# Unexpected behaviour of for loop and if statement [ [Issue 1243](https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/issues/1243) ] ## Steps to reproduce the issue Consider the following piece of code: ```verilog module top (y, clk, sel); output wire y ; input clk; input sel; reg reg_assign = (1'h0) ; reg [1:0] reg_count = (1'h0) ; assign y = reg_assign ; always @(posedge clk) if (sel) for (reg_count = 0; reg_count < 2; reg_count = reg_count + 1'h1) if (0); else reg_assign <= 1; else reg_assign <= 0; endmodule ``` First of all, the for loop in the code does seem a bit dodgy, however, I would still expect `reg_assign` to be set to 1 when `sel` is high. When `sel` is low, `reg_assign` should then be reset to 0. However, when synthesised with ``` Yosys 0.8+618 (git sha1 acd8bc0a, clang -fPIC -Os) ``` using ``` yosys -p "read_verilog rtl.v; synth; write_verilog -noattr synth.v" ``` `reg_assign` is set to a constant 0 instead of to what the value of `sel` is. Removing the dead if statement in the for loop results in the correct behaviour. I have also attached a folder containing a test bench and SymbiYosys script to compare the design to the synthesised net list. ## Expected behaviour I would expect this to be implemented by assigning `sel` to `y`. This is actually also the output of a previous version of Yosys (`Yosys 0.8+508 (git sha1 c2ea3746, clang 8.0.0 -fPIC -Os)`) ```verilog module top(y, clk, sel); input clk; wire reg_assign; wire [1:0] reg_count; input sel; output y; assign reg_assign = 1'h0; assign reg_count = 2'h0; assign y = sel; endmodule ``` ## Actual behaviour However, with Yosys, `y` is set to a constant 0. ```verilog module top(y, clk, sel); input clk; wire reg_assign; wire [1:0] reg_count; input sel; output y; assign reg_assign = 1'h0; assign reg_count = 2'h0; assign y = 1'h0; endmodule ``` [test.zip](https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/files/3457004/test.zip)