(* * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2020 Yann Herklotz * 2021 Michalis Pardalos * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) Require Import compcert.common.AST. Require Import compcert.common.Errors. Require Import vericert.common.Maps. Require Import vericert.common.Statemonad. Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib. Require Import vericert.hls.AssocMap. Require Import vericert.hls.HTL. Require Import vericert.hls.ValueInt. Require Import vericert.hls.Verilog. Import ListNotations. Section APPLY_MAPPING. Local Open Scope assocmap. Local Open Scope error_monad_scope. Variable externctrl : AssocMap.t (ident * controlsignal). Variable modmap : PTree.t HTL.module. Definition get_mod_signal (m : HTL.module) (signal : HTL.controlsignal) := match signal with | ctrl_finish => OK (HTL.mod_finish m) | ctrl_return => OK (HTL.mod_return m) | ctrl_start => OK (HTL.mod_start m) | ctrl_reset => OK (HTL.mod_reset m) | ctrl_clk => OK (HTL.mod_clk m) | ctrl_param idx => match List.nth_error (HTL.mod_params m) idx with | Some r => OK r | None => Error (msg "Module does not have nth parameter") end end. Definition reg_apply_map (r : Verilog.reg) : res reg := match externctrl ! r with | None => OK r | Some (m, signal) => match modmap ! m with | None => Error (msg "Veriloggen: Could not find definition for called module") | Some othermod => get_mod_signal othermod signal end end. Fixpoint expr_apply_map (expr : Verilog.expr) {struct expr} : res Verilog.expr := match expr with | Vlit n => OK (Vlit n) | Vvar r => do r' <- reg_apply_map r; OK (Vvar r') | Vvari r e => do r' <- reg_apply_map r; do e' <- expr_apply_map e; OK (Vvari r e) | Vrange r e1 e2 => do r' <- reg_apply_map r; do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2; OK (Vrange r' e1' e2') | Vinputvar r => do r' <- reg_apply_map r; OK (Vinputvar r') | Vbinop op e1 e2 => do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2; OK (Vbinop op e1' e2') | Vunop op e => do e' <- expr_apply_map e; OK (Vunop op e') | Vternary e1 e2 e3 => do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2; do e3' <- expr_apply_map e3; OK (Vternary e1' e2' e3') end. Definition mmap_option {A B} (f : A -> res B) (opt : option A) : res (option B) := match opt with | None => OK None | Some a => do a' <- f a; OK (Some a') end. Definition cases_apply_map_ (stmnt_apply_map_ : Verilog.stmnt -> res Verilog.stmnt) := fix cases_apply_map (cs : list (Verilog.expr * Verilog.stmnt)) := match cs with | nil => OK nil | (c_e, c_s) :: tl => do c_e' <- expr_apply_map c_e; do c_s' <- stmnt_apply_map_ c_s; do tl' <- cases_apply_map tl; OK ((c_e', c_s') :: tl') end. Fixpoint stmnt_apply_map (stmnt : Verilog.stmnt) {struct stmnt} : res Verilog.stmnt := match stmnt with | Vskip => OK Vskip | Vseq s1 s2 => do s1' <- stmnt_apply_map s1; do s2' <- stmnt_apply_map s2; OK (Vseq s1' s2') | Vcond e s1 s2 => do e' <- expr_apply_map e; do s1' <- stmnt_apply_map s1; do s2' <- stmnt_apply_map s2; OK (Vcond e' s1' s2') | Vcase e cases def => do e' <- expr_apply_map e; do cases' <- cases_apply_map_ stmnt_apply_map cases; do def' <- mmap_option (fun x => stmnt_apply_map x) def; OK (Vcase e' cases' def') | Vblock e1 e2 => do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2; OK (Vblock e1' e2') | Vnonblock e1 e2 => do e1' <- expr_apply_map e1; do e2' <- expr_apply_map e2; OK (Vnonblock e1' e2') end. (* Unused. Defined for completeness *) Definition cases_apply_map := cases_apply_map_ stmnt_apply_map. End APPLY_MAPPING. Section TRANSLATE. Local Open Scope error_monad_scope. Definition transl_datapath_fun externctrl modmap (a : Verilog.node * HTL.datapath_stmnt) := let (n, s) := a in let node := Verilog.Vlit (posToValue n) in do stmnt <- stmnt_apply_map externctrl modmap s; OK (node, stmnt). Definition transl_datapath externctrl modmap st := Errors.mmap (transl_datapath_fun externctrl modmap) st. Definition transl_ctrl_fun externctrl modmap (a : Verilog.node * HTL.control_stmnt) : Errors.res (Verilog.expr * Verilog.stmnt):= let (n, s) := a in let node := Verilog.Vlit (posToValue n) in do stmnt <- stmnt_apply_map externctrl modmap s; OK (node, stmnt). Definition transl_ctrl externctrl modmap st := Errors.mmap (transl_ctrl_fun externctrl modmap) st. Definition scl_to_Vdecl_fun externctrl modmap (a : reg * (option Verilog.io * Verilog.scl_decl)) := match a with (r, (io, Verilog.VScalar sz)) => do r' <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap r; OK (Verilog.Vdecl io r' sz) end. Definition scl_to_Vdecl externctrl modmap scldecl := mmap (scl_to_Vdecl_fun externctrl modmap) scldecl. Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun externctrl modmap (a : reg * (option Verilog.io * Verilog.arr_decl)) := match a with (r, (io, Verilog.VArray sz l)) => do r' <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap r; OK (Verilog.Vdeclarr io r' sz l) end. Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr externctrl modmap arrdecl := mmap (arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun externctrl modmap) arrdecl. Definition called_functions (main_name : ident) (m : HTL.module) : list ident := (* remove duplicates *) List.nodup Pos.eq_dec (* Take just the module name *) (List.map (Basics.compose fst snd) (* Remove the main module if it's referenced *) (List.filter (fun it => negb (Pos.eqb (fst (snd it)) main_name)) (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_externctrl m)))). Definition prog_modmap (p : HTL.program) := PTree_Properties.of_list (Option.map_option (fun a => match a with | (ident, (Gfun (Internal f))) => Some (ident, f) | _ => None end) p.(prog_defs)). (** Clean up declarations for an inlined module. Make IO decls into reg, and remove the clk declaration *) Definition clean_up_decl (clk : reg) (it : Verilog.module_item) := match it with | Vdeclaration (Vdecl _ reg sz) => if Pos.eqb reg clk then None else Some (Vdeclaration (Vdecl None reg sz)) | Vdeclaration (Vdeclarr (Some _) reg sz len) => Some (Vdeclaration (Vdeclarr None reg sz len)) | _ => Some it end. (* FIXME Remove the fuel parameter (recursion limit)*) Fixpoint transf_module (fuel : nat) (prog : HTL.program) (externclk : option reg) (m : HTL.module) : res Verilog.module := match fuel with | O => Error (msg "Veriloggen: transf_module recursion too deep") | S fuel' => let clk := match externclk with | None => HTL.mod_clk m | Some c => c end in let inline_names := called_functions (AST.prog_main prog) m in let modmap := prog_modmap prog in let htl_modules := PTree.filter (fun m _ => List.existsb (Pos.eqb m) inline_names) modmap in do translated_modules <- PTree.traverse (fun _ => transf_module fuel' prog (Some clk)) htl_modules; let cleaned_modules := PTree.map1 (map_body (Option.map_option (clean_up_decl clk))) translated_modules in do case_el_ctrl <- transl_ctrl (HTL.mod_externctrl m) modmap (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_controllogic m)); do case_el_data <- transl_datapath (HTL.mod_externctrl m) modmap (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_datapath m)); let externctrl := HTL.mod_externctrl m in do rst <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap (HTL.mod_reset m); do st <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap (HTL.mod_st m); do finish <- reg_apply_map externctrl modmap (HTL.mod_finish m); do params <- mmap (reg_apply_map externctrl modmap) (HTL.mod_params m); (* Only declare the clock if this is the top-level module, i.e. there is no inherited clock *) do maybe_clk_decl <- match externclk with | None => do decl <- scl_to_Vdecl_fun externctrl modmap (clk, (Some Vinput, VScalar 1)); OK [Vdeclaration decl] | Some _ => OK [] end; let local_arrdecls := PTree.filter (fun r _ => negb (PTree.contains r externctrl)) (HTL.mod_arrdecls m) in do arr_decls <- arr_to_Vdeclarr externctrl modmap (AssocMap.elements local_arrdecls); let local_scldecls := PTree.filter (fun r _ => negb (PTree.contains r externctrl)) (HTL.mod_scldecls m) in do scl_decls <- scl_to_Vdecl externctrl modmap (AssocMap.elements local_scldecls); let body : list Verilog.module_item:= Valways (Vposedge clk) (Vcond (Vbinop Veq (Vvar rst) (Vlit (ZToValue 1))) (Vseq (Vnonblock (Vvar st) (Vlit (posToValue (HTL.mod_entrypoint m)))) (Vnonblock (Vvar finish) (Vlit (ZToValue 0)))) (Vcase (Vvar st) case_el_ctrl (Some Vskip))) :: Valways (Vposedge clk) (Vcase (Vvar (HTL.mod_st m)) case_el_data (Some Vskip)) :: List.map Vdeclaration (arr_decls ++ scl_decls) ++ maybe_clk_decl ++ List.flat_map Verilog.mod_body (List.map snd (PTree.elements cleaned_modules)) in OK (Verilog.mkmodule (HTL.mod_start m) rst clk finish (HTL.mod_return m) st (HTL.mod_stk m) (HTL.mod_stk_len m) params body (HTL.mod_entrypoint m)) end. Definition transl_fundef (prog : HTL.program) := transf_partial_fundef (transf_module 10 prog None). Definition transl_program (prog : HTL.program) := transform_partial_program (transl_fundef prog) prog. End TRANSLATE.