{-| Module : Test.VeriFuzz.Default Description : Defaults and common functions. Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz Grave License : BSD-3 Maintainer : ymherklotz [at] gmail [dot] com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Defaults and common functions. -} module Test.VeriFuzz.Helpers where import Control.Lens import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text import Test.VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST regDecl :: Text -> ModItem regDecl = Decl . Port Nothing (Just $ Reg False) . Identifier wireDecl :: Text -> ModItem wireDecl = Decl . Port Nothing (Just $ PortNet Wire) . Identifier modConn :: Text -> ModConn modConn = ModConn . PrimExpr . PrimId . Identifier -- | Create a number expression which will be stored in a primary expression. numExpr :: Int -> Int -> Expression numExpr = ((PrimExpr . PrimNum) .) . Number -- | Create an empty module. emptyMod :: ModDecl emptyMod = ModDecl (Identifier "") [] [] -- | Set a module name for a module declaration. setModName :: Text -> ModDecl -> ModDecl setModName str = moduleId .~ Identifier str -- | Add a port to the module declaration. addModPort :: Port -> ModDecl -> ModDecl addModPort port = modPorts %~ (:) port addDescription :: Description -> VerilogSrc -> VerilogSrc addDescription desc = getVerilogSrc %~ (:) desc testBench :: ModDecl testBench = ModDecl "main" [] [ regDecl "a" , regDecl "b" , wireDecl "c" , ModInst "and" "and_gate" [ modConn "c" , modConn "a" , modConn "b" ] , Initial $ SeqBlock [ BlockAssign . Assign (RegId "a") Nothing . PrimExpr . PrimNum $ Number 1 1 , BlockAssign . Assign (RegId "b") Nothing . PrimExpr . PrimNum $ Number 1 1 -- , TimeCtrl (Delay 1) . Just . SysTaskEnable $ Task "display" -- [ ExprStr "%d & %d = %d" -- , PrimExpr $ PrimId "a" -- , PrimExpr $ PrimId "b" -- , PrimExpr $ PrimId "c" -- ] -- , SysTaskEnable $ Task "finish" [] ] ] addTestBench :: VerilogSrc -> VerilogSrc addTestBench = addDescription $ Description testBench