(* * Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis. * Copyright (C) 2020 Yann Herklotz * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) Require Import List. Import ListNotations. From compcert Require Import Maps. From compcert Require Errors. From compcert Require Import AST. From vericert Require Import Verilog HTL Vericertlib AssocMap ValueInt. Definition transl_list_fun (a : node * Verilog.stmnt) := let (n, stmnt) := a in (Vlit (posToValue n), stmnt). Definition transl_list st := map transl_list_fun st. Definition scl_to_Vdecl_fun (a : reg * scl_decl) := match a with | (r, (VScalar io sz)) => (Vdecl io r sz) | (r, VWire sz) => (Vdeclwire r sz) end. Definition scl_to_Vdecl scldecl := map scl_to_Vdecl_fun scldecl. Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun (a : reg * (option io * arr_decl)) := match a with (r, (io, VArray sz l)) => (Vdeclarr io r sz l) end. Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr arrdecl := map arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun arrdecl. Definition inst_to_Vdecl_fun (m: HTL.module) (a: positive * HTL.instantiation) := match a with (_, HTLinstantiation mod_name inst_name args fin dst) => (Vinstancedecl mod_name inst_name ([mod_start m; mod_reset m; mod_clk m] ++ args ++ [dst;fin])) end. Definition inst_to_Vdecl (m: HTL.module) := map (inst_to_Vdecl_fun m). Definition transl_module (m : HTL.module) : Verilog.module := let case_el_ctrl := transl_list (PTree.elements m.(mod_controllogic)) in let case_el_data := transl_list (PTree.elements m.(mod_datapath)) in let body := Valways (Vposedge m.(mod_clk)) (Vcond (Vbinop Veq (Vvar m.(mod_reset)) (Vlit (ZToValue 1))) (Vnonblock (Vvar m.(mod_st)) (Vlit (posToValue m.(mod_entrypoint)))) (Vcase (Vvar m.(mod_st)) case_el_ctrl (Some Vskip))) :: Valways (Vposedge m.(mod_clk)) (Vcase (Vvar m.(mod_st)) case_el_data (Some Vskip)) :: List.map Vdeclaration (arr_to_Vdeclarr (AssocMap.elements m.(mod_arrdecls)) ++ scl_to_Vdecl (AssocMap.elements m.(mod_scldecls)) ++ inst_to_Vdecl m (AssocMap.elements m.(mod_insts))) in Verilog.mkmodule m.(mod_start) m.(mod_reset) m.(mod_clk) m.(mod_finish) m.(mod_return) m.(mod_st) m.(mod_stk) m.(mod_stk_len) m.(mod_params) body m.(mod_entrypoint). Definition transl_fundef := transf_fundef transl_module. Definition transl_program (p: HTL.program) : Verilog.program := transform_program transl_fundef p.