(* * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2022 Yann Herklotz * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) Require Import compcert.common.AST. Require Import compcert.common.Errors. Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs. Require Import compcert.lib.Integers. Require Import compcert.lib.Maps. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. Require Import vericert.hls.RTLBlockInstr. Require Import vericert.hls.RTLPar. Require Import vericert.hls.Predicate. (*| ===================== Reverse If-Conversion ===================== This transformation takes a scheduling RTLPar block and removes any predicates from it. It can then be trivially transformed into linear code again. It works by iteratively selecting a predicate, then creating a branch based on it and placing subsequent instructions in one branch or the other. |*) Fixpoint existsb_val {A B} (f: A -> option B) (l : list A) : option B := match l with | nil => None | a :: l0 => match f a, existsb_val f l0 with | _, Some v => Some v | Some v, _ => Some v | _, _ => None end end. Definition includes_setpred (bb: list (list instr)) := existsb_val (existsb_val (fun x => match x with RBsetpred a _ _ _ => Some a | _ => None end)) bb. Definition add_bb (should_split: bool) (i: list (list instr)) (bbc: list (list (list instr)) * list (list (list instr))) := match bbc with | (a, b) => if should_split then (a, i::b) else (i::a, b) end. Fixpoint first_split (saw_pred: bool) (bb: list bb) := match bb with | a :: b => match includes_setpred a with | Some v => let (_, res) := first_split true b in (Some v, add_bb saw_pred a res) | _ => let (v, res) := first_split saw_pred b in (v, add_bb saw_pred a res) end | nil => (None, (nil, nil)) end. Definition split_bb (fresh: node) (b: list bb) : list bb * list bb * list bb := match first_split false b with | (Some p, (bb1, bb2)) => (bb1 ++ bb2, nil, nil) | (None, (bb1, bb2)) => (bb1 ++ bb2, nil, nil) end. Definition transf_function (f: function) : function := f. Definition transf_fundef (fd: fundef) : fundef := transf_fundef transf_function fd. Definition transf_program (p: program) : program := transform_program transf_fundef p.