{-| Module : VeriFuzz.CodeGen Description : Code generation for Verilog AST. Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz License : BSD-3 Maintainer : ymherklotz [at] gmail [dot] com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX This module generates the code from the Verilog AST defined in "VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST". -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module VeriFuzz.CodeGen ( -- * Code Generation GenVerilog(..) , genSource , render ) where import Control.Lens (view, (^.)) import Data.Foldable (fold) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Numeric (showHex) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary, arbitrary) import VeriFuzz.AST import VeriFuzz.Internal -- | 'Source' class which determines that source code is able to be generated -- from the data structure using 'genSource'. This will be stored in 'Text' and -- can then be processed further. class Source a where genSource :: a -> Text -- | Map a 'Maybe Statement' to 'Text'. If it is 'Just statement', the generated -- statements are returned. If it is 'Nothing', then @;\n@ is returned. defMap :: Maybe Statement -> Text defMap = maybe ";\n" statement -- | Convert the 'VerilogSrc' type to 'Text' so that it can be rendered. verilogSrc :: VerilogSrc -> Text verilogSrc source = fold $ description <$> source ^. getVerilogSrc -- | Generate the 'Description' to 'Text'. description :: Description -> Text description desc = moduleDecl $ desc ^. getDescription -- | Generate the 'ModDecl' for a module and convert it to 'Text'. moduleDecl :: ModDecl -> Text moduleDecl m = "module " <> m ^. modId . getIdentifier <> ports <> ";\n" <> modI <> "endmodule\n" where ports | noIn && noOut = "" | otherwise = "(" <> comma (modPort <$> outIn) <> ")" modI = fold $ moduleItem <$> m ^. modItems noOut = null $ m ^. modOutPorts noIn = null $ m ^. modInPorts outIn = (m ^. modOutPorts) ++ (m ^. modInPorts) -- | Conversts 'Port' to 'Text' for the module list, which means it only -- generates a list of identifiers. modPort :: Port -> Text modPort p = p ^. portName . getIdentifier -- | Generate the 'Port' description. port :: Port -> Text port p = t <> sign <> size <> name where t = flip mappend " " . pType $ p ^. portType size | p ^. portSize > 1 = "[" <> showT (p ^. portSize - 1) <> ":0] " | otherwise = "" name = p ^. portName . getIdentifier sign = signed $ p ^. portSigned signed :: Bool -> Text signed True = "signed " signed _ = "" -- | Convert the 'PortDir' type to 'Text'. portDir :: PortDir -> Text portDir PortIn = "input" portDir PortOut = "output" portDir PortInOut = "inout" -- | Generate a 'ModItem'. moduleItem :: ModItem -> Text moduleItem (ModCA ca) = contAssign ca moduleItem (ModInst (Identifier i) (Identifier name) conn) = i <> " " <> name <> "(" <> comma (mConn <$> conn) <> ")" <> ";\n" moduleItem (Initial stat) = "initial " <> statement stat moduleItem (Always stat) = "always " <> statement stat moduleItem (Decl dir p ) = maybe "" makePort dir <> port p <> ";\n" where makePort = (<> " ") . portDir mConn :: ModConn -> Text mConn (ModConn c ) = expr c mConn (ModConnNamed n c) = "." <> n ^. getIdentifier <> "(" <> expr c <> ")" -- | Generate continuous assignment contAssign :: ContAssign -> Text contAssign (ContAssign val e) = "assign " <> val ^. getIdentifier <> " = " <> expr e <> ";\n" -- | Generate 'Function' to 'Text' func :: Function -> Text func SignedFunc = "$signed" func UnSignedFunc = "$unsigned" -- | Generate 'Expr' to 'Text'. expr :: Expr -> Text expr (BinOp eRhs bin eLhs) = "(" <> expr eRhs <> binaryOp bin <> expr eLhs <> ")" expr (Number s n) = "(" <> minus <> showT s <> "'h" <> T.pack (showHex (abs n) "") <> ")" where minus | signum n >= 0 = "" | otherwise = "-" expr (Id i ) = i ^. getIdentifier expr (Concat c ) = "{" <> comma (expr <$> c) <> "}" expr (UnOp u e ) = "(" <> unaryOp u <> expr e <> ")" expr (Cond l t f) = "(" <> expr l <> " ? " <> expr t <> " : " <> expr f <> ")" expr (Func f e ) = func f <> "(" <> expr e <> ")" expr (Str t ) = "\"" <> t <> "\"" -- | Convert 'BinaryOperator' to 'Text'. binaryOp :: BinaryOperator -> Text binaryOp BinPlus = " + " binaryOp BinMinus = " - " binaryOp BinTimes = " * " binaryOp BinDiv = " / " binaryOp BinMod = " % " binaryOp BinEq = " == " binaryOp BinNEq = " != " binaryOp BinCEq = " === " binaryOp BinCNEq = " !