Require Import Arith Bool List. Require Import Coq.funind.Recdef. Require Coq.MSets.MSetPositive. Require Coq.MSets.MSetProperties. Require Import Coq.Structures.OrderedTypeEx. Require Import Coq.Structures.OrdersAlt. Require Import Coq.Program.Wf. Require Import Vericertlib. Module PSet := MSetPositive.PositiveSet. Module PSetProp := MSetProperties.OrdProperties(PSet). #[local] Open Scope positive. (** * Verified SAT Solver This development was heavily inspired by the example of a Sat solver given in: First, some basic definitions, such as variables, literals, clauses and formulas. In this development [positive] is used instead of [nat] because it integrates better into CompCert itself. *) Definition var := positive. Definition lit := (bool * var)%type. Definition clause := list lit. Definition formula := list clause. (** The most general version of an assignment is a function mapping variables to booleans. This provides a possible value for all variables that could exist. *) Definition asgn := var -> bool. Definition sat_lit (l : lit) (a : asgn) := a (snd l) = fst l. Fixpoint sat_clause (cl : clause) (a : asgn) {struct cl} : Prop := match cl with | nil => False | l :: cl' => sat_lit l a \/ sat_clause cl' a end. (** An assignment satisfies a formula if it satisfies all of its clauses. *) Fixpoint sat_formula (fm: formula) (a: asgn) {struct fm} : Prop := match fm with | nil => True | cl :: fm' => sat_clause cl a /\ sat_formula fm' a end. (** * Subroutines *) (** You'll probably want to compare booleans for equality at some point. *) Definition bool_eq_dec : forall (x y : bool), {x = y} + {x <> y}. decide equality. Defined. Definition boolpositive_eq_dec : forall (x y : (bool * positive)), {x = y} + {x <> y}. pose proof bool_eq_dec. pose proof peq. decide equality. Defined. (** A literal and its negation can't be true simultaneously. *) Lemma contradictory_assignment : forall s l cl a, s <> fst l -> sat_lit l a -> sat_lit (s, snd l) a -> sat_clause cl a. Proof. intros. red in H0, H1. simpl in H1. subst. tauto. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve contradictory_assignment : core. (** Augment an assignment with a new mapping. *) Definition upd (a : asgn) (l : lit) : asgn := fun v : var => if peq v (snd l) then fst l else a v. (** Some lemmas about [upd] *) Lemma sat_lit_upd_eq : forall l a, sat_lit l (upd a l). unfold sat_lit, upd; simpl; intros. destruct (peq (snd l) (snd l)); tauto. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve sat_lit_upd_eq : core. Lemma sat_lit_upd_neq : forall v l s a, v <> snd l -> sat_lit (s, v) (upd a l) -> sat_lit (s, v) a. unfold sat_lit, upd; simpl; intros. destruct (peq v (snd l)); tauto. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve sat_lit_upd_neq : core. Lemma sat_lit_upd_neq2 : forall v l s a, v <> snd l -> sat_lit (s, v) a -> sat_lit (s, v) (upd a l). unfold sat_lit, upd; simpl; intros. destruct (peq v (snd l)); tauto. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve sat_lit_upd_neq2 : core. Lemma sat_lit_contra : forall s l a cl, s <> fst l -> sat_lit (s, snd l) (upd a l) -> sat_clause cl a. unfold sat_lit, upd; simpl; intros. destruct (peq (snd l) (snd l)); intuition auto with *. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve sat_lit_contra : core. Ltac magic_solver := simpl; intros; subst; intuition eauto; firstorder; match goal with | [ H1 : sat_lit ?l ?a, H2 : sat_clause ?cl ?a |- _ ] => assert (sat_clause cl (upd a l)); firstorder end. (** Strongly-specified function to update a clause to reflect the effect of making a particular literal true. *) Definition set_clause : forall (cl : clause) (l : lit), {cl' : clause | forall a, sat_clause cl (upd a l) <-> sat_clause cl' a} + {forall a, sat_lit l a -> sat_clause cl a}. refine (fix set_clause (cl: clause) (l: lit) {struct cl} := match