct_match; crush; solve [rewrite andb_true_r; auto | rewrite orb_false_r; auto]. Qed.*) Admitted. Lemma simplify_correct : forall h a, sat_predicate (simplify h) a = sat_predicate h a. Proof. Local Opaque simplify'. induction h; crush. - replace (sat_predicate h1 a && sat_predicate h2 a) with (sat_predicate (simplify h1) a && sat_predicate (simplify h2) a) by crush. rewrite simplify'_correct. crush. - replace (sat_predicate h1 a || sat_predicate h2 a) with (sat_predicate (simplify h1) a || sat_predicate (simplify h2) a) by crush. rewrite simplify'_correct. crush. Local Transparent simplify'. Qed. Fixpoint mult {A: Type} (a b: list (list A)) : list (list A) := match a with | nil => nil | l :: ls => mult ls b ++ ( (fun x => l ++ x) b) end. Lemma satFormula_concat: forall a b agn, satFormula a agn -> satFormula b agn -> satFormula (a ++ b) agn. Proof. induction a; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_concat2: forall a b agn, satFormula (a ++ b) agn -> satFormula a agn /\ satFormula b agn. Proof. induction a; simplify; try apply IHa in H1; crush. Qed. Lemma satClause_concat: forall a a1 a0, satClause a a1 -> satClause (a0 ++ a) a1. Proof. induction a0; crush. Qed. Lemma satClause_concat2: forall a a1 a0, satClause a0 a1 -> satClause (a0 ++ a) a1. Proof. induction a0; crush. inv H; crush. Qed. Lemma satClause_concat3: forall a b c, satClause (a ++ b) c -> satClause a c \/ satClause b c. Proof. induction a; crush. inv H; crush. apply IHa in H0; crush. inv H0; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_mult': forall p2 a a0, satFormula p2 a0 \/ satClause a a0 -> satFormula (map (fun x : list lit => a ++ x) p2) a0. Proof. induction p2; crush. - inv H. inv H0. apply satClause_concat. auto. apply satClause_concat2; auto. - apply IHp2. inv H; crush; inv H0; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_mult2': forall p2 a a0, satFormula (map (fun x : list lit => a ++ x) p2) a0 -> satClause a a0 \/ satFormula p2 a0. Proof. induction p2; crush. apply IHp2 in H1. inv H1; crush. apply satClause_concat3 in H0. inv H0; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_mult: forall p1 p2 a, satFormula p1 a \/ satFormula p2 a -> satFormula (mult p1 p2) a. Proof. induction p1; crush. apply satFormula_concat; crush. inv H. inv H0. apply IHp1. auto. apply IHp1. auto. apply satFormula_mult'; inv H; crush. Qed. Lemma satFormula_mult2: forall p1 p2 a, satFormula (mult p1 p2) a -> satFormula p1 a \/ satFormula p2 a. Proof. induction p1; crush. apply satFormula_concat2 in H; crush. apply IHp1 in H0. inv H0; crush. apply satFormula_mult2' in H1. inv H1; crush. Qed. Fixpoint trans_pred (p: pred_op) : {fm: formula | forall a, sat_predicate p a = true <-> satFormula fm a}. refine (match p with | Plit (b, p') => exist _ (((b, Pos.to_nat p') :: nil) :: nil) _ | Ptrue => exist _ nil _ | Pfalse => exist _ (nil::nil) _ | Pand p1 p2 => match trans_pred p1, trans_pred p2 with | exist _ p1' _, exist _ p2' _ => exist _ (p1' ++ p2') _ end | Por p1 p2 => match trans_pred p1, trans_pred p2 with | exist _ p1' _, exist _ p2' _ => exist _ (mult p1' p2') _ end end); split; intros; simpl in *; auto; try solve [crush]. - destruct b; auto. apply negb_true_iff in H. auto. - destruct b. inv H. inv H0; auto. apply negb_true_iff. inv H. inv H0; eauto. contradiction. - apply satFormula_concat. apply andb_prop in H. inv H. apply i in H0. auto. apply andb_prop in H. inv H. apply i0 in H1. auto. - apply satFormula_concat2 in H. simplify. apply andb_true_intro. split. apply i in H0. auto. apply i0 in H1. auto. - apply orb_prop in H. inv H; apply satFormula_mult. apply i in H0. auto. apply i0 in H0. auto. - apply orb_true_intro. apply satFormula_mult2 in H. inv H. apply i in H0. auto. apply i0 in H0. auto. Defined. Definition bar (p1: lit): lit := (negb (fst p1), (snd p1)). Definition stseytin_or (cur p1 p2: lit) : formula := (bar cur :: p1 :: p2 :: nil) :: (cur :: bar p1 :: nil) :: (cur :: bar p2 :: nil) :: nil. Definition stseytin_and (cur p1 p2: lit) : formula := (cur :: bar p1 :: bar p2 :: nil) :: (bar