== " binaryOp BinLAnd = " && " binaryOp BinLOr = " || " binaryOp BinLT = " < " binaryOp BinLEq = " <= " binaryOp BinGT = " > " binaryOp BinGEq = " >= " binaryOp BinAnd = " & " binaryOp BinOr = " | " binaryOp BinXor = " ^ " binaryOp BinXNor = " ^~ " binaryOp BinXNorInv = " ~^ " binaryOp BinPower = " ** " binaryOp BinLSL = " << " binaryOp BinLSR = " >> " binaryOp BinASL = " <<< " binaryOp BinASR = " >>> " -- | Convert 'UnaryOperator' to 'Text'. unaryOp :: UnaryOperator -> Text unaryOp UnPlus = "+" unaryOp UnMinus = "-" unaryOp UnLNot = "!" unaryOp UnNot = "~" unaryOp UnAnd = "&" unaryOp UnNand = "~&" unaryOp UnOr = "|" unaryOp UnNor = "~|" unaryOp UnXor = "^" unaryOp UnNxor = "~^" unaryOp UnNxorInv = "^~" -- | Generate verilog code for an 'Event'. event :: Event -> Text event (EId i) = "@(" <> i ^. getIdentifier <> ")" event (EExpr e) = "@(" <> expr e <> ")" event EAll = "@*" event (EPosEdge i) = "@(posedge " <> i ^. getIdentifier <> ")" event (ENegEdge i) = "@(negedge " <> i ^. getIdentifier <> ")" -- | Generates verilog code for a 'Delay'. delay :: Delay -> Text delay (Delay i) = "#" <> showT i -- | Generate the verilog code for an 'LVal'. lVal :: LVal -> Text lVal (RegId i ) = i ^. getIdentifier lVal (RegExpr i e) = i ^. getIdentifier <> " [" <> expr e <> "]" lVal (RegSize i msb lsb) = i ^. getIdentifier <> " [" <> constExpr msb <> ":" <> constExpr lsb <> "]" lVal (RegConcat e) = "{" <> comma (expr <$> e) <> "}" constExpr :: ConstExpr -> Text constExpr (ConstExpr num) = showT num pType :: PortType -> Text pType Wire = "wire" pType Reg = "reg" genAssign :: Text -> Assign -> Text genAssign op (Assign r d e) = lVal r <> op <> maybe "" delay d <> expr e statement :: Statement -> Text statement (TimeCtrl d stat ) = delay d <> " " <> defMap stat statement (EventCtrl e stat ) = event e <> " " <> defMap stat statement (SeqBlock s) = "begin\n" <> fold (statement <$> s) <> "end\n" statement (BlockAssign a ) = genAssign " = " a <> ";\n" statement (NonBlockAssign a ) = genAssign " <= " a <> ";\n" statement (StatCA a ) = contAssign a statement (TaskEnable t ) = task t <> ";\n" statement (SysTaskEnable t ) = "$" <> task t <> ";\n" statement (CondStmnt e t Nothing) = "if(" <> expr e <> ")" <> defMap t statement (CondStmnt e t f) = "if(" <> expr e <> ") " <> defMap t <> "else " <> defMap f task :: Task -> Text task (Task name e) | null e = i | otherwise = i <> "(" <> comma (expr <$> e) <> ")" where i = name ^. getIdentifier -- | Render the 'Text' to 'IO'. This is equivalent to 'putStrLn'. render :: (Source a) => a -> IO () render = T.putStrLn . genSource -- Instances instance Source Identifier where genSource = view getIdentifier instance Source Task where genSource = task instance Source Statement where genSource = statement instance Source PortType where genSource = pType instance Source ConstExpr where genSource = constExpr instance Source LVal where genSource = lVal instance Source Delay where genSource = delay instance Source Event where genSource = event instance Source UnaryOperator where genSource = unaryOp instance Source Expr where genSource = expr instance Source ContAssign where genSource = contAssign instance Source ModItem where genSource = moduleItem instance Source PortDir where genSource = portDir instance Source Port where genSource = port instance Source ModDecl where genSource = moduleDecl instance Source Description where genSource = description instance Source VerilogSrc where genSource = verilogSrc newtype GenVerilog a = GenVerilog { unGenVerilog :: a } instance (Source a) => Show (GenVerilog a) where show = T.unpack . genSource . unGenVerilog instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (GenVerilog a) where arbitrary = GenVerilog <$> arbitrary instance Source SourceInfo where genSource (SourceInfo _ src) = genSource src