{-| Module : Test.VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST Description : Definition of the Verilog AST types. Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz Grave License : BSD-3 Maintainer : ymherklotz [at] gmail [dot] com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Defines the types to build a Verilog AST. -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Test.VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST where import Control.Lens import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G import Data.String import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import Test.VeriFuzz.Circuit import Test.VeriFuzz.Graph.Random class Source a where genSource :: a -> Text -- | Identifier in Verilog. This is just a string of characters that can either -- be lowercase and uppercase for now. This might change in the future though, -- as Verilog supports many more characters in Identifiers. newtype Identifier = Identifier { _getIdentifier :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | A number in Verilog which contains a size and a value. data Number = Number { _numSize :: Int , _numVal :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) newtype Delay = Delay { _delay :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Event = EId Identifier | EExpr Expression | EAll deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Net = Wire | Tri | Tri1 | Supply0 | Wand | TriAnd | Tri0 | Supply1 | Wor | Trior deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data RegLVal = RegId Identifier | RegExpr { _regExprId :: Identifier , _regExpr :: Expression } | RegSize { _regSizeId :: Identifier , _regSizeMSB :: ConstExpr , _regSizeLSB :: ConstExpr } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Binary operators that are currently supported in the verilog generation. data BinaryOperator = BinPlus -- ^ @+@ | BinMinus -- ^ @-@ | BinTimes -- ^ @*@ | BinDiv -- ^ @/@ | BinMod -- ^ @%@ | BinEq -- ^ @==@ | BinNEq -- ^ @!=@ | BinCEq -- ^ @===@ | BinCNEq -- ^ @!==@ | BinLAnd -- ^ @&&@ | BinLOr -- ^ @||@ | BinLT -- ^ @<@ | BinLEq -- ^ @<=@ | BinGT -- ^ @>@ | BinGEq -- ^ @>=@ | BinAnd -- ^ @&@ | BinOr -- ^ @|@ | BinXor -- ^ @^@ | BinXNor -- ^ @^~@ | BinXNorInv -- ^ @~^@ | BinPower -- ^ @**@ | BinLSL -- ^ @<<@ | BinLSR -- ^ @>>@ | BinASL -- ^ @<<<@ | BinASR -- ^ @>>>@ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Unary operators that are currently supported by the generator. data UnaryOperator = UnPlus -- ^ @+@ | UnMinus -- ^ @-@ | UnNot -- ^ @!@ | UnAnd -- ^ @&@ | UnNand -- ^ @~&@ | UnOr -- ^ @|@ | UnNor -- ^ @~|@ | UnXor -- ^ @^@ | UnNxor -- ^ @~^@ | UnNxorInv -- ^ @^~@ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | A primary expression which can either be a number or an identifier. data Primary = PrimNum Number -- ^ Number in primary expression. | PrimId Identifier -- ^ Identifier in primary expression. deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Verilog expression, which can either be a primary expression, unary -- expression, binary operator expression or a conditional expression. data Expression = PrimExpr Primary | UnPrimExpr { _exprUnOp :: UnaryOperator , _exprPrim :: Primary } | OpExpr { _exprLhs :: Expression , _exprBinOp :: BinaryOperator , _exprRhs :: Expression } | CondExpr { _exprCond :: Expression , _exprTrue :: Expression , _exprFalse :: Expression } | ExprStr Text deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) newtype ConstExpr = ConstExpr { _constNum :: Int } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Different port direction that are supported in Verilog. data PortDir = Input -- ^ Input direction for port (@input@). | Output -- ^ Output direction for port (@output@). | InOut -- ^ Inout direction for port (@inout@). deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data PortType = PortNet Net | Reg { _regSigned :: Bool } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Port declaration. data Port = Port { _portDir :: Maybe PortDir , _portType :: Maybe PortType , _portName :: Identifier } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) newtype ModConn = ModConn { _modConn :: Expression } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Assign = Assign { _assignReg :: RegLVal , _assignDelay :: Maybe Delay , _assignExpr :: Expression } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data ContAssign = ContAssign { _contAssignNetLVal :: Identifier , _contAssignExpr :: Expression } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Statements in Verilog. data Statement = TimeCtrl { _statDelay :: Delay , _statDStat :: Maybe Statement } -- ^ Time control (@#NUM@) | EventCtrl { _statEvent :: Event , _statEStat :: Maybe Statement } | SeqBlock { _statements :: [Statement] } -- ^ Sequential block (@begin ... end@) | BlockAssign Assign -- ^ blocking assignment (@=@) | NonBlockAssign Assign -- ^ Non blocking assignment (@<=@) | StatCA ContAssign -- ^ Statement continuous assignment. May not be correct. | TaskEnable Task | SysTaskEnable Task deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Task = Task { _taskName :: Identifier , _taskExpr :: [Expression] } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Module item which is the body of the module expression. data ModItem = ModCA ContAssign | ModInst { _modInstId :: Identifier , _modInstName :: Identifier , _modInstConns :: [ModConn] } | Initial Statement | Always Statement | Decl Port deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | 'module' module_identifier [list_of_ports] ';' { module_item } 'end_module' data ModDecl = ModDecl { _moduleId :: Identifier , _modPorts :: [Port] , _moduleItems :: [ModItem] } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Description of the Verilog module. newtype Description = Description { _getDescription :: ModDecl } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | The complete sourcetext for the Verilog module. newtype VerilogSrc = VerilogSrc { _getVerilogSrc :: [Description] } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- Generate Arbitrary instances for the AST expr :: Int -> QC.Gen Expression expr 0 = QC.oneof [ PrimExpr <$> QC.arbitrary , UnPrimExpr <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary -- , ExprStr <$> QC.arbitrary ] expr n | n > 0 = QC.oneof [ PrimExpr <$> QC.arbitrary , UnPrimExpr <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary -- , ExprStr <$> QC.arbitrary , OpExpr <$> subexpr 2 <*> QC.arbitrary <*> subexpr 2 , CondExpr <$> subexpr 3 <*> subexpr 3 <*> subexpr 3 ] | otherwise = expr 0 where subexpr y = expr (n `div` y) statement :: Int -> QC.Gen Statement statement 0 = QC.oneof [ BlockAssign <$> QC.arbitrary , NonBlockAssign <$> QC.arbitrary -- , StatCA <$> QC.arbitrary , TaskEnable <$> QC.arbitrary , SysTaskEnable <$> QC.arbitrary ] statement n | n > 0 = QC.oneof [ TimeCtrl <$> QC.arbitrary <*> (Just <$> substat 2) , SeqBlock <$> QC.listOf1 (substat 4) , BlockAssign <$> QC.arbitrary , NonBlockAssign <$> QC.arbitrary -- , StatCA <$> QC.arbitrary , TaskEnable <$> QC.arbitrary , SysTaskEnable <$> QC.arbitrary ] | otherwise = statement 0 where substat y = statement (n `div` y) modPortGen :: QC.Gen Port modPortGen = QC.oneof [ Port (Just Input) Nothing <$> QC.arbitrary , Port (Just Output) <$> (Just . Reg <$> QC.arbitrary) <*> QC.arbitrary ] instance QC.Arbitrary Text where arbitrary = T.pack <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Identifier where arbitrary = Identifier . T.pack <$> (QC.shuffle (['a'..'z'] <> ['A'..'Z']) >>= QC.sublistOf) instance QC.Arbitrary Number where arbitrary = Number <$> QC.suchThat QC.arbitrary (>0) <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Net where arbitrary = pure Wire instance QC.Arbitrary BinaryOperator where arbitrary = QC.elements [ BinPlus , BinMinus , BinTimes , BinDiv , BinMod , BinEq , BinNEq , BinCEq , BinCNEq , BinLAnd , BinLOr , BinLT , BinLEq , BinGT , BinGEq , BinAnd , BinOr , BinXor , BinXNor , BinXNorInv , BinPower , BinLSL , BinLSR , BinASL , BinASR ] instance QC.Arbitrary UnaryOperator where arbitrary = QC.elements [ UnPlus , UnMinus , UnNot , UnAnd , UnNand , UnOr , UnNor , UnXor , UnNxor , UnNxorInv ] instance QC.Arbitrary Primary where arbitrary = PrimNum <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary PortDir where arbitrary = QC.elements [Input, Output, InOut] instance QC.Arbitrary PortType where arbitrary = QC.oneof [PortNet <$> QC.arbitrary, Reg <$> QC.arbitrary] instance QC.Arbitrary Port where arbitrary = Port Nothing <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Delay where arbitrary = Delay <$> QC.suchThat QC.arbitrary (\x -> x > 0) instance QC.Arbitrary Event where arbitrary = EId <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary ModConn where arbitrary = ModConn <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary ConstExpr where arbitrary = ConstExpr <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary RegLVal where arbitrary = QC.oneof [ RegId <$> QC.arbitrary , RegExpr <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary , RegSize <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary ] instance QC.Arbitrary Assign where arbitrary = Assign <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Expression where arbitrary = QC.sized expr instance QC.Arbitrary Statement where arbitrary = QC.sized statement instance QC.Arbitrary ContAssign where arbitrary = ContAssign <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Task where arbitrary = Task <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary ModItem where arbitrary = QC.oneof [ ModCA <$> QC.arbitrary , ModInst <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary , Initial <$> QC.arbitrary , Always <$> (EventCtrl <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary) , Decl <$> QC.arbitrary ] instance QC.Arbitrary ModDecl where arbitrary = ModDecl <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.listOf1 modPortGen <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Description where arbitrary = Description <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary VerilogSrc where arbitrary = VerilogSrc <$> QC.arbitrary -- Traversal Instance traverseExpr :: Traversal' Expression Expression traverseExpr _ (PrimExpr e) = pure (PrimExpr e) traverseExpr _ (UnPrimExpr un e) = pure (UnPrimExpr un e) traverseExpr f (OpExpr l op r) = OpExpr <$> f l <*> pure op <*> f r traverseExpr f (CondExpr c l r) = CondExpr <$> f c <*> f l <*> f r -- Create all the necessary lenses makeLenses ''Identifier makeLenses ''Number makeLenses ''VerilogSrc makeLenses ''Description makeLenses ''ModDecl makeLenses ''ModItem makeLenses ''Port makeLenses ''PortDir makeLenses ''BinaryOperator makeLenses ''UnaryOperator makeLenses ''Primary makeLenses ''Expression makeLenses ''ContAssign makeLenses ''PortType -- Make all the necessary prisms makePrisms ''Expression makePrisms ''ModItem makePrisms ''ModConn -- Other Instances instance IsString Identifier where fromString = Identifier . T.pack