module Main where import Data.Bits import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.)) import Data.GraphViz import Data.Graph.Inductive.Example (clr479, dag4) import Data.Text.Lazy import Data.GraphViz.Printing import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree type Input = Bool data Gate = And | Or | Xor | Nand | Nor deriving (Show) data Circuit a = In a | Node Gate (Circuit a) (Circuit a) deriving (Show) instance Arbitrary Gate where arbitrary = elements [And, Or, Xor, Nand, Nor] instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Circuit a) where arbitrary = do x <- arbitrary frequency [(1, return (In x)), (1, arbNode)] where arbNode = Node <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary eval :: (Bits a) => Circuit a -> a eval (In val) = val eval (Node And c1 c2) = eval c1 .&. eval c2 eval (Node Or c1 c2) = eval c1 .|. eval c2 eval (Node Xor c1 c2) = eval c1 `xor` eval c2 eval (Node Nand c1 c2) = complement $ eval c1 .&. eval c2 eval (Node Nor c1 c2) = complement $ eval c1 .|. eval c2 visualize :: (Show a) => Circuit a -> Gr String String visualize circ = uncurry mkGraph $ graph Nothing 0 ([], []) circ where graph parent nl (l, e) circ = case (parent, circ) of (Nothing, (In val)) -> ((nl, "In: " ++ show val) : l, e) (Just par, (In val)) -> ((nl, "In: " ++ show val) : l, (par, nl, "") : e) _ -> ([], []) main :: IO () --main = sample (arbitrary :: Gen (Circuit Input)) main = preview $ visualize (In True)