{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Test.VeriFuzz.VerilogAST where import Control.Lens import Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import Test.QuickCheck as QC newtype Identifier = Identifier { _getIdentifier :: Text } deriving (Show) data Number = Number { _numSize :: Int , _numVal :: Int } deriving (Show) data BinaryOperator = BinAnd | BinOr | BinXor deriving (Show) data UnaryOperator = UnNot | UnMinus deriving (Show) data Primary = PrimNum Number | PrimId Identifier deriving (Show) data Expression = PrimExpr Primary | UnPrimExpr { _exprUnOp :: UnaryOperator , _exprPrim :: Primary } | OpExpr { _exprLhs :: Expression , _exprBinOp :: BinaryOperator , _exprRhs :: Expression } | CondExpr { _exprCond :: Expression , _exprTrue :: Expression , _exprFalse :: Expression } deriving (Show) data ContAssign = ContAssign { _contAssignNetLVal :: Identifier , _contAssignExpr :: Expression } deriving (Show) data PortDir = Input | Output | InOut deriving (Show) data Port = Port { _portName :: Identifier , _portDir :: PortDir } deriving (Show) newtype ModuleItem = Assign ContAssign deriving (Show) -- | 'module' module_identifier [list_of_ports] ';' { module_item } 'end_module' data ModuleDecl = ModuleDecl { _moduleId :: Identifier , _modPorts :: [Port] , _moduleItems :: [ModuleItem] } deriving (Show) newtype Description = Description { _getDescription :: ModuleDecl } deriving (Show) newtype SourceText = SourceText { _getSourceText :: [Description] } deriving (Show) -- Generate Arbitrary instances for the AST instance QC.Arbitrary Identifier where arbitrary = Identifier . T.pack <$> (QC.shuffle (['a'..'z'] <> ['A'..'Z']) >>= QC.sublistOf) instance QC.Arbitrary Number where arbitrary = Number <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary BinaryOperator where arbitrary = QC.elements [BinAnd, BinOr, BinXor] instance QC.Arbitrary UnaryOperator where arbitrary = QC.elements [UnNot, UnMinus] instance QC.Arbitrary Primary where arbitrary = PrimNum <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary PortDir where arbitrary = QC.elements [Input, Output, InOut] instance QC.Arbitrary Port where arbitrary = Port <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Expression where arbitrary = QC.frequency [ (1, OpExpr <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary) , (2, PrimExpr <$> arbitrary) ] instance QC.Arbitrary ContAssign where arbitrary = ContAssign <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary ModuleItem where arbitrary = Assign <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary ModuleDecl where arbitrary = ModuleDecl <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Description where arbitrary = Description <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary SourceText where arbitrary = SourceText <$> QC.arbitrary -- Create all the necessary lenses makeLenses ''Identifier makeLenses ''Number makeLenses ''SourceText makeLenses ''Description makeLenses ''ModuleDecl makeLenses ''ModuleItem makeLenses ''Port makeLenses ''PortDir makeLenses ''BinaryOperator makeLenses ''UnaryOperator makeLenses ''Primary makeLenses ''Expression makeLenses ''ContAssign -- Helper functions for the AST numExpr :: Int -> Int -> Expression numExpr = ((PrimExpr . PrimNum) .) . Number emptyMod :: ModuleDecl emptyMod = ModuleDecl (Identifier "") [] [] setModName :: Text -> ModuleDecl -> ModuleDecl setModName str = moduleId .~ Identifier str addModPort :: Port -> ModuleDecl -> ModuleDecl addModPort port = modPorts %~ (:) port