cur :: p1 :: nil) :: (bar cur :: p2 :: nil) :: nil. Fixpoint xtseytin (next: nat) (p: pred_op) {struct p} : (nat * lit * formula) := match p with | Plit (b, p') => (next, (b, Pos.to_nat p'), nil) | Ptrue => ((next+1)%nat, (true, next), ((true, next)::nil)::nil) | Pfalse => ((next+1)%nat, (true, next), ((false, next)::nil)::nil) | Por p1 p2 => let '(m1, n1, f1) := xtseytin next p1 in let '(m2, n2, f2) := xtseytin m1 p2 in ((m2+1)%nat, (true, m2), stseytin_or (true, m2) n1 n2 ++ f1 ++ f2) | Pand p1 p2 => let '(m1, n1, f1) := xtseytin next p1 in let '(m2, n2, f2) := xtseytin m1 p2 in ((m2+1)%nat, (true, m2), stseytin_and (true, m2) n1 n2 ++ f1 ++ f2) end. Lemma stseytin_and_correct : forall cur p1 p2 fm c, stseytin_and cur p1 p2 = fm -> satLit cur c -> satLit p1 c /\ satLit p2 c -> satFormula fm c. Proof. intros. unfold stseytin_and in *. rewrite <- H. unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur. simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush. Qed. Lemma stseytin_and_correct2 : forall cur p1 p2 fm c, stseytin_and cur p1 p2 = fm -> satFormula fm c -> satLit cur c <-> satLit p1 c /\ satLit p2 c. Proof. intros. split. intros. inv H1. unfold stseytin_and in *. inv H0; try contradiction. Admitted. Lemma stseytin_or_correct : forall cur p1 p2 fm c, stseytin_or cur p1 p2 = fm -> satLit cur c -> satLit p1 c \/ satLit p2 c -> satFormula fm c. Proof. intros. unfold stseytin_or in *. rewrite <- H. inv H1. unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur. simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush. unfold satLit in *. destruct p1. destruct p2. destruct cur. simpl in *|-. cbn. unfold satLit. cbn. crush. Qed. Lemma stseytin_or_correct2 : forall cur p1 p2 fm c, stseytin_or cur p1 p2 = fm -> satFormula fm c -> satLit cur c <-> satLit p1 c \/ satLit p2 c. Proof. Admitted. Lemma xtseytin_correct : forall p next l n fm c, xtseytin next p = (n, l, fm) -> sat_predicate p c = true <-> satFormula ((l::nil)::fm) c. Proof. induction p. - intros. simplify. destruct p. inv H. split. intros. destruct b. split; crush. apply negb_true_iff in H. split; crush. intros. inv H. inv H0; try contradiction. inv H. simplify. rewrite <- H0. destruct b. rewrite -> H0; auto. rewrite -> H0; auto. - admit. - admit. - intros. split. intros. simpl in H0. apply andb_prop in H0. inv H0. cbn in H. repeat destruct_match; try discriminate; []. inv H. eapply IHp1 in Heqp. eapply IHp2 in Heqp1. apply Heqp1 in H2. apply Heqp in H1. inv H1. inv H2. assert (satFormula (((true, n1) :: bar l0 :: bar l1 :: nil) :: (bar (true, n1) :: l0 :: nil) :: (bar (true, n1) :: l1 :: nil) :: nil) c). eapply stseytin_and_correct. unfold stseytin_and. eauto. unfold satLit. simpl. admit. inv H; try contradiction. inv H1; try contradiction. eauto. Admitted. Fixpoint max_predicate (p: pred_op) : positive := match p with | Plit (b, p) => p | Ptrue => 1 | Pfalse => 1 | Pand a b => Pos.max (max_predicate a) (max_predicate b) | Por a b => Pos.max (max_predicate a) (max_predicate b) end. Definition tseytin (p: pred_op) : {fm: formula | forall a, sat_predicate p a = true <-> satFormula fm a}. refine ( (match xtseytin (Pos.to_nat (max_predicate p + 1)) p as X return xtseytin (Pos.to_nat (max_predicate p + 1)) p = X -> {fm: formula | forall a, sat_predicate p a = true <-> satFormula fm a} with (m, n, fm) => fun H => exist _ ((n::nil) :: fm) _ end) (eq_refl (xtseytin (Pos.to_nat (max_predicate p + 1)) p))). intros. eapply xtseytin_correct; eauto. Defined. Definition tseytin_simple (p: pred_op) : formula := let m := Pos.to_nat (max_predicate p + 1) in let '(m, n, fm) := xtseytin m p in (n::nil) :: fm. Definition sat_pred_tseytin (p: pred_op) : ({al : alist | sat_predicate p (interp_alist al) = true} + {forall a : asgn, sat_predicate p a = false}). refine ( match tseytin p with | exist _ fm _ => match satSolve fm with | inleft (exist _ a _) => inleft (exist _ a _) | inright _ => inright _ end end ). - apply i in s0. auto. - intros. specialize (n a). specialize (i a). destruct (sat_predicate p a). exfalso. apply