{-| Module : Test.VeriFuzz.VerilogAST Description : Definition of the Verilog AST types. Copyright : (c) Yann Herklotz Grave 2018 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : ymherklotz@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Defines the types to build a Verilog AST. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Test.VeriFuzz.VerilogAST where import Control.Lens import Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import Test.QuickCheck as QC -- | Identifier in Verilog. This is just a string of characters that can either -- be lowercase and uppercase for now. This might change in the future though, -- as Verilog supports many more characters in Identifiers. newtype Identifier = Identifier { _getIdentifier :: Text } deriving (Show) -- | A number in Verilog which contains a size and a value. data Number = Number { _numSize :: Int , _numVal :: Int } deriving (Show) -- | Binary operators that are currently supported in the verilog generation. data BinaryOperator = BinAnd -- ^ Binary And (&). | BinOr -- ^ Binary Or (|). | BinXor -- ^ Binary Xor (^). deriving (Show) -- | Unary operators that are currently supported by the generator. data UnaryOperator = UnNot -- ^ Not (!). | UnMinus -- ^ Minus (-). deriving (Show) -- | A primary expression which can either be a number or an identifier. data Primary = PrimNum Number -- ^ Number in primary expression. | PrimId Identifier -- ^ Identifier in primary expression. deriving (Show) -- | Verilog expression, which can either be a primary expression, unary -- expression, binary operator expression or a conditional expression. data Expression = PrimExpr Primary | UnPrimExpr { _exprUnOp :: UnaryOperator , _exprPrim :: Primary } | OpExpr { _exprLhs :: Expression , _exprBinOp :: BinaryOperator , _exprRhs :: Expression } | CondExpr { _exprCond :: Expression , _exprTrue :: Expression , _exprFalse :: Expression } deriving (Show) -- | Continuous assignment which can be in the body of a statement. data ContAssign = ContAssign { _contAssignNetLVal :: Identifier , _contAssignExpr :: Expression } deriving (Show) -- | Different port direction that are supported in Verilog. data PortDir = Input -- ^ Input direction for port (@input@). | Output -- ^ Output direction for port (@output@). | InOut -- ^ Inout direction for port (@inout@). deriving (Show) -- | Port declaration. data Port = Port { _portDir :: PortDir , _portName :: Identifier } deriving (Show) -- | Module item which is the body of the module expression. newtype ModuleItem = Assign ContAssign deriving (Show) -- | 'module' module_identifier [list_of_ports] ';' { module_item } 'end_module' data ModuleDecl = ModuleDecl { _moduleId :: Identifier , _modPorts :: [Port] , _moduleItems :: [ModuleItem] } deriving (Show) -- | Description of the Verilog module. newtype Description = Description { _getDescription :: ModuleDecl } deriving (Show) -- | The complete sourcetext for the Verilog module. newtype SourceText = SourceText { _getSourceText :: [Description] } deriving (Show) -- Generate Arbitrary instances for the AST instance QC.Arbitrary Identifier where arbitrary = Identifier . T.pack <$> (QC.shuffle (['a'..'z'] <> ['A'..'Z']) >>= QC.sublistOf) instance QC.Arbitrary Number where arbitrary = Number <$> suchThat QC.arbitrary (>0) <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary BinaryOperator where arbitrary = QC.elements [BinAnd, BinOr, BinXor] instance QC.Arbitrary UnaryOperator where arbitrary = QC.elements [UnNot, UnMinus] instance QC.Arbitrary Primary where arbitrary = PrimNum <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary PortDir where arbitrary = QC.elements [Input, Output, InOut] instance QC.Arbitrary Port where arbitrary = Port <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Expression where arbitrary = QC.frequency [ (1, OpExpr <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary) , (2, PrimExpr <$> arbitrary) ] instance QC.Arbitrary ContAssign where arbitrary = ContAssign <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary ModuleItem where arbitrary = Assign <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary ModuleDecl where arbitrary = ModuleDecl <$> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary <*> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary Description where arbitrary = Description <$> QC.arbitrary instance QC.Arbitrary SourceText where arbitrary = SourceText <$> QC.arbitrary -- Create all the necessary lenses makeLenses ''Identifier makeLenses ''Number makeLenses ''SourceText makeLenses ''Description makeLenses ''ModuleDecl makeLenses ''ModuleItem makeLenses ''Port makeLenses ''PortDir makeLenses ''BinaryOperator makeLenses ''UnaryOperator makeLenses ''Primary makeLenses ''Expression makeLenses ''ContAssign -- Helper functions for the AST -- | Create a number expression which will be stored in a primary expression. numExpr :: Int -> Int -> Expression numExpr = ((PrimExpr . PrimNum) .) . Number -- | Create an empty module. emptyMod :: ModuleDecl emptyMod = ModuleDecl (Identifier "") [] [] -- | Set a module name for a module declaration. setModName :: Text -> ModuleDecl -> ModuleDecl setModName str = moduleId .~ Identifier str -- | Add a port to the module declaration. addModPort :: Port -> ModuleDecl -> ModuleDecl addModPort port = modPorts %~ (:) port