cl with | nil => inleft (exist _ nil _) | x :: xs => match set_clause xs l with | inright p => inright _ | inleft (exist _ cl' H) => match peq (snd x) (snd l), bool_eq_dec (fst x) (fst l) with | left p_eq, left bool_eq => inright _ | left eq, right ne => inleft (exist _ cl' _) | right neq, _ => inleft (exist _ (x :: cl') _) end end end); clear set_clause; try magic_solver. - intros; simpl; left; apply injective_projections in bool_eq; subst; auto. - split; intros. simpl in H0. inversion H0. eapply sat_lit_contra; eauto. destruct x; simpl in *; subst. auto. apply H. eauto. simpl. right. apply H; eauto. - split; intros; simpl in *. inversion H0. destruct x; simpl in *; subst. left. eauto. right. apply H. eauto. inversion H0. left. apply sat_lit_upd_neq2. auto. auto. right. apply H. auto. Defined. (** For testing purposes, we define a weakly-specified function as a thin wrapper around [set_clause]. *) Definition set_clause_simple (cl : clause) (l : lit) := match set_clause cl l with | inleft (exist _ cl' _) => Some cl' | inright _ => None end. (*Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((false, 1%nat) :: nil) (true, 1%nat).*) (*Eval compute in set_clause_simple nil (true, 0). Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((true, 0) :: nil) (true, 0). Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((true, 0) :: nil) (false, 0). Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((true, 0) :: nil) (true, 1). Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((true, 0) :: nil) (false, 1). Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((true, 0) :: (true, 1) :: nil) (true, 1). Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((true, 0) :: (true, 1) :: nil) (false, 1). Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) (true, 1). Eval compute in set_clause_simple ((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) (false, 1).*) (** It's useful to have this strongly-specified nilness check. *) Definition isNil : forall (A : Set) (ls : list A), {ls = nil} + {ls <> nil}. destruct ls; [left|right]; [auto|]; unfold not; intros; inversion H. Defined. Arguments isNil [A]. (** Some more lemmas that I found helpful.... *) Lemma sat_lit_idem_lit : forall l a l', sat_lit l a -> sat_lit l' a -> sat_lit l' (upd a l). unfold sat_lit, upd; simpl; intros. destruct (peq (snd l') (snd l)); congruence. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve sat_lit_idem_lit : core. Lemma sat_lit_idem_clause : forall l a cl, sat_lit l a -> sat_clause cl a -> sat_clause cl (upd a l). induction cl; simpl; intuition. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve sat_lit_idem_clause : core. Lemma sat_lit_idem_formula : forall l a fm, sat_lit l a -> sat_formula fm a -> sat_formula fm (upd a l). induction fm; simpl; intuition. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve sat_lit_idem_formula : core. (** Function that updates an entire formula to reflect setting a literal to true. *) Definition set_formula : forall (fm : formula) (l : lit), {fm' : formula | forall a, sat_formula fm (upd a l) <-> sat_formula fm' a} + {forall a, sat_lit l a -> ~sat_formula fm a}. refine (fix set_formula (fm: formula) (l: lit) {struct fm} := match fm with | nil => inleft (exist _ nil _) | cl' :: fm' => match set_formula fm' l with | inright p => inright _ | inleft (exist _ fm'' H) => match set_clause cl' l with | inright H' => inleft (exist _ fm'' _) | inleft (exist _ cl'' _) => if isNil cl'' then inright _ else inleft (exist _ (cl'' :: fm'') _) end end end); clear set_formula; magic_solver. Defined. Definition set_formula_simple (fm : formula) (l : lit) := match set_formula fm l with | inleft (exist _ fm' _) => Some fm' | inright _ => None end. (* Eval compute in set_formula_simple (((true, 1%nat) :: nil) :: ((false, 1%nat) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 