n. apply i. auto. auto. Defined. Definition sat_pred_simple (p: pred_op) : option alist := match sat_pred_tseytin p with | inleft (exist _ a _) => Some a | inright _ => None end. Definition sat_pred (p: pred_op) : ({al : alist | sat_predicate p (interp_alist al) = true} + {forall a : asgn, sat_predicate p a = false}). refine ( match trans_pred p with | exist _ fm _ => match satSolve fm with | inleft (exist _ a _) => inleft (exist _ a _) | inright _ => inright _ end end ). - apply i in s0. auto. - intros. specialize (n a). specialize (i a). destruct (sat_predicate p a). exfalso. apply n. apply i. auto. auto. Defined. #[local] Open Scope positive. (* Compute tseytin_simple (Por (negate (Pand (Por (Plit (true, 1)) (Plit (true, 2))) (Plit (true, 3)))) (Plit (false, 4))). *) (* Compute sat_pred_simple (Por Pfalse (Pand (Plit (true, 1)) (Plit (false, 1)))). *) Lemma sat_dec a: {sat a} + {unsat a}. Proof. unfold sat, unsat. destruct (sat_pred a). intros. left. destruct s. exists (Sat.interp_alist x). auto. intros. tauto. Qed. Definition equiv_check p1 p2 := match sat_pred_simple (simplify (p1 ∧ ¬ p2 ∨ p2 ∧ ¬ p1)) with | None => true | _ => false end. (* Compute equiv_check Pfalse (Pand (Plit (true, 1%positive)) (Plit (false, 1%positive))). *) Lemma equiv_check_correct : forall p1 p2, equiv_check p1 p2 = true -> p1 == p2. Proof. unfold equiv_check. unfold sat_pred_simple. intros. destruct_match; try discriminate; []. destruct_match. destruct_match. discriminate. eapply sat_equiv3; eauto. unfold unsat; intros. rewrite <- simplify_correct. eauto. Qed. Opaque simplify. Opaque simplify'. Lemma equiv_check_correct2 : forall p1 p2, p1 == p2 -> equiv_check p1 p2 = true. Proof. unfold equiv_check, equiv, sat_pred_simple. intros. destruct_match; auto. destruct_match; try discriminate. destruct_match. simplify. apply sat_equiv4 in H. unfold unsat in H. simplify. clear Heqs. rewrite simplify_correct in e. specialize (H (interp_alist a)). simplify. rewrite H1 in e. rewrite H0 in e. discriminate. Qed. Lemma equiv_check_dec : forall p1 p2, equiv_check p1 p2 = true <-> p1 == p2. Proof. intros; split; eauto using equiv_check_correct, equiv_check_correct2. Qed. Lemma equiv_check_decidable : forall p1 p2, decidable (p1 == p2). Proof. intros. destruct (equiv_check p1 p2) eqn:?. unfold decidable. left. apply equiv_check_dec; auto. unfold decidable, not; right; intros. apply equiv_check_dec in H. crush. Qed. Lemma equiv_check_decidable2 : forall p1 p2, {p1 == p2} + {p1 =/= p2}. Proof. intros. destruct (equiv_check p1 p2) eqn:?. unfold decidable. left. apply equiv_check_dec; auto. unfold decidable, not; right; intros. simpl. unfold complement. intros. apply not_true_iff_false in Heqb. apply Heqb. apply equiv_check_dec. eauto. Qed. #[global] Instance DecidableSATSetoid : DecidableSetoid SATSetoid := { setoid_decidable := equiv_check_decidable }. #[global] Instance SATSetoidEqDec : EqDec SATSetoid := equiv_check_decidable2. Definition implies p p' := forall c, sat_predicate p c = true -> sat_predicate p' c = true. Notation "A ⇒ B" := (implies A B) (at level 35) : pred_op. Lemma Pimplies_implies: forall p p', (p → p') ∧ p ⇒ p'. Proof. unfold "→", "⇒"; simplify. apply orb_prop in H0. inv H0; auto. rewrite negate_correct in H. apply negb_true_iff in H. crush. Qed. #[global] Instance PimpliesProper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv ==> equiv) Pimplies. Proof. unfold Proper, "==>". simplify. unfold "→". intros. unfold sat_equiv in *. intros. simplify. repeat rewrite negate_correct. rewrite H0. rewrite H. auto. Qed. #[global] Instance simplifyProper : Proper (equiv ==> equiv) simplify. Proof. unfold Proper, "==>". simplify. unfold "→". intros. unfold sat_equiv; intros. rewrite ! simplify_correct; auto. Qed. Lemma predicate_lt : forall p p0, In p0 (predicate_use p) -> p0 <= max_predicate p. Proof. induction p; crush. - destruct_match. inv H; try lia; contradiction. - eapply Pos.max_le_iff. eapply in_app_or in H. inv H; eauto. - eapply Pos.max_le_iff. eapply in_app_or in H. inv H; eauto. Qed.