(* * CoqUp: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2020 Yann Herklotz * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) From Coq Require Import FSets.FMapPositive. From compcert Require RTL Op Maps. From coqup Require Import Coquplib Verilog Veriloggen Value HTL. (** * Relational specification of the translation *) (** We now define inductive predicates that characterise the fact that the statemachine that is created by the translation contains the correct translations for each of the elements *) Inductive tr_op : Op.operation -> list reg -> expr -> Prop := | tr_op_Omove : forall r, tr_op Op.Omove (r::nil) (Vvar r) | tr_op_Ointconst : forall n l, tr_op (Op.Ointconst n) l (Vlit (intToValue n)) | tr_op_Oneg : forall r, tr_op Op.Oneg (r::nil) (Vunop Vneg (Vvar r)) | tr_op_Osub : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Osub (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vsub r1 r2) | tr_op_Omul : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Omul (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vmul r1 r2) | tr_op_Omulimm : forall r n, tr_op (Op.Omulimm n) (r::nil) (boplit Vmul r n) | tr_op_Odiv : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Odiv (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vdiv r1 r2) | tr_op_Odivu : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Odivu (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vdivu r1 r2) | tr_op_Omod : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Omod (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vmod r1 r2) | tr_op_Omodu : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Omodu (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vmodu r1 r2) | tr_op_Oand : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Oand (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vand r1 r2) | tr_op_Oandimm : forall n r, tr_op (Op.Oandimm n) (r::nil) (boplit Vand r n) | tr_op_Oor : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Oor (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vor r1 r2) | tr_op_Oorimm : forall n r, tr_op (Op.Oorimm n) (r::nil) (boplit Vor r n) | tr_op_Oxor : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Oxor (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vxor r1 r2) | tr_op_Oxorimm : forall n r, tr_op (Op.Oxorimm n) (r::nil) (boplit Vxor r n) | tr_op_Onot : forall r, tr_op Op.Onot (r::nil) (Vunop Vnot (Vvar r)) | tr_op_Oshl : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Oshl (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vshl r1 r2) | tr_op_Oshlimm : forall n r, tr_op (Op.Oshlimm n) (r::nil) (boplit Vshl r n) | tr_op_Oshr : forall r1 r2, tr_op Op.Oshr (r1::r2::nil) (bop Vshr r1 r2) | tr_op_Oshrimm : forall n r, tr_op (Op.Oshrimm n) (r::nil) (boplit Vshr r n) | tr_op_Ocmp : forall c l e s s' i, translate_condition c l s = OK e s' i -> tr_op (Op.Ocmp c) l e | tr_op_Olea : forall a l e s s' i, translate_eff_addressing a l s = OK e s' i -> tr_op (Op.Olea a) l e. Inductive tr_instr (fin rtrn st : reg) : RTL.instruction -> stmnt -> stmnt -> Prop := | tr_instr_Inop : forall n, tr_instr fin rtrn st (RTL.Inop n) Vskip (state_goto st n) | tr_instr_Iop : forall n op args e dst, tr_op op args e -> tr_instr fin rtrn st (RTL.Iop op args dst n) (Vnonblock (Vvar dst) e) (state_goto st n) | tr_instr_Icond : forall n1 n2 cond args s s' i c, translate_condition cond args s = OK c s' i -> tr_instr fin rtrn st (RTL.Icond cond args n1 n2) Vskip (state_cond st c n1 n2) | tr_instr_Ireturn_None : tr_instr fin rtrn st (RTL.Ireturn None) (Vseq (block fin (Vlit (ZToValue 1%nat 1%Z))) (block rtrn (Vlit (ZToValue 1%nat 0%Z)))) Vskip | tr_instr_Ireturn_Some : forall r, tr_instr fin rtrn st (RTL.Ireturn (Some r)) (Vseq (block fin (Vlit (ZToValue 1%nat 1%Z))) (block rtrn (Vvar r))) Vskip. Inductive tr_code (c : RTL.code) (pc : RTL.node) (stmnts trans : PositiveMap.t stmnt) (fin rtrn st : reg) : Prop := tr_code_intro : forall i s t, Maps.PTree.get pc c = Some i -> stmnts!pc = Some s -> trans!pc = Some t -> tr_instr fin rtrn st i s t -> tr_code c pc stmnts trans fin rtrn st. Inductive tr_module (f : RTL.function) : module -> Prop := tr_module_intro : forall data control fin rtrn st, (forall pc, tr_code f.(RTL.fn_code) pc data control fin rtrn st) -> tr_module f (mkmodule f.(RTL.fn_params) data control f.(RTL.fn_entrypoint) st fin rtrn).