1%nat). *) (* Eval compute in set_formula_simple nil (true, 0). *) (* Eval compute in set_formula_simple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0). *) (* Eval compute in set_formula_simple (((false, 0) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0). *) (* Eval compute in set_formula_simple (((false, 1) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0). *) (* Eval compute in set_formula_simple (((false, 1) :: (true, 0) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0). *) (* Eval compute in set_formula_simple (((false, 1) :: (false, 0) :: nil) :: nil) (true, 0). *) #[local] Hint Extern 1 False => discriminate : core. Local Hint Extern 1 False => match goal with | [ H : In _ (_ :: _) |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H; subst end : core. (** Code that either finds a unit clause in a formula or declares that there are none. *) Definition find_unit_clause : forall (fm: formula), {l : lit | In (l :: nil) fm} + {forall l, ~In (l :: nil) fm}. refine (fix find_unit_clause (fm: formula) {struct fm} := match fm with | nil => inright _ | (l :: nil) :: fm' => inleft (exist _ l _) | _ :: fm' => match find_unit_clause fm' with | inleft (exist _ l _) => inleft (exist _ l _) | inright H => inright _ end end ); clear find_unit_clause; magic_solver. Defined. (** The literal in a unit clause must always be true in a satisfying assignment. *) Lemma unit_clause_true : forall l a fm, In (l :: nil) fm -> sat_formula fm a -> sat_lit l a. induction fm; intuition auto with *. inversion H. inversion H; subst; simpl in H0; intuition. apply IHfm; eauto. inv H0. eauto. Qed. #[local] Hint Resolve unit_clause_true : core. (** Unit propagation. The return type of [unit_propagate] signifies that three results are possible: - [None]: There are no unit clauses. - [Some (inleft _)]: There is a unit clause, and here is a formula reflecting setting its literal to true. - [Some (inright _)]: There is a unit clause, and propagating it reveals that the formula is unsatisfiable. *) Definition unit_propagate : forall (fm : formula), option (sigT (fun fm' : formula => {l : lit | (forall a, sat_formula fm a -> sat_lit l a) /\ forall a, sat_formula fm (upd a l) <-> sat_formula fm' a}) + {forall a, ~sat_formula fm a}). refine (fix unit_propagate (fm: formula) {struct fm} := match find_unit_clause fm with | inright H => None | inleft (exist _ l _) => match set_formula fm l with | inright _ => Some (inright _) | inleft (exist _ fm' _) => Some (inleft (existT _ fm' (exist _ l _))) end end ); clear unit_propagate; magic_solver. Defined. Definition unit_propagate_simple (fm : formula) := match unit_propagate fm with | None => None | Some (inleft (existT _ fm' (exist _ l _))) => Some (Some (fm', l)) | Some (inright _) => Some None end. (*Eval compute in unit_propagate_simple (((true, 1%nat) :: nil) :: ((false, 1%nat) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in unit_propagate_simple nil. Eval compute in unit_propagate_simple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in unit_propagate_simple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: ((false, 0) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in unit_propagate_simple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: ((false, 1) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in unit_propagate_simple (((true, 0) :: nil) :: ((false, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in unit_propagate_simple (((false, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: ((true, 0) :: nil) :: nil).*) (** * The SAT Solver *) (** This section defines a DPLL SAT solver in terms of the subroutines. *) (** An arbitrary heuristic to choose the next variable to split on *) Definition choose_split (fm : formula) := match fm with | ((l :: _) :: _) => l | _ => (true, 1) end. Definition negate (l : lit) := (negb (fst l), snd l). #[local] Hint Unfold sat_formula : core. Lemma sat_lit_dec : forall l a, {sat_lit l a} + {sat_lit (negate l) a}. destruct l. unfold sat_lit; simpl; intro. destruct b; destruct (a v); simpl; auto. Qed. (** We'll represent assignments as lists of literals instead of functions. *) Definition alist := list lit. Fixpoint interp_alist (al : alist) : asgn := match al with | nil => fun _ => true | l :: al' => upd (interp_alist al') l end. (*Eval compute in boundedSat_simple 100 nil. Eval compute in boundedSat_simple 100 (((true, 1%nat) :: nil) :: ((false, 1%nat) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in boundedSat_simple 100 (((true, 0) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in boundedSat_simple 100 (((true, 0) :: nil) :: ((false, 0) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in boundedSat_simple 100 (((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: ((true, 1) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in boundedSat_simple 100 (((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: ((true, 1) :: (false, 0) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in boundedSat_simple 100 (((true, 0) :: (false, 1) :: nil) :: ((false, 0) :: (false, 0) :: nil) :: ((true, 1) :: nil) :: nil). Eval compute in boundedSat_simple 100 (((false, 0) :: (true, 1) :: nil) :: ((false, 1) :: (true, 0) :: nil) :: nil).*) Definition lit_set_cl (cl: clause) := fold_right PSet.add PSet.empty (map snd cl). Lemma lit_set_cl_in_set : forall cl v, In v (map snd cl) -> PSet.In v (lit_set_cl cl). Proof. induction cl; crush. destruct a; cbn [snd] in *; inv H. - cbn. apply PSetProp.P.FM.add_1; auto. - cbn. apply PSetProp.P.FM.add_2. now apply IHcl. Qed. Lemma lit_set_cl_not_in_set : forall cl v, ~ In v (map snd cl) -> ~ PSet.In v (lit_set_cl cl). Proof. induction cl; crush. destruct a; cbn [snd] in *. assert (p <> v /\ ~ In v (map snd cl)) by (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; tauto). inv H0. cbn. unfold not; intros. eapply IHcl; eauto. unfold lit_set_cl. eapply PSetProp.P.Dec.F.add_3; eassumption. Qed. Lemma lit_set_cl_in_set2 : forall cl v, PSet.In v (lit_set_cl cl) -> In v (map snd cl). Proof. intros. destruct (in_dec peq v (map snd cl)); auto. apply lit_set_cl_not_in_set in n. contradiction. Qed. Definition lit_set (fm: formula) := fold_right PSet.union PSet.empty (map lit_set_cl fm). (* Compute NSet.cardinal (lit_set (((true, 1)::(true, 1)::(true, 1)::nil)::nil)). *) Definition sat_measure_cl (cl: clause) := PSet.cardinal (lit_set_cl cl). Definition sat_measure (fm: formula) := PSet.cardinal (lit_set fm). Lemma elim_clause : forall (cl: clause) l, In l cl -> exists H, set_clause cl l = inright H. Proof. induction cl; intros; simpl in *; try contradiction. destruct (set_clause cl l) eqn:?; [|econstructor; eauto]. destruct s. inversion H; subst. clear H. destruct (peq (snd l) (snd l)); [| contradiction]. destruct (bool_eq_dec (fst l) (fst l)); [| contradiction]. econstructor. eauto. apply IHcl in H0. inversion H0. rewrite H1 in Heqs. discriminate. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_clause' : forall cl cl' l A, set_clause cl l = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> ~ In (snd l) (map snd cl'). Proof. induction cl; intros. { simpl in *. inv H. unfold not in *. intros. inv H. } simpl in H. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). destruct_match. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H. eapply IHcl; eauto. inv H. unfold not. intros. inv H. contradiction. eapply IHcl; eauto. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_clause'' : forall cl cl' l A, set_clause cl l = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> forall l', l' <> snd l -> In l' (map snd cl) -> In l' (map snd cl'). Proof. induction cl; intros. { inversion H1. } { inversion H1. subst. simpl in H. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H. simpl. inv H1. eauto. right. eapply IHcl; eauto. simpl in H. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). destruct_match. repeat (destruct_match; crush; []). inv H. eapply IHcl; eauto. inv H1; crush. inv H. simplify. auto. inv H. simpl. right. eapply IHcl; eauto. } Qed. Definition InFm l (fm: formula) := exists cl b, In cl fm /\ In (b, l) cl. Lemma sat_formulaHasEmpty : forall fm, In nil fm -> forall a, ~ sat_formula fm a. Proof. induction fm; crush. unfold not; intros. inv H0. inv H; auto. eapply IHfm; eauto. Qed. Lemma InFm_choose_split : forall l b c, InFm (snd (choose_split ((l :: b) :: c))) ((l :: b) :: c). Proof. simpl; intros. destruct l; cbn. exists ((b0, v) :: b). exists b0. split; constructor; auto. Qed. Lemma InFm_negated_choose_split : forall l b c, InFm (snd (negate (choose_split ((l :: b) :: c)))) ((l :: b) :: c). Proof. simpl; intros. destruct l; cbn. exists ((b0, v) :: b). exists b0. split; constructor; auto. Qed. Definition hasNoNil : forall fm: formula, {In nil fm} + {~ In nil fm}. refine (fix hasNoNil (fm: formula) {struct fm} := match fm with | cl :: fm' => match isNil cl with | left clIsNil => left _ | right clIsNotNil => match hasNoNil fm' with | left hasNilfm' => left _ | right hasNoNilfm' => right _ end end | nil => right _ end ); auto. - subst. apply in_eq. - apply in_cons; assumption. Defined. Lemma sat_measure_set_clause : forall cl cl' l b A, (forall b', ~ In (b', l) cl) -> set_clause cl (b, l) = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> lit_set_cl cl = lit_set_cl cl'. Proof. induction cl; intros. - inv H0. auto. - cbn in H0. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). destruct_match. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. cbn [snd fst] in *. exfalso. eapply H. econstructor. auto. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. cbn [snd fst] in *. assert (forall b', ~ In (b', l) cl). { unfold not; intros. eapply H. apply in_cons. eassumption. } eapply IHcl in Heqs; [|assumption]. unfold sat_measure_cl. cbn -[PSet.cardinal]. unfold sat_measure_cl in Heqs. replace (fold_right PSet.add PSet.empty (map snd cl)) with (lit_set_cl cl); auto. rewrite Heqs. auto. Qed. Lemma in_map_snd_forall : forall A B (cl: list (A * B)) l, ~ In l (map snd cl) -> (forall b', ~ In (b', l) cl). Proof. unfold not; intros; apply H. replace l with (snd (b', l)) by auto. now apply in_map. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_clause_In_neq : forall cl cl' l v b A, In v (map snd cl) -> set_clause cl (b, l) = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> v <> l -> In v (map snd cl'). Proof. induction cl; intros. - inv H0. auto. - cbn in H0. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). destruct_match. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. cbn [snd fst] in *. eapply IHcl; eauto. inv H; auto. contradiction. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. cbn [snd fst] in *. destruct (peq v v0); subst. { now constructor. } cbn. right. eapply IHcl; eauto. inv H; auto. contradiction. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_clause_In_rev : forall cl cl' l v b A, In v (map snd cl') -> set_clause cl (b, l) = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> In v (map snd cl). Proof. induction cl; intros. - inv H0. auto. - cbn in H0. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). destruct_match. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. cbn [snd fst] in *. cbn; exploit IHcl; eauto. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. cbn [snd fst] in *. destruct (peq v v0); subst. { now constructor. } cbn. right. eapply IHcl in Heqs; eauto. cbn in H. inv H; auto. contradiction. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_clause_In_neq2 : forall cl cl' l b A, set_clause cl (b, l) = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> ~ In l (map snd cl'). Proof. induction cl; intros. - inv H. auto. - cbn in H. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). destruct_match. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H. cbn [snd fst] in *. eapply IHcl; eauto. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H. cbn [snd fst] in *. cbn. unfold not; intros. inv H. contradiction. eapply IHcl; eauto. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_clause_In : forall cl cl' l b A, In l (map snd cl) -> set_clause cl (b, l) = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> (sat_measure_cl cl' < sat_measure_cl cl)%nat. Proof. induction cl; intros. - crush. - cbn in H0. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). destruct_match. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. cbn [snd fst] in *. clear Heqs2. clear Heqs1. inv H; cbn [snd fst] in *. * destruct (in_dec peq v (map snd cl)). -- exploit IHcl; eauto; intros. unfold sat_measure_cl in *. cbn -[PSet.cardinal]. apply lit_set_cl_in_set in i0. rewrite PSetProp.P.add_cardinal_1; auto. -- apply sat_measure_set_clause in Heqs; [|now apply in_map_snd_forall]. unfold sat_measure_cl in *. cbn -[PSet.cardinal]. setoid_rewrite Heqs. apply lit_set_cl_not_in_set in n0. rewrite PSetProp.P.add_cardinal_2; auto. now rewrite <- Heqs. * exploit IHcl; eauto; intros. unfold sat_measure_cl in *. cbn. rewrite PSetProp.P.add_cardinal_1; auto. now apply lit_set_cl_in_set. + repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. cbn [snd fst] in *. cbn in H. inv H; [contradiction|]. exploit IHcl; eauto; intros. unfold sat_measure_cl in *. cbn. destruct (in_dec peq v (map snd cl)); destruct (in_dec peq v (map snd x)). * apply lit_set_cl_in_set in i0. apply lit_set_cl_in_set in i1. repeat rewrite PSetProp.P.add_cardinal_1 by auto. auto. * exploit sat_measure_set_clause_In_neq. eapply i0. eauto. auto. intros. contradiction. * apply lit_set_cl_in_set in i0. apply lit_set_cl_not_in_set in n0. rewrite PSetProp.P.add_cardinal_1 by auto. rewrite PSetProp.P.add_cardinal_2 by auto. unfold lit_set_cl in *; lia. * apply lit_set_cl_not_in_set in n0. apply lit_set_cl_not_in_set in n1. repeat rewrite PSetProp.P.add_cardinal_2 by auto. unfold lit_set_cl in *; lia. Qed. Lemma InFm_dec: forall l fm, { InFm l fm } + { ~ InFm l fm }. Proof. intros. induction fm. right. unfold InFm. unfold not. intros. inv H. inv H0. inv H. inv H0. destruct (in_dec peq l (map snd a)). - assert (exists b, In a (a :: fm) /\ In (b, l) a). { apply list_in_map_inv in i. inv i. inv H. destruct x. econstructor. split. constructor; auto. eauto. } left. unfold InFm. exists a. eauto. - inv IHfm. + left. unfold InFm in H. destruct H as (cl & b & H1 & H2). unfold InFm. exists cl. exists b. constructor; auto. apply in_cons. auto. + right. unfold not; intros. destruct H0 as (cl & b & H1 & H2). inv H1. * apply n. replace l with (snd (b, l)) by auto. now apply in_map. * apply H. unfold InFm; firstorder. Qed. Lemma InFm_cons : forall l cl fm, InFm l (cl :: fm) -> (exists b, In (b, l) cl) \/ (InFm l fm). Proof. intros. destruct H as (cl' & b' & H1 & H2). inv H1; firstorder. Qed. Lemma InFm_cons2 : forall l cl b fm, In (b, l) cl \/ (InFm l fm) -> InFm l (cl :: fm). Proof. intros. inv H; firstorder. Qed. Lemma lit_set_in_set : forall fm v, InFm v fm -> PSet.In v (lit_set fm). Proof. induction fm; intros. - destruct H as (cl & b & H1 & H2); inv H1. - apply InFm_cons in H. inv H. + inv H0. cbn. apply PSetProp.P.FM.union_2. apply lit_set_cl_in_set. replace v with (snd (x, v)) by auto. now apply in_map. + cbn. apply PSetProp.P.FM.union_3. eauto. Qed. Lemma lit_set_in_set2 : forall fm v, PSet.In v (lit_set fm) -> InFm v fm. Proof. induction fm; intros. - cbn in H. apply PSetProp.P.FM.empty_iff in H; contradiction. - cbn in H. apply PSetProp.P.Dec.F.union_1 in H. inv H. + apply lit_set_cl_in_set2 in H0. apply list_in_map_inv in H0. destruct H0 as [[b v'] [EQ H0]]. inv EQ. cbn. exists a. exists b. split; auto. now constructor. + apply InFm_cons2 with (b := true); right. eauto. Qed. Lemma lit_set_cl_eq : forall cl v b cl' A, In v (map snd cl) -> set_clause cl (b, v) = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> PSet.Equal (lit_set_cl cl) (PSet.add v (lit_set_cl cl')). Proof. constructor; intros. - destruct (peq a v); subst. + apply PSetProp.P.FM.add_1; auto. + apply PSetProp.P.FM.add_2. apply lit_set_cl_in_set2 in H1. apply lit_set_cl_in_set. eapply sat_measure_set_clause_In_neq; eauto. - apply PSet.add_spec in H1. inv H1. + apply lit_set_cl_in_set; auto. + apply lit_set_cl_in_set. apply lit_set_cl_in_set2 in H2. eapply sat_measure_set_clause_In_rev; eauto. Qed. Lemma lit_set_cl_neq : forall cl v b cl' A, ~ In v (map snd cl) -> set_clause cl (b, v) = inleft (exist _ cl' A) -> PSet.Equal (lit_set_cl cl) (lit_set_cl cl'). Proof. constructor; intros. - erewrite <- sat_measure_set_clause; eauto. intros. unfold not; intros. apply H. replace v with (snd (b', v)) by auto; apply in_map; auto. - erewrite sat_measure_set_clause; eauto. intros. unfold not; intros. apply H. replace v with (snd (b', v)) by auto; apply in_map; auto. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_formula1 : forall fm fm' l b A, set_formula fm (b, l) = inleft (exist _ fm' A) -> ~ InFm l fm'. Proof. induction fm. - intros. inv H. unfold not. intros. destruct H as (cl & b0 & H1 & H2). inv H1. - intros. unfold sat_measure, lit_set. cbn in H. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). destruct_match; repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); inv H. + eapply IHfm in Heqs. assert (~ In l (map snd x0)) by (eapply sat_measure_set_clause_In_neq2; eauto). unfold not; intros. apply InFm_cons in H0. inv H0; auto. inv H1. apply H. replace l with (snd (x1, l)) by auto. apply in_map; auto. + eapply IHfm in Heqs. auto. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_formula2 : forall fm fm' l v b A, InFm v fm' -> set_formula fm (b, l) = inleft (exist _ fm' A) -> InFm v fm. Proof. induction fm. - intros. simplify. inv H0. destruct H as (cl & b0 & Y1 & Y2). inv Y1. - intros. unfold sat_measure, lit_set. cbn in H0. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). destruct_match; repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []); inv H0. + apply InFm_cons in H. inv H. * destruct H0 as (b0 & H0). apply in_map with (f := snd) in H0. cbn in H0. exploit sat_measure_set_clause_In_rev; eauto; intros. apply list_in_map_inv in H. destruct H as (c & H1 & H2). destruct c. inv H1. cbn. exists a. exists b1. intuition auto with *. * exploit IHfm; eauto; intros. eapply InFm_cons2; tauto. + exploit IHfm; eauto; intros. eapply InFm_cons2; tauto. Unshelve. all: exact true. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_formula3 : forall fm fm' l b A, set_formula fm (b, l) = inleft (exist _ fm' A) -> PSet.Subset (lit_set fm') (lit_set fm). Proof. unfold PSet.Subset; intros. apply lit_set_in_set. apply lit_set_in_set2 in H0. eapply sat_measure_set_formula2; eauto. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_set_formula : forall fm fm' l b A, InFm l fm -> set_formula fm (b, l) = inleft (exist _ fm' A) -> (sat_measure fm' < sat_measure fm)%nat. Proof. intros. unfold sat_measure. apply PSetProp.P.subset_cardinal_lt with (x:=l). eapply sat_measure_set_formula3; eauto. now apply lit_set_in_set. unfold not; intros. eapply sat_measure_set_formula1. eauto. now apply lit_set_in_set2 in H1. Qed. Lemma sat_measure_propagate_unit : forall fm' fm H, unit_propagate fm = Some (inleft (existT _ fm' H)) -> (sat_measure fm' < sat_measure fm)%nat. Proof. unfold unit_propagate; intros. cbn in *. destruct fm; intros. crush. repeat (destruct_match; try discriminate; []). inv H0. destruct x. eapply sat_measure_set_formula; eauto. cbn in i. clear Heqs. clear H3. inv i. eexists. exists b. split. constructor. auto. now constructor. exists ((b, v) :: nil). exists b. split. apply in_cons. auto. now constructor. Qed. Program Fixpoint sat_solve (fm: formula) { measure (sat_measure fm) }: {al : alist | sat_formula fm (interp_alist al)} + {forall a, ~sat_formula fm a} := match isNil fm with | left fmIsNil => inleft _ (exist _ nil _) | right fmIsNotNil => match hasNoNil fm with | left hasNilfm => inright _ _ | right hasNoNilfm => match unit_propagate fm with | Some (inleft (existT _ fm' (exist _ l _))) => match sat_solve fm' with | inleft (exist _ al _) => inleft _ (exist _ (l :: al) _) | inright _ => inright _ _ end | Some (inright _) => inright _ _ | None => let l := choose_split fm in match set_formula fm l with | inleft (exist _ fm' _) => match sat_solve fm' with | inleft (exist _ al _) => inleft _ (exist _ (l :: al) _) | inright _ => match set_formula fm (negate l) with | inleft (exist _ fm' _) => match sat_solve fm' with | inleft (exist _ al _) => inleft _ (exist _ (negate l :: al) _) | inright _ => inright _ _ end | inright _ => inright _ _ end end | inright _ => match set_formula fm (negate l) with | inleft (exist _ fm' _) => match sat_solve fm' with | inleft (exist _ al _) => inleft _ (exist _ (negate l :: al) _) | inright _ => inright _ _ end | inright _ => inright _ _ end end end end end. Next Obligation. apply sat_formulaHasEmpty; assumption. Defined. Next Obligation. eapply sat_measure_propagate_unit; eauto. Defined. Next Obligation. apply i; auto. Defined. Next Obligation. unfold not; intros; eapply wildcard'; apply i; eauto. Defined. Next Obligation. intros. symmetry in Heq_anonymous. destruct (choose_split fm) eqn:?. apply sat_measure_set_formula in Heq_anonymous; auto. unfold isNil in *. destruct fm; try discriminate. assert (c <> nil). { unfold not; intros. apply hasNoNilfm. constructor; auto. } destruct c; try discriminate. replace p with (snd (b, p)) by auto. rewrite <- Heqp. apply InFm_choose_split. Defined. Next Obligation. apply wildcard'0; auto. Defined. Next Obligation. eapply sat_measure_set_formula; eauto. destruct fm; try discriminate. destruct c; try discriminate. apply InFm_choose_split. Defined. Next Obligation. apply wildcard'2; auto. Defined. Next Obligation. unfold not in *; intros. destruct (sat_lit_dec (choose_split fm) a); [assert (sat_formula fm (upd a (choose_split fm))) | assert (sat_formula fm (upd a (negate (choose_split fm))))]; auto. { eapply wildcard'1. apply wildcard'0; eauto. } { eapply wildcard'. apply wildcard'2; eauto. } Defined. Next Obligation. unfold not in *; intros. destruct (sat_lit_dec (choose_split fm) a); [assert (sat_formula fm (upd a (choose_split fm))) | assert (sat_formula fm (upd a (negate (choose_split fm))))]; auto. { eapply wildcard'1. eapply wildcard'0. eauto. } { eapply wildcard'; eauto. } Defined. Next Obligation. eapply sat_measure_set_formula; eauto. destruct fm; try discriminate. destruct c; try discriminate. apply InFm_choose_split. Defined. Next Obligation. apply wildcard'1; auto. Defined. Next Obligation. unfold not in *; intros. destruct (sat_lit_dec (choose_split fm) a); [assert (sat_formula fm (upd a (choose_split fm))) | assert (sat_formula fm (upd a (negate (choose_split fm))))]; auto. { eapply wildcard'0; eauto. } { eapply wildcard'; apply wildcard'1; eauto. } Defined. Next Obligation. unfold not in *; intros. destruct (sat_lit_dec (choose_split fm) a). { eapply wildcard'0; eauto. } { eapply wildcard'; eauto. } Defined. Definition sat_solve_simple (fm : formula) := match sat_solve fm with | inleft (exist _ a _) => Some a | inright _